2,857 research outputs found

    The influence of risk perception in epidemics: a cellular agent model

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    Our work stems from the consideration that the spreading of a disease is modulated by the individual's perception of the infected neighborhood and his/her strategy to avoid being infected as well. We introduced a general ``cellular agent'' model that accounts for a hetereogeneous and variable network of connections. The probability of infection is assumed to depend on the perception that an individual has about the spreading of the disease in her local neighborhood and on broadcasting media. In the one-dimensional homogeneous case the model reduces to the DK one, while for long-range coupling the dynamics exhibits large fluctuations that may lead to the complete extinction of the disease

    A Procedure to Calibrate a Multi-Modular Telescope

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    A procedure has been developed for the charge, mass and energy calibration of ions produced in nuclear heavy ion reactions. The charge and mass identification are based on a Δ\DeltaE-E technique. A computer code determines the conversion from ADC channels into energy values, atomic number and mass of the detected fragments by comparing with energy loss calculations through a minimization routine. The procedure does not need prior measurements with beams of known energy and charge. An application of this technique to the calibration of the MULTICS apparatus is described.Comment: 9 pages, Tex file, 3 postscript figures available upon request from [email protected]; to appear in Nucl. Inst. Met


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perbandingan daya saing sektor ekonomi Kabupaten Kaepulauan Nusa Utara. Masalah pokok yang terjadi didalam pembangunan daerah terletak pada sumber daya baik manusia maupun sumber daya alam, dan dilihat dari potensi yang ada dan yang dimiliki disuatu daerah guna menciptakan peningkatan jumlah dan suatu jenis peluang kerja untuk masyarakat pada daerah itu sendiri.Pembangunan ekonomi merupakan suatu proses. Proses yang dimaksud merupakan proses yang mencakup pembentukan institusi-institusi baru, pembangunan industri alternatif, perbaikan kapasitas tenaga kerja yang ada untuk menghasilkan produk dan jasa yang lebih baik, identifikasi pasar baru, alih ilmu pengetahuan, dan pengembangan perusahaan baru (Arsyad, 2010:374).Adapun data yang digunakan dalam  penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh berdasarkan data yang tersedia dan bersumber dari laporan Badan Pusat Statistik. Data yang tercakup dalam penelitian ini adalah data PDRB Atas Dasar Harga Konstan Tahun 2010-2019. Objeknya adalah Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe, Talaud dan Sitaro. Dengan menggunakan metode analisis location quotient, shift share dan tipologi klassen.Temuan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sektor yang memiliki daya saing dalam perekonomian daerah Kabupaten Nusa utara adalah sektor pertanian , kehutanan dan perikanan, sektor pertambangan dan peggalian, industry pengolahan, jasa pendidikan dan jasa kesehatan.  Kabupaten Kepulauan Nusa Utara dengan daerah di dalamnya Sangihe, Talaud dan Sitaro secara masing-masing menunjukkan bahwa Kabupaten Sitaro merupakan Kabupaten dengan nilai perkembangan dan pertumbuhan sektor tertinggi dibandingkan dengan Sangihe dan Talaud.Kata Kunci : PDRB Atas Dasar Harga Konstan ABSTRACTThis study attempts to see comparison competitiveness economic sectors kabupaten nusa kaepulauan north.Basic problems occurring in regional development lies in whether human resources and natural resources, and views of potential and owned in one the increase in the number of and to create a kind of employment opportunities for the in the itself.Economic development is a process.The process you is process of covering the formation of new institutions, construction of industrial alternative, capacity improvement workforce to produce products and services are better, pasar baru identification, over knowledge, and development, new company arsyad ( 2010: 374 ).As for the data used in this research was secondary data obtained based on the data available and comes in a report to the central bureau of statistics .The data included in this research was gdp data on the constant prices of 2010-2019 years .Its object was sangihe islands , talaud two sitaro and .By using the method of analysis location quotient , klassen typology and share shift .Findings the results of the research shows that the having competitiveness due to economic nusa kabupaten north is in the agriculture sector, forests and fisheries, the mining sector and peggalian, processing industry, services education and health service.Nusa island regency north areas in it sangihe, talaud and sitaro in each shows that kabupaten sitaro a district the highest rank among the development and growth sector with sangihe and talaud.Keyword : Regional gross domestic product on the constant price

    On the nature of ferromagnetism in diluted magnetic semiconductors: GaAs:Mn, GaP:Mn

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    A microscopic Hamiltonian for interacting manganese impurities in diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS) is derived. It is shown that in p -type III-V DMS the indirect exchange between Mn impurities has similarities with the Zener mechanism in transition metal oxides. Here the mobile holes and localized states near the top of the valence band play the role of unoccupied oxygen orbitals which induce ferromagnetism. The Curie temperature estimated from the proposed kinematic exchange agrees with recent experiments on GaAs:Mn. The model is also applicable to the GaP:Mn system.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to Europhysics Letters, June 25, 200


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    Early-Holocene warming in Beringia and its mediation by sea-level and vegetation changes

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    Arctic land-cover changes induced by recent global climate change (e.g., expansion of woody vegetation into tundra and effects of permafrost degradation) are expected to generate further feedbacks to the climate system. Past changes can be used to assess our understanding of feedback mechanisms through a combination of process modelling and paleo-observations. The sub-continental region of Beringia (Northeast Siberia, Alaska, and northwestern Canada) was largely ice-free at the peak of deglacial warming and experienced both major vegetation change and loss of permafrost when many arctic regions were still ice covered. The evolution of Beringian climate at this time was largely driven by global features, such as the amplified seasonal cycle of Northern Hemisphere insolation and changes in global ice volume and atmospheric composition, but changes in regional land-surface controls, such as the widespread development of thaw lakes, the replacement of tundra by deciduous forest or woodland, and the flooding of the Bering–Chukchi land bridge, were probably also important. We examined the sensitivity of Beringia’s early Holocene climate to these regional-scale controls using a regional climate model (RegCM). Lateral and oceanic boundary conditions were provided by global climate simulations conducted using the GENESIS V2.01 atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) with a mixed-layer ocean. We carried out two present day simulations of regional climate, one with modern and one with 11 ka geography, plus another simulation for 6 ka. In addition, we performed five ? 11 ka climate simulations, each driven by the same global AGCM boundary conditions: (i) 11 ka “Control”, which represents conditions just prior to the major transitions (exposed land bridge, no thaw lakes or wetlands, widespread tundra vegetation), (ii) sea-level rise, which employed present day continental outlines, (iii) vegetation change, with deciduous needleleaf and deciduous broadleaf boreal vegetation types distributed as suggested by the paleoecological record, (iv) thaw lakes, which used the present day distribution of lakes and wetlands; and (v) post-11 ka “All”, incorporating all boundary conditions changed in experiments (ii)–(iv). We find that regional-scale controls strongly mediate the climate responses to changes in the large-scale controls, amplifying them in some cases, damping them in others, and, overall, generating considerable spatial heterogeneity in the simulated climate changes. The change from tundra to deciduous woodland produces additional widespread warming in spring and early summer over that induced by the 11 ka insolation regime alone, and lakes and wetlands produce modest and localized cooling in summer and warming in winter. The greatest effect is the flooding of the land bridge and shelves, which produces generally cooler conditions in summer but warmer conditions in winter and is most clearly manifest on the flooded shelves and in eastern Beringia. By 6 ka continued amplification of the seasonal cycle of insolation and loss of the Laurentide ice sheet produce temperatures similar to or higher than those at 11 ka, plus a longer growing season

    Statistical properties and statistical interaction for particles with spin: Hubbard model in one dimension and statistical spin liquid

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    We derive the statistical distribution functions for the Hubbard chain with infinite Coulomb repulsion among particles and for the statistical spin liquid with an arbitrary magnitude of the local interaction in momentum space. Haldane's statistical interaction is derived from an exact solution for each of the two models. In the case of the Hubbard chain the charge (holon) and the spin (spinon) excitations decouple completely and are shown to behave statistically as fermions and bosons, respectively. In both cases the statistical interaction must contain several components, a rule for the particles with the internal symmetry.Comment: (RevTex, 16 pages, improved version

    Anomalous tag diffusion in the asymmetric exclusion model with particles of arbitrary sizes

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    Anomalous behavior of correlation functions of tagged particles are studied in generalizations of the one dimensional asymmetric exclusion problem. In these generalized models the range of the hard-core interactions are changed and the restriction of relative ordering of the particles is partially brocken. The models probing these effects are those of biased diffusion of particles having size S=0,1,2,..., or an effective negative "size" S=-1,-2,..., in units of lattice space. Our numerical simulations show that irrespective of the range of the hard-core potential, as long some relative ordering of particles are kept, we find suitable sliding-tag correlation functions whose fluctuations growth with time anomalously slow (t1/3t^{{1/3}}), when compared with the normal diffusive behavior (t1/2t^{{1/2}}). These results indicate that the critical behavior of these stochastic models are in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class. Moreover a previous Bethe-ansatz calculation of the dynamical critical exponent zz, for size S≄0S \geq 0 particles is extended to the case S<0S<0 and the KPZ result z=3/2z=3/2 is predicted for all values of S∈ZS \in {Z}.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
