32 research outputs found

    Organization and Work Relationship Patterns of Fishers used Boat Lift Nets in Ballang Lompo Island, South Sulawesi

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    This study aims to analyze the organization and working relationship of boat lift net fishers, the recruitment system for group members, the form and nature of the employment relationship, and the wage system in fisherman working groups. The research method is qualitative, and the research type is descriptive. Purposefully, the research location was chosen by the defined research challenge. In-depth interviews and observation participation will be used to acquire qualitative data. In this study, data processing and analysis were carried out simultaneously in a process that was carried out continuously since data collection was carried out, especially in organizing, selecting, and categorizing data in the form of narrative descriptions or thick descriptions. The study results indicate that the organization and working relationship of fishers who use lift-net fishing gear on Balang Lompo Island still use local rules that live in the community. These rules regulate cooperative relationships between Ponggawa (owner of production equipment), Ponggawa sea (leader of production activities), and Sawi (workers/subordinates). For the Sawi greens recruitment system, kinship and neighborhood factors are still the main factors compared to other factors. The profit-sharing system applied is one of the local rules inherent in the fishery process. Ritual practices associated with belief in the fishing community on this island are codes of conduct that become rules that are still maintained while making adjustments along with the times


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    This research intens to studies : 1) Local cultural system influence in bioaquatic resources exploitation. 2) Local initiative fisherman in exploitation and conservation on sustainability of bioaquatic resources.\ud The results indicate that the influence of traditional knowledge place utilization internal relation between fisherman and loaded physical nature with the conservation values. Traditional knowledge impacts of fishermen show that ecological resources could be sustained, however economically their efforts and yields through fishing activities appeared, remain on subsistentively level. This is compatible with their fishing activity custums. Their incomes are considered still low because of market forces. Market remain controlled by the midlemen, fishermen pay more for fishing operation, however obtain lower prices of their production

    Local Knowledge System of Milkfish Farmers at Traditional Pond in Tassiwalie Coastal Village Pinrang District

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    Development of milkfish aquaculture in traditional ponds must of course be based on its potential. One of the most important potentials is the local knowledge of the community about the aquaculture system in ponds. The purpose of this research is to analyze the behavior and local knowledge of traditional farmers in managing their aquaculture business which is influenced by elements of local culture that penetrate into the social system of society. This type of research is qualitative with a case study approach. Data collection was carried out through direct observation and in-depth interviews with a number of informants. The process provides a comprehensive description of the actions and practices in managing traditional pond businesses. There were 27 informants as the primary data source. Analysis through content analysis from the compilation of interviews with technique snowball by still referring to the principle of triangulation. The results showed that local knowledge, method technology, and traditional aquaculture practices, farmers still did because they still were considered functional and effective. Modern aquaculture technologies have not been able to replace most of the main functions of these local practices. The effectiveness of function is shown through the recognition of farmers that with traditional technology, they can carry out their aquaculture business activities and obtain the main source of income from the past to the present.  Existing local knowledge is closely related to customary beliefs as norms that regulate social interactions


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor dinamika kelompok dan seberapa besar faktor-faktor dinamika kelompok dapat mempengaruhi perkembangan dan kemajuan usaha budidaya rumput laut di Kabupaten Bone.  Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey.  Populasi penelitian adalah 10 kelompok pembudidaya rumput laut dengan keseluruhan anggota kelompok sebanyak 240 orang. Pengambilan sampel penelitian sebagai responden yaitu 15 % dari jumlah populasi, sehingga responden yang terpilih adalah 36 orang. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif dalam bentuk persentase.  Hasil penelitian memberikan hasil bahwa aspek dari fungsi tugas kelompok dan tekanan terhadap kelompok belum memberikan kontribusi yang tinggi terhadap dinamika kelompok pembudidaya rumput laut. Sementara aspek yang lain seperti tujuan kelompok, struktur, homogenitas, pemeliharaan dan pengembangan kelompok, kesatuan, suasana, efektivitas, serta kepemimpinan sudah berada pada kategori baik yang berarti mampu berkontribusi yang tinggi bagi dinamika kelompok yang berimplikasi terhadap pengembangan aktivitas usaha budidaya rumput laut di Kabupaten Bone.  Disarankan agar penyuluhan dan pelatihan mengenai kelompok terus diberikan kepada masyarakat, agar kesadaran akan keberdayaan dirinya dalam kelompok semakin meningkat

    Social Structure Study of Association The Flying Fish Fishermen in Takalar Regency (Case Study in Bontomarannu Village, South Galesong District

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    This study aims to determined (1) the form of social structure that occur in groups offlying fish fishermen and (2) the rights and duties between the punggawa and sawi insidethe social structure in flying fish fisher groups at Bontomarannu Village of SouthGalesong District, Takalar. The basic method of this research was descriptive methodwith qualitative approach, while the strategy was a case study. The research wasconducted in the Bontomarannu Villages District of South Galesong as one of the flyingfish fisher group who still use the traditional way. Determination of informants conducted snowball sampling where there were 35 informants were used in this study. The resultsshowed that the shape of the social structure of the punggawa sawi in a group of flyingfish fisher form of domination and legitimacy of the role played by the punggawa beingthe highest position in the social relations. The strength of the social structure betweenthe punggawa and sawi  belong to the powerful force that created rights and duties ofeach role and status they have in the flying fish fisher groups. Rights and duties were notonly applicable in the employment relationship alone, but more deeply into the journey oflife both within the coastal communities in the Bontomarannu Village. Keywords : punggawa, sawi, social structure, Takala

    Managerial Pattern and Work Relations at Traditional Pond in Pangkajene and the Island District (Milkfish Aquaculture Case in Bonto Manai Village)

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    Improving the quality of traditional farmers on a technical, social and economic scale, is strongly influenced and determined by the capacity to carry out pond business activities related to managerial patterns and work relationships that are formed.  This research was conducted in October – December 2021. Milkfish (Chanos-chanos) aquaculture business in Bonto Manai Village was chosen as the case, because the aquaculture system managed by the community is dominated the traditional aquaculture system. The purpose of this research is to analyze the knowledge of traditional aquaculture as a technical practice in managing aquaculture businesses, as well as to analyze the work relations of traditional aquaculture businesses which are internalized in the local culture of the community. The methodology used is a case research method with a descriptive qualitative data analysis approach described in the life history of the informants. The results showed that traditional farmers in milkfish (Chanos-chanos) aquaculture in Bonto Manai Village have acquired knowledge gained through experience passed down from generation to generation, starting from the construction and management of pond subgrade, seed stocking, rearing, harvest and post-harvest. Accompanied by rituals based on belief as a traditional value. The managerial pattern and work relations in the management of traditional pond business have three types of management, namely; aquaculture business which is self managed by the owner of the aquaculture land with involving two to three workers, aquaculture business which is managed based on a leasing system, and aquaculture business which is managed by a rapture system. Keywords: Managerial Pattern, Work Relations, Traditional Pond, Milkfish

    The Role of Coastal Women In Processing Waste Plastic to Support The Household Economy and Sustainability of Fishery Resources In Galesong Subdistrict, Takalar District

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    The presence of women as one of the development potentials is felt to be very urgent because now the Indonesian nation is currently at a very important momentum in realizing development. The purpose of this study is to determine the perceptions and behavior in managing plastic waste for the sustainability of fisheries resources, and the dynamics of management and the role of coastal women in plastic waste processing and to find out how big the contribution of the role of coastal women in processing plastic waste to support the household economy. The research was conducted in August 2020 in Galesong District, Takalar Regency. Determination of respondents using a census technique, by determining all the number of informants based on the involvement of coastal women's groups in processing waste with considerations and goals that are considered to be able to provide data to a maximum of 30 people. The data analysis uses Household Income Analysis and Contribution and Likert Scale, which analyzes the data interactively and uses questionnaires. From the research results, it was found that there are perceptions and behaviors of coastal women in processing plastic waste and the dynamics of plastic waste management so that coastal women have a contribution to household income and the sustainability of fisheries resources


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    This study aims to determine the state of socio-ecological adaptation of coastal communities to the development of seaweed cultivation, and the dynamics of technostructure of coastal communities in the development of seaweed farming in Sub Lamalaka, District Bantaeng. The usefulness of this research is as information for the government to educate coastal communities in environmental preservation seaweed farming so that those resources can be used sustainably. This research was conducted in March and April 2010 in the village of Lamalaka, District Bantaeng, Bantaeng. This location was chosen intentionally (purposive) in consideration that the area is an area of development of the cultivation of seaweed (E. Cottonii) at the same seaweed production areas in South Sulawesi. The method used is the snowball sampling method with the number of informants as many as 23 people. The results showed that the adaptation of the socio-ecology of coastal communities in Sub Lamalaka occurs through the relationship of social interaction between the members of coastal communities which are then adapted to the conditions of suitability to the development of seaweed farming sustainable and in the form of the dynamics of techno structures that are in a transitional phase between the use of irrational becomes rational technology

    Fisherman Insurance to Increase The Social Welfare of Fishers

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the active role of the Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Takalar Regency, in supporting the process of the occurrence of Fisherman's Insurance that has been implemented by the central government, and to find out what factors hinder and support fishermen in obtaining Fisherman's Insurance cards. As for the determination of respondents using the Snowball technique or known as a snowball. Selected informants based on the criteria for receiving fisherman insurance cards as many as 25 informants as primary data sources. Data collection techniques are observation, distribution of questionnaires and interviews. This research was carried out in Sampulungan Village, Galesong District, Takalar Regency in March-May 2021. From the results of the research the socialization process planned and carried out by the Marine and Fisheries Service assisted by village officials was very effective in encouraging the enthusiasm of fishermen to obtain information and become insurance members fishermen, the supporting factors for implementing fisherman insurance consist of; High commitment from DKP Takalar Regency in realizing fishermen's insurance, enthusiasm of fishermen in obtaining information and being participants in fisherman insurance from the government, as well as high support from the village government in socializing and implementing fisherman insurance in Sampulungan Village. While the inhibiting factor is that there are still many fishermen who do not understand well the importance of being a member of fishermen's insurance; The existence of administrative data collection that has not been completed, including multiple lists, as well as the issue of validity of the fisherman's insurance card, which is only valid for one year, is considered short for fishermen

    Optimization of Fresh Water Fish Culinary Tourism in Gowa Regency

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    This research aims to determine production factors, then analyze the amount of profit and examine the optimization of the freshwater fish culinary tourism business in the Beroanging area of the Bili-Bili Reservoir, Gowa Regency. The research was carried out in February–April 2023 using a survey method and a total sampling method of 15 respondents consisting of business owners. The data obtained was analyzed using the formula for total costs, total revenues, total profits and continued using the simplex linear programming method with POM-QM software. The research results show that the actual profit from the grilled tilapia fish menu in one month is IDR. 5,749,500 and each portion is IDR. 20,000 while the fried tilapia fish menu makes a profit of IDR 2,032,500 and each portion is IDR 13,000 where this value is influenced by the number of tourists. So the solution from the linear programming analysis is that business actors should produce 442 portions of grilled tilapia with an optimal profit of IDR. 8,840,000