3,814 research outputs found

    A model for the shape of the Fourier amplitude spectrum of acceleration at high frequencies

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    At high frequencies f the spectrum of S-wave accelerations is characterized by a trend of exponential decay, e^(−πkf). In our study, the spectral decay parameter k shows little variation at a single station for multiple earthquakes at the same distances, but it increases gradually as the epicentral distance increases. For multiple recordings of the San Fernando earthquake, k increases slowly with distance, and k is systematically smaller for sites on rock than for sites on alluvium. Under the assumption that the Fourier spectrum of acceleration at the source is constant above the corner frequency (an ω^(−2) source model), the exponential decay is consistent with an attenuation model in which Q increases rapidly with depth in the shallow crustal layers

    p21 is decreased in polycystic kidney disease and leads to increased epithelial cell cycle progression: roscovitine augments p21 levels.

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    BackgroundAutosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is a common genetic disease with few treatment options other than renal replacement therapy. p21, a cyclin kinase inhibitor which has pleiotropic effects on the cell cycle, in many cases acts to suppress cell cycle progression and to prevent apoptosis. Because defects in cell cycle arrest and apoptosis of renal tubular epithelial cells occur in PKD, and in light of earlier reports that polycystin-1 upregulates p21 and that the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor roscovitine arrests progression in a mouse model, we asked whether (1) p21 deficiency might underlie ADPKD and (2) the mechanism of the salutary roscovitine effect on PKD involves p21.Methodsp21 levels in human and animal tissue samples as well as cell lines were examined by immunoblotting and/or immunohistochemisty. Apoptosis was assessed by PARP cleavage. p21 expression was attenuated in a renal tubular epithelial cell line by antisense methods, and proliferation in response to p21 attenuation and to roscovitine was assessed by the MTT assay.ResultsWe show that p21 is decreased in human as well as a non-transgenic rat model of ADPKD. In addition, hepatocyte growth factor, which induces transition from a cystic to a tubular phenotype, increases p21 levels. Furthermore, attenuation of p21 results in augmentation of cell cycle transit in vitro. Thus, levels of p21 are inversely correlated with renal tubular epithelial cell proliferation. Roscovitine, which has been shown to arrest progression in a murine model of PKD, increases p21 levels and decreases renal tubular epithelial cell proliferation, with no affect on apoptosis.ConclusionThe novelty of our study is the demonstration in vivo in humans and rat models of a decrement of p21 in cystic kidneys as compared to non-cystic kidneys. Validation of a potential pathogenetic model of increased cyst formation due to enhanced epithelial proliferation and apoptosis mediated by p21 suggests a mechanism for the salutary effect of roscovitine in ADPKD and supports further investigation of p21 as a target for future therapy

    Educating Future Nursing Scientists: Recommendations for Integrating Omics Content in PhD Programs

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    Preparing the next generation of nursing scientists to conduct high-impact, competitive, sustainable, innovative, and interdisciplinary programs of research requires that the curricula for PhD programs keep pace with emerging areas of knowledge and health care/biomedical science. A field of inquiry that holds great potential to influence our understanding of the underlying biology and mechanisms of health and disease is omics. For the purpose of this article, omics refers to genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, epigenomics, exposomics, microbiomics, and metabolomics. Traditionally, most PhD programs in schools of nursing do not incorporate this content into their core curricula. As part of the Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science\u27s Idea Festival for Nursing Science Education, a work group charged with addressing omics preparation for the next generation of nursing scientists was convened. The purpose of this article is to describe key findings and recommendations from the work group that unanimously and enthusiastically support the incorporation of omics content into the curricula of PhD programs in nursing. The work group also calls to action faculty in schools of nursing to develop strategies to enable students needing immersion in omics science and methods to execute their research goals

    Constitutive expression of NF-κB inducing kinase in regulatory T cells impairs suppressive function and promotes instability and pro-inflammatory cytokine production

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    CD4+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) are indispensable negative regulators of immune responses. To understand Treg biology in health and disease, it is critical to elucidate factors that affect Treg homeostasis and suppressive function. Tregs express several costimulatory TNF receptor family members that activate non-canonical NF-κB via accumulation of NF-κB inducing kinase (NIK). We previously showed that constitutive NIK expression in all T cells causes fatal multi-organ autoimmunity associated with hyperactive conventional T cell responses and poor Treg-mediated suppression. Here, we show that constitutive NIK expression that is restricted to Tregs via a Cre-inducible transgene causes an autoimmune syndrome. We found that constitutive NIK expression decreased expression of numerous Treg signature genes and microRNAs involved in Treg homeostasis and suppressive phenotype. NIK transgenic Tregs competed poorly with WT Tregs in vivo and produced proinflammatory cytokines upon stimulation. Lineage tracing experiments revealed accumulation of ex- Foxp3+ T cells in mice expressing NIK constitutively in Tregs, and these former Tregs produced copious IFNγ and IL-2. Our data indicate that under inflammatory conditions in which NIK is activated, Tregs may lose suppressive function and may actively contribute to inflammation

    The Development of Intercultural Competency in School Psychology Graduate Students

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    School psychologists often have the opportunity to work with students and families from varied backgrounds and cultures. While this can be an exciting and enriching part of the job, it can also be daunting for some practitioners, particularly those who are inadequately prepared. A number of strategies have been implemented in school psychology training programs to improve students’ intercultural competency. This exploratory study investigated the results of one university’s short-term study abroad program for school psychology graduate students. Pre- and post- intercultural development assessments were given to school psychology graduate students who completed a course abroad; results were compared to students who took the same course on campus in the United States. Findings indicated that there was no measurable growth in intercultural competence in either group. Implications for school psychology training programs, suggestions for future research, and ways to improve intercultural competency among school psychologists are discussed

    Strategies for a Successful PhD Program: Words of Wisdom From the \u3cem\u3eWJNR\u3c/em\u3e Editorial Board

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    Nursing doctoral programs prepare students for research-focused careers within academic settings. The purpose of this Editorial Board Special Article is to provide PhD students and advisors with suggestions for making the most of their doctoral experience. Editorial Board members provide their individual insights on the skills and attributes students must acquire during the course of their doctoral education in order to succeed. The authors provide practical tips and advice on how to excel in a PhD program, including how to select an advisor and a dissertation committee, the importance of attending conferences to increase visibility and develop a network of colleagues, presenting and publishing research while still a student, and balancing work and personal life. Students who take full advantage of the opportunities available to them during the course of their doctoral programs will graduate well prepared to take on the multiple responsibilities of research, teaching, and leadership

    Paleolimnological Evidence of Terrestrial and Lacustrine Environmental Change in Response to European Settlement of the Red River Valley, Manitoba and North Dakota

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    Limnological and terrestrial changes in three floodplain lakes are correlated with settlement of the Red River valley in Manitoba and North Dakota. Distinctive pollen, diatom and thecamoebian assemblages provide proxy evidence of the ecological changes from pre- to post-settlement periods in Horseshoe Lake, Lake Louise and Salt Lake. In the pre-settlement period (Zone I), prior to ~1812, grass and Quercus pollen dominate and are indicative of a tall grass prairie-oak riparian forest ecosystem. Diatom and thecamoebian assemblages suggest oligo- to mesotrophic limnological conditions, and more brackish water than presently occurs in Horseshoe Lake. The onset of the post-settlement period (Zone II) corresponds to distinctive terrestrial and limnological changes. A sharp decline in Quercus at the base of this zone correlates with documented regional riparian deforestation, whereas the increase in the weed taxa Salsola, Brassica, Rumex and Ambrosia is associated with the introduction of European agricultural practices and cereal grasses. Diatom and thecamoebian assemblages indicate progressive floodplain lake eutrophication, as well as increased salinity in Salt Lake. Salt Lake is the most brackish lake and supports the brackish-water foraminifera Trochammina macrescens cf. polystoma. Increased erosion and run off in the watershed has caused a more than twofold increase in lake basin sedimentation between the pre-settlement and post-settlement periods.Cette étude établit une corrélation entre les changements limnologiques et terrestres dans la plaine d’inondation de trois lacs et le peuplement de la vallée de la rivière Rouge au Manitoba et dans le Dakota du Nord. Divers assemblages polliniques, de diatomées et de thécamoébiens mettent en évidence de façon indirecte des changements écologiques entre les périodes pré- et post-peuplement aux alentours des lacs Horseshoe, Louise et Salt. Dans la période antérieure au peuplement (Zone I), soit avant 1812, la domination de la signature pollinique des graminées et du chêne indique un écosystème forestier riverain composé de graminées de haute taille et de chênes. Quant aux assemblages de diatomées et de thécamoébiens, ils permettent de penser à des conditions limnologiques d’oligo à mésotrophiques et des eaux plus saumâtres à cette période qu’actuellement dans le lac Horseshoe. La période post-peuplement (Zone II) correspond à des changements terrestres et limnologiques spécifiques. Le déclin marqué du chêne à la base de cette zone correspond en effet à la déforestation des rives de cette région, telle qu’attestée dans les documents, tandis que les taxons Salsola, Brassica, Rumex et Ambrosia correspondent à l’instauration de pratiques agricoles européennes et la culture des céréales. Les assemblages de diatomées et de thécamoébiens indiquent aussi une eutrophisation progressive de la plaine inondable de même que l’augmentation de la salinité du lac Salt, ce dernier étant le plus salé des trois lacs. Il accueille des foraminifères d’eaux saumâtres du genre Trochammina macrescens cf. polystoma. L’accroissement de l’érosion et du ruissellement dans le bassin-versant a quadruplé la sédimentation entre les périodes pré- et post-peuplement
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