1,167 research outputs found

    Persistence of Salmonella typhimurium in porcine gut microflora

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    Chlortetracycline administration, at 55 mg/l, to a continuous flow culture of mixed porcine gut bacteria enhanced the rate of clearance of a chlortetracycline resistant Salmonella Typhimurium from the culture, although the Salmonella was eventually excluded from the culture by 8 days post challenge. As expected, chlortetracycline administration, at 110mg/l, to a continuous flow culture of mixed porcine gut bacteria had little effect on the persistence of a chlortetracycline resistant strain of Salmonella typhimurium

    Reflexões curriculares sobre perfil e demandas dos estudantes de música da UFPR

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    O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi realizar um levantamento sobre qual é o perfil e as demandas dos estudantes dos cursos de música da Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) no ano de 2016 e relacioná-los de maneira reflexiva com a realidade dos referidos cursos e a filosofia da educação musical proposta por Elliott. 54 estudantes de segundo, terceiro e quarto ano (incluindo, também, estudantes desperiodizados), nas modalidades licenciatura (n=23) e bacharelado (n=31) responderam um questionário composto por 47 questões. Algumas demandas foram colocadas em evidência nos relatos sobre o que poderia ser mudado, pontos positivos e negativos dos cursos e no interesse dos estudantes sobre o currículo dos cursos de música. Os resultados foram discutidos à luz da filosofia da educação musical proposta por David Elliott, no intuito de contribuir para o estabelecimento de uma base teórica propulsora de um debate sobre o projeto pedagógico dos cursos de música da UFPR

    Engajamento dos estudantes: uma revisão de fundamentações para práticas educativas e suas aproximações com a educação musical

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    O presente artigo traz como objetivo apresentar, por meio de uma revisão narrativa da literatura, estudos sobre o engajamento dos estudantes e sua aproximação com a área da educação musical. Foram revisados diferentes estudos sobre engajamento, com foco nos indicadores, facilitadores, resultados e motivação. De maneira geral, o engajamento pode ser entendido como uma participação ativa em uma atividade que é determinada pela qualidade de aspectos comportamentais e psicológicos (cognitivos e afetivo/emocionais) da pessoa na realização de uma ação. A partir da literatura consultada, reconhece-se que o engajamento é um processo fundamental na aprendizagem, mas necessita de um aprofundamento teórico e metodológico nas pesquisas futuras sobre o tema. Os resultados deste estudo podem auxiliar docentes e pesquisadores da área da educação na compreensão das definições e discussões sobre o engajamento dos estudantes. Ao mesmo tempo, o texto também contempla um público que busca estudar o engajamento e sua relação com a educação musical

    Crops, Rumps and Woolly Jumpers: An Innovative Extension Approach Enabling the Complexities of Mixed Farming to Be Shared and Understood

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    The sheep-wheat belt of southern Australia accounts for about 19% and 57% of total Australian beef and sheep production, respectively. Most farm businesses in this zone are family owned and contain a mix of livestock and cropping enterprises. While the focus of most research, development and extension for mixed farming systems focuses on single components of the system (lamb, wool, beef, pastures, crops), the systems are complex and dynamic and cannot be understood by analysing the components in isolation. The enterprise synergies are dependent on economic, environmental and social factors. The farmers themselves are best equipped to explain the system function and the interplay between the components. The traditional conference format with technical experts presenting their findings was deemed to be inadequate to relay the complexity of mixed farming systems, stifling two-way information flow and the opportunity for experts to acquire tacit knowledge held by farmers. This paper out-lines an innovative extension approach based on story telling, video footage and discussion, providing technical experts with an opportunity to appreciate the complexity and farmer decision processes. This approach fostered audience participation and interaction, leading to a better understanding of the complexities of mixed farming and how conflicts between diversification and specialisation may be resolved by the management team. Facilitated discussion also highlighted potential areas of research, development and extension

    Medical Evaluation and Triage of the Agitated Patient: Consensus Statement of the American Association for Emergency Psychiatry Project BETA Medical Evaluation Workgroup

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    Numerous medical and psychiatric conditions can cause agitation; some of these causes are life threatening. It is important to be able to differentiate between medical and nonmedical causes of agitation so that patients can receive appropriate and timely treatment. This article aims to educate all clinicians in nonmedical settings, such as mental health clinics, and medical settings on the differing levels of severity in agitation, basic triage, use of de-escalation, and factors, symptoms, and signs in determining whether a medical etiology is likely. Lastly, this article focuses on the medical workup of agitation when a medical etiology is suspected or when etiology is unclear

    A qualidade em serviços e a satisfação de clientes: comparação entre a percepção de alunos de graduação e de pós-graduação de uma IES

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    The study aimed the main attributes and services quality dimensions identification and evaluation of an HEI (Higher Education Institution), comparing the students’ perception of a Undergraduate and Lato Sensu Graduate courses, which influence in the satisfaction levels with services rendering, its possibility to repurchase and its indication to third parties. Thus, the research was implemented in two phases, a qualitative-exploratory and another quantitative-descriptive phase, with the survey application. By means the Exploratory Factor Analysis, for the Undergraduate students, 10 services quality dimensions were identified, covered by 39 attributes. For the Lato Sensu Graduate courses students, 6 dimensions were identified, consisting of 40 attributes. By identifying and assessing these attributes and services quality dimensions from the students perspective, there is the possibility to contribute to better planning and academic and institutional performance.Este estudo abordou a identificação e avaliação dos principais atributos e das respectivas dimensões da qualidade em serviços de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior (IES), comparando a percepção dos alunos de um curso de graduação e de cursos de pós-graduação lato sensu quanto aos níveis de satisfação em relação aos serviços prestados, à sua possibilidade de recompra e à indicação a terceiros. Assim, a pesquisa foi implementada em duas fases, uma qualitativo-exploratória e outra quantitativo-descritiva, com a aplicação de uma survey. Por meio da Análise Fatorial Exploratória, para os alunos do curso de graduação, foram identificadas 10 dimensões da qualidade em serviços, contempladas por 39 atributos. Para os alunos dos cursos de pós-graduação lato sensu, foram identificadas seis dimensões, formadas por 40 atributos. Ao identificar e avaliar tais atributos e dimensões da qualidade dos serviços prestados, percebeu-se que, na perspectiva dos alunos da IES, existe a possibilidade de contribuir para um melhor planejamento e desempenho acadêmico e institucional

    Leisure Experiences and Social Support Systems of Latino Students With DACA Status

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    The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of the leisure experiences of undocumented Latino young adults with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status in order to note any potential links between leisure experience and success in reaching higher education. This population faces a unique set of challenges in their transition to adulthood and their pursuit of and access to higher education. Research suggests that 3 common factors among undocumented young adults who have been successful in reaching higher education are extra-familial mentors, positive social supports, and supplementary educational programming. This study used these 3 factors and the principles of contact theory to examine leisure experiences of undocumented young adults with DACA status. Qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted with 7 young adults with DACA status who were enrolled in higher education. The data were transcribed verbatim and analyzed thematically. Due to the difficulty accessing this population, snowball sampling was used beginning with a volunteer database from a local Hispanic Alliance. The results support previous literature that has identified constraints this population faces when striving for higher education, as well as the capacity of populations that experience disadvantages for leisure constraint negotiation. The findings show leisure and recreational pursuits support the development of the above mentioned 3-factor support system, helpful in reaching higher education, from previous literature and document a severe drop off of both leisure and recreation participation after high school graduation. Limitations of the study and implications for practice and future research are discussed

    Edusource: Canada's Learning Object Repository Network

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    An alliance of Canadian Universities and government agencies pooled their resources to establish a network to share and combine Learning Objects from a variety of sources and further develop this technology. In the process, they resolved many learning, logistical, and legal problems and moved this technology forward by an order of magnitude. Principal goals include: nationwide interoperability, network of repositories, linked servers, repository software programs, national and international standards, digital rights management, business and management models, evaluation and feedback, dissemination of results, and bilingual access to all Canadians, particularly learners with disabilities. The defined tasks were sub-divided into nine work packages, each with a lead institution as package manager

    “Am I able? Is it worth it?” Adolescent girls’ motivational predispositions to school physical education: Associations with health-enhancing physical activity

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    The study purpose was to investigate predictive associations between adolescent girls&rsquo; motivational predispositions to physical education (PE) and habitual physical activity. Two hundred girls (age 13.1 &plusmn; 0.6 years) completed the Physical Education Predisposition Scale and the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Older Children. ANCOVAs revealed that girls with the highest Perceived PE Worth and Perceived PE Ability scores were the most habitually active groups (p &lt; .0001). Significant predictors of physical activity identified by hierarchical regression were Perceived PE Ability and body mass index, which accounted for 17% and 3% of variance, respectively. As Perceived PE Ability was strongly associated with physical activity, the correlates of this construct should be further established to inform future school and PE-based interventions. <br /