13 research outputs found


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    Este trabajo se centra en el imaginario creativo y la evaluaci贸n ciudadana de la campa帽a presidencial y el posterior聽 gobierno de Salvador Allende. Para ello, considera dos fuentes: por un lado, la caricatura pol铆tica publicada durante esos a帽os y, por otro lado, las encuestas de opini贸n p煤blica realizadas en la 茅poca por Eduardo Hamuy. De esta manera, se revisan algunas de las caricaturas que plasmaron la opini贸n de los partidarios y de los contrarios a Allende y se contrastan con la opini贸n de la ciudadan铆a evaluada a trav茅s de las encuestas. Adem谩s de la perspectiva hist贸rica, se eval煤an ambos tipos de fuentes desde las funciones postuladas para el humor pol铆tico a nivel psico-sociol贸gico. Considerando que la naturaleza de este ejercicio puede producir sesgos y ciertamente implica limitaciones en el an谩lisis, se concluye que la caricatura pol铆tica fue capaz de capturar el sentir social mayoritario

    Measurement of Affect Regulation Styles (MARS) expanded

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    Se presenta una versi贸n de la Measure of Affect Regulation Styles (MARS) ampliada, aplicada a episodios emocionales de ira y tristeza en una muestra de 355 estudiantes de licenciatura de Chile, Espa帽a y M茅xico. El estudio examin贸 la asociaci贸n entre formas de regulaci贸n afectiva con la adaptaci贸n en estos episodios y con medidas disposicionales de afrontamiento, de regulaci贸n emocional y bienestar psicol贸gico. Se confirm贸 que las estrategias de regulaci贸n emocional efectivas en cuanto a la mejora percibida de metas adaptativas son el afrontamiento instrumental, la b煤squeda de apoyo, la reevaluaci贸n, la distracci贸n, la rumiaci贸n, autoreconfortarse, el autocontrol y la expresi贸n regulada; mientras que las disfuncionales fueron la supresi贸n de la expresi贸n y la inhibici贸n. Se encontraron asociaciones positivas entre las estrategias adaptativas y el bienestar, la reevaluaci贸n y uso del humor como forma de afrontar el estr茅s, as铆 como negativas con la supresi贸n y alexitimia. Las estrategias inadaptativas mostraron el perfil opuesto. En la ira, emoci贸n de aproximaci贸n, se hace congruentemente un mayor uso de la confrontaci贸n, el afrontamiento directo y tanto del apoyo como del aislamiento socialAn expanded Spanish version of the Measure of Affect Regulation Styles (MARS), was applied to episodes of anger and sadness, in a sample of 355 graduate students from Chile, Spain, and Mexico. The study examines the association between affective regulation, adaptation to episodes and dispositional coping and emotional regulation, and psychological well-being. With regard to perceived improvement of adaptive goals, the following adaptive affect regulation strategies were confi rmed: Instrumental coping, seeking social support, positive reappraisal, distraction, rumination, self-comfort, self-control, and emotional expression were functional; whereas inhibition and suppression were dysfunctional. Adaptive strategies were positively associated with psychological well-being, reappraisal and humor as a coping strategy. Negative associations were found between adaptive strategies and suppression and alexithymia. Maladaptive strategies show the opposite profi le. Confrontation, instrumental coping, social support as well as social isolation were more frequently found in anger, an approach emotionEste estudio se ha podido realizar gracias a la beca PSI2011-26315 y a la UFI 11/0

    An谩lisis de la vi帽eta c贸mica y la opini贸n ciudadana sobre Salvador Allende durante su candidatura y gobierno

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    This work focuses on the creative imagery and citizen evaluation of the presidential campaign and the subsequent government of Salvador Allende. In order to do this, two sources are considered: on the one hand, political cartoons published during those years and, on the other hand, the public opinion surveys carried out at the time by Eduardo Hamuy. In this way, some of the cartoons that captured the opinion of supporters and opponents of Allende are reviewed and contrasted with the opinion that was assesed with those surveys. In addition to the historical perspective, both types of sources are evaluated considering the theoretically proposed social functions of political humor at the psycho-sociological level. Considering that the nature of this exercise can produce biases and certainly implies limitations, it is concluded that the political cartoon was able to capture the majority social sentiment.Este trabajo se centra en el imaginario creativo y la evaluaci贸n ciudadana de la campa帽a presidencial y el posterior聽 gobierno de Salvador Allende. Para ello, considera dos fuentes: por un lado, la caricatura pol铆tica publicada durante esos a帽os y, por otro lado, las encuestas de opini贸n p煤blica realizadas en la 茅poca por Eduardo Hamuy. De esta manera, se revisan algunas de las caricaturas que plasmaron la opini贸n de los partidarios y de los contrarios a Allende y se contrastan con la opini贸n de la ciudadan铆a evaluada a trav茅s de las encuestas. Adem谩s de la perspectiva hist贸rica, se eval煤an ambos tipos de fuentes desde las funciones postuladas para el humor pol铆tico a nivel psico-sociol贸gico. Considerando que la naturaleza de este ejercicio puede producir sesgos y ciertamente implica limitaciones en el an谩lisis, se concluye que la caricatura pol铆tica fue capaz de capturar el sentir social mayoritario

    Investigaci贸n comparativa sobre las evaluaciones de estudiantes universitarios frente a dos modelos de E-Learning

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    This article summarizes the outcomes from a research carried out by a Chilean university aimed to compare the evaluations two groups of students made on two different e-learning models. These models differ in multiple factors. However both are explained, as well as the theoretical review leading to the creation of an instrument to assess such factors. Results show that when comparing the evaluations of the different factors of the two e-learning models, learners from the newly implemented e-learning model have a significantly higher evaluation of the relevant system than those who studied under the previous model. Finally, the implications of these results are discussed.Este art铆culo resume los resultados de una investigaci贸n realizada en una universidad chilena, cuyo fin fue comparar las evaluaciones de dos grupos de estudiantes frente a dos modelos de e-learning. Ambos se diferencian respecto a m煤ltiples factores. Se explican los modelos, as铆 como tambi茅n la revisi贸n te贸rica que llev贸 a la creaci贸n del instrumento para evaluar dichos factores. Se presentan luego los resultados, destacando que al comparar las evaluaciones de los diferentes factores de los dos modelos de e-learning, los alumnos que siguieron estudios a trav茅s de la modalidad recientemente implementada tienen una evaluaci贸n significativamente m谩s alta del respectivo sistema, que aquellos que estudiaron bajo la modalidad anterior. Finalmente se discuten las implicancias de estos resultados

    Exposure to Political Disparagement Humor and Its Impact on Trust in Politicians: How Long Does It Last?

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    The experimental research that looks into the effects of political humor on an individual鈥檚 attitudes toward politics and politicians does not evaluate its long-term effects. With this in mind, this study aims to determine the possible effects that being exposed to humor which belittles politicians may have on an ordinary citizen鈥檚 trust in them, while at the same time it observes the possible effects that such exposure has on them and the time such effects last. Two hypotheses were tested. The first one was that humor involves less cognitive elaboration, which leads to a short-term impact on the perception of the individual. The second one was that the repetition of a message can augment the swing of such message. Also, a series of elements regarding disposition toward politicians and political affiliation were considered. Two experiments were designed. The first experiment, (N = 94), considered three groups: one exposed to political disparagement humor; one control group exposed to disparagement humor against non-politician subjects; and a control group exposed to a non-humorous political video. Trust in politicians was evaluated first at baseline, then immediately after the experimental manipulation, and once again a week after the experimental manipulation had happened. In the second experiment (N = 146), participants were randomly assigned to one experimental and two control groups. The trust in politicians of the three groups was estimated and they were sent political cartoons, non-political cartoons, and newspaper headlines regarding political topics twice a day for a week via WhatsApp. Trust in politicians among the three groups was assessed again after 1 week, and for a third time 1 week after that. As a result, it was observed that a one-off exposure to political disparagement humor affects trust in politicians negatively; however, the effect it attains is short-lived and can be explained through the political content of the item and not only humor. Also, being exposed to cartoons constantly for a week had no impact whatsoever on the way politics and politicians were perceived during the time the experiment was carried out. Possible explanations for these findings are discussed

    Revisiting the Link between Job Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction: The Role of Basic Psychological Needs

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    The link between job satisfaction and life satisfaction has been extensively explored in the relevant literature. However, the great majority of past research has been carried out using cross-sectional analyses, and almost exclusively in the Western world. Moreover, the underlying psychological mechanisms explaining the link are not yet completely understood. Thus, we report the first research to date which uses both cross-sectional and longitudinal data among workers in Chile鈥攁 fast-developing Latin American economy鈥攁nd which aims to tackle previous limitations. Three studies consistently support a positive link between the constructs. Study 1 (N = 636) found that higher job satisfaction predicted higher life satisfaction both contemporaneously and longitudinally, and vice versa, above and beyond several key control variables. Study 2 (N = 725) and Study 3 (N = 703) replicated Study 1 results, but tested for the first time the role of satisfaction of basic psychological needs (as stated by self-determination theory) in the job鈥搇ife satisfaction link. This is the most novel contribution of our paper. Key implications not only for individual quality of life, but also for companies' human resource practices emerge from our findings

    Actitudes hacia la regulaci贸n de la seguridad y la satisfacci贸n laboral en los conductores de veh铆culos comerciales

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    This paper presents a study about the relationship between attitudes toward safety regulations and job satisfaction among commercial motor vehicle operators in Chile. 318 truck drivers were recruited during 2012. Results show that the principal predictor of attitudes toward safety regulations is job satisfaction, after time driving in this occupation. These findings suggest that trust in work safety is relevant for a risky profession, as the studied.Este art铆culo presenta un estudio sobre la relaci贸n entre las actitudes hacia la regulaci贸n de la seguridad y la satis-facci贸n laboral en los conductores de veh铆culos comerciales que operan en Chile. Fueron reclutados 318 conducto-res de camiones durante 2012. Los resultados muestran que el principal predictor de las actitudes hacia la regulaci贸n de la seguridad es la satisfacci贸n laboral, despu茅s de un tiempo conduciendo en esta ocupaci贸n. Estos hallazgos sugieren que la confianza en la seguridad del trabajo es relevante en una profesi贸n riesgosa como la estudiada

    Abuso sexual temprano y su impacto en el bienestar actual del adulto

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    The main aim of this study was to explain the possible effect of childhood sexual abuse (before the age of 18) on the current well-being of those who have suffered it, based on the analysis of a survey conducted in 2018 by the Fundaci贸n para la Confianza in the Metropolitan Region in Chile. The sample consisted of 641 participants who were administered a self-report questionnaire. The responses were grouped into three types of sexual abuse: rape, abuse with physical contact, and abuse without physical contact, they were related to sociodemographic variables, perceived impact, and subjective well-being. The results showed a clear relationship between the socioeconomic level, the type of abuse and the evaluation of the impact of the event on subjective well-being. It is discussed the need to develop more comprehensive definitions of abuse is discussed.El objetivo de este estudio es incrementar el conocimiento sobre el abuso sexual temprano (sufrido antes de los 18 a帽os) y su impacto en el bienestar actual de quienes lo han sufrido, a partir del an谩lisis de una encuesta aplicada el a帽o 2018 por Fundaci贸n para la Confianza en la Regi贸n Metropolitana en Chile. El presente an谩lisis ofrece una revisi贸n actualizada sobre el fen贸meno. La muestra estuvo formada por 653 participantes y la aplicaci贸n consisti贸 en un cuestionario de autoreporte. Las respuestas fueron agrupadas en tres tipos de abuso sexual:聽 violaci贸n; abuso con contacto f铆sico; y abuso sin contacto f铆sico genital, los cuales se relacionan con cuatro variables: sociodemogr谩ficas; impacto percibido; autoidentificaci贸n como v铆ctima; y bienestar. A partir de los resultados se lleva a cabo un an谩lisis sobre los posibles efectos del tipo de abuso sexual experimentado a largo plazo y su relaci贸n con el bienestar actual. Se enfatiza en la necesidad de continuar con la investigaci贸n sobre el impacto en el bienestar de las personas afectadas y se discute sobre los l铆mites de la investigaci贸n


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    Resumen tomado de la publicaci贸nSe presenta una versi贸n de la Measure of Affect Regulation Styles (MARS) ampliada, aplicada a episodios emocionales de ira y tristeza en una muestra de 355 estudiantes de licenciatura de Chile, Espa帽a y M茅xico. El estudio examin贸 la asociaci贸n entre formas de regulaci贸n afectiva con la adaptaci贸n en estos episodios y con medidas disposicionales de afrontamiento, de regulaci贸n emocional y bienestar psicol贸gico. Se confirm贸 que las estrategias de regulaci贸n emocional efectivas en cuanto a la mejora percibida de metas adaptativas son el afrontamiento instrumental, la b煤squeda de apoyo, la reevaluaci贸n, la distracci贸n, la rumiaci贸n, autoreconfortarse, el autocontrol y la expresi贸n regulada; mientras que las disfuncionales fueron la supresi贸n de la expresi贸n y la inhibici贸n. Se encontraron asociaciones positivas entre las estrategias adaptativas y el bienestar, la reevaluaci贸n y uso del humor como forma de afrontar el estr茅s, as铆 como negativas con la supresi贸n y alexitimia. Las estrategias inadaptativas mostraron el perfil opuesto. En la ira, emoci贸n de aproximaci贸n, se hace congruentemente un mayor uso de la confrontaci贸n, el afrontamiento directo y tanto del apoyo como del aislamiento social.AsturiasColegio Oficial de Psic贸logos de Asturias; Calle Ildefonso S谩nchez del R铆o, 4-1 B; 33001 Oviedo; Tel. +34985285778; Fax +34985281374;Universidad de Oviedo. Facultad de Psicolog铆a; Plaza Feijoo, s. n.; 33003 Oviedo; Tel. +34985104146; Fax +34985104126;ES