840 research outputs found

    An assessment of Brazilian conservation units – a second look

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    This is a second overview of the Brazilian conservation unit system for mid-2010. It updates author et al, 2009. It examines six dimensions of federal and state protected areas – age, numbers, types of units, absolute and average sizes, distribution by states and biomes, and degree of compliance with CBD-inspired goals. Major findings: (i) the system maintained a rapid growth rate; (ii) national parks and national forests are the most prominent units; (iii) distribution of units by region and biome remains unbalanced; (iv) state units grew remarkably over the last five years; (v) state units are biased towards sustainable use; (vi) sustainable use units grew more than fully protected units; (vii) Amazonia remains the most extensively protected biome; and (viii) quantitative goals of biome protection are closer to being reached. In 2010 Brazil held the fourth position globally in protected areas; it created the largest number of units between 2000 and 2010; it has the largest combined area of protected tropical formations. However, several regions and biomes remain under protected.

    O cuidado da natureza: a Fundação Brasileira para a Conservação da Natureza e a experiência conservacionista no Brasil: 1958-1992

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    The text examines the Fundação Brasileira para a Conservação da Natureza (FBCN, Brazilian Foundation for Nature Conservation), created in 1958, Brazil’s most important and influential environmental organization for many years. It considers the national and international context of conservation ideas in which the organization was born and evolved. Its general strategies and major accomplishments are discussed. Also present is a brief evaluation of the attacks that the organization suffered from younger organizations of the Brazilian environmental movement. The conclusion is that the inclusion of more radical social goals in contemporary environmental concerns does not override the importance of the strict defense of biodiversity against its most powerful enemy, the expansion of human productive activities.O texto reflete sobre a trajetória da Fundação Brasileira para a Conservação da Natureza (FBCN), fundada em 1958, que por muitos anos foi a mais importante e influente ONG conservacionista do Brasil. Examina o contexto nacional e internacional de idéias em que ela surgiu e evoluiu e as suas principais estratégias de atuação. Discute os feitos da entidade e avalia brevemente os fundamentos dos ataques que ela sofreu de correntes mais novas do movimento ambientalista. Conclui que a inclusão de preocupações mais radicalmente sociais nas preocupações ambientalistas recentes não desqualifica a preocupação com a defesa estrita da biodiversidade contra a ameaça mais séria que ela sofre, que é a expansão das atividades produtivas humanas

    Nature Protection: the FBCN and Conservation Initiatives in Brazil, 1958-1992

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    The text evaluates the trajectory of the Fundação Brasileira para a Conservação da Natureza (FBCN, Brazilian Foundation for Nature Conservation). Created in 1958, for about 30 years it was Brazil’s most important non-governmental environmental organization. The text examines its conservation-oriented goals, general strategies, national and international partners, and major hands-on projects and accomplishments. National and international contexts of conservation ideas, science and policies are also considered. Findings show that the FBCN intervened strongly in many inter-related conservation initiatives, working alone or associated with other NGOs, government agencies and businesses. The organization’s decline was associated with the transition to the democratic order that followed a 21-year military dictatorship and with the expanded interest of Brazilians in environmental issues. This allowed the emergence of numerous environmental organizations that eclipsed FBCN. Major sources used are FBCN publications, archival materials and reports, interviews given by its leaders and analytical studies about the organization

    Frederico Carlos Hoehne: a voyage to Araucaria’s land

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    The text is based on the travel notes written by the Brazilian botanist Frederico Carlos Hoehne (1882-1959) after a field trip made in 1928 to the Southern states of Paraná and Santa Catarina and on a later report of his (written in 1951) about reforestation and maintenance of habitats. It discusses his reflections and perspectives about the protection of nature and the “rational” use of natural resources. Hoehne was a pioneer among 20th-century Brazilian scientists in the subject of nature protection. His research and writings aided in the emergence of an early streak of environmental awareness in Brazil, in the 1930s and 1940s. His approach combined science and aesthetic arguments and was based on the assumption that nature should play an important role in the construction of the Brazilian national identity.O texto examina o pensamento do botânico brasileiro Frederico Carlos Hoehne (1882-1959) no que diz respeito à proteção da natureza e ao uso “racional” dos recursos naturais, usando como bases o seu relato sobre uma viagem de campo realizada em 1928 aos estados do Paraná e Santa Catarina e um texto posterior (de 1951) de sua autoria sobre reflorestamento e manutenção de habitats. Hoehne foi um pioneiro no tema entre os cientistas brasileiros do século XX e contribuiu para a emergência de umaconsciência ambientalista no Brasil. A sua abordagem combinava argumentos científicos com apelos estéticos e difundia a percepção de que a natureza deveria desempenhar um papel importante na constituição da identidade nacional brasileira

    Nature Protection: the FBCN and Conservation Initiatives in Brazil, 1958-1992

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    The text evaluates the trajectory of the Fundação Brasileira para a Conservação da Natureza (FBCN, Brazilian Foundation for Nature Conservation). Created in 1958, for about 30 years it was Brazil’s most important non-governmental environmental organization. The text examines its conservation-oriented goals, general strategies, national and international partners, and major hands-on projects and accomplishments. National and international contexts of conservation ideas, science and policies are also considered. Findings show that the FBCN intervened strongly in many inter-related conservation initiatives, working alone or associated with other NGOs, government agencies and businesses. The organization’s decline was associated with the transition to the democratic order that followed a 21-year military dictatorship and with the expanded interest of Brazilians in environmental issues. This allowed the emergence of numerous environmental organizations that eclipsed FBCN. Major sources used are FBCN publications, archival materials and reports, interviews given by its leaders and analytical studies about the organization.The text evaluates the trajectory of the Fundação Brasileira para a Conservação da Natureza (FBCN, Brazilian Foundation for Nature Conservation). Created in 1958, for about 30 years it was Brazil’s most important non-governmental environmental organization. The text examines its conservation-oriented goals, general strategies, national and international partners, and major hands-on projects and accomplishments. National and international contexts of conservation ideas, science and policies are also considered. Findings show that the FBCN intervened strongly in many inter-related conservation initiatives, working alone or associated with other NGOs, government agencies and businesses. The organization’s decline was associated with the transition to the democratic order that followed a 21-year military dictatorship and with the expanded interest of Brazilians in environmental issues. This allowed the emergence of numerous environmental organizations that eclipsed FBCN. Major sources used are FBCN publications, archival materials and reports, interviews given by its leaders and analytical studies about the organization.O texto avalia a trajetória da Fundação Brasileira para a Conservação da Natureza (FBCN). Criada em 1958, ela foi por quase 30 anos a mais importante ONG ambiental brasileira. O texto examina as suas metas conservacionistas estratégias gerais, parceiros nacionais e internacionais, e os principais projetos executivos. São levados em conta os contextos nacional e internacional de ideias, ciência e políticas conservacionistas. Os achados mostram que a FBCN atuou com destaque em muitas ações conservacionistas, isoladamente ou em parceria com outras ONGs, órgãos governamentais e empresas. O declínio da importância da FBCN esteve associado à transição para a democracia que se seguiu a 21 anos de ditadura militar e à consequente ampliação da participação dos brasileiros nas discussões sobre as questões ambientais. Isso propiciou a emergência de numerosas organizações ambientalistas que eclipsaram a FBCN. As principais fontes usadas foram publicações da FBCN, materiais de arquivo, entrevistas com os líderes da FBCN e estudos analíticos sobre a entidade

    Potting mix and phosphate fertilization for production of rooted Cocoa cuttings

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    Para avaliar o efeito de substratos e da adubação fosfatada sobre a produção de mudas de cacaueiro, bem como definir doses recomendáveis e nível crítico foliar de P, fez-se um experimento fatorial 5 x 5 + 1: cinco substratos (misturas de fibra de coco (FC) e Plantmax florestal estaca®), cinco doses de P no plantio (de 0 a 800 mg dm-3) e um tratamento adicional (P aplicado aos 30 dias). As parcelas iniciais e úteis continham, respectivamente, 27 estacas e 12 mudas (uma estaca/muda por tubete). A partir do 62º dia, aplicaram-se adubações semanais com N e K, e aos 120 dias, com P (20 mg dm-3), em todos os tratamentos. Aos 150 dias foram avaliados: diâmetro, altura, área foliar, massa de matéria seca da parte aérea e das raízes (finas e grossas), concentração e conteúdo de nutrientes na planta. A mortalidade das mudas não foi influenciada pelos tratamentos. A adubação com P em cobertura aumentou sua disponibilidade e sua absorção, mas não o crescimento das mudas. As variáveis biométricas e nutricionais responderam aos tratamentos, sendo os melhores resultados obtidos com 30 a 55 % de FC e doses de P entre 136 e 275 mg dm-3. O nível crítico foliar de P foi de 1,75 g kg-1.The effect of potting mix and phosphate fertilization on the production of rooted cocoa tree cuttings was evaluated and recommended rates and critical foliar P levels were determined based on a factorial 5 x 5 + 1 experiment: five potting medium (coconut fiber CF and Plantmax® mix), five P rates at planting (0 to 800 mg dm-3) and an additional P treatment (applied on the 30th day). Each plot contained 27 cuttings, of which 12 rooted cuttings were evaluated. From the 62nd day onwards, N and K fertilization was weekly applied as well as a P fertilization on the 120th day (20 mg dm-3), to all treatments. The diameter, height, leaf area, shoot and root (fine and thick) dry matter, nutrient concentration and content in plants were evaluated on the150th day. Cutting mortality was not influenced by the treatments. Phosphorus top dressing increased P assimilation and absorption, but not the growth of the rooted cuttings. The biometric and nutrition variables responded to treatments; best results were obtained with 3055 % of CF and P rates between 136 and 275 mg dm-3. The foliar critical level of P was 1.75 g kg-1

    Frederico Carlos Hoehne : a atualidade de um pioneiro no campo da proteção à natureza do Brasil

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    O texto examina o pensamento do botânico Frederico Carlos Hoehne (1882-1959) sobre a proteção da natureza. Argumenta-se que Hoehne foi um pioneiro no tema entre os cientistas brasileiros do século XX. Contribuiu para a emergência de uma consciência ambientalista no Brasil, atuando como cientista, escritor e dirigente de instituições científicas. A sua abordagem combinava a ciência com argumentos estéticos e de identidade nacional. Aponta-se ainda que o seu pensamento, em grande parte esquecido, merece ser recuperado e examinado com mais atenção.The text examines the writings of the Brazilian botanist Frederico Carlos Hoehne (1882-1959) about the protection of nature. It argues that Hoehne was a pioneer on the topic among Brazilian scientists. In his work as a scientist, writer and director of research institutes, he contributed to the emergence of an environmental consciousness in Brazil. His approach mixed scientific arguments with esthetics and with appeals related to national identity. It sustains that his mostly forgotten ideas are worth retrieving and examining with attention

    Alberto José Sampaio : a Brazilian botanist and his nature protection program

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    O texto discorre sobre a obra científica e as proposições de proteção à natureza do botânico brasileiro Alberto José Sampaio (1881- 1946), um dos maiores conhecedores da flora brasileira e um dos pioneiros do conservacionismo no país. Analisa diversos pontos de sua trajetória de cientista, ativista e professor. A atenção recai especialmente sobre as suas três principais produções literárias, publicadas entre 1926 e 1935, nas quais focaliza a distribuição geográfica dos conjuntos de vegetação do Brasil e propõe diversos programas de aproveitamento racional e de preservação dos recursos naturais brasileiros. Mostra-se que as suas idéias estavam influenciadas pelos ideais de um estado forte capaz de construir uma nova identidade nacional, com base na riqueza da natureza brasileira. A conclusão é que as idéias de Sampaio foram avançadas para a sua época e que elas conservam grande parte de sua atualidade, mesmo depois de décadas de prevalência de uma ideologia desenvolvimentista em que ele e diversos cientistas naturais conservacionistas seus contemporâneos foram quase inteiramente esquecidos.The text discusses the scientific output and the proposals for nature protection by the Brazilian botanist Alberto José Sampaio (1881- 1946), one of Brazil.s leading plant scientists and one of the country.s pioneer conservationists. Several aspects of his trajectory as a scientist, activist and teacher are examined. The emphasis falls on his three major books, published between 1926 and 1935, in which he writes about the geographic distribution of Brazil's vegetational forms and presents many proposals in favor of the rational use and preservation of the country.s natural resources. It is shown that his proposals were influenced by the concept of the need of a strong State that could build a new national identity, based on Brazilian nature. The text concludes that Sampaio.s ideas were quite advanced for his times and that many of them are still relevant to current environmental issues, even after decades of prevalence of a strong developmentalist ideology in which his ideas and those of his contemporary scientific colleagues were almost totally forgotten

    A retrospective analysis of oral and maxillofacial pathology in a pediatric population from Rio de Janeiro?Brazil over a 75-year period

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the distribution of oral and maxillofacial lesions affecting children and adolescents patients from a single oral pathology laboratory from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Oral and maxillofacial lesions biopsied in patients younger than 19-years were retrieved from the oral pathology files of the Department of Oral Diagnosis and Pathology, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro over a 75-year period (1942-2017). The clinical data and the diagnoses of each case were included in a Microsoft Excel® database, being classified into 13 categories according to the etiology. A descriptive analysis of the variables age, gender and final diagnosis was made. From 19.095 lesions diagnosed in this period, 2408 (12.61%) were from patients aged 0 to19 years, with a higher incidence in females in the second decade. Salivary gland pathology was the most common group of lesions (24.30%), followed by reactive lesions (16.82%) and odontogenic cysts (14.66%). Mucocele was the most common lesion (21.72%), followed by dentigerous cyst (6.48%) and fibrous hyperplasia (6.44%). Malignant lesions were observed in 1.12% of all cases with Burkitt lymphoma as the most frequent. Our results were similar to previous studies and knowledge of these data may contribute to the understanding of oral lesions that most commonly affects children