197 research outputs found

    Travel of studies: cities of João Pessoa, Maceio, Natal and Recife: a look on the urban space and brazilian architectural production

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    Ponencia presentada a Session 8: Dimensiones psicosociales de la arquitectura y el urbanismo / Psycological dimensions of architecture and planningThis article aims to present the methodology and the final results of the elective course “Travel of Studies” which belongs to the new pedagogical project from the Architecture and Urbanism course at the University Federal of Pernambuco. It was offered for the first time in 2013.The discipline was organized to occur in four long weekends through visits of four capitals of the Northeast of Brazil: Recife, João Pessoa, Natal and Maceió. The purpose was to allow the students to apprehend the cities through four axis: intervention in historical center (axis 1), production of urban space (axis 2), production of coastline space (axis 3) and contemporary architecture (axis 4). After the four visits were complete, we prepared a poster with the comparison of the cities based on the identification of the similarities and differences of each axis we have studied

    Deaf community's access to the primary health care network

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    Mediante o Decreto 5626/05, os serviços de saúde devem atender diferenciadamente a Comunidade Surda, minoria sociolinguística e cultural, usuária da Língua de Sinais Brasileira (LIBRAS). O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar as peculiaridades do acesso da população surda aos serviços de Atenção Básica e a percepção dos gerentes de unidades de saúde a esse respeito. Quanto aos métodos, o projeto foi realizado em duas etapas: na primeira (a fase exploratória), foram realizadas quatro entrevistas com informantes-chave pertencentes à Comunidade Surda e membros representativos do governo (dois usuários e dois administradores da Secretaria Municipal e Estadual de Saúde de SP); na segunda etapa, aplicou-se um questionário para 21 gerentes de Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS) de uma sub-regional do Município de São Paulo. Os resultados demonstraram dificuldades no acesso às UBS. Os gerentes das UBS demonstram perceber que a rede encontra-se em processo de mudança de paradigmas para a realização desse atendimento, deslocando-se do paradigma dos serviços para o paradigma de suporte, e também apresentam grande interesse por iniciativas relacionadas à área, necessitando de recursos para desenvolvê-las. Dessa forma, há um descompasso entre as determinações jurídicas, as expectativas dos pacientes Surdos e o que se pode oferecer, hoje, nas UBS. Tais fatos nos convidam a refletir sobre o tema, os próprios princípios do SUS e o desenvolvimento social brasileiro.According to the decree 5626/05, the health services must differentially assist the Deaf Community, a sociolinguistic and cultural minority that uses the Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS). The objective of this study is to introduce the particularities of access of the Deaf population to the Primary Health Care services and the perception of the health unit managers about this matter. Regarding methods, the project was carried out in two steps. In the first step (exploratory), four interviews were conducted with key informers who belong to the deaf community and with representative members of the government (two users and two administrators of the State and Municipal Health Departments of São Paulo). In the second step, we administered a questionnaire to 21 managers of Primary Care Units (UBS) of one sub-district of the city of São Paulo. The results demonstrate difficulties in the access to the UBS and were categorized according to profile and causes. The UBS managers seem to realize that the network has been changing paradigms to provide such services, moving from the service paradigm to the support paradigm; in addition, they show great interest in initiatives related to the area, requiring only financial resources to develop them. Thus, there is a disagreement between the legal decisions, the expectations of the deaf community and what can be currently offered by the Health System. Such facts invite us to reflect upon the topic, the principles of SUS (Brazil's National Health System) and the Brazilian social development

    Competencias para la educación para la sostenibilidad: análisis de documentos de política educativa em Portugal

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    O estudo que se apresenta está inserido no projeto TEDS - Teacher Education for Sustainability.  Este é um projeto Erasmus+ e envolve cinco países Europeus: Portugal, França, Lituânia, Finlândia e Malta. O principal objetivo do projeto TEDS é proporcionar aos formadores de professores e professores europeus o conhecimento e as ferramentas necessárias para implementarem nas suas práticas uma educação promotora de sustentabilidade. Dentro deste projeto, um dos objetivos foi compreender o modo como as competências chave de educação para a sustentabilidade estão presentes nos documentos educativos de cada um dos países participantes. Este artigo refere-se à análise realizada aos documentos educativos portugueses. É um estudo qualitativo, que se insere no paradigma interpretativo. É um estudo exploratório, de carácter descritivo-interpretativo e orientado para a identificação e descrição das principais características relacionadas com as competências chave de educação para a sustentabilidade presentes nos documentos oficiais portugueses orientadores do ensino e da aprendizagem. Depois da análise, validação e discussão dos resultados da análise de conteúdo realizada ao corpus, estes parecem indicar que os documentos educativos analisados são compatíveis com as competências chave consideradas no quadro de referência orientador. Todos os documentos apresentam diferentes aspetos das várias competências, evidenciando a sua importância na fundamentação de uma prática educativa promotora de sustentabilidade.   El presente estudio es parte del proyecto TEDS - Teacher Education for Sustainability. Este es un proyecto Erasmus + e involucra a cinco países europeos: Portugal, Francia, Lituania, Finlandia y Malta. El principal objetivo del proyecto TEDS es proporcionar a los formadores de profesores y profesores europeos el conocimiento y las herramientas necesarias para implementar una educación que promueva la sostenibilidad en sus prácticas. Dentro de este proyecto, uno de los objetivos fue comprender cómo las competencias clave en educación para la sostenibilidad están presentes en los documentos educativos de cada uno de los países participantes. Este artículo hace referencia al análisis realizado sobre documentos educativos portugueses. Es un estudio cualitativo, que encaja en el paradigma interpretativo. Se trata de un estudio exploratorio, descriptivo-interpretativo, cuyo objetivo es identificar y describir las principales características relacionadas con las competencias clave en educación para la sostenibilidad presentes en los documentos oficiales portugueses que orientan la enseñanza y el aprendizaje. Tras el análisis, validación y discusión de los resultados del análisis de contenido realizado sobre el corpus, estos parecen indicar que los documentos educativos analizados son compatibles con las competencias clave consideradas en el marco de referencia. Todos los documentos presentan diferentes aspectos de las distintas competencias, destacando su importancia en la base de una práctica educativa que promueva la sostenibilidad.The present study is part of the TEDS - Teacher Education for Sustainability project. This is an Erasmus+ project and involves five European countries: Portugal, France, Lithuania, Finland and Malta. The main aim of the TEDS project is to provide   European teacher educators and   teachers with the knowledge and tools necessary to implement an education that promotes sustainability in their practices. Within this project, one of the objectives was to understand how key competences in education for sustainability are present in the educational documents of each of the participating countries. This article refers to the analysis carried out on Portuguese educational documents. It is a qualitative study framed on the interpretive paradigm. It is an exploratory, descriptive-interpretive study aimed at identifying and describing the main characteristics related to the key competences in education for sustainability present in the official Portuguese documents that guide teaching and learning. After the analysis, validation and discussion of the results of the content analysis carried out on the corpus, these seem to indicate that the educational documents analyzed are compatible with the key competences considered in the guiding reference framework. All documents present different aspects of the various competences, highlighting their importance in the foundation of an educational practice that promotes sustainability

    Water and methanolic extracts of Salvia officinalis protect HepG2 cells from t-BHP induced oxidative damage

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    Common sage (Salvia officinalis L., Lamiaceae) is an aromatic and medicinal plant well known for its antioxidant properties. Some in vivo studies have shown the biological antioxidant effects of sage. However, the intracellular antioxidant mechanisms of action are still poorly understood. In this study, we evaluated the cytoprotective effects of two sage extracts (a water and a methanolic extract) against tert-butyl hydroperoxide (t-BHP)-induced toxicity in HepG2 cells. The most abundant phenolic compounds present in the extracts were rosmarinic acid and luteolin-7-glucoside. Both extracts, when co-incubated with the toxicant, protected significantly HepG2 cells against cell death. The methanolic extract, with a higher content of phenolic compounds than the water extract, conferred better protection in this in vitro model of oxidative stress with liver cells. Both extracts, tested in a concentration that protects 80% against cell death (IC80), significantly prevented t-BHP-induced lipid peroxidation and GSH depletion, but not DNA damage assessed by the comet assay. The ability of sage extracts to reduce t-BHP-induced GSH depletion by 62% was probably the most relevant contributor to the observed cytoprotection. A good correlation between the above cellular effects of sage and the effects of their main phenolic compounds was found. When incubated alone for 5 h, sage extracts induced an increase in basal GSH levels of HepG2 cells, which indicates an improvement of the antioxidant potential of the cells. Compounds present in sage extracts other than phenolics may also contribute to this latter effect. Based in these results, it would be of interest to investigate whether sage has protective effects in suitable in vivo models of liver diseases, where it is known that oxidative stress is involved.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - SFRH/BD/6942/2001, POCI/AGR/62040/200

    Minimal clinically important difference using one-repetition maximum in COPD

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    Peripheral muscle strength training is a key component of pulmonary rehabilitation (PR). However, the clinical interpretability of changes in muscle strength following PR is limited due to the lack of cut-off values to define clinical improvement. This study estimated the minimal clinically important difference (MCID) for leg extension (LE-MS) and chest press (CP-MS) muscle strength using one-repetition maximum (1-RM) in patients with COPD. 51 patients (44♂; 69.2±7.2yrs; FEV149.4±19.2%predicted) were included. 1-RM was measured on a multigym (BH Fitness G112X). The 6-minute walk test (6MWT) and the modified Medical Research Council (mMRC) dyspnoea scale were used as anchors. All measures were assessed pre/post 12-weeks of PR. MCID were calculated using anchor- and distribution-based methods. Pooled values were obtained using Meta XL with a quality effects model weighting 2/3 for anchor and 1/3 for distribution-based methods. Significant correlations were only found between the LE-MS and the 6MWT (r=.309; p=.028). The pooled of the anchor- and distribution-based methods resulted in a MCID of 5.14kg for LE-MS and 6.25kg for CP-MS (Fig. 1).Improvements of approximately 5 and 6kg in LE-MS and CP-MS, respectively, were identified as clinically relevant. Only distribution-based methods could be used to compute the MCID for CP-MS, which could have overestimated this value. Studies with larger samples are needed to consolidate these results.publishe

    Socio-environmental vulnerability and early childhood caring: the approach of occupational therapy for the daycare work

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    Education and care are articulated on early childhood and are understood as complementary to family care. Caring, educating and preventing risks of children’s development are all part of Occupational Therapy’s scope and are essential aspects of the early childhood care. This study observed vulnerabilities of the territory and the development in the process of healthcare in an educational environment. As a qualitative study, semi-structured interviews with families and daycare professionals were used, and observations of children in the daycare center. It was observed that the structural changes present in the region are related to poor health and hygiene conditions, which put the territory, the daycare center and the local population in a situation of vulnerability; the daycare center is seen as a place that lessens the risks for children; regarding the families, the daycare center appears as a support against the difficulties found in childcare; intersectional actions are fragile, and the daycare centers can’t find a support network in the healthcare system or in social assistance, in the sense of strengthening partnerships and concrete actions. On a complex perspective, the intersectionality has been a powerful tool to face situations of social vulnerability and for early childhood care.Educação e cuidado articulam-se na primeira infância e são concebidos como complementares aos cuidados da família. Para a Terapia Ocupacional cuidar, educar e prevenir os riscos de desenvolvimento infantil faz parte de sua ação e são aspectos essenciais de atenção na primeira infância. Esse estudo verificou a situação de vulnerabilidade do território e os desdobramentos no processo de cuidado em saúde no âmbito educacional. Estudo qualitativo utilizou entrevistas semi-estruturadas com profissionais e familiares e observações com crianças na creche. Observou-se que as alterações estruturais presentes na região são aliadas a pouca saúde, condições precárias de higiene e colocam o território, creche e moradores em situação de vulnerabilidade; creche é vista como o lugar que ameniza os riscos para as crianças; em relação às famílias surge a fragilidade das redes de cuidado e a creche surge como lugar de apoio às dificuldades encontradas no cuidado com a criança; ações intersetoriais frágeis e a creche não encontra uma rede de apoio na saúde e assistência social no sentido de fortalecer parcerias e ações concretas. Destaca-se que frente a um panorama complexo, a intersetorialidade tem sido ferramenta potente para enfrentar situações de vulnerabilidade social e para o cuidado da primeira infância