1,442 research outputs found

    Joint interpretation of AER/FGF and ZPA/SHH over time and space underlies hairy2 expression in the chick limb

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    Embryo development requires precise orchestration of cell proliferation and differentiation in both time and space. A molecular clock operating through gene expression oscillations was first described in the presomitic mesoderm (PSM) underlying periodic somite formation. Cycles of HES gene expression have been further identified in other progenitor cells, including the chick distal limb mesenchyme, embryonic neural progenitors and both mesenchymal and embryonic stem cells. In the limb, hairy2 is expressed in the distal mesenchyme, adjacent to the FGF source (AER) and along the ZPA-derived SHH gradient, the two major regulators of limb development. Here we report that hairy2 expression depends on joint AER/FGF and ZPA/SHH signaling. FGF plays an instructive role on hairy2, mediated by Erk and Akt pathway activation, while SHH acts by creating a permissive state defined by Gli3-A/Gli3-R>1. Moreover, we show that AER/FGF and ZPA/SHH present distinct temporal and spatial signaling properties in the distal limb mesenchyme: SHH acts at a long-term, long-range on hairy2, while FGF has a shortterm, short-range action. Our work establishes limb hairy2 expression as an output of integrated FGF and SHH signaling in time and space, providing novel clues for understanding the regulatory mechanisms underlying HES oscillations in multiple systems, including embryonic stem cell pluripotency. (C) 2012. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.FCT, Portugal [SFRH/BD/33176/2007]; Ciencia2007 Program Contract (Portuguese Government); IBB/CBME, LA; FCT, Portugal (National and FEDER COMPETE Program funds) [PTDC/SAU-OBD/099758/2008, PTDC/SAU-OBD/105111/2008]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Limb patterning: from signaling gradients to molecular oscillations

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    The developing forelimb is patterned along the proximal-distal and anterior-posterior axes by opposing gradients of retinoic acid and fibroblast growth factors and by graded sonic hedgehog signaling, respectively. However, how coordinated patterning along both axes is accomplished with temporal precision remains unknown. The limb molecular oscillator hairy2 was recently shown to be a direct readout of the combined signaling activities of retinoic acid, fibroblast growth factor and sonic hedgehog in the limb mesenchyme. Herein, an integrated time-space model is presented to conciliate the progress zone and two-signal models for limb patterning. We propose that the limb clock may allow temporal information to be decoded into positional information when the distance between opposing signaling gradients is no longer sufficient to provide distinct cell fate specification.C.J.S. was supported by Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, Portugal (grant SFRH/BPD/89493/2012); R.P.A. is funded by Ciencia 2007 Program Contract (Portuguese Government) and Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (ON.2) NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000017. This work was supported by research grants from Institute for Biotechnology and Bioengineering/Centro de Biomedicina Molecular e Estrutural, LA (to I.P.), by the national Portuguese funding through Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (National and FEDER COMPETE Program funds: PTDC/SAU-OBD/099758/2008 and PTDC/SAU-BID/121459/2010 to I.P. and R.P.A., respectively) and by PEst-OE/EQB/LA0023/2011

    Chick Hairy1 protein interacts with Sap18, a component of the Sin3/HDAC transcriptional repressor complex

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The vertebrate adult axial skeleton, trunk and limb skeletal muscles and dermis of the back all arise from early embryonic structures called somites. Somites are symmetrically positioned flanking the embryo axial structures (neural tube and notochord) and are periodically formed in a anterior-posterior direction from the presomitic mesoderm. The time required to form a somite pair is constant and species-specific. This extraordinary periodicity is proposed to depend on an underlying somitogenesis molecular clock, firstly evidenced by the cyclic expression of the chick <it>hairy1 </it>gene in the unsegmented presomitic mesoderm with a 90 min periodicity, corresponding to the time required to form a somite pair in the chick embryo. The number of <it>hairy1 </it>oscillations at any given moment is proposed to provide the cell with both temporal and positional information along the embryo's anterior-posterior axis. Nevertheless, how this is accomplished and what biological processes are involved is still unknown. Aiming at understanding the molecular events triggered by the somitogenesis clock Hairy1 protein, we have employed the yeast two-hybrid system to identify Hairy1 interaction partners.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Sap18, an adaptor molecule of the Sin3/HDAC transcriptional repressor complex, was found to interact with the C-terminal portion of the Hairy1 protein in a yeast two-hybrid assay and the Hairy1/Sap18 interaction was independently confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation experiments. We have characterized the expression patterns of both <it>sap18 </it>and <it>sin3a </it>genes during chick embryo development, using <it>in situ </it>hybridization experiments. We found that both <it>sap18 </it>and s<it>in3a </it>expression patterns co-localize <it>in vivo </it>with <it>hairy1 </it>expression domains in chick rostral presomitic mesoderm and caudal region of somites.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Hairy1 belongs to the hairy-enhancer-of-split family of transcriptional repressor proteins. Our results indicate that during chick somitogenesis Hairy1 may mediate gene transcriptional repression by recruiting the Sin3/HDAC complex, through a direct interaction with the Sap18 adaptor molecule. Moreover, since <it>sap18 </it>and <it>sin3a </it>are not expressed in the PSM territory where <it>hairy1 </it>presents cyclic expression, our study strongly points to different roles for Hairy1 throughout the PSM and in the prospective somite and caudal region of already formed somites.</p

    Characterization of secondary deposits of columbite-tantalite minerals found in the city of Rorainópolis (RR), Brazil

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    Many of the studies about mineral deposits are bringing great information to the scientific community, providing, for example, general characteristics of these deposits, possible source areas and its used in some cases as prospective tools to help in geological mapping. In this way, this study aimed to characterize the alluvial secondary deposits of columbite-tantalite that were found near vicinal 12, about 50km north/northeast of Rorainópolis city, between the BR-174 and BR-210 roads, in the state of Roraima (Brazil), bases on 4 samples that were brought by a resident of the region. To fulfill these objectives, some chemical and mineralogical methods were performed, like: magnetic separation, X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence and petrographic description. The deposits of the region end up being characterized by having a large amount of Fe and Ti (mostly), containing in some places also a large concentration of Niobium and Tantalum. Not all samples have columbite-tantalite, showing that their concentration in some areas of the deposit is quite low. There are samples with less than 1% Nb and Ta and also samples with more than 20% Nb and 6% Ta concentration. These minerals were poorly transported, being identified by the degree of roundness and granulometry of the samples. A weathering cap on some minerals could also be verified. This research work turned out to be relevant, as it provides new data that add to the knowledge of the mineral potential, which has not been fully explored yet

    A utilização da DFC – Demonstração de Fluxo de Caixa para o controle financeiro em uma propriedade rural em Chupinguaia - RO

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado ao Departamento Acadêmico de Ciências Contábeis da Fundação Universidade Federal de Rondônia, Campus Vilhena, para obtenção do título de Bacharel em Ciências Contábeis. Orientador: Prof. Me. Elder Gomes Ramos .O agronegócio é uma atividade econômica que contribuiu, em plena crise, para o fortalecimento da estrutura econômica nacional. Porém, assim como qualquer setor da economia, para conseguir manter destaques positivos é necessário obter controles e informações precisas e confiáveis. Assim, este trabalho aborda sobre como a utilização da Demonstração de Fluxo de Caixa auxilia um gestor de uma empresa rural no seu controle financeiro, as atividades são segmentadas em três grandes grupos de atividade: operacional, investimento e financiamento, essa divisão proporciona ao gestor uma clareza de informações acerca do seu controle financeiro auxiliando no processo de tomada de decisão

    Implantação de sistema de controles internos na SANEPAR

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    Orientador : Michael Dias CorrêaProjeto técnico (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas. Curso de Especialização em Gestão de Organizações PúblicasInclui referênciasResumo :O presente projeto técnico tem como objetivo principal apresentar uma alternativa de implantação de sistema de controles internos, com o tratamento dos seis riscos estratégicos priorizados identificados na Companhia de Saneamento do Paraná - SANEPAR. O método utilizado foi pesquisa exploratória e investigação bibliográfica e documental, os resultados demonstram que a proposta vem de encontro com as necessidades e objetivos estratégicos da organização, contando com a colaboração da Gerência de Governança, Riscos e Compliance para o desenvolvimento e estruturação deste projeto técnico. Os dados e informações coletados apresentam uma proposta da própria gerência, sendo adaptada para este projeto técnico. A governança corporativa vem sendo um pilar de fundamental importância na companhia e este projeto conclui que a estruturação de um sistema de controles internos na Sanepar contribuirá para a consolidação do setor e eficiência e eficácia dos processos


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    A gravidez na adolescência é, na maioria das vezes, encarada de forma negativa por setratar de um fenômeno complexo que favorece ao surgimento de problemas na saúde materna efetal, uma vez que diversos riscos biológicos e sociais estão associados (KUDLOWIEZ, 2014)


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    A gravidez na adolescência carrega consigo além de potenciais repercussões, no plano existencial, repercussões no plano biológico-social, de maior concentração de agravos à saúde materna, bem como de complicações perinatais. No mundo, cerca de um quarto das mulheres têm seu primeiro filho antes de completar 20 anos de idade, com taxas ainda mais elevadas em países subdesenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento (GOLDENBERG et al., 2005; IBGE, 2010; MARTINS et al., 2011).Inúmeros aspectos caracterizam a gestação nesta fase como risco, como o difícil acesso aos serviços de saúde, o baixo nível socioeconômico, comportamentos de risco, hábitos e nutrição inadequada, demonstrando a necessidade de controle dos fatores associados à evolução e ao desfecho da gestação e condições de saúde materno-infantil (SANTOS et al., 2014).Este estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar o perfil das gestantes adolescentes segundo a frequência ao pré-natal e à idade gestacional no momento do parto, como objetivos específicos analisar as características sociodemográficas, do pré-natal e de nascidos vivos de mães adolescentes e avaliar a possível associação entre a gravidez de adolescentes e a ocorrência de nascidos vivos prematuros.Considerando que a maternidade precoce é um tema de grande relevância, é importante o desenvolvimento de estratégia para intensificar as ações educativas, em particular, sobre a sexualidade e saúde reprodutiva. Os profissionais de saúde devem se qualificar para oferecer à atenção de qualidade no pré-natal desenvolvendo estratégias de incentivo para as mães adolescentes darem continuidade ao acompanhamento