6,093 research outputs found

    Establishment of a broad-spectrum marker for er1/PsMLO1 powdery mildew resistance in pea (Pisum sativum L.)

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    O oídio, causado pelo fungo ascomycete Erysiphe pisi Syd, é uma das doenças mais importantes que afectam a produção de ervilha (Pisum sativum L.) em Portugal e em países por todo o mundo (Sousa, 1999). Esta doença prospera em climas húmidos temperados causando perdas até 50% nas colheitas de ervilha, uma leguminosa muito importante e vastamente cultivada na Europa, sendo a quarta mais cultivada em todo o mundo (Rubiales et al., 2009; Warkentin et al., 1996).Powdery mildew caused by the biotrophic ascomycete fungus Erysiphe pisi Syd. is one the most devastating diseases of (Pisum sativum L.) with a considerable impact in seed production. So far, the most efficient genetic resistance to this disease identified is conferred by the naturally occurring or experimentally induced by chemical mutagenesis recessive state of the locus er1. Identified over 6 decades ago and genetically mapped to the Pisum sativum Linkage Group VI over 20 years ago, this gene was recently identified as a homolog of the barley (Hordeum sativum L.) powdery mildew resistance gene MLO, and renamed as PsMLO1. The broad spectrum resistance conferred by the er1/PsMLO1 locus was found to be a consequence of the loss of function of the encoded PsMLO1 protein. After the publication of the expressed sequence of this gene by another research group, we published the genomic sequence of this gene, which harbors a relatively long (TA) microsatellite sequence (SSR) in the fifth intron. SSR markers based on this highly polymorphic microsatellite can be used for marker-assisted selection in multiple pea powdery mildew resistance breeding programs involving the er1/ PsMLO1 resistance, except in the rare circumstances where the progenitor lines are monomorphic for the microsatellite sequence. The use of established SSR markers is an affordable and straightforward approach for identification and discrimination of alleles of progenitors in breeding programs, permiting the easy analysis of their inheritance among progenie

    A relevância da metáfora visual para a memorização de um logótipo

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    ABSTRACT : We investigate visual metaphor (visual symbolism) in logotypes, its perception and its effect on memory. Henceforth, a visual standard experiment was developed for that effect. This model can be adapted to other logotypes (fig.4 and fig.6). Our research aims to evaluate the value of the perception of visual metaphor within a logo and its mnemonic consequence on the observer. In general metaphor, or symbolism, is an action, person, place, word or object that represents another to give a different meaning. On our study we evaluate visual metaphors, therefore metaphors that are perceived through visual representation, such as is the case in logos, symbols, logo marks, marks and all derivative paraphernalia of nomenclatures associated to any kind of Visual Identity; be it Visual Corporate Identity or Visual non-Corporate Identity such as services, products and persons. Many designers incorporate universality to symbols in the conception of “logos”. For example: Linden Leader (1994) for FedEx incorporates an arrow, symbolizing to move switily and directly. It is the designer’s exertion and experience that will complement symbolism into a new graphic form, until then unknown. We evaluate the condition of adding a universal graphic form to a graphic creation and its communicative reach.A nossa investigação centra-se na metáfora visual que um logótipo pode conter, e a consequência do encontro dessa metáfora visual na memorização de um logótipo. Um teste modelo foi desenvolvido para esse efeito. Este modelo pode ser adaptado a outros logótipos (fig.4 e fig.6) Em termos gerais uma metáfora, ou símbolo, é uma ação, pessoa, lugar, palavra ou objeto que representa outro para lhe atribuir um significado diferente. No nosso estudo, analisamos metáforas visuais, portanto metáforas codificadas através da representação visual, nomeadamente em logótipos, símbolos, logo-marcas, marcas e/ou toda a parafernália de nomenclatura associada a qualquer tipo de identidade visual; seja identidade visual corporativa ou identidade visual não corporativa, como por exemplo em serviços, produtos e pessoas. Muitos designers incorporam símbolos universais na concepção de logótipos. Linden Leader em 1994 para o logótipo da FedEx incorporou uma seta, que simboliza o movimento rápido e direto. É o esforço e a experiência do designer que complementarão este simbolismo numa nova marca gráfica, até então desconhecida. Avaliaremos a condição de adicionar uma metáfora visual a um logótipo e o resultado do seu alcance comunicativo na memorização do mesmo.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Overview of Constrained PARAFAC Models

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    In this paper, we present an overview of constrained PARAFAC models where the constraints model linear dependencies among columns of the factor matrices of the tensor decomposition, or alternatively, the pattern of interactions between different modes of the tensor which are captured by the equivalent core tensor. Some tensor prerequisites with a particular emphasis on mode combination using Kronecker products of canonical vectors that makes easier matricization operations, are first introduced. This Kronecker product based approach is also formulated in terms of the index notation, which provides an original and concise formalism for both matricizing tensors and writing tensor models. Then, after a brief reminder of PARAFAC and Tucker models, two families of constrained tensor models, the co-called PARALIND/CONFAC and PARATUCK models, are described in a unified framework, for NthN^{th} order tensors. New tensor models, called nested Tucker models and block PARALIND/CONFAC models, are also introduced. A link between PARATUCK models and constrained PARAFAC models is then established. Finally, new uniqueness properties of PARATUCK models are deduced from sufficient conditions for essential uniqueness of their associated constrained PARAFAC models

    Prediction of the dynamic oscillation threshold in a clarinet model with a linearly increasing blowing pressure : influence of noise

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    This paper presents an analysis of the effects of noise and precision on a simplified model of the clarinet driven by a variable control parameter. When the control parameter is varied the clarinet model undergoes a dynamic bifurcation. A consequence of this is the phenomenon of bifurcation delay: the bifurcation point is shifted from the static oscillation threshold to an higher value called dynamic oscillation threshold. In a previous work [8], the dynamic oscillation threshold is obtained analytically. In the present article, the sensitivity of the dynamic threshold on precision is analyzed as a stochastic variable introduced in the model. A new theoretical expression is given for the dynamic thresholds in presence of the stochastic variable, providing a fair prediction of the thresholds found in finite-precision simulations. These dynamic thresholds are found to depend on the increase rate and are independent on the initial value of the parameter, both in simulations and in theory.Comment: 14 page

    O trabalho intermitente como instrumento de flexibilização da relação laboral : o regime do Código de Trabalho

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    1- Introdução; 2 - Trabalho intermitente: 2.1 - O modelo do Código do Trabalho - o trabalho alternado e o trabalho à chamada; 2.2 - O antecedente: o artigo 8.º da Lei 4/2008, de 7 de Fevereiro; 2.3 - O regime legal: requisitos de admissibilidade e de forma; direitos e deveres das partes; 3 - Conclusões