914 research outputs found

    Production of molecular weight fractionated hemicelluloses hydrolyzates from spent coffee grounds combining hydrothermal extraction and a multistep ultrafiltration/diafiltration

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    Producción CientíficaSpent coffee grounds are a huge residual stream from instant coffee makers. The production of spent coffee oil and molecular weight fractionated hemicellulose hydrolysates via supercritical CO2 and a hydrothermal treatment followed by concentration, separation, and purification through cascade ultrafiltration/diafiltration (30-10-5 kDa) was studied. Hemicelluloses extraction yield reached 3.49 g/100 g of dry defatted spent coffee after 40 min at 160 °C. The ultrafiltration system allowed concentrating up to 5-fold certain groups of hemicellulose, being most of them retained in the first membrane. Hemicellulose concentration and molecular weight of the feed exerted a great influence on the mass transfer through the membrane due to the formation of aggregates. However, purification through diafiltration allowed both to decrease by-products retentions from 45.6% to 8.7%, increasing the molecular weight of each fraction. Six hemicellulose products were obtained with purities between 83.7 and 97.8 wt% and weight-average molecular weights between 1641 and 49,733 Da.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Project CTQ2015-64892-R and FEDER)Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deportes (reference FPU15/06366

    Involvement ethics and/or dialogic ethics? Dilemma, challenge or/and potentiality? Experiences and narrations in formation journeys of teaching practices of Psychology teaching course

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    El trabajo desarrolla reflexiones a partir de vivencias que delatan contrastes entre una Etica de implicación y una Etica dialógica, frente a los desafíos de la inclusión social y educativa. Se propicia el debate sobre “estructuras inter-agenciales” (Engestróm, 1997) de adultos educadores y alumnos, y sus dilemas, en el marco de la construcción de una cultura de análisis y resolución de problemas en educación, aulas heterogéneas, y la vigencia del paradigma de niñ@s y jóvenes como sujetos de derecho. Se analizan narrativas de “psicólogos/profesores de psicología en formación”, antes y después de las Prácticas de Enseñanza de la Psicología en un Profesorado Universitario de una Facultad de Psicología. Las experiencias relatadas forman parte de las 48 respuestas antes/después al Cuestionario de Situación-Problema de Intervención del Profesor en Psicología (Erausquin, 2008), analizadas con la Matriz de Análisis de la Práctica de Enseñanza en Psicología (Erausquin, 2009). Se focalizan experiencias de tres sujetos, antes y después de las Prácticas, correlacionando y contrastando Localización del Problema, Actores en la Decisión y en la Intervención, e Indagación y Ayuda. Los desafíos se convierten en escisiones, emergen conflictos, y la acción es aquí y ahora, con poca marca estratégica en el sistema de actividad.This work develops reflections from emotional experiences that show contrasts between an Involvement Ethics and a Dialogic Ethics, facing the challenges of educational and social Inclusion. The debate about Inter-Agency Structures (Engestróm, 1997) of adults as educators and pupils ,is promoted jointly with the analysis of its dilemmas, in the frame of the construction of a culture of analysing and solving problems in education, heterogeneous classrooms and the validity of the paradigm of boys and girls and youth people as subjects of the right. Narrations from “psychologists psychology teachers in modeling”, before and after the Psychology Teaching Apprenticeship, into a University Course of Teaching Learning at a Psychology Faculty, are analysed. The experiences narrated here compose part of the 48 answers before/after to the Questionnaire of Situated-Problems of Intervention of the Psychology Teacher (Erausquin, 2008), studied with the Matrix of Analysis of the Practice of Teaching Psychology (Erausquin, 2009). In this work, the experiences of three subjects are focused, before and after their practices, correlating and contrasting indicators of Problem Localization, One or Multiple Actors in the Decision and the Intervention, and Questioning and/or Helping. The challenges become splits, conflicts emerge, the action is here-and-now, with weak strategic traces in the activity-system.Trabajo publicado en Memorias del IX Congreso Internacional de Investigación y Práctica Profesional en Psicología, XXIV Jornadas de Investigación de la Facultad de Psicología y XIII Encuentro de Investigadores en Psicología del MERCOSUR. Psicología, culturas y nuevas perspectivas. Tomo I. Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2017.Facultad de Psicologí

    Involvement ethics and/or dialogic ethics? Dilemma, challenge or/and potentiality? Experiences and narrations in formation journeys of teaching practices of Psychology teaching course

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    El trabajo desarrolla reflexiones a partir de vivencias que delatan contrastes entre una Etica de implicación y una Etica dialógica, frente a los desafíos de la inclusión social y educativa. Se propicia el debate sobre “estructuras inter-agenciales” (Engestróm, 1997) de adultos educadores y alumnos, y sus dilemas, en el marco de la construcción de una cultura de análisis y resolución de problemas en educación, aulas heterogéneas, y la vigencia del paradigma de niñ@s y jóvenes como sujetos de derecho. Se analizan narrativas de “psicólogos/profesores de psicología en formación”, antes y después de las Prácticas de Enseñanza de la Psicología en un Profesorado Universitario de una Facultad de Psicología. Las experiencias relatadas forman parte de las 48 respuestas antes/después al Cuestionario de Situación-Problema de Intervención del Profesor en Psicología (Erausquin, 2008), analizadas con la Matriz de Análisis de la Práctica de Enseñanza en Psicología (Erausquin, 2009). Se focalizan experiencias de tres sujetos, antes y después de las Prácticas, correlacionando y contrastando Localización del Problema, Actores en la Decisión y en la Intervención, e Indagación y Ayuda. Los desafíos se convierten en escisiones, emergen conflictos, y la acción es aquí y ahora, con poca marca estratégica en el sistema de actividad.This work develops reflections from emotional experiences that show contrasts between an Involvement Ethics and a Dialogic Ethics, facing the challenges of educational and social Inclusion. The debate about Inter-Agency Structures (Engestróm, 1997) of adults as educators and pupils ,is promoted jointly with the analysis of its dilemmas, in the frame of the construction of a culture of analysing and solving problems in education, heterogeneous classrooms and the validity of the paradigm of boys and girls and youth people as subjects of the right. Narrations from “psychologists psychology teachers in modeling”, before and after the Psychology Teaching Apprenticeship, into a University Course of Teaching Learning at a Psychology Faculty, are analysed. The experiences narrated here compose part of the 48 answers before/after to the Questionnaire of Situated-Problems of Intervention of the Psychology Teacher (Erausquin, 2008), studied with the Matrix of Analysis of the Practice of Teaching Psychology (Erausquin, 2009). In this work, the experiences of three subjects are focused, before and after their practices, correlating and contrasting indicators of Problem Localization, One or Multiple Actors in the Decision and the Intervention, and Questioning and/or Helping. The challenges become splits, conflicts emerge, the action is here-and-now, with weak strategic traces in the activity-system.Trabajo publicado en Memorias del IX Congreso Internacional de Investigación y Práctica Profesional en Psicología, XXIV Jornadas de Investigación de la Facultad de Psicología y XIII Encuentro de Investigadores en Psicología del MERCOSUR. Psicología, culturas y nuevas perspectivas. Tomo I. Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2017.Facultad de Psicologí

    Simulation and flavor compound analysis of dealcoholized beer via one-step vacuum distillation

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    Producción CientíficaThe coupled operation of vacuum distillation process to produce alcohol free beer at laboratory scale and Aspen HYSYS simulation software was studied to define the chemical changes during the dealcoholization process in the aroma profiles of 2 different lager beers. At the lab-scale process, 2 different parameters were chosen to dealcoholize beer samples, 102 mbar at 50 °C and 200 mbar at 67 °C. Samples taken at different steps of the process were analyzed by HS-SPME–GC–MS focusing on the concentration of 7 flavor compounds, 5 alcohols and 2 esters. For simulation process, the EoS parameters of the Wilson-2 property package were adjusted to the experimental data and one more pressure was tested (60 mbar). Simulation methods represent a viable alternative to predict results of the volatile compound composition of a final dealcoholized beer.Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación – Ref. VA330U13

    Elemental composition of raw and torrefied pellets made from pine and pine-eucalyptus blends

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    Debarked Pinus radiata wood was blended with debarked Eucalyptus nitens wood in three different proportions: 100% pine (100P), 90% pine-10% eucalyptus (90P/10E) and 60% pine-40% eucalyptus (60P/40E). The pellets were torrefied in dry and non-oxidative conditions at different temperatures (210, 240, 270 and 300 °C) and residence times (40 and 60 min) to enhance the energy properties and determine the elemental composition (18 elements). For raw pellets, the concentrations of Na, K, Zn, B and Cl increased significantly with the proportion of eucalyptus wood, with Cl levels being 60% higher in the 60P/40E than in the 100P pellets. The concentrations of most elements (C, Mg, Al, P, Ca, Fe, Cu) tended to increase (+35% for C, +200–250% for the others) with torrefaction severity, independently of the mixture. Decreases in H and O concentrations were also independent of the mixture. Torrefaction decreased the Cl content by 63–77%, which compensated for the high levels in mixtures with eucalyptus. Increases in the high heating value (by as much as 37%) with torrefaction occurred in parallel with an increase in carbon content and a decrease in the atomic H:C and O:C ratios, particularly in the 260 to 300 °C transition. Torrefaction compensated for the negative effect of the inclusion of eucalyptus, with the alkali index remaining at a relatively safe maximum value of 0.10 kg GJ−1This research was partly funded by a Grant from the Competitive Reference Research Unit Program of the Galician Autonomous Government, cofunded by ERDF (ref. EDC431C 2022/28). The laboratory pelletizer was also funded by the Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Universidade (contract 2021-1716)S

    Effect of Zn/Co initial preparation ratio in the activity of Double Metal Cyanide catalysts for propylene oxide and CO2 copolymerization

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    Zn-Co double metal cyanide (DMC) catalysts were prepared by varying the initial amounts of ZnCl2 to analyze the influence of method of preparation on the different copolymerization parameters. Synthesized catalysts were analyzed by different techniques, infrared spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry, scanning electron microscopy, N2-physisorption and X-ray diffraction to determine whether characteristics affect the catalytic activity. The copolymers were characterized by infrared spectrometry and gel permeation chromatography. Highly active catalyst (2.5 kg polymer/g catalyst) was synthesized, low amounts of cyclic carbonate byproduct were produced (0.4 %) with medium crystallinity catalysts and considerable amounts of K+ (0.4% to 1.0%wt).CTQ2015-64892-R (MINECO/FEDER

    Relación existente entre la producción de viajes en el municipio de Madrid y los usos urbanísticos.

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    Los Estudios de transporte recogidos en el Plan General de Ordenacion Urbana de Madrid de 1997, utilizaron como soporte la Encuesta Domiciliaria de Movilidad de 1996 (EDM'906). Pero las pautas de movilidad de los habitantes de la ciudad de Madrid han cambiado de una forma notable, segun los estudios realizados en la explotacion de los datos de la ultima Encuesta Domiciliaria, la EDM'04. Tambien se ha modificado la naturaleza de las ciudades y la densidad urbana ha bajado considerablemente. Han variado los esquemas de desarrollo del suelo, con una segregation cada vez mayor de los usos, creciente segun se aleja del centro de la ciudad, en donde todavia se mantiene una positiva mezcla de usos. El conocimiento de la relation existente entre la production de viajes y los usos urbanisticos, puede contribuir de forma notable a la mejora del transporte dentro del municipio. Se trata de estudiar la metodologia para obtener unos ratios de generation y atraccion de viajes segun el uso del suelo, con la finalidad de que el planificador urbanistico pueda utilizarlo en futuras actuaciones de caracteristicas similares y, de esta forma, poder estimar el impacto que producira un desarrollo urbanistico sobre las distintas redes de transporte y conocer las previsiones de movilidad desde su fase inicial. La gran mayoria de los estudios existentes se centran en los viajes realizados en vehiculo privado, dejando de lado los otros modos de transporte mecanizados y no mecanizados. En esta comunicacion se presenta una revision de las principales herramientas de planificacion de transporte utilizadas en la planificacion urbanistica a nivel internacional, estudiando su aplicabilidad en el ambito espafiol, y mas especialmente en Madrid, dando como resultado recomendaciones de uso general para este tipo de metodologias

    Torres Quevedo's mechanical calculator for second-degree equations with complex coefficients

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    Leonardo Torres Quevedo worked intensively in analogue calculating machines during the last years of the 19th century. The algebraic calculators were calculating machines in which numbers are represented by quantities of a given physical magnitude(s). The physical result is a magnitude of a physical quantity whose measurement in the coherent unit is the result of the algebraic equation. This article shows the three-dimensional (3D) modelling, virtual reconstruction and simulation of the first mechanical calculating machine for solving second-degree equations with complex coefficients, to prove that the functionality was correct and the machine could be built. Sketches of said machine provide enough information on the shape and mechanisms of the machine. By means of the simulation, it has been possible to prove its operation and feasibility of construction so that it is possible to replicate it as a real physical model. The mechanical calculator for second-degree equations with complex coefficients constituted a major milestone in the technological development of the time and helped to originate and improve the design of other algebraic calculators like the machine for solving eighth-degree equations

    Safety, biocompatibility, and potential functionality of a new accommodative intraocular lens: An experimental study in rabbits

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    Producción CientíficaThis study aims to evaluate the safety, biocompatibility, and functionality of a new accommodative intraocular lens (IOL) (LUZ, patent PCT/ES2016/070,813) after implantation in rabbit eyes. LUZ (Study) and EyeCee® plus a capsular ring (Control) were implanted in rabbits (n = 8 each) after phacoemulsification. Intraoperative follow-up, long-term clinical follow-up, and functional IOL studies were carried out periodically for up to 180 days. A macroscopic examination of the eyeballs to reveal abnormalities and determine the implant centering and a microscopic examination to semi-quantify cell and tissue response were performed. Statistical analysis of the collected data was finally achieved. During follow-up, no significant changes in the general condition nor the clinical evaluation were observed between both groups. However, Study IOL remained centered throughout the study and did not present severe complications as observed in the Control group. Functional studies did not reveal significant differences between both materials. Study showed better centering, fewer adhesions, and maintenance of an opening capsular bag compared to the Control. Local biological effects caused by Study implantation are minimal and comparable to the Control. Therefore, LUZ showed no clinical signs or histological response of adverse reaction to the implanted material, according to UNE-EN ISO 11979-5 and 10993-6. Functionality must be confirmed in another animal species with greater lens accommodation capacity than the rabbit. LUZ keeps the capsular bag open, favoring its centering and avoiding fibrosis and adherence to the bag; this allows potential accommodation of this IOL and theoretically enables the patient to focus dynamically.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Neotec Project EXP-00104711/SNEO-20171172

    Complications associated with the use of silicone oil in vitreoretinal surgery: A systemic review and meta‐analysis

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    Producción CientíficaSilicone oil (SO) still represents the main choice for long-term intraocular tamponade in complicated vitreoretinal surgery. This review compared the complications associated with the use of SO and other vitreous substitutes after pars plana vitrectomy in patients with different underlying diseases. Meta-analysis was conducted in accordance with PRISMA guidelines. We retrieved randomized clinical trials (RCTs), retrospective case–control and cohort studies evaluating the risk of using SO, published between 1994 and 2020, conducting a computer-based search of the following databases: PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus and Embase. Primary outcome was the rate of complications such as intraocular hypertension, retinal re-detachment, unexpected vision loss or hypotony. Secondary outcome was to compare the rate of adverse events of different SO viscosities, especially emulsification. Forty-three articles were included. There were significant differences in intraocular hypertension (p = 0.0002, OR = 1.66; 95% CI = 1.27–2.18) and the rate of retinal re-detachment (p < 0.0009, OR = 0.65; 95% CI = 0.50–0.64) between SO and other agents, including placebo. However, there were no differences in other complication rates. Silicone oil (SO)-emulsification rate was non-significantly higher in low than high SO viscosity, and results from other complications were comparable in both groups. The high quality of most of the studies included in this study is noteworthy, which provides some certainty to the conclusions. Among them is the high variability of the SO residence time. The fact that ocular hypertension and not hypotension is related to SO use. A clear relationship is not found for the so-called unexplained vision loss, which affects a significant percentage of eyes. Re-detachment cases are less if SO is used and that surprisingly there does not seem to be a relationship in the percentage of emulsification between the low- and high-viscosity silicones. All these data warrant more standardized prospective studies