1,748 research outputs found

    Frontier Masculinity, Femininity, and the Ideological Cleansing of Borderlands Teachers, 1924–1935

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    New stellar encounters discovered in the second Gaia data release

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    Passing stars may play an important role in the evolution of our solar system. We search for close stellar encounters to the Sun among all 7.2 million stars in Gaia-DR2 that have six-dimensional phase space data. We characterize encounters by integrating their orbits through a Galactic potential and propagating the correlated uncertainties via a Monte Carlo resampling. After filtering to remove spurious data, we find 694 stars that have median (over uncertainties) closest encounter distances within 5 pc, all occurring within 15 Myr from now. 26 of these have at least a 50% chance of coming closer than 1 pc (and 7 within 0.5 pc), all but one of which are newly discovered here. We further confirm some and refute several other previously-identified encounters, confirming suspicions about their data. The closest encounter in the sample is Gl 710, which has a 95% probability of coming closer than 0.08 pc (17 000 AU). Taking mass estimates from Gaia astrometry and multiband photometry for essentially all encounters, we find that Gl 710 also has the largest impulse on the Oort cloud. Using a Galaxy model, we compute the completeness of the Gaia-DR2 encountering sample as a function of perihelion time and distance. Only 15% of encounters within 5 pc occurring within +/- 5 Myr of now have been identified, mostly due to the lack of radial velocities for faint and/or cool stars. Accounting for the incompleteness, we infer the present rate of encounters within 1 pc to be 19.7 +/- 2.2 per Myr, a quantity expected to scale quadratically with the encounter distance out to at least several pc. Spuriously large parallaxes in our sample from imperfect filtering would tend to inflate both the number of encounters found and this inferred rate. The magnitude of this effect is hard to quantify.Comment: 12 pages. Accepted to A&A. Added to this version: section 3.2 and Fig. 8 (CMD) with discussion of astrometric quality metrics; full versions of tables 2 and 3 as ancillary dat

    Comparative scanning near field optical microscopy studies of plasmonic nanoparticle concepts

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    We use scanning near field optical microscopy SNOM to characterize different plasmonic nanoparticle situations with high spatial and spectral resolution in this comparative study. The near field enhancement is measured with an aperture probe Al coated glass fiber and two CCD spectrometers for simultaneous detection of reflection and transmission. The images of transmission and reflection show a correlation to the topography. We present a new way to access the relative absorption and discuss the results with consideration of artifact influences. Near field enhancements are deeper understood by imaging isolated particles. This near field will be compared to measurements of random particle distributions. Therefore, we will show normalized reflection and transmission images of random structures that lay the foundation for an absolute interpretation of near field images. The normalization considers both the far field UV VIS results and a reference image of the substrate. The near field reflection of nanoparticle arrays shows an enhancement of 25 . In view of specific applications, particle distributions implemented in two ways as far field scatters and as near field enhancing object

    Deconvolution with Shapelets

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    We seek to find a shapelet-based scheme for deconvolving galaxy images from the PSF which leads to unbiased shear measurements. Based on the analytic formulation of convolution in shapelet space, we construct a procedure to recover the unconvolved shapelet coefficients under the assumption that the PSF is perfectly known. Using specific simulations, we test this approach and compare it to other published approaches. We show that convolution in shapelet space leads to a shapelet model of order nmaxh=nmaxg+nmaxfn_{max}^h = n_{max}^g + n_{max}^f with nmaxfn_{max}^f and nmaxgn_{max}^g being the maximum orders of the intrinsic galaxy and the PSF models, respectively. Deconvolution is hence a transformation which maps a certain number of convolved coefficients onto a generally smaller number of deconvolved coefficients. By inferring the latter number from data, we construct the maximum-likelihood solution for this transformation and obtain unbiased shear estimates with a remarkable amount of noise reduction compared to established approaches. This finding is particularly valid for complicated PSF models and low S/NS/N images, which renders our approach suitable for typical weak-lensing conditions.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, submitted to A&

    Earth system research partnership

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    Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): end of survey report and data release 2

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    The Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey is one of the largest contemporary spectroscopic surveys of low redshift galaxies. Covering an area of ˜286 deg2 (split among five survey regions) down to a limiting magnitude of r < 19.8 mag, we have collected spectra and reliable redshifts for 238 000 objects using the AAOmega spectrograph on the Anglo-Australian Telescope. In addition, we have assembled imaging data from a number of independent surveys in order to generate photometry spanning the wavelength range 1 nm-1 m. Here, we report on the recently completed spectroscopic survey and present a series of diagnostics to assess its final state and the quality of the redshift data. We also describe a number of survey aspects and procedures, or updates thereof, including changes to the input catalogue, redshifting and re-redshifting, and the derivation of ultraviolet, optical and near-infrared photometry. Finally, we present the second public release of GAMA data. In this release, we provide input catalogue and targeting information, spectra, redshifts, ultraviolet, optical and near-infrared photometry, single-component Sérsic fits, stellar masses, Hα-derived star formation rates, environment information, and group properties for all galaxies with r < 19.0 mag in two of our survey regions, and for all galaxies with r < 19.4 mag in a third region (72 225 objects in total). The data base serving these data is available at http://www.gama-survey.org/

    Hindered Coulomb explosion of embedded Na clusters -- stopping, shape dynamics and energy transport

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    We investigate the dynamical evolution of a Na8_8 cluster embedded in Ar matrices of various sizes from N=30 to 1048. The system is excited by an intense short laser pulse leading to high ionization stages. We analyze the subsequent highly non-linear motion of cluster and Ar environment in terms of trajectories, shapes, and energy flow. The most prominent effects are: temporary stabilization of high charge states for several ps, sudden stopping of the Coulomb explosion of the embedded Na8_8 clusters associated with an extremely fast energy transfer to the Ar matrix, fast distribution of energy throughout the Ar layers by a sound wave. Other ionic-atomic transfer and relaxation processes proceed at slower scale of few ps. The electron cloud is almost thermally decoupled from ions and thermalizes far beyond the ps scale.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, accepted in Euro. Phys. J.

    Time resolved fission in metal clusters

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    We explore from a theoretical point of view pump and probe (P&P) analysis for fission of metal clusters where probe pulses are generalized to allow for scanning various frequencies. We show that it is possible to measure the time the system needs to develop to scission. This is achieved by a proper choice of both delay and frequency of the probe pulse. A more detailed analysis even allows to access the various intermediate stages of the fission process.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Dynamics of metal clusters in rare gas clusters

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    We investigate the dynamics of Na clusters embedded in Ar matrices. We use a hierarchical approach, accounting microscopically for the cluster's degrees of freedom and more coarsely for the matrix. The dynamical polarizability of the Ar atoms and the strong Pauli-repulsion exerted by the Ar-electrons are taken into account. We discuss the impact of the matrix on the cluster gross properties and on its optical response. We then consider a realistic case of irradiation by a moderately intense laser and discuss the impact of the matrix on the hindrance of the explosion, as well as a possible pump probe scenario for analyzing dynamical responses.Comment: Proceedings of the 30th International Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories, Dresden, June 05 - 10, 2006, World Scientific. 3 figure
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