17,078 research outputs found

    Collective rearrangement at the onset of flow of a polycrystalline hexagonal columnar phase

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    Creep experiments on polycrystalline surfactant hexagonal columnar phases show a power law regime, followed by a drastic fluidization before reaching a final stationary flow. The scaling of the fluidization time with the shear modulus of the sample and stress applied suggests that the onset of flow involves a bulk reorganization of the material. This is confirmed by X-ray scattering under stress coupled to \textit{in situ} rheology experiments, which show a collective reorientation of all crystallites at the onset of flow. The analogy with the fracture of heterogeneous materials is discussed.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Electronic Griffiths phase of the d=2 Mott transition

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    We investigate the effects of disorder within the T=0 Brinkman-Rice (BR) scenario for the Mott metal-insulator transition (MIT) in two dimensions (2d). For sufficiently weak disorder the transition retains the Mott character, as signaled by the vanishing of the local quasiparticles (QP) weights Z_{i} and strong disorder screening at criticality. In contrast to the behavior in high dimensions, here the local spatial fluctuations of QP parameters are strongly enhanced in the critical regime, with a distribution function P(Z) ~ Z^{\alpha-1} and \alpha tends to zero at the transition. This behavior indicates a robust emergence of an electronic Griffiths phase preceding the MIT, in a fashion surprisingly reminiscent of the "Infinite Randomness Fixed Point" scenario for disordered quantum magnets.Comment: 4+ pages, 5 figures, final version to appear in Physical Review Letter

    Chiral spin-orbital liquids with nodal lines

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    Strongly correlated materials with strong spin-orbit coupling hold promise for realizing topological phases with fractionalized excitations. Here we propose a chiral spin-orbital liquid as a stable phase of a realistic model for heavy-element double perovskites. This spin liquid state has Majorana fermion excitations with a gapless spectrum characterized by nodal lines along the edges of the Brillouin zone. We show that the nodal lines are topological defects of a non-Abelian Berry connection and that the system exhibits dispersing surface states. We discuss some experimental signatures of this state and compare them with properties of the spin liquid candidate Ba_2YMoO_6.Comment: 5 pages + supplementary materia

    Defect-induced spin-glass magnetism in incommensurate spin-gap magnets

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    We study magnetic order induced by non-magnetic impurities in quantum paramagnets with incommensurate host spin correlations. In contrast to the well-studied commensurate case where the defect-induced magnetism is spatially disordered but non-frustrated, the present problem combines strong disorder with frustration and, consequently, leads to spin-glass order. We discuss the crossover from strong randomness in the dilute limit to more conventional glass behavior at larger doping, and numerically characterize the robust short-range order inherent to the spin-glass phase. We relate our findings to magnetic order in both BiCu2PO6 and YBa2Cu3O6.6 induced by Zn substitution.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figs, (v2) real-space RG results added; discussion extended, (v3) final version as publishe

    On the κ\kappa-Dirac Oscillator revisited

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    This Letter is based on the κ\kappa-Dirac equation, derived from the κ\kappa-Poincar\'{e}-Hopf algebra. It is shown that the κ\kappa-Dirac equation preserves parity while breaks charge conjugation and time reversal symmetries. Introducing the Dirac oscillator prescription, ppimωβr\mathbf{p}\to\mathbf{p}-im\omega\beta\mathbf{r}, in the κ\kappa-Dirac equation, one obtains the κ\kappa-Dirac oscillator. Using a decomposition in terms of spin angular functions, one achieves the deformed radial equations, with the associated deformed energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. The deformation parameter breaks the infinite degeneracy of the Dirac oscillator. In the case where ε=0\varepsilon=0, one recovers the energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Dirac oscillator.Comment: 5 pages, no figures, accepted for publication in Physics Letters

    Local roughness exponent in the nonlinear molecular-beam-epitaxy universality class in one-dimension

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    We report local roughness exponents, αloc\alpha_{\text{loc}}, for three interface growth models in one dimension which are believed to belong the non-linear molecular-beam-epitaxy (nMBE) universality class represented by the Villain-Lais-Das Sarma (VLDS) stochastic equation. We applied an optimum detrended fluctuation analysis (ODFA) [Luis et al., Phys. Rev. E 95, 042801 (2017)] and compared the outcomes with standard detrending methods. We observe in all investigated models that ODFA outperforms the standard methods providing exponents in the narrow interval αloc[0.96,0.98]\alpha_{\text{loc}}\in[0.96,0.98] consistent with renormalization group predictions for the VLDS equation. In particular, these exponent values are calculated for the Clarke-Vvdensky and Das Sarma-Tamborenea models characterized by very strong corrections to the scaling, for which large deviations of these values had been reported. Our results strongly support the absence of anomalous scaling in the nMBE universality class and the existence of corrections in the form αloc=1ϵ\alpha_{\text{loc}}=1-\epsilon of the one-loop renormalization group analysis of the VLDS equation

    Memory effects on the statistics of fragmentation

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    We investigate through extensive molecular dynamics simulations the fragmentation process of two-dimensional Lennard-Jones systems. After thermalization, the fragmentation is initiated by a sudden increment to the radial component of the particles' velocities. We study the effect of temperature of the thermalized system as well as the influence of the impact energy of the ``explosion'' event on the statistics of mass fragments. Our results indicate that the cumulative distribution of fragments follows the scaling ansatz F(m)mαexp[(m/m0)γ]F(m)\propto m^{-\alpha}\exp{[-(m/m_0)^\gamma]}, where mm is the mass, m0m_0 and γ\gamma are cutoff parameters, and α\alpha is a scaling exponent that is dependent on the temperature. More precisely, we show clear evidence that there is a characteristic scaling exponent α\alpha for each macroscopic phase of the thermalized system, i.e., that the non-universal behavior of the fragmentation process is dictated by the state of the system before it breaks down.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figure