384 research outputs found

    Active tactile sampling by an insect in a step-climbing paradigm

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    Many insects actively explore their near-range environment with their antennae. Stick insects (Carausius morosus) rhythmically move their antennae during walking and respond to antennal touch by repetitive tactile sampling of the object. Despite its relevance for spatial orientation, neither the spatial sampling patterns nor the kinematics of antennation behavior in insects are understood. Here we investigate unrestrained bilateral sampling movements during climbing of steps. The main objectives are: (1) How does the antennal contact pattern relate to particular object features? (2) How are the antennal joints coordinated during bilateral tactile sampling? We conducted motion capture experiments on freely climbing insects, using steps of different height. Tactile sampling was analyzed at the level of antennal joint angles. Moreover, we analyzed contact patterns on the surfaces of both the obstacle and the antenna itself. Before the first contact, both antennae move in a broad, mostly elliptical exploratory pattern. After touching the obstacle, the pattern switches to a narrower and faster movement, caused by higher cycle frequencies and lower cycle amplitudes in all joints. Contact events were divided into wall- and edge-contacts. Wall contacts occurred mostly with the distal third of the flagellum, which is flexible, whereas edge contacts often occurred proximally, where the flagellum is stiff. The movement of both antennae was found to be coordinated, exhibiting bilateral coupling of functionally analogous joints [e.g., left head-scape (HS) joint with right scape-pedicel (SP) joint] throughout tactile sampling. In comparison, bilateral coupling between homologous joints (e.g., both HS joints) was significantly weaker. Moreover, inter-joint coupling was significantly weaker during the contact episode than before. In summary, stick insects show contact-induced changes in frequency, amplitude and inter-joint coordination during tactile sampling of climbed obstacles

    NMR spectroscopic investigations on the successive implementation of nickel and zinc ions to a NacNac-dibenzofuran-Br ligand precursor

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    The ligand precursor HNacNac-dibenzofuran-Br, LH, was synthesized by the condensation of 6-bromo-4-dibenzofuranamine and 4-(N-(mesityl)amino)pent-3-en-2-one with the aim of preparing heterodinuclear nickel/zinc complexes in two successive steps. Reacting LH with Zn(HMDS)2, Zn(C6F5)2 and Zn(C2H5)2 led to the respective X-Zn-NacNac-dibenzofuran-Br complexes (X=HMDS (2), C6F5 (3), Et (4)). However, in case of 2 and 3 the subsequent treatment with Ni(COD)2/TMEDA did not lead to any conversion, probably as the steric bulk imposed by the NacNac-Zn-X entities was too high. 4 did react with Ni(COD)2/TMEDA, likely in the envisaged manner, but apparently the targeted product complex Et-Zn-NacNac-dibenzofuran-Ni(TMEDA)Br, once formed, immediately reacts further via a Negishi coupling reaction, so that Br-Zn-NacNac-dibenzofuran-Et (5) is formed. The reaction of 4 with triethylammonium bromide led to the formation of the Br-Zn-NacNac-dibenzofuran-Br (6) complex that could be reacted with Ni(COD)2/TMEDA successfully. All attempts to purify the product led to Zn(NacNac-dibenzofuran-Ni(TMEDA)Br)2, which is insoluble in THF and thus drives a dismutation reaction.Peer Reviewe

    Juntos: grupo de apoio em educação para a diversidade

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    Anais do 35º Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul - Direitos Humanos e JustiçaO Grupo Juntos objetiva estudar, acompanhar e dar suporte às demandas de ensino, pesquisa e extensão no que se refere à diversidade. A diversidade está relacionada a questões de etnicidadade, equidade de gênero, livre expressão de identidades sociais, diversidade sexual e religiosa. Juntos busca afirmar-se como uma política de acesso e permanência dentro de um projeto educacional inclusivo, entendendo que, para tanto, a boa convivência é fundamental. A ação se organiza em 3 frentes: a) Políticas de Acesso, b) Políticas de Permanência, c) Direitos Humanos e Diversidad

    Articulação da cultura de paz e gestão escolar: Contribuições de um estudo de revisão sistemática

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    This study aimed to identify and discuss national academic productions from the perspective of Culture and Education for Peace, emphasizing the training of educational managers. The methodology adopted was an integrative systematic review, and the research was conducted on the Portal de Periódicos da Capes. No specific time frame was delimited. After the articles were read, the results were organized into three categories: The materialization of violence in the school context; Forming for transformation: alternatives for addressing violence; and School management and family: reducing spaces of violence. In summary, the studies revealed considerations regarding various types of violence in the daily life of schools. It was also observed that there is a limited number of works that link the Culture of Peace with the training of school managers and underscored the importance of the management's collaboration with the school team and families.Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo identificar y discutir las producciones académicas nacionales en la perspectiva de Cultura y Educación para la Paz, con énfasis en la formación de gestores educativos. Como metodología, se asumió una revisión sistemática integradora y la investigación se realizó en el Portal de Periódicos da Capes. No se delimitó ningún período de tiempo. Después de la lectura de los artículos, los resultados fueron organizados en tres categorías: La materialización de la violencia en el contexto escolar; Educar para transformar: alternativas para el enfrentamiento a la violencia; y Gestión escolar y familia: reduciendo los espacios de violencia. En síntesis, en los trabajos se evidenciaron consideraciones sobre algunos tipos de violencia presentes en el cotidiano escolar, además de verificar la incipiencia de trabajos que articulan la Cultura de Paz con la formación de gestores escolares y la importancia de la actuación de la dirección en colaboración con el equipo escolar y las familias.Este trabalho objetivou identificar e discutir produções acadêmicas nacionais sobre a perspectiva da Cultura e Educação para a Paz, com ênfase na formação de gestores educacionais. Como metodologia assumiu-se a revisão sistemática integrativa e a investigação ocorreu no Portal de Periódicos da Capes. Não foi delimitado período temporal. Após a leitura dos artigos, os resultados foram organizados em três categorias: A materialização das violências no contexto escolar; Formar para transformar: alternativas para o enfrentamento da violência; e Gestão escolar e família: diminuindo os espaços da violência. Em síntese, evidenciou-se nos trabalhos considerações acerca de alguns tipos de violência presente no dia a dia da escola, além de constatar-se a incipiência de trabalhos que articulam a Cultura de Paz com a formação de gestores escolares e a importância da atuação da gestão em parceria com a equipe escolar e famílias