22 research outputs found

    PEREMPUAN DALAM ISLAM (Mensinerjikan antara Peran Sosial dan Peran Rumah Tangga)

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    Islam asserts that men are the protectors for women, the physical superiority of men and women's reproductive organs should not be understood as an excess or a shortage, but both should be directed to perform its functions in proportion. Conceptually, the humanitarian aspects and the potential possessed between men and women, there is no difference between the two. Since the beginning of creation, women occupy a position equal to men, when God commanded something to the man, it also applies to women. Conversely when God commanded something to the woman, then that too applies to men. The role of women in Islam is seen as biased, it is true if it is deemed per-individual woman, not as a mechanism for rational that must be taken if we want to create the structure of a strong family in which the relationship between men and women support each other in order to achieve a harmonious family and happy and effort to organize the relationship between men and women in society in order to etiquette awake for the realization of the noble society and the superior nation

    PEREMPUAN DALAM ISLAM (Mensinerjikan antara Peran Sosial dan Peran Rumah Tangga)

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    Islam asserts that men are the protectors for women, the physical superiority of men and women's reproductive organs should not be understood as an excess or a shortage, but both should be directed to perform its functions in proportion. Conceptually, the humanitarian aspects and the potential possessed between men and women, there is no difference between the two. Since the beginning of creation, women occupy a position equal to men, when God commanded something to the man, it also applies to women. Conversely when God commanded something to the woman, then that too applies to men. The role of women in Islam is seen as biased, it is true if it is deemed per-individual woman, not as a mechanism for rational that must be taken if we want to create the structure of a strong family in which the relationship between men and women support each other in order to achieve a harmonious family and happy and effort to organize the relationship between men and women in society in order to etiquette awake for the realization of the noble society and the superior nation

    Review of the Al-Bai’ Agreement on the Practice of Exchange and Addition of Gold Jewelry (Case Study at Toko Emas Logam Jaya Pasar Butung Makassar)

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    Transaksi jual beli yang banyak diminati oleh masyarakat adalah transaksi tukar tambah perhiasan emas. Pada saat transaksi tersebut dilakukan terdapat tambahan biaya yang di bebankan kepada pembeli. Sehingga pembeli merasa dirugikan karena adanya biaya tambahan yang dibebankan. Salah satu toko yang melakukan transaksi tersebut adalah Toko emas Logam Jaya Pasar Butung Makassar. Adaun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui akad al-bai’ terhadap transaksi tukar tambah perhiasan emas yang dilakukan di toko Emas Logam Jaya Pasar Butung Makassar. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian lapangan dengan teknik pengumpulan data yaituobservasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Sumber informasi data primer di peroleh dari pemilik toko, karyawan dan konsumen Toko emas Logam Jaya Pasar Butung Makassar. Sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh dari dokumen arsip, buku-buku dan sumber-sumber lain yang telah diterbitkan. Pengujian keabsahan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik triangulasi. Sedangkan teknik analisis yang digunakan yaitu teknik analisis data kualitatif yang dikemukakan oleh Milesdan Huberman. Hasil penelitian Dalam perspektif ekonomi Islam bahwa transaksi tukar tambah perhiasan emas yang dilakukan di Toko Emas Logam Jaya Pasar Butung Makassar jika dikaitkan dengan konsep bai’ al-muqabadhah maka syarat dan rukun jual beli sudah terpenuhi. Proses dan penentuan dan penambahan harga yang dilakukan juga sudah berdasarkan pada konsep yang adil dalam Islam. Sehingga pada praktiknya sudah sejalan dengan konsep bai’ al-Muqabadhah dimana dalam transaksi tersebut pebeli dan penjual melakukan negosiasi untuk mendapatkan harga yang sesuai dengan harga yang diinginkan dengan mempertimbangkan jenis dan kualitas barang. Seluruh rukun dan syarat jual beli dapat diwujudkan sehingga akad tersebut sah dan tidak ada kerusakan dalam akad dikarenakan kedua bela pihak telah rela dan ridha dalam melakukan transaksi tersebut


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    This paper deals with  consumption  behavior  in society; how to consume as recommended by Islam;  and  how  should  consumption  behavior in the view of  Islamic economics. Based on the results of the analysis, we concluded as follows: 1) Consumption behavior should pay attention to the aspects of the categories of needs asprimary needs, secondary needs and tertiary needs  in accordance with the spirit of al-maqāṣd al-syarī’ah. In the view of  Islam, consumption behavior should avoid isrāf and tabżīr behavior in using their income to meet their life needs. In the aspect of comsuming any kind of food, the Muslims should  always comsume the  halal   and  the  toyyib  food.  Consumption behavior  in  Islamic  economics aims at achieving both the aspect of material and the aspect of  spriruality,  these two aspects will be achieved by maximizing the value of the use of each item in consumption.Kata kunci:  Perilaku konsumsi, kebutuhan, keingingan, ekonomi Isla

    PEREMPUAN DALAM ISLAM (Mensinerjikan antara Peran Sosial dan Peran Rumah Tangga)

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    Islam asserts that men are the protectors for women, the physical superiority of men and women's reproductive organs should not be understood as an excess or a shortage, but both should be directed to perform its functions in proportion. Conceptually, the humanitarian aspects and the potential possessed between men and women, there is no difference between the two. Since the beginning of creation, women occupy a position equal to men, when God commanded something to the man, it also applies to women. Conversely when God commanded something to the woman, then that too applies to men. The role of women in Islam is seen as biased, it is true if it is deemed per-individual woman, not as a mechanism for rational that must be taken if we want to create the structure of a strong family in which the relationship between men and women support each other in order to achieve a harmonious family and happy and effort to organize the relationship between men and women in society in order to etiquette awake for the realization of the noble society and the superior nation

    Gaya Kepemimpinan Lembaga Pendidikan Kota Metropolitan dan Non Metropolitan di Sulawesi Selatan

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    This study aimed to describe, analyze, and interpret how different leadership styles between educational institutions functional and non-functional, and how different leadership styles on educational institutions in metropolitan and non-metropolitan cities. The location of this research in South Sulawesi with sample locations in the metropolitan city in Makassar and Non-Metropolitan Cities in Sidrap, Sinjai, and Takalar. Type of this research can be categorized as research organizations (institutes), the research to locus of educational institutions, and the focus of analysis is variable institutions, with the leadership style variable at the institution. The final results of this study illustrate that the style of leadership in educational institutions is more likely to democratic. It is supported by the spread of information that are in the current category, and the level of authority of leadership in providing the needs are in the focus category. While the style of leadership on school education institutions are more likely autocratic. Leadership style seen on the kind of city then Sidrap, Sinjai and Takalar as non-metropolitan cities belonging to the democratic leadership style. It was built by the pattern of interaction between leaders and subordinates communicative. While Makassar as metropolitan cities tend autocratic.Keywords: leadership style, metropolitan city, and educational institution Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan, menganalisis, dan menginterpretasikan bagaimana perbedaan gaya kepemimpinan antara lembaga pendidikan fungsional dan non fungsional, dan bagaimana perbedaan gaya kepemimpinan pada lembaga pendidikan di kota metropolitan dan kota non metropolitan. Lokasi penelitian ini adalah Sulawesi Selatan dengan lokasi sampel untuk Kota Metropolitan adalah Kota Makassar dan Kota Non Metropolitan adalah Kabupaten Sidrap, Kabupaten Sinjai, dan Kabupaten Takalar. Jenis penelitian ini dapat dikategorikan sebagai penelitian organisasi (lembaga), yaitu penelitian dengan lokus pada lembaga pendidikan, dan fokus analisisnya adalah variabel lembaga, dengan variabel gaya kepemimpinan pada lembaga. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini memberikan gambaran bahwa gaya kepemimpinan pada lembaga pendidikan yaitu dinas pendidikan lebih cenderung demokratis. Hal ini didukung oleh tingkat penyebaran informasi yang berada pada kategori lancar, dan tingkat kewenangan pimpinan dalam memberikan kebutuhan yang berada pada kategori terarah. Sedangkan gaya kepemimpinan pada lembaga pendidikan sekolah lebih cenderung pada otokratis. Gaya kepemimpinan dilihat dari jenis kota maka Sidrap, Sinjai dan Takalar sebagai kota non-metropolitan tergolong pada gaya kepemimpinan yang demokratis. Hal ini dibangun oleh pola interaksi antara pimpinan dengan bawahan yang komunikatif. Sedangkan Makassar sebagai kota metropolitan cenderung otokratis.Kata kunci: gaya kepemimpinan, kota metropolitan, dan lembaga pendidikanAbstractThis study aimed to describe, analyze, and interpret how different leadership styles betweeneducational institutions functional and non-functional, and how different leadership styles oneducational institutions in metropolitan and non-metropolitan cities. The location of thisresearch in South Sulawesi with sample locations in the metropolitan city in Makassar and Non-Metropolitan Cities in Sidrap, Sinjai, and Takalar. Type of this research can be categorized asresearch organizations (institutes), the research to locus of educational institutions, and thefocus of analysis is variable institutions, with the leadership style variable at the institution. Thefinal results of this study illustrate that the style of leadership in educational institutions is morelikely to democratic. It is supported by the spread of information that are in the currentcategory, and the level of authority of leadership in providing the needs are in the focuscategory. While the style of leadership on school education institutions are more likelyautocratic. Leadership style seen on the kind of city then Sidrap, Sinjai and Takalar as non-metropolitan cities belonging to the democratic leadership style. It was built by the pattern ofinteraction between leaders and subordinates communicative. While Makassar as metropolitancities tend autocratic


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    Abstract The obligation of zakat in Islam has a fundamental significance, other than closely related to aspects of divinity, is also closely related to the economic and social problems. Zakat became one of the instruments of collective social welfare achievement. But in reality, the economic potential of this promising and well-being not optimally managed, professional and accountable. This article offers an analysis of the charity as an instrument of economic development of the welfare of the Ummah with the first show reviews historicity zakat. Zakat as an instrument ekonommi and welfare of the community, efforts to optimize its management becomes a necessity because it is one of the pillars of Islam dimension ubudiyyah, ijtimaiyyah and iqtishadiyyah, which can contribute to enhancing the welfare of society and the stranding-rope of love between man (hablunminannas) as well as liaison komunikasi a servant to his Lord (hablunminallah). Keywords: Zakat, economic prosperity, and welfare of the people

    Pengaruh Layanan Informasi Bidang Bimbingan Sosial terhadap Perkembangan Perilaku Sosial Siswa

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    The purpose of this study is: To determine the effect of information services in the field of social guidance promote the development of social behavior Students of Class X in SMK 1 Minasatene. This research uses experimental approach, where a population of 141 students and a sample of 30 students from the population with the sampling technique is purposive random sampling or sampling purposel technique. The data collection technique using questionnaire instrument that has been tested for validity and reliabelitasnya and documentation. Analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistical analysis, the t-test. The results showed that: the provision of social assistance field information services making a positive impact in improving the behavioral development of students of Class X in Smk Negeri 1 Minasatene after a given social assistance field of information service


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    Abstrak: Penguatan industri kreatif dari pasar tradisional menuju pasar ekonomi global berbasis online pada komunitas perempuan Pengrajin Cangkang Kerang di Kota Parepare Sulawesi Selatan. Kegiatan Penelitian dan Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan memahami wujud usaha serta permasalahan yang dihadapi di dalam pengembangan industri kreatif cangkang kerang yang dilakukan oleh komunitas para perempuan pengrajin di kecamatan Soreang di bawah koordinasi Dewan Kerajinan Nasional Daerah (Dekranasda) Kota Parepare, serta untuk mendampingi komunitas tersebut dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman mereka dalam bidang produksi dan pemasaran industri kreatif secara online. Pengabdian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan Participatory Action Research (PAR). Tahapan pelaksanaannya dilakukan dengan cara sosialisasi dan workshop tentang tips dan trik dalam menjual produk kerajinan secara online dan langkah kerja e-commerce dengan menghadirkan peserta sebanyak 20 orang. Pelaksanaan program pendampingan ini mampu meningkatkan pemahaman anggota komunitas mitra pemberdayaan terkait pentingnya pemasaran/penjualan secara online, dan telah mendorong mitra pengabdian menggunakan aplikasi jual-beli online. Selain dua hal tersebut, kegiatan ini juga telah meningkatkan literasi komunitas mitra terkait legalitas hukum dan regulasi peraturan yang harus diperhatikan dalam melakukan transaksi jual-beli secara online. Dari pengabdian ini direkomendasikan adanya kerjasama dalam bentuk surat perjanjian bersama demi terjalinnya kemitraan dalam bentuk pengabdian yang berkelanjutan.Abstract: Strengthening the creative industries from traditional-local markets to online-based global economic markets for the women's community of Shellfish Artisans in Parepare, South Sulawesi. This Research and Community Engagement Service aims to find out and to explore the business type and problems faced in developing the shell creative industry carried out by the Women Artisan Community in Soreang sub-district, coordinated and supported by the Region for Nationality Craft Council of Parepare, as well as to assist the Community Engagement in increasing their knowledge and understanding in online Producing and marketing literacy for the creative industry products. This dedication applied the Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach. The service implemented by socialization and workshops on tips and tricks in online selling craft products and e-commerce work steps by presenting twenty participants. The implementation of this community engagement program has increased the participants` understanding and their empowerment partnership related to the importance of online sales as well as marketing, and it has also encouraged the partners using online buying and selling applications. In addition to these two things, this activity has also improved the literacy of partner communities related to legality and regulations that have to be considered in conducting online buying and selling transactions. From this dedication, it would recommend a cooperation in the form of mutual agreement for establishing the sustainable engagement partnership