36 research outputs found

    Pathologic and immunohistochemistry findings in dogs naturally infected by canine distemper virus

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    A cinomose canina é uma doença viral e afeta principalmente os sistemas respiratório, gastrintestinal e nervoso. Neste trabalho foram analisados os achados patológicos e imuno-histoquímicos de 54 cães com cinomose de um total de 760 cães necropsiados no período de julho de 2006 a outubro de 2007. As lesões macroscópicas observadas foram caracterizadas por corrimento ocular e nasal mucopurulentas, hiperqueratose dos coxins digitais, pulmões avermelhados e não colapsados, atrofia do timo, conteúdo intestinal diarréico e placas de Peyer proeminentes. Os achados histológicos caracterizavamse principalmente por pneumonia intersticial, rarefação linfóide, desmielinização da substância branca, manguitos perivasculares e corpúsculos de inclusão intranucleares e intracitoplasmáticos, que se localizam principalmente na mucosa do estômago, epitélios da bexiga, brônquios e bronquíolos, pelve renal, coxins digitais, pálpebra, orelha e tonsila no sistema nervoso central e em células mononucleares dos linfonodos, baço e tonsilas. Os tecidos foram marcados pela técnica imuno-histoquímica utilizando o anticorpo monoclonal anti-cinomose canina. O coxim digital foi o tecido com maior número de casos marcados positivamente (67,4% dos casos), seguido pelo estômago com 62,7%. A imuno-histoquímica mostrou ser uma ferramenta importante para o estudo da distribuição do antígeno em cães infectados pela cinomose bem como indicou o melhor tecido para a confirmação do diagnóstico de casos suspeitos. ____________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTCanine distemper is a viral disease that affects mainly respiratory, gastrointestinal and nervous system. The present study analyzes pathologic and immunohistochemical findings in 54 dogs with canine distemper of a total of 760 canine necropsies performed from July 2006 to October 2007. The gross lesions were characterized by mucopurulent oculonasal discharge, hyperkeratosis of footpads, red and not collapsed lungs, thymic atrophy, watery intestinal content, hyperemia and enlarged Peyer’s patches. The histological findings were characterized by interstitial pneumonia, lymphoid depletion, white matter demyelization, perivascular cuffs and intracytoplasmatic and intranuclear inclusion bodies located in epithelial cells of gastric mucosa, urinary bladder, bronchial, renal pelvis, footpads, eyelid, skin of the ear, tonsil, central nervous system and mononuclear cells in lymph nodes, spleen, and tonsils. Viral antigen was detected by an immunohistochemical procedure using a mouse monoclonal anti-canine distemper antibody. The footpads were the more constantly (67.4% of the cases) immunolabeled tissue, followed by stomach with 62.7%. Immunohistochemistry was demonstrated to be a useful tool for the study of viral antigen distribution in distemper affected dogs as well as it indicated which is the best tissue to be examined in order to confirm a suspected case of canine

    Avaliação do endotélio corneano de equinos após exposição à indocianina verde 0,5% : estudo in vitro

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    The purpose of the study was to investigate whether indocyanine green (ICG) dye damages the corneal endothelium of horses. Twenty-four corneas of 12 healthy equines, males or females, of different ages were used in this study. Only eyes with no ocular findings were used. Randomly, one eye was included in the treatment group and one in the control group. The eyes of the treatment group were exposed for 1 minute to dye ICG 0.5%. After that the endothelium of all eyes was stained with trypan blue and alizarin red S and analyzed and photographed under an optical microscope. Areas with damaged endothelial cells were manually measured and quantified using software for morphometric analysis and expressed as a percentage of cell damage. In all eyes examined areas of cell damage were observed in both corneas of the control group and the treatment group. The mean endothelial damage was 0.8 ± 0.37% in the treatment group and 0.97 ± 0.39% in the control. The Qui-square test stated that treatment and control group were not different. The ICG 0.5% did not cause acute damage to equine corneal endothelium.O objetivo do estudo foi investigar se indocianina verde (ICG) induz dano nas células do endotélio da córnea de equinos. Vinte e quatro córneas de 12 equinos saudáveis, machos ou fêmeas, de diferentes idades foram estudadas. Somente olhos hígidos foram utilizados. Aleatoriamente, um olho foi incluído no grupo controle e outro no grupo tratamento. Os olhos do grupo tratamento foram expostos durante um minuto à indocianina verde a 0,5%. Posteriormente, o endotélio da córnea foi corado com azul de tripano e vermelho de alizarina, analisado e fotografado usando microscópio óptico. As áreas com células endoteliais danificadas foram aferidas e quantificadas utilizando um software para análise morfométrica. Os valores encontrados foram expressos como percentual de perda celular. Em todos os olhos examinados foram observadas áreas de dano celular, tanto no grupo controle quanto no grupo tratamento. A perda celular endotelial média foi de 0,8±0,37% no grupo tratamento e 0,97 ± 0,39% no grupo controle. O teste Qui-quadrado confirmou que os grupos tratamento e controle não diferiram. Foi possível concluir que a ICG 0,5% não causou dano agudo nas células do endotélio da córnea de equinos

    Morphology of Endothelial Cells from Different Regions of the Swine Cornea

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    Background: The corneal endothelium is a monolayer of polygonal cells which constitute the last layer of the cornea. The integrity of this layer is critical to cornea transparency. The characterization of normal corneal endothelial morphology is important not only to clinical evaluation but also to selection of areas of the cornea with better quality to be employed as donor tissue. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the morphology of endothelial cells from different regions of the swine cornea after alizarin red staining using optical microscopy.Materials, Methods & Results: Twenty-four healthy eyes from 12 swine Large White breed, with 14-month-old, males or females obtained from a licensed Brazilian commercial slaughterhouse were studied. Immediately after humane slaughter, the eyes were enucleated and submitted to ophthalmic examination. Eyes with signs of diseases of the anterior segment were excluded. The cornea, with 3 mm of the sclera, was removed and placed on a glass microscope slide with the endothelial side up. Four radial incisions were made in the periphery of the cornea to better accommodate the cornea on the microscope slide. Alizarin red was diluted in isotonic solution (0.2 g/100 mL) and the pH was adjusted to 4.2 with hydrochloric acid. Three drops of alizarin red were placed on the corneal endothelium. After 90 s, the dye was removed from the cornea with balanced saline solution. The corneal endothelium was examined and photographed using an optical microscope. All evaluations were performed by the same investigator. Photomicrographs were taken of central, superior, inferior, nasal and temporal corneal areas. Parameter studied included endothelial cell morphology. For the statistical analysis, was employed the ANOVA variance test (repeated measures). Differences were considered statistically significant at P < 0.05. Normal endothelium cells were mainly hexagonal (83.7%), pentagonal (7.45%) and heptagonal (8.8%), with a minimal number of cells of other shapes present. There were no significant statistical differences in the proportion of the morphology and the different regions of the cornea (P = 0.31).Discussion: Different techniques are available for the analysis of corneal endothelium, including mainly scanning electron microscopy, specular microscopy and optical microscopy. The analysis of the morphology of corneal endothelium with an optic microscope after staining with alizarin red has been described as an effective, rapid and cost-efficient method, since this dye blends the borated cells, allowing identification. In the present study, using optical microscopy and coloration with alizarin red it was possible to explore and to obtain images of the swine endothelium of all regions of the cornea.  The analysis of the cellular morphology or the percentage of hexagonal cells are among the main parameters used to evaluate the health of the corneal endothelium. In this study, the endothelium had the predominance of the hexagonal shape in all regions studied. In swine, there are no studies evaluating the shape of the endothelial cells in the five different regions of the cornea. This study has demonstrated that the parameters evaluated in swine did not differ significantly between the various places of the cornea

    Morphology of endothelial cells from different regions of the swine cornea

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    Background: The corneal endothelium is a monolayer of polygonal cells which constitute the last layer of the cornea. The integrity of this layer is critical to cornea transparency. The characterization of normal corneal endothelial morphology is important not only to clinical evaluation but also to selection of areas of the cornea with better quality to be employed as donor tissue. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the morphology of endothelial cells from different regions of the swine cornea after alizarin red staining using optical microscopy. Materials, Methods & Results: Twenty-four healthy eyes from 12 swine Large White breed, with 14-monthold, males or females obtained from a licensed Brazilian commercial slaughterhouse were studied. Immediately after humane slaughter, the eyes were enucleated and submitted to ophthalmic examination. Eyes with signs of diseases of the anterior segment were excluded. The cornea, with 3 mm of the sclera, was removed and placed on a glass microscope slide with the endothelial side up. Four radial incisions were made in the periphery of the cornea to better accommodate the cornea on the microscope slide. Alizarin red was diluted in isotonic solution (0.2 g/100 mL) and the pH was adjusted to 4.2 with hydrochloric acid. Three drops of alizarin red were placed on the corneal endothelium. After 90 s, the dye was removed from the cornea with balanced saline solution. The corneal endothelium was examined and photographed using an optical microscope. All evaluations were performed by the same investigator. Photomicrographs were taken of central, superior, inferior, nasal and temporal corneal areas. Parameter studied included endothelial cell morphology. For the statistical analysis, was employed the ANOVA variance test (repeated measures). Differences were considered statistically significant at P < 0.05. Normal endothelium cells were mainly hexagonal (83.7%), pentagonal (7.45%) and heptagonal (8.8%), with a minimal number of cells of other shapes present. There were no significant statistical differences in the proportion of the morphology and the different regions of the cornea (P = 0.31). Discussion: Different techniques are available for the analysis of corneal endothelium, including mainly scanning electron microscopy, specular microscopy and optical microscopy. The analysis of the morphology of corneal endothelium with an optic microscope after staining with alizarin red has been described as an effective, rapid and cost-efficient method, since this dye blends the borated cells, allowing identification. In the present study, using optical microscopy and coloration with alizarin red it was possible to explore and to obtain images of the swine endothelium of all regions of the cornea. The analysis of the cellular morphology or the percentage of hexagonal cells are among the main parameters used to evaluate the health of the corneal endothelium. In this study, the endothelium had the predominance of the hexagonal shape in all regions studied. In swine, there are no studies evaluating the shape of the endothelial cells in the five different regions of the cornea. This study has demonstrated that the parameters evaluated in swine did not differ significantly between the various places of the cornea

    Evaluation of equine corneal endothelium after exposure to 0.5% indocyanine green - in vitro study

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    The purpose of the study was to investigate whether indocyanine green (ICG) dye damages the corneal endothelium of horses. Twenty-four corneas of 12 healthy equines, males or females, of different ages were used in this study. Only eyes with no ocular findings were used. Randomly, one eye was included in the treatment group and one in the control group. The eyes of the treatment group were exposed for 1 minute to dye ICG 0.5%. After that the endothelium of all eyes was stained with trypan blue and alizarin red S and analyzed and photographed under an optical microscope. Areas with damaged endothelial cells were manually measured and quantified using software for morphometric analysis and expressed as a percentage of cell damage. In all eyes examined areas of cell damage were observed in both corneas of the control group and the treatment group. The mean endothelial damage was 0.8 ± 0.37% in the treatment group and 0.97 ± 0.39% in the control. The Qui-square test stated that treatment and control group were not different. The ICG 0.5% did not cause acute damage to equine corneal endothelium

    Construção de canis

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    Pseudo-odontoma in a black tail praire dog (Cinomys ludovicianus)

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    Pseudo-odontoma é uma doença displásica que afeta a origem dos dentes incisivos em cães da pradaria criados em cativeiro. Este relato descreveu um caso de pseudo-odontoma em um cão da pradaria de rabo preto, criado em cativeiro como animal de estimação no estado da Flórida, Estados Unidos. Uma fêmea de aproximadamente 4 anos de idade e 1,4 quilogramas, apresentava dificuldade respiratória e dispnéia. Não foram evidenciadas secreção nasal ou estertores durante a ausculta, como também não foram relatadas alterações comportamentais ou na ingestão de água e alimentos. Foi conduzido ao exame radiográfico, onde constatou-se o ápice dos dentes incisivos superiores irregular e hiperplásico, demonstrando obstrução de fluxo de ar nasal. O animal foi submetido à cirurgia para extração dos dentes incisivos, sendo realizada indução anestésica com propofol por via intravenosa e mantido sob plano anestésico com isofluorano. No período pós-operatório foram realizadas aplicações de antibióticos, antiinflamatórios e analgésicos, sendo necessária a alimentação forçada até que este retornasse a comer normalmente. Os dentes extraídos apresentavam-se com deformidade óssea em sua origem, caracterizando os pseudo-odontomas.Pseudo-odontoma is displasic diseases that affect incisors teeth in captive prairie dogs. This case report described a case of pseudo-odontoma in a black tail prairie dog, kept in captivity in Florida State, USA. The around 4 years old weight 1,4 kilograms and presented difficulty to breath and dyspnea, didn’t showing nasal secretion or stertor in auscult. There were no behavior, feeding or drink changes. The radiographic examinations were performed and could see irregularity and hyperplasic superior apical incisors teeth, suggesting upper airway obstruction. The animal went for surgery to extraction superior incisors teeth, by using intravenous anesthesic induction with propofol and manutention by isofluorane. For the postoperative time was administer antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and was necessary assistance feeding until the animal started eats normally. The extracted teeth was affectec with apical deformities

    Pseudo-odontoma in a black tail praire dog (Cinomys ludovicianus)

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    Pseudo-odontoma é uma doença displásica que afeta a origem dos dentes incisivos em cães da pradaria criados em cativeiro. Este relato descreveu um caso de pseudo-odontoma em um cão da pradaria de rabo preto, criado em cativeiro como animal de estimação no estado da Flórida, Estados Unidos. Uma fêmea de aproximadamente 4 anos de idade e 1,4 quilogramas, apresentava dificuldade respiratória e dispnéia. Não foram evidenciadas secreção nasal ou estertores durante a ausculta, como também não foram relatadas alterações comportamentais ou na ingestão de água e alimentos. Foi conduzido ao exame radiográfico, onde constatou-se o ápice dos dentes incisivos superiores irregular e hiperplásico, demonstrando obstrução de fluxo de ar nasal. O animal foi submetido à cirurgia para extração dos dentes incisivos, sendo realizada indução anestésica com propofol por via intravenosa e mantido sob plano anestésico com isofluorano. No período pós-operatório foram realizadas aplicações de antibióticos, antiinflamatórios e analgésicos, sendo necessária a alimentação forçada até que este retornasse a comer normalmente. Os dentes extraídos apresentavam-se com deformidade óssea em sua origem, caracterizando os pseudo-odontomas.Pseudo-odontoma is displasic diseases that affect incisors teeth in captive prairie dogs. This case report described a case of pseudo-odontoma in a black tail prairie dog, kept in captivity in Florida State, USA. The around 4 years old weight 1,4 kilograms and presented difficulty to breath and dyspnea, didn’t showing nasal secretion or stertor in auscult. There were no behavior, feeding or drink changes. The radiographic examinations were performed and could see irregularity and hyperplasic superior apical incisors teeth, suggesting upper airway obstruction. The animal went for surgery to extraction superior incisors teeth, by using intravenous anesthesic induction with propofol and manutention by isofluorane. For the postoperative time was administer antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and was necessary assistance feeding until the animal started eats normally. The extracted teeth was affectec with apical deformities

    Morfologia das células endoteliais de diferentes regiões da córnea de cães

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the morphology of endothelial cells from different areas of the cornea of dogs. Twenty healthy eyes from 10 dogs, females or males, of different ages were studied. Corneal endothelium morphology of superior, inferior, central, nasal and temporal areas was assessed by 0.2% alizarin red staining using an optic microscope. One hundred endothelial cells from each corneal area were analyzed. In all areas of the cornea studied were found endothelial cells with four sides, five sides, six sides and seven sides. There was no significant difference regarding endothelial cell morphology in all corneal regions evaluated. Thus, the morphology of the central cornea area represents the entire endothelial mosaic and may be applied to peripheral areas. Therefore, analysis of the central area is sufficient to estimate the shape of endothelial cells of peripheral areas of healthy dog corneas.Objetivou-se avaliar a morfologia das células endoteliais de diferentes regiões da córnea de cães. Vinte olhos saudáveis de 10 cães, fêmeas ou machos, de diferentes idades foram estudados. A morfologia do endotélio corneano das regiões superior, inferior, central, nasal e temporal foi avaliada pela coloração vermelho de alizarina 0,2% com microscópio óptico. Foram analisadas 100 células endoteliais de cada região da córnea. Em todas as regiões da córnea estudadas foram encontradas células endoteliais com quatro lados, cinco lados, seis lados e sete lados. Não houve diferença significativa em relação à morfologia de células endoteliais da córnea em todos as regiões estudadas. Assim, a morfologia da região central da córnea representa todo o mosaico endotelial e pode ser aplicada em áreas periféricas. Portanto, a análise da área central é suficiente para estimar a forma das células endoteliais das áreas periféricas de córneas de cães saudáveis