20 research outputs found

    Surgical Approach in Calves with Omphalitis

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    Background:Pathological changes in the umbilical region are common in calves. Among such alterations, omphalitis is included. This term is used to define inflammation and infection of the external structures of the umbilicus. According to the affected structures, it can be subclassified into omphalophlebitis, omphaloarteritis, omphalourachitis and panvasculitis. These inflammations are usually associated with bacterial infections. There are predisposing conditions that include inadequate handling such as poor hygiene and neglect of primary care. Omphalitis can affect the animal in a multisystemic way, compromising its well-being and bringing economic losses. In treatment, the use of antimicrobials does not always solve the problem. Thus, surgical treatment can be used, which has good results and should be the choice in the disease. The objective of this work is to report 30 cases of omphalitis in calves, submitted to surgical or conservative treatment.Materials, Methods & Results: Thirty cases of omphalitis in calves treated in the routine of the Veterinary Hospital of the Paranaense University was analyzed. On physical examination, the animals presented fever, apathy, hyporexia or anorexia and increase of umbilical volume, usually with purulent secretion. Some animals had sepsis and arthritis. In animals with sepsis, hyperemia of the episcleral vessels, dehydration and severe apathy were observed. In calves with arthritis, increased joint volume, pain on palpation and lameness were observed. In animals where the owners did not authorize the surgery, treatment was instituted with sulfadoxine and flunixim meglumine. In dehydrated calves, fluid therapy was used. Animals that were surgically treated received the same clinical treatment protocol as non-operated animals. The surgical procedure was performed under general anesthesia and consisted of resection of the affected umbilical structures. Omphalophlebitis was the most common illness. The most frequent complication was sepsis. Calves treated surgically had a higher survival rate (86.66%) than those treated clinically (46.67%).Discussion: The clinical signs presented by all animals converged with the literature, allowing for clinical diagnosis. Clinical examination is essential for diagnosis in omphalitis cases. Complementary methods include ultrasound, thermography and laparoscopy, which are important to identify changes in intra-abdominal umbilical structures. Accurate diagnosis of the involved structures was only possible in animals surgically, as well as alterations in organs such as the liver and bladder. There is great variability related to the umbilical structures involved, according to initial care, breeds, seasonality or even the method of conception. Unlike what is observed in the literature, in the present study, there was a higher prevalence of omphalophlebitis, demonstrating variability in relation to the umbilical structures involved. Sepsis, observed in 16.7% of cases, results from bacterial ascension of the umbilical structures. Lameness due to polyarthritis was found in 10% of animals. Meningoencephalitis was observed in 3.3%. Hepatic and retroperitoneal abscedation were observed in 6.7% and 3.3% of cases, respectively. Conservative treatment with antibiotics and local antiseptics has a limited effect on this type of condition, which was proven in the presentstudy, since the survival rate was statistically higher in animalssurgically treated.Keywords: surgery, umbilical structures, bovine, neonate.Descritores: cirurgia, estruturas umbilicais, bovinos, neonato.Título: Surgical Approach in Calves with Omphalitis


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    As feridas correspondem a interrupção da continuidade da pele, com a perda de uma ou mais camadas do tecido cutâneo. Curativos tradicionalmente aplicados em feridas cutâneas buscam principalmente fornecer uma barreira de proteção e permitir o desenvolvimento dos eventos celulares e bioquímicos que compreendem a cicatrização. Objetivou-se com este estudo apresentar sob a forma de revisão de literatura narrativa os principais eventos relacionados ao processo de reparo tecidual da pele, bem como abordar a aplicabilidade da técnica de eletrofiação no desenvolvimento de curativos funcionais biocompatíveis. Foram selecionados artigos voltados à caracterização dos eventos chave ocorridos a nível tecidual durante a cicatrização e, na sequência, buscou-se artigos voltados à produção, caracterização e aplicação de filmes nanoeletrofiados com ênfase na utilização de biopolímeros e substâncias bioativas.  Observou-se que a maioria dos trabalhos recentes, voltados a pesquisa de base, descrevem a resposta vascular como o principal evento do processo cicatricial, sendo responsável pelas etapas que se desenrolam a seguir, que compreendem as fases inflamatória, proliferativa e de remodelamento, classicamente já descritas. Os curativos funcionais baseados em polímeros eletrofiados apresentam resultados superiores quanto testados in vitro e in vivo. As características morfoestruturais mimetizam a matriz extracelular e podem atuar em tecidos alvo como dispositivos de entrega de substâncias. Conclui-se que a atualização e reorganização de conceitos relativos à cicatrização podem contribuir no desenvolvimento de inovações, como os curativos produzidos por eletrofiação. Embora promissora, as desvantagens da técnica encontram-se principalmente no processo de obtenção e disponibilidade, que limitam a aplicação clínica em escala comercial

    Blood Parameters of Lactating Cows Fed Calcium Salts as Energetic Source

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    Background: The negative energetic balance of lactating cows that occurs during the few weeks postpartum shifts the hormonal profile of the animal. These alterations may lead to metabolic disturbance as ketosis and lipid infiltration. Hypocalcemia is another metabolic problem that occurs in the peripartum period, it is characterized by the reduction in blood levels of calcium (Ca2+) near birth. Blood parameters illustrates the nutritional status of milking cows. The serum levels of glucose, β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) and cholesterol are parameters that reveal liver condition and it is very important for the metabolism of milking cows. The objective of this study was to evaluate three additives in the form of a calcium salts on blood parameters of lactating cows.Materials, Methods & Results: Two Latin square 4x4 were used, whereas one comprehended of early lactation cows and the other of mid lactation cows. Animals of 2nd and 3rd parity were used only. Parity was distributed evenly among groups. The trial consisted of 4 groups with 4 treatments as follow: T1: 300 g of calcium acetate, T2: 200 g of calcium propionate, T3: 200 g of calcium salts of fatty acids, and T4: control without any calcium additive. Blood samples were collected for analysis of serial calcium, glucose, β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) and cholesterol. The calcium levels were higher in T1 than T3 in early lactation. There was no significant difference of glucose levels between groups. Groups T1 and T2 had lower amounts of BHBA. Cholesterol was higher in T3 and T1 in the early lactation and just in T3 was higher in the mid lactation.Discussion: Adjust the Ca2+ flow due to high feed consumption and milk production near birth is a big challenge for milking cows due to the difficulties to maintain normal serial levels of Ca2+ in the early lactation. The lower serial levels of Ca2+ in the group supplemented with calcium salts of fatty acids is due to its physical characteristics that reduces its effects on ruminal microbiota and also reduced absorption of fatty acids in intestine. The evaluation of total cholesterol can be a parameter to judge the productive capacity of milking cows, because it demonstrates the capacity of corporal fat mobilization and ingestion of energy to produce milk. An increase of total cholesterol in cows supplemented with calcium salts of fatty acids is justified by the higher intake of fatty acids in the feed containing fat, which leads to a greater lipid metabolism in blood. As the literature has limited information about calcium acetate, it is believed that the animals supplemented with calcium acetate showed higher levels of cholesterol because the acetate is converted to Acetyl coenzime A, it is the basis for cholesterol biosynthesis in lactating cows. The BHBA can be considered as an indicator of negative energetic balance due to its correlation between energetic demand and energy reserves. As propionate is produced by ruminal fermentation and is the principal source for gluconeogenesis in peripartum cows, it lowered level of BHBA in the propionate supplemented group. The acetate availability is fundamental to attend the energetic requirements of lactating cows. The acetate enters in the synthesis of fatty acids as Acetyl coenzyme-A or enters in Krebs cycle through condensation with oxaloacetate, this explains the lower serial levels of BHB in group T1. It was concluded that T1 and T2 lowered the values of BHBA in early lactation cows and the animals supplemented with calcium salts of fatty acids and calcium acetate shower higher levels of cholesterol in early lactation and the T3 group in the mid lactation

    Use of Phytotherapics, Low Power Laser and Ozone for Biting Wound in Dog

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    Background: Skin wounds are among the most common cases in small animals, highlighting the importance of alternative therapies as an aid to the healing process. These include ozone, which has a bactericidal and immunomodulatory action; the low power laser that determines photodynamic changes triggering metabolism elevation; and the use of medicinal plants, in which several herbal medicines has been mentioned in research relating their benefits to wound healing in humans and animals. Thus, it aims to report the case of a dog submitted to these treatments due to chronic wound due to bite.Case: A 6-year-old canine, female, mixed-breed, 8 kg, with a perforating wound in the left anterior limb in the scapular and humeral region, caused by trauma from the bite of another dog, previously treated, without clinical improvement, has been attended presenting apathy, increased body temperature (40.1°C), difficulty in walking and inability to support the injured limb, which was swollen, hyperemic, with elevated temperature, absence of hair, elevated pain sensitivity and presence of 2 circular lesions, approximately 2 cm in diameter, caused by trauma, and others of size between 0.5 and 1 cm in diameter, which appeared during the course of the disease, characterized as fistulas, through which there was drainage of characteristic fluid exudative and purulent discharge. It was collected blood sample for blood count and purulent material through sterile swab for culture and antibiogram. Systemic treatment with ceftiofur, dipyrone, meloxican and topical cleaning of the wounds with hydrogen peroxide and physiological solution; dimethyl sulfoxide ointment, and hot compresses was chosen. After seven days, the animal showed significant general clinical improvement and in the limb, it was observed: decreased edema, hyperemia, hyperthermia and secretions, with no pus. Only local treatment was recommended, with cleansing of the skin lesions, with physiological solution, chlorhexidine and healing gel made of herbal medicine: chitosan, aloe vera, marigold, sunflower oil and barbatimao. After 21 days of treatment, the injured limb showed consecutive clinical improvement, with epithelialization of the smaller diameter lesions. Low-level laser and ozone therapy was instituted, totaling three initial sessions every five days and one last session 14 days after the third. After the four sessions the animal was discharged, presenting absence of the previously reported alterations, besides the total re-epithelialization of the lesions and hair growth. Discussion: The contamination arising from bite can interfere with healing time due to the action of bacterial toxins and inflammatory infiltrates that cause vascular and cellular damage. According to other reports the use of ozone therapy, local and systemic, promoted rapid healing, related to effective decontamination, in a short period of time. Considering the response and quality of tissue repair, due to wound recovery, verifying therapeutic effects of anti-inflammatory action, effective decontamination, stimulation of granulation tissue, epithelialization and repilation of the cutaneous region, it is concluded that topical and systemic ozone therapy, associated with the effect of tissue regeneration by edge revival in chronic lesions, of low power laser and herbal medicine gel, under the conditions of this case, represent satisfactory therapy for the treatment of bite wounds in dogs


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    Due to the facilities in which horses are reared and their nature, they usually are involved in accidents that most of the times result in limb injuries of varying degrees of severity. Wounds located at the distal extremities are generally complicated by lack of lining tissue, poor circulation, joint movement, increased predisposition to contamination and consequent infection. Furthermore, skin healing in horses have particular characteristics, with exuberant granulation tissue formation being common in this species, leading to a longer time for clinical recovery and wound resolution. Several treatments have been described in the literature to prevent or reduce exuberant granulation in horses. However, no protocol has been described for the treatment of chronic wounds in this species. This paper aims at reporting two cases of horses with lacerating wounds in the hind limbs, with exuberant granulation growth, topically treated with 20% copper sulfate. This method of treatment has been shown to be effective, inexpensive, and easy to perform, being a possible therapy for chronic wounds with hypergranulation tissue in horses, especially in cases where surgical resection of the tissue is not possible.Devido às instalações em que são criados e à sua natureza, os equinos comumente envolvem-se em acidentes que resultam, quase que em sua totalidade, em lesões nos membros em variados níveis de gravidade. Feridas localizadas nas extremidades distais são, em geral, complicadas pela falta de tecido de revestimento, má circulação, movimento articular, maior predisposição para contaminação e consequente infecção. Além disso os equinos apresentam particularidades relacionadas ao processo de cicatrização cutânea, sendo comum nessa espécie a formação de tecido de granulação exuberante, acarretando um tempo maior para a recuperação clínica e resolução da ferida. Diversos tratamentos têm sido descritos na literatura com o objetivo de prevenir ou reduzir a granulação exuberante em equinos, porém, ainda não há descrição de um protocolo para o tratamento de feridas crônicas nessa espécie. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar dois casos de equinos com feridas lacerantes em membros pélvicos, com o crescimento de tecido de granulação exuberante, tratado topicamente com sulfato de cobre a 20%. Esse método de tratamento mostrou-se eficaz, de baixo custo e fácil realização, constituindo uma possível terapia para feridas crônicas com hipergranulação em cavalos, principalmente nos casos em que a ressecção cirúrgica do tecido não for possível de ser realizada

    Influência de diferentes doses de acetato de deslorrelina no processo de ovulação em equinos / Influence of different doses of deslorelin acetate on the process of ovulation in mares

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    O presente estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da aplicação de diferentes doses de acetato de deslorrelina em éguas cíclicas apresentando folículos de 35 mm e presença de edema uterino, caracterizando estro, para induzir a ovulação dentro de 48 horas, induzindo assim a ovulação em tempo limitado. Foram utilizados um ciclo estral de 20 éguas SRD (sem raça definida) aptas à reprodução pelo exame ultrassonográfico, totalizando 20 amostras. Foram utilizadas diferentes doses de acetato de deslorrelina, totalizando cinco tratamentos: grupo controle sem aplicação de acetato de deslorrelina; e diferentes doses do acetato de deslorrelina: 0,25, mg; 0,5 mg ; 0,75 mg e 1 mg . Foram realizados exames ultrassonagraficos a cada 24 horas até a detecção da ovulação. Os resultados encontrados mostraram que os animais desafiados com a dose de 0,5 mg, 0,75mg e 1mg de deslorelina foram capazes de desenvolver ovulação em 100% dos casos, no grupo desafiado com 0,25 mg de deslorrelina ocorreram ovulações em 50 % dos casos, e no grupo controle 25% dos animais ovularam. As observações do experimento mostraram que o uso de acetato de deslorrelina mesmo em doses mais baixas do que as tradicionalmente utilizadas foram capazes de promover ovulação em um período de 48 horas. Além disso, não existe consenso em relação à dose mínima efetiva deste medicamento para promover a ovulação em 48 horas. Com base nestas observações conclui-se que o uso de acetato de deslorrelina mesmo em doses mais baixas do que as tradicionais é capaz de promover ovulação em um período de 48 horas em éguas , reduzindo os custos em programas de reprodução de equinos, assim como o número de visitas técnicas nas propriedades para esta finalidade. 

    Comparative study between the hemocytometric and spectrophotometric methods for measuring the sperm concentration of young Nelore bulls

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    Determination of sperm concentration using the Neubauer chamber (hemocytometric method) is a direct method for counting cells and also the most reliable. However, the process is time-consuming rendering it the least practical method when large numbers of ejaculates need to be processed. The spectrophotometer measures sperm concentrations as optical density and its main advantages are practicality and speed. This paper aimed to compare the results between evaluators using the hemocytometric method and the spectrophotometer for measuring sperm concentrations in young Nelore bulls. In total, 73 ejaculations from 20 young Nelore bulls were collected by electroejaculation. After soundness examination, 10 µL of the semen was diluted in 2 mL saline formaldehyde for measuring the sperm concentration per mL by the hemocytometric method (measured by three different evaluators) and the spectrophotometer method at 550 nm wavelength. No differences were detected in the results of sperm concentration measurements per mL among the evaluators using the hemocytometric method and the spectrophotometer (P > 0.05). The intraclass correlation was high (0.9), showing high replicability among the evaluator measurements. These results demonstrate that measurements performed using the spectrophotometer are reliable and can substitute the hemocytometric method in future for performing sperm concentration measurements in young Nelore bulls, thus improving and standardizing the techniques used in andrology laboratories

    Macroscopic changes in the mammary glands of healthy cats after progestogen administration

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    The administration of contraceptives in female cats leads to problems such as pyometra, fetal maceration, mammary hyperplasia, and mammary neoplasms. Among the diseases caused by contraceptives, mammary hyperplasia has only been diagnosed in felines. However, few experimental studies have shown that contraceptive administration can cause feline mammary hyperplasia. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of the administration of a single dose of contraceptives in the mammary glands of healthy cats. Twenty cat owners who had administered contraceptives to female cats were selected. Animals were divided into two groups. Contraceptives were administered to cats in the first group, and saline solution was administered to cats in the other group (control). Before drug administration, all cats were clinically examined. Anamnesis, physical examination, blood count, biochemical tests, and abdominal ultrasonography were performed. Thirty days after the administration of contraceptives, all cats were examined, and the examinations were repeated. At 30 days, no changes were observed in the blood count or ultrasound findings. However, upon physical examination, all cats that received contraceptives showed generalized enlargement of their mammary glands. Cats in the control group were clinically normal. Ninety days after the procedure, the cats underwent an ovariohysterectomy. At that time, all cats were clinically normal and mammary enlargement regressed. It was concluded that a single contraceptive application could cause macroscopic mammary changes suggestive of hyperplasia in ten cats