123 research outputs found

    Dramatização como estratégia pedagógica no ensino de Bioética

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    Anais do 3° Encontro Nacional de Jogos e Atividades Lúdicas no Ensino de Química, Física e Biologia (Jalequim - Level III) - Núcleo de Desenvolvimento de Pesquisas em Ensino de Química/Ciências da UNILA (NuDDEQ)O termo Bioética foi utilizado pela primeira vez na década de 1970, pelo pesquisador americano Van Rensselaer Potter. De acordo com esse autor, a Bioética seria uma ponte entre o conhecimento biológico e os valores humanos. Desta maneira, essa área do conhecimento se propõe ao exercício da reflexão sobre questões éticas que envolvam o conhecimento e a aplicação de tecnologias relacionadas à Biologia e áreas Biomédicas (DURAND, 2014)

    Agreement Between Clinical-Radiographic and Histopathological Diagnoses in Maxillofacial Fibro-Osseous Lesions

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    Objective: To compare the agreement of clinical and radiographic diagnosis with the histopathological diagnosis in fibro-osseous lesions of the jaws. Material and Methods: An analytical and exploratory study was made based on systematic collected data, carried out in the laboratory of surgical pathology of a public Dental School. There were evaluated cases of fibrous dysplasia (FD), cemento-osseous dysplasia (COD) and ossifyng fibroma (OF), diagnosed by clinical, radiographic (panoramic and periapical radiography), and histopathological analysis, in a period of 12 years (from March 2001 to June 2013). Descriptive and inferential statistics (Fisher's exact test) were obtained. Results: Ninety-six cases of FOLs were evaluated. The radiographic aspects of the FOLs studied did not differ significantly (p=0.09). Radiolucent lesions were the least frequent, corresponding to approximately 13.5% of radiographic findings. Mixed lesions and radiopaques were more present, how they were COD and FD, respectively. The more aggressive variation of OF (Juvenile Ossifying Fibroma - JOF) was less frequent among the pathologies evaluated. In approximately 61.46% of the cases clinical and radiographic diagnosis were confirmed by histopathological diagnosis of FOLs. The highest agreement and the highest disagreement were observed in COD cases (40.7% and 62.2%, respectively). Conclusion: FOLs of the maxillaries represent a group of lesions in which the establishment of the clinical and radiographic diagnosis supported by the histopathological confirmation is critical and challenging

    Agreement Between Clinical-Radiographic and Histopathological Diagnoses in Maxillofacial Fibro-Osseous Lesions

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    Objective: To compare the agreement of clinical and radiographic diagnosis with the histopathological diagnosis in fibro-osseous lesions of the jaws. Material and Methods: An analytical and exploratory study was made based on systematic collected data, carried out in the laboratory of surgical pathology of a public Dental School. There were evaluated cases of fibrous dysplasia (FD), cemento-osseous dysplasia (COD) and ossifyng fibroma (OF), diagnosed by clinical, radiographic (panoramic and periapical radiography), and histopathological analysis, in a period of 12 years (from March 2001 to June 2013). Descriptive and inferential statistics (Fisher's exact test) were obtained. Results: Ninety-six cases of FOLs were evaluated. The radiographic aspects of the FOLs studied did not differ significantly (p=0.09). Radiolucent lesions were the least frequent, corresponding to approximately 13.5% of radiographic findings. Mixed lesions and radiopaques were more present, how they were COD and FD, respectively. The more aggressive variation of OF (Juvenile Ossifying Fibroma - JOF) was less frequent among the pathologies evaluated. In approximately 61.46% of the cases clinical and radiographic diagnosis were confirmed by histopathological diagnosis of FOLs. The highest agreement and the highest disagreement were observed in COD cases (40.7% and 62.2%, respectively). Conclusion: FOLs of the maxillaries represent a group of lesions in which the establishment of the clinical and radiographic diagnosis supported by the histopathological confirmation is critical and challenging

    Analysis of Queue Discipline in Services to Citizens in Social Security Agencies: A Case Study

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    O presente trabalho descreve um estudo sobre a disciplina de filas em uma Agência da Previdência Social (APS). Com o propósito de sugerir melhorias no atendimento que implicassem a redução dos tempos de espera e na otimização do fluxo do processo, foi realizado um estudo de caso em uma das agências existentes no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Os dados foram coletados mediante técnica de observação estruturada e analisados estatisticamente. Como instrumento de intervenção, foram utilizadas as ferramentas disponibilizadas pela Teoria das Filas, como Levantamento dos Elementos, Medidas de Efetividade do Sistema, Características de uma Fila e Análises dos Processos de Chegada e de Atendimento. Quanto aos resultados, foi possível determinar os processos de chegada, atendimento e saída, e a proximidade com um modelo de serviço descrito na teoria das filas, o que permitiu estabelecer um perfil do comportamento das filas da agência.This paper describes a study on the Queuing Theory in a Social Security Agency (SSA). In order to suggest improvements in services so as to reduce waiting time and optimise process flow, a case study was conducted in a SSA in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. The data were collected through structured observation techniques and statistically analyzed. As an intervention instrument, tools used were the ones provided by the Queuing Theory, such as Single Queuing Nodes, Service Disciplines, Queueing Networks and Arrival and Service Processes. As a result, it was possible to determine the arrival processes, customer service and output, as well as the proximity to a service model as described in queuing theory, which allowed us to establish a profile of queue behaviour at the Agency

    [sexual Violence: A Descriptive Study Of Rape Victims And Care In A University Referral Center In São Paulo State, Brazil].

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    Rape is a global public health problem, and steps have been taken to encourage studies on the issue and propose interventions for its prevention and appropriate care. This study aimed to characterize the population of female rape victims and describe the characteristics of the sexual assault and the care provided at a university referral center. This was a quantitative retrospective study of care provided to female rape victims from June 2006 to December 2010. The majority of the women (n = 687) were white, single, had no children, with a mean age of 23.7 years and primary to secondary schooling, employed, and practiced a religion. One-fourth of the victims reported no sexual intercourse prior to the sexual assault. Rape occurred mainly at night, on the street, perpetrated by a single stranger, with vaginal penetration, and with threatened or actual force. Most of the victims had reported the rape to someone and felt supported. Early care occurred for almost 90% of women, allowing preventive measures. From 2006 to 2010 there was an increase in the proportion of women that sought help. Better knowledge of the characteristics of this group and the event itself can help improve the structure and functioning of models to assist rape victims.29889-9

    Sexual violence: a descriptive study of rape victims and care in a university referral center in São Paulo State, Brazil

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    Rape is a global public health problem, and steps have been taken to encourage studies on the issue and propose interventions for its prevention and appropriate care. This study aimed to characterize the population of female rape victims and describe the characteristics of the sexual assault and the care provided at a university referral center. This was a quantitative retrospective study of care provided to female rape victims from June 2006 to December 2010. The majority of the women (n = 687) were white, single, had no children, with a mean age of 23.7 years and primary to secondary schooling, employed, and practiced a religion. One-fourth of the victims reported no sexual intercourse prior to the sexual assault. Rape occurred mainly at night, on the street, perpetrated by a single stranger, with vaginal penetration, and with threatened or actual force. Most of the victims had reported the rape to someone and felt supported. Early care occurred for almost 90% of women, allowing preventive measures. From 2006 to 2010 there was an increase in the proportion of women that sought help. Better knowledge of the characteristics of this group and the event itself can help improve the structure and functioning of models to assist rape victims.A violência sexual é problema de saúde pública global e ações têm sido implementadas para estimular estudos no tema, a fim de propor intervenções de prevenção e atendimento adequado. Este trabalho objetivou caracterizar a população de mulheres que sofreram violência sexual, e descrever as características da agressão e do atendimento dispensado em um serviço universitário de referência. Estudo quantitativo e retrospectivo com atendimentos por violência sexual de junho de 2006 a dezembro de 2010. Avaliadas 687 mulheres, a maioria branca, solteira, sem filhos, com idade média de 23,7 anos, escolaridade entre fundamental e média, empregadas, com religião e prática religiosa. Um quarto sem relação sexual anterior. Violência sexual principalmente à noite, na rua, por agressor desconhecido e único, via vaginal e com intimidação. A maioria contou para outras pessoas e se sentiu apoiada. Atendimento precoce para quase 90% das mulheres, instaurando medidas profiláticas. Ocorreu aumento da procura precoce ao longo do período. Conhecer melhor as características da população e do evento pode auxiliar a estruturação e qualificação de modelos de atendimento.La violencia sexual es un problema global de salud pública y se han implementado acciones para estimular estudios en el tema, a fin de proponer intervenciones de prevención y atención adecuadas. Este trabajo tuvo por objetivo caracterizar la población de mujeres que sufrió violencia sexual, y describir las características de la agresión y de la atención dispensada en un servicio universitario de referencia. Se trata de un estudio cuantitativo y retrospectivo sobre la atención por violencia sexual de junio de 2006 a diciembre de 2010. Se evaluaron a 687 mujeres, la mayoría blanca, soltera, sin hijos, con una edad media de 23,7 años, escolaridad entre básica y media, con empleo, con religión y practicantes. Un cuarto sin relación sexual anterior. La violencia sexual principalmente se produce por la noche, en la calle, cometida por un agresor desconocido y único, vía vaginal y con intimidación. La mayoría se lo contó a otras personas y se sintió apoyada. Hubo atención precoz para casi un 90% de las mujeres, estableciendo medidas profilácticas. Se produjo un aumento de la búsqueda temprana del servicio a lo largo del período. Conocer mejor las características de la población y de los hechos puede auxiliar en la estructuración y cualificación de modelos de atención.88989

    Shorter delay to treatment by integrated diagnostic services and NGO-provided support among breast cancer patients in two Brazilian referral centres

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    Background: The diagnosis of breast cancer requires a complicated series of diagnostic exams. The present study addressed the delay of patients who used publicly and privately financed diagnostic services. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) donated diagnostic mammograms and biopsies.Design and Methods: Data from 304 patients were obtained from two Brazilian referral centres. In one referral centre (FAP), diagnostic mammography, clinic-histopathological exam and immunohistochemistry were outsourced, whereas in the other centre (HNL), these services were integrated. Cox regression, Kaplan-Meier analysis and non-parametric tests were used to compare variables and time intervals.Results: If diagnostic mammography was financed privately and covered by private health insurance, the likelihood of a delay of >90 days between the first medical visit and the initiation of treatment decreased 2.15-fold (95%CI: 1.06- 4.36; p=0.033) and 4.44-fold (95%CI: 1.58-12.46; p=0.004), respectively. If the clinic-histopathological exam was outsourced (FAP) and publicly or privately financed, the median time between diagnostic mammography and the diagnostic result was 53 and 65 days in the integrated (HNL) and outsourced public system, compared to 29 days in the outsourced private system (p<0.050). The median time between the first medical visit and the diagnostic results of patients who were supported by NGOs, who financed their diagnostic services privately, and who used exclusively public diagnostic services was, respectively, 28.0, 48.5 and 77.5 days (p<0.050).Conclusion: Patients who used privately financed health services had shorter delays. Compared to outsourcing, the integration of the publicly financed clinic- histopathological exam diminished the delay. The support of patients by NGOs accelerated patient flow

    Isolation of Root Endophytic Bacteria in Elephant Grass (\u3cem\u3ePennisetum purpureum\u3c/em\u3e Schum.) Cultivars

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    Elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) is one of the most productive warm-season grasses. Farmers utilize elephant grass in different forms, such as cut-and-carry operations, grazing, conserved forage (silage, hay), and as an energy source (Lira et al. 2010). Nitrogen (N) is an essential element for plant growth and development and it is usually a limiting factor for forage production in the tropics (Boddey et al. 2004). Biological N fixation (BNF) may occur in warm-season grasses by their association with diazotrophic bacteria. These bacteria colonize different niches in the host plant. Endophytic bacteria form colonies inside the plant tissue whereas epiphytic bacteria colonize plant external surfaces (Compant et al. 2010). Both types of bacteria may benefit host plants (Badri et al. 2009). This study evaluated endophytic diazotrophic bacteria density associated to the roots of different elephant grass cultivars (cvs. ‘Elefante B’, ‘Venezuela’, and ‘Pioneiro’) using two N-free growth media, at different evaluation periods