1,923 research outputs found

    Le Mélange of Francophone Culture in William Wells Brown’s \u3cem\u3eClotel\u3c/em\u3e

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    In Clotel; Or, The President’s Daughter, William Wells Brown argues that for fugitive African American slaves France represented freedom. This connection between African Americans and France that is familiar to many Americans in the twentieth century was existent at the time of Brown’s own escape. The Francophone culture became a major motivator in the author’s personal life and also in his writings. This project covers many themes, including the “tragic mulatta”, American identity, American freedom and slavery, and explores readings from Anna Brickhouse’s Transamerican Literary Relations and the Nineteenth-Century Public Sphere, and Eve A. Raimon’s The Tragic Mulatta Revisited. Brown questions not only the impossibility of being accepted in the American society as a person of mixed race but argues that the French are better interpreters of the Declaration of Independence than the Americans. In France, Brown found a secure home among French elites and his positive experience with francophone culture helped shape his most well-known work of literature, the novel Clotel. In this sentimental novel, Brown creates a character whose hope for freedom is based upon the author’s experiences in France. Being the first western European nation to abolish slavery in its colonies, France provided hope to many African Americans

    Wind Risk Assessment in Urban Environments: The Case of Falling Trees During Windstorm Events in Lisbon

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    Trees bring many benefits to the urban environment. However, they may also cause hazards to human population, being the major causes of injuries and infrastructural damage during strong wind events. In the city of Lisbon, strong winds rather frequently result in tree falls, depending on the season and meteorological conditions. This paper presents a methodology to analyse tree damage due to strong wind events in urban environments. Each occurrence has been recorded by the Lisbon Fire Brigade and Rescue Services (Regimento de Sapadores Bombeiros de Lisboa - RSBL). Information provided by RSBL relating to the period of 1990-2005 was considered along with hourly wind speed and direction, species, fitossanitary conditions and urban parameters. To ensure that the fallen trees were caused by strong winds, only days with three or more occurrences of fallen trees were selected. It was found that in summer, northerly winds are responsible for 11% of tree falls, with winds from other directions (west, southwest and south) responsible for 5%. From autumn to spring, perturbed weather conditions originating from the west, southwest and south are responsible for 84% of fallen trees. The majority of tree falls occurred when wind speed surpassed 7 m/s in the six hours prior to their fall. Some recommendations to the Civil Protection Agency and the Fire Department are presented to improve the mission of collecting information. This research is a contribution to the assessment of wind risk in Lisbon

    Wind risk assessment in urban environments: the case of falling trees during windstorm events in Lisbon

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    Trees bring many benefits to the urban environment. However, they may also cause hazards to human population, being the major causes of injuries and infrastructural damage during strong wind events. In the city of Lisbon, strong winds rather frequently result in tree falls, depending on the season and meteorological conditions. This paper presents a methodology to analyse tree damage due to strong wind events in urban environments. Each occurrence has been recorded by the Lisbon Fire Brigade and Rescue Services (Regimento de Sapadores Bombeiros de Lisboa - RSBL). Information provided by RSBL relating to the period of 1990-2005 was considered along with hourly wind speed and direction, species, fitossanitary conditions and urban parameters. To ensure that the fallen trees were caused by strong winds, only days with three or more occurrences of fallen trees were selected. It was found that in summer, northerly winds are responsible for 11% of tree falls, with winds from other directions (west, southwest and south) responsible for 5%. From autumn to spring, perturbed weather conditions originating from the west, southwest and south are responsible for 84% of fallen trees. The majority of tree falls occurred when wind speed surpassed 7 m/s in the six hours prior to their fall. Some recommendations to the Civil Protection Agency and the Fire Department are presented to improve the mission of collecting information. This research is a contribution to the assessment of wind risk in Lisbon

    Experimental determination and mathematical fitting of sorption isotherms for Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis L.)

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    Knowledge of the equilibrium moisture content (EMC) is important for modelling and planning of drying and, to select the conditions for storage of biological products.  Equations for modeling water sorption isotherms have special importance in many aspects of product preservation by dehydration.  In this work, desorption and absorption isotherms for Melissa officinalis L. (Lemon Balm) were determined at four different temperatures (25, 40, 50 and 60℃) by using the method recommended by the project COST 90.  This method is based on maintaining a known mass of sample to an atmosphere generated by the use of saturated saline solutions until achieving the balance.  The saline solutions were prepared according to DIN 50008 for a range of relative humidity between 10 and 85%.  Samples of 0.5 grams of whole leaves of Melissa officinalis L. variety Citronella were placed in perforated stainless steel bins, positioned inside of tightly sealed glass containers.  The weight of the samples was registered until the samples achieved balance.  Experimental data were fitted using the following mathematical models: BET, GAB, Halsey, Lagmuir, Oswin, Peleg, Henderson and Chung & Pfost.  Using nonlinear regression, the experimental data was fitted to the considered models.  The chi-square test and the coefficient of determination were used to evaluate the fit.  Halsey’s model was found to be the most suitable for describing the desorption curves at the temperatures of 25℃ and 40℃ and BET’s model was most suitable for describing the data at the temperatures of 50℃ and 60℃. Keywords: Melissa officinalis L., desorption isotherms, water activity, Equilibrium moisture content EMC&nbsp

    Games on Cellular Spaces: How Mobility Affects Equilibrium

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    In this work we propose a new model for spatial games. We present a definition of mobility in terms of the satisfaction an agent has with its spatial location. Agents compete for space through a non-cooperative game by using mixed strategies. We are particularly interested in studyig the relation between Nash equilibrium and the winner strategy of a given model with mobility, and how the mobility can affect the results. The experiments show that mobility is an important variable concerning spatial games. When we change parameters that affect mobility, it may lead to the success of strategies away from Nash equilibrium.Spatial Games, Agent-Based Modelling, Mobility, Satisfaction, Chicken Game, Nash Equilibrium

    Micropropagación de Cattleya quadricolor

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    Se investigó la influencia del medio de cultivo MS (1962) a diferentes concentraciones finales para evaluar la formación del cuerpo protocórmico y la adición de agua de coco, jugo de piña y ANA para la formación de raíces. El material vegetal utilizado se obtuvo por donación de un coleccionista de orquídeas perteneciente a La Sociedad Colombiana de Orquideología. Las cápsulas de Cattleya quadricolor en estado de madurez se desinfectaron con hipoclorito de sodio al 2%, durante 3 minutos con dos gotas de Tween 20.xiv, 61 p.Contenido parcial: Las orquídeas -- Fundamentos de la germinación tradicional -- Antecedentes de cultivo in vitro con orquídeas -- Medios de cultivo utilizados para la inducción de la germinación y formación de hoja a partir de semilla de C. quadricolor

    Somatization in Latin America: a review of the classification of somatoform disorders, functional syndromes and medically unexplained symptoms

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    OBJETIVO: Os sintomas sem explicação médica são frequentes e estão associados a sofrimento mental em vários contextos. Estudos prévios apontam que as populações latino-americanas são propensas à somatização. Diante da reformulação da Classificação Internacional de Doenças para sua 11ª edição, as particularidades dos nativos desta região do mundo devem ser levadas em consideração. O objetivo deste estudo é prover informações sobre somatização na população latino-americana para a tomada de decisões quanto às categorias diagnósticas ligadas a sintomas sem explicação médica na Classificação Internacional de Doenças-11ª edição. MÉTODO: Revisão extensa da produção de 1995 a 2011 sobre somatização em populações de origem latino-americana. RESULTADOS: A análise dos 106 estudos incluídos nesta revisão foi dividida em 15 categorias: revisões sistemáticas, revisões conceituais, prevalências, atenção primária, depressão e ansiedade, fatores de risco, violência, quadros orgânicos, relacionamento com profissionais e o sistema de saúde, etnia, síndromes ligadas à cultura, síndrome da fadiga crônica, fibromialgia, transtorno dismórfico corporal, e conversão e dissociação. CONCLUSÃO: Os estudos latino-americanos confirmam a dificuldade na definição categorial de quadros com sintomas sem explicação médica. O suposto "traço somatizador" das culturas latinas pode estar associado mais à expressão cultural e linguística do que a um caráter de natureza étnica, e tais particularidades devem estar na agenda na nova classificação destes fenômenos na Classificação Internacional de Doenças-11ª edição.OBJECTIVE: medically unexplained symptoms are common and associated with mental illness in various contexts. Previous studies show that Latin American populations are prone to somatization. Given the reformulation of the International Classification of Diseases towards its 11th edition the peculiarities of the population from this region of the world shall be taken into consideration. The objective of this study is to provide information on somatization in Latin American populations to help the decision making about medically unexplained symptoms diagnostic categories in the 11th edition of the International Classification of Diseases. METHOD: Extensive review of the academic production from 1995 to 2011 on somatization in populations of Latin American origin. RESULTS: The analysis of 106 studies included in this review was divided into 15 categories: systematic reviews, conceptual reviews, prevalence, primary care, depression and anxiety, risk factors, violence, organic conditions, relationship with health care, ethnicity, culture-bound syndromes, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, body dysmorphic disorder, and conversion and dissociation. CONCLUSION: The Latin American studies confirm the difficulty in defining medically unexplained symptoms categories. The supposed "somatizing trace" of Latin cultures may be linked more to cultural and linguistic expression than to an ethnic nature, and these peculiarities must be on the agenda for the new classification of these phenomena in the Classification of Diseases-11th edition

    Las estrategias de intervención pedagógica como un camino hacia la inclusión escolar

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    Esta experiencia de práctica pedagógica se fundamenta desde un interés investigativo llevado a cabo en la Asociación de Padres y Amigos de Niños con Síndrome de Down ASOPANID, donde su objetivo central fue determinar la incidencia de las intervenciones pedagógicas de los (as) maestros (as) en la construcción de escenarios reales de inclusión escolar, en este sentido la investigación se abordó como un estudio comprensivo de corte cualitativo, con metodología etnográfica, con el fin de captar el punto de vista del grupo de maestros y maestras dejando entrever la aplicabilidad y el propósito de las prácticas educativas que por consiguiente, fue la base tenida en cuenta para hacer una lectura del modus vivendi en su cotidianidad, atendiendo desde un carácter exclusivo personas en situación de discapacidad cognitiva leve y moderada; comunidad donde se ha llevado a cabo dicho proceso de atención educativa para develar lo que ha significado la experiencia y precisar con este hallazgo el perfil pedagógico que el maestro de escuela comprensiva requiere en sus práctica