804 research outputs found

    Vico y los héroes fundadores de las naciones

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    Este artículo indaga la doctrina viquiana del heroísmo, desde el De mente heroica hasta la Scienza nuova. El autor indaga el doble papel del heroísmo y del héroe expresado tanto con la fuerza física, a partir de la “barbarie del sentido”, en la fundación histó- rica de la sociedad y en la reconstrucción de las naciones, como con la fuerza intelectual e interior en una síntesis de todo el saber cuando la sociedad amenaza con disgregarse por la prevalencia de la “barbarie de la reflexión”.This paper inquiries into the Viquian doctrine of heroism, from De mente heroica to Scienza nuova. The author explores the double role played by heroism and the hero, expressed, on the one hand, by physical strength, from the “barbarism of meaning”, in the historical foundation of society and the reconstructions of the nations; and, on the other hand, by the intellectual and inner strength, in a synthesis of whole knowledge when society threatens with breaking up because of the prevalence of the “barbarism of reflection”

    Giuseppe Compagnoni e l'uomo nuovo

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    Dalla retorica all'antropologia

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    Traducción del italiano por Amparo Zacarés PamblancoRelato autobiográfico, pleno de vitalidad y de erudición, que despliega viquistamente la historia de “B.”, a la vez que nos va mostrando las etapas de un proceso de investigación y estudio viquiano centrado en el ámbito de la estética y en el de la filosofía retórica. Un proceso que no lo es menos de autoconocimiento centrado en la historia y en el acto de filosofar vinculado a la actividad retórica del ingenio, de la fantasía, de la imaginación.This is an autobiographical story, full of vitality and erudition, that displays in Vico’s style the history of “B.”, while showing us the stages of a process of Vichian research and study focused on the fields of aesthetics and rhetorical philosophy. A process of self-knowledge focused on history and the act of philosophizing, as it is linked to the rhetorical activity of ingenuity, of fantasy and of imagination.Si tratta di una storia autobiografica, piena di vitalità ed erudizione che mostra vichianamente la storia di “B”, mentre ci illustra le fasi di un processo di ricerca e di studio vichiano focalizzato sull’ambito dell’estetica e su quello della filosofia retorica. Un processo nientemeno che di autoconoscenza incentrata sulla storia e sull’atto del filosofare, legata all’attività retorica dell’ingegno, della fantasia e dell’immaginazione

    Exploring the boundaries of vinylogous Mukaiyama aldol processes: stereoselective access to polyunsaturated homoallylic alcohols

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    Catalytic enantioselective vinylogous aldol reactions using extended enolates are of prominent value in synthetic organic chemistry. Here, we report our advances in the development of enantioselective bis-vinylogous and hyper-vinylogous Mukaiyama aldol reactions between a series of polyenylsilyloxy furans or polyenylsilyoxy indoles and aromatic aldehydes, realized by use of the enabling catalyst combination of silicon tetrachloride and Denmark’s chiral bis-phosphoramide base (R,R)-I. Several crucial issues such as the remote site-, enantio- and geometrical selectivity of the reaction will be highlighted, ultimately focusing on one main question: how far can we push the limits of the vinylogous reactivity transmittal?</i

    The Impact of Mobility Policy and Modal Share to The University Community in Bologna

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    In the Twentieth century transportation has been one of the most impactful drivers for economic and social development, while nowadays, it appears as a major cause of environmental and social problems. Even worse, the more transportation has become a relevant part in daily life and business, the more it is blamed for problems such as traffic congestion, car accidents, social economic inequality, energy consumption and pollution. Transportation is in fact caught in a vicious circle. Urban planning is forced to reduce transition costs, transforming cities in a sort of social network, and in parallel to orient mobility towards sustainability, both capable to convey socioeconomic development. Within this context, the University of Bologna has chosen a sustainable approach for its Multi-campus territorial structure, applying several sustainable mobility policies regarding public transportation, cycling, electric/hybrid car fleet and walking accessibility. The paper purpose is to show significative links between sustainable policy application and modal share, using data from an online survey submitted to university staff and students. Even gender influence on modal share has been investigated

    Metamorfosi eroiche di Garibaldi nell’opera di Carducci

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    [ES] El atractivo de la figura de Garibaldi hace que sobre ella se realicen muchas transposiciones poéticas, entre las cuales destaca la realizada por Giosuè Carducci, debido a que desde muy pronto el poeta participa del entusiasmo resurgimental y aprecia a Garibaldi como el mejor representante de las ansias de unidad. Con él elabora la iconografía de un imaginario colectivo que ve en el héroe un líder capaz de arrastrar al pueblo hacia la libertad. En el ensayo, pues, se analizan los momentos de la presencia garibaldina en la obra de Carducci y también las diversas perspectivas desde las que el poeta interpreta el mito.[EN] The attractive of Garibaldi’s figure is so big that there are many poetic transpositions over it. Among them stands up the one made by the poet Giosuè Carducci who very soon participates of the resorgimental enthusiasm, and appreciates Garibaldi as the best representative of the longing for unity. With him the poet elaborates the iconography of an imaginary collective that sees in the hero a leader able to pull along the people to freedom. This essay analyses the different moments of Garibaldi’s presence in Carducci’s work and also the different perspectives from which the poet interprets the myth

    Nanosurfaces Scaffold and Magnetic Nanoparticles to Direct the Neuronal Growth Process: Future Strategies for Peripheral Nerve Regeneration

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    Peripheral nerves injuries are common lesions than often cause loss of function and poor outcome. Current strategies to nerve repair take advantage by microsurgical suture. In case of severe nerve gap (>50mm),the gold standard remains the autologous graft. Recently, researchers focused on two main areas of investigation: the role of the interaction between cells with the extracellular membrane (ECM )and the forces acting during axonal elongation

    The evolution of autologous breast reconstruction.

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    With breast cancer (BC) becoming more treatable, breast reconstruction has become an integral part of BC treatment. Nowadays, implant-based breast reconstruction is more common. However, there is a growing interest in autologous breast reconstruction due to the increasing awareness of implant-related complications. This work provides a comprehensive overview of the evolution of autologous reconstruction techniques of the breast and the nipple-areolar complex (NAC)

    A Decision Support System for the safety evaluation of urban pedestrian crossings

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    This paper proposes an innovative methodology, based on a Decision Support Systems, for the safety evaluation of pedestrian crossings without traffic lights in urban neighborhood areas. It provides an on-site inspection performed using ad-hoc data check lists, and it allows to assign a safety rate to the pedestrian crossing, in order to define a priority list of interventions and to suggest which features need to be improved. This new approach can be useful and easy to use for public administration managers and local governances, when they need to allocate limited financial resources to several pedestrian crossings. It has been applied to 10 pedestrian crossings on two roads in the urban area of Bologna and the resulted ranking list has been used by the Municipality of Bologna in its Urban Road Safety Plan 2016-201

    How Do University Student Cyclists Ride? The Case of University of Bologna

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    In a general urban planning context, in which sustainable active mobility progressively takes up increasing attention, studies of cyclists’ attitudes and behaviors represent a relevant step to help any enhancing measures for urban cycling. Among different categories, university student cyclists represent a still unidentified class, despite the relevant impacts in terms of mass and variability of attitudes in urban areas. The novelty of this paper is to propose an innovative overview on the specific category of university student cyclists. The integrated methodology, based on direct observation through GPS detection, GIS processing, and qualitative survey, permits the evaluation of some interesting issues related to students’ propensity to cycling and their mobility patterns. The approach finds relevance in speed, frequency of movements, routing, and related infrastructure preferences. The methodology has been applied to a sample of more than 300 students of the University of Bologna who were allowed an original university-designed bicycle from February 2021 to June 2021. The analysis was applied in the Bologna urban area and allowed the evaluation of students’ preferences of using existing cycle paths, when available, the limited relevance of speed factors, the main distribution of commuter journeys concentrated in the main avenues directed to city center, and other behaviors
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