652 research outputs found

    Church Hurt: A Phenomenological Exploration of the Lived Experiences of Survivors

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    The church is often seen as a place where people go to seek love, peace, and acceptance. Increasingly, there are occasions where these needs are not being met. Mansfield (2012) used the term “Ecclesia exitus ...the decision to permanently question one’s faith, trust in the church leadership and/or withdraw from a congregation you had considered to be your ‘church home,” to describe the experience of Church Hurt. This study seeks to describe the experience of those who have undergone church hurt. Abraham Maslow in his seminal 1943 paper A Theory of Human Motivation and his subsequent book, Motivation and Personality, posited a hierarchy of human needs that motivated human behavior, in conjunction with Social Constructionism, shall provide a theoretical framework(s) for the study. Phenomenological analysis as outlined by Moustakas (1994) was the methodology utilized, given its focus on capturing the subjective meanings and perspective of the research, participants lived experience(s). The study interviewed fourteen (14) respondents, eight (8) females, and six (6) males, derived by purposive and snowball sampling methods. To attain in-depth, “thick descriptions,” semi-structured interviews, ranging in duration from forty minutes to an hour, were conducted, over a month long period. Four (4) themes were unearthed, Sanctity of the Church, Sense of Loss, Transformative and the Ineptitude/Ignorance in the Resolution of Conflict. The study shall provide survivors of church hurt experience a voice, and church administrator more sensitive and effective conflict management strategies to handle the church hurt experience, ultimately resulting in a more fulfilling ecclesiastical experience

    Análise de vigas sobre base elástica via métodos variacionais

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    The study of beams is one of the main problems investigated in Civil Engineering, and these structures are governed by differential equations. This article seeks to identify numerical solutions of the balance equation of beams on elastic basis, using the Finite Element Method and applying the variational methods, i.e., Placement, Sub-regions and Least Squares Method, aiming to compare the results obtained through numerical experiments and the analytical solution, to identify the variational method that provides the best approximate solution, befitting the analytical solution. This is a bibliographic review, with descriptive approach and numerical simulations using the programming language, Phyton. We compared the solutions of the model problem for two different cases, using the methods mentioned above, noting that in the 1st case, the Methods of Sub-regions and Placement provide the best approximation for vertical displacements, with a polynomial base function, while in the 2nd case the trigonometric function provides a better approximation, presenting significant variations in relation to the 1st case, due to changes in parameters, spring coefficient (K), modulus of longitudinal elasticity (E) and cross-sectional inertia (I). Thus, starting from this formulation, other problems frequently encountered in engineering can be analyzed, such as continuous beams and dynamic analysis of beams.O estudo de vigas é um dos principais problemas investigados na Engenharia Civil, sendo estas estruturas regidas por equações diferenciais. Este artigo busca identificar soluções numéricas da equação de equilíbrio de vigas sobre base elástica, utilizando o Método dos Elementos Finitos e aplicando os métodos variacionais, a saber, Colocação, Sub-regiões e Método dos Mínimos Quadrados, visando comparar os resultados obtidos através de experimentações numéricas e a solução analítica, para identificar o método variacional que fornece a melhor solução aproximada, condizente com a solução analítica. Trata-se de uma revisão bibliográfica, com abordagem descritiva e realização de simulações numéricas utilizando a linguagem de programação, Phyton. Comparamos as soluções do problema modelo para dois casos diferentes, utilizando os métodos citados anteriormente, constatando que no 1° caso, os Métodos das Sub-regiões e Colocação fornecem a melhor aproximação para os deslocamentos verticais, com uma função base polinomial, enquanto no 2° caso a função trigonométrica fornece uma melhor aproximação, apresentando variações significativas em relação ao 1° caso, devido às mudanças nos parâmetros, coeficiente de mola (K), módulo de elasticidade longitudinal (E) e inércia da seção transversal (I)

    Use of Natural Light vs. Cold LED Lighting in Installations for the Recovery of Victims of Gender Violence: Impact on Energy Consumption and Victims’ Recovery

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    The efficiency of lighting installations is a major challenge concerning Governments, productive sectors and individuals. However, the importance of accurate lighting in some areas, especially those related to Health and Wellbeing is so critical that the constraints of energy efficiency and sustainability are not always a priority. This situation has become more critical with the current boom in the application of non-visual effects of light to these areas. In this study, the effects oftwo different kinds of lighting on femalevictims of gender violence are compared and analyzed in terms of positive results and impact on energy consumption and sustainability. The lighting technologies used are integrated in facilities where these women carry out different activities aimed at their integration into daily life after their traumatic experiences. The results are expected to become a tool for professionals working with these collectives and for installation designers. In spite of the well-known effects of cold light, especially for tasks involving arousal, sleepiness and other critical variables, it is demonstrated that daylight, which is obviously cheaper from productive and environmental perspectives, is better for this application.This work was conducted under funding from CAPES (Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel—Brazil) which has granted scholarships Doctoral number BEX 0947/14-8

    Mastery of sixth grade TEKS objectives through integrated learning

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    The purpose of this study was to assess learning in sixth grade students by gain scores in science and mathematics while participating in the integrative curriculum modules developed by the Partnership for Environmental Education and Rural Health (PEER) Program. The PEER Program is a collaboration between the College of Education and Applied Sciences, and the College of Veterinary Medicine at Texas A&M University. Two Integrated Curricular Modules provided the experimental treatment in this study. The alliance of the PEER Program and Texas A&M University has developed a middle school integrated curriculum based on sixth grade mathematics, science, English, reading and social studies TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills)-based objectives. This multimedia curriculum incorporates the five disciplines into an adventure narrative featuring characters similar in dynamics to its targeted population, with problem-solving activities aimed to spark learning interests of students and emphasize skill development. Integrated learning allows students an alternative method to traditional or conventional ways of learning by conceptualizing the subject matter into more than one medium. Selected students who participated in this study were pre-tested with Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS)-related instrumentation based on TEKS objectives. Their scores were recorded and some students were then selected to participate as the treatment group where they were taught the PEER Programs integrated curriculum, patterned to correspond to TEKS objectives. Post-tests were administered to both groups, and gain scores were collected to evaluate and determine if there was evidence that the PEER Program was successful in improving the mastery of the TEKS objectives in mathematics and science. Results varied in this study with findings that supported the notions that the integrated PEER experimental modules had a positive, negative, and no effect on the experimental populations compared to the control, or untreated population. It is inconclusive to whether the integrated modules were effective in raising and improving test scores based on the preparatory curriculum. Inconsistencies in the results from this study imply that further research is needed

    Workforce Development Strategies for the City of Brooklyn Park

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    Report completed by students enrolled in OLPD 5696: Internship in Human Resources Development, taught by Rosemarie Park in spring 2017.This project was completed as part of 2016-2017 Resilient Communities Project (rcp.umn.edu) partnership with the City of Brooklyn Park. Pockets of Brooklyn Park experience disproportionately high rates of unemployment compared to the rest of the city, with some tracts having unemployment rates as high as 19%. Despite the high number of individuals seeking employment, businesses in these areas struggle to fill open positions. Brooklyn Park staff worked with students in OLPD 5696: Internship in Human Resource Development, supervised by Rosemarie Park, to examine this phenomenon. The students concluded that job-seekers are either having difficulties finding these job openings, or do not qualify for the jobs that are available. The students gave recommendations for how businesses can better attract, train, and retain potential employees. The students’ final report is available.This project was supported by the Resilient Communities Project (RCP), a program at the University of Minnesota whose mission is to connect communities in Minnesota with U of MN faculty and students to advance local sustainability and resilience through collaborative, course-based projects. RCP is a program of the Center for Urban and Regional Affairs (CURA). More information at http://www.rcp.umn.edu


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    O trabalho tem como tema o anteprojeto arquitetônico de uma Residência Estudantil Comunitária, na cidade de Xanxerê (SC), Brasil. Seu objetivo visa proporcionar assistência habitacional a estudantes de baixa renda do ensino superior e técnico do município. A inexistência de um local adequado destinado a oferecer moradia a acadêmicos despertou a necessidade da elaboração da pesquisa, que por meio de referências bibliográficas, midiáticas e estudos de caso possibilitou a elaboração dos procedimentos metodológicos que visaram alcançar o objetivo de pesquisa. Para realização de anteprojeto arquitetônico foram desenvolvidos estudos da área de implantação, do partido, do perfil do usuário e conceito arquitetônico do projeto. Posteriormente foram elaborados os fluxos, o programa de necessidades e pré-dimensionamento. A proposta de anteprojeto arquitetônico resultando em uma arquitetura singular, que assegura as demandas dos moradores, supre a carência das instituições e utiliza os preceitos pretendidos de sustentabilidade e eficiência energética

    The University’s Roles in the Historical, Social and Cultural Context, and its Importance in the Realization of Human Rights and Brazilian Democracy

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    This research exposes narratives and arguments of conceptual and historical content about the conditions and purposes of the University, particularly in Brazil, seeking to describe and reflect on central aspects of this institution. It is recognized, in advance, the importance of constitutional autonomy and secularism within these institutions. This recognition is understood as fundamental in the process of actualizing human rights in public spaces for the construction of citizenship. The problem of this text is related to the question about how much the libertarian role of the University is supported in reality in the processes of construction of republican democracy. The hypothesis is that at some point the University stopped resisting prejudices, the banality of lies and the habit of bad manners in internal relations between workers and in the institution’s relationship with the community. The University, in our time, has been pressured not to bend to obscurantism, surrendering to market demands and renouncing the exercise of a critical judgment. Thus understood, the University loses consciousness of itself as an autonomous space for freedom of thought and for the development of sciences, arts and morals. Notably, when one observes the return or perpetuity of characteristic traits of neofascist movements and policies, which insist on intending the young Brazilian democracy, the urgency and challenge of rebuilding the University as a privileged locus for basic research, for the construction of advanced knowledge and for the technical application of knowledge before concrete demands is expanded. The task of students is arduous in times of authoritarianism of every order concealed by the progress idea. To carry out this research, the inductive method was used, with dialectical and historical methodological contributions, focusing on the technique of bibliographic research

    Potencialidade do NDVI para mapeamento do estado de conservação em APP nas BH dos rios Butuí e Icamaquã

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    O Índice de Vegetação da Diferença Normalizada (NDVI) é uma relevante ferramenta para compreender a distribuição e a maturidade da vegetação de modo geral. Porém, no contexto agropecuário pode gerar um produto capaz de analisar dentre outras coisas, o respeito às áreas de preservação permanentes (APP). Este trabalho busca compreender o estado de conservação de APPs nas bacias hidrográficas do rio Butuí e do rio Iquamaquã, afluentes diretos do rio Uruguai, ambas localizadas no oeste do Rio Grande do Sul. Para realização do trabalho foi utilizada imagem LANDSAT/TM8, do verão de 2017, o processamento ocorreu no software QGIS2.12 gerando um NDVI da área. A pesquisa, em fase inicial, mostra o respeito às APPs em cursos da água maiores, enquanto que nos afluentes de menor ordem há maiores impactos e desrespeito à legislação. Concluí-se que o NDVI é uma ferramenta válida para o procedimento sendo necessários ajustes voltados a identificação da vegetação nativa


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    O presente trabalho de Conclusão de Curso em Arquitetura e Urbanismo compreendeu acerca do embasamento teórico necessário para a elaboração de uma intervenção paisagística, no Campus I da Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina, Xanxerê (SC). Para isso, a pesquisa foi focada nos usos e nas diversas aplicações do paisagismo e suas atribuições positivas para a humanidade até os dias de hoje. Todavia, o objetivo da pesquisa, visou refletir sobre os usos do paisagismo no ambiente acadêmico, focando para as atividades educacionais que ele oferece, colaborando com a integração do homem e a natureza. A pesquisa também abrangeu os estudos do local de implantação do projeto, na Unoesc – Xanxerê, bem como todas as interferências e estudos acerca da área que sofreram a intervenção paisagística. Entretanto, adotou-se como procedimento metodológicos a pesquisa documental, acerca das espécies decorrentes da região, bem como um estudo de caso, onde pode-se prever o programa de necessidade e o conceito paisagístico da proposta de intervenção. Os resultados demonstram a importância da implantação de um projeto paisagístico no ambiente acadêmico, e as vantagens psicológicas, cognitivas e sensitivas, buscando assim a realização das intenções do projeto. Para demonstrar as intenções do projeto de paisagismo foram apresentados alguns estudos pertinentes para a elaboração do mesmo, como todo o estudo da área, modificações e novas propostas, tendo em vista a coleta de informações para a concepção da intervenção paisagística. Palavras-chave: Intervenção Paisagística. Paisagismo. Áreas verdes

    Vasodilation increases pulse pressure variation, mimicking hypovolemic status in rabbits

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    OBJECTIVE: To test the hypothesis that pulse pressure respiratory variation (PPV) amplification, observed in hypovolemia, can also be observed during sodium nitroprusside (SNP)-induced vasodilation. INTRODUCTION: PPV is largely used for early identification of cardiac responsiveness, especially when hypovolemia is suspected. PPV results from respiratory variation in transpulmonary blood flow and reflects the left ventricular preload variations during respiratory cycles. Any factor that decreases left ventricular preload can be associated with PPV amplification, as seen in hypovolemia. METHODS: Ten anesthetized and mechanically ventilated rabbits underwent progressive hypotension by either controlled hemorrhage (Group 1) or intravenous SNP infusion (Group 2). Animals in Group 1 (n = 5) had graded hemorrhage induced at 10% steps until 50% of the total volume was bled. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) steps were registered and assumed as pressure targets to be reached in Group 2. Group 2 (n = 5) was subjected to a progressive SNP infusion to reach similar pressure targets as those defined in Group 1. Heart rate (HR), systolic pressure variation (SPV) and PPV were measured at each MAP step, and the values were compared between the groups. RESULTS: SPV and PPV were similar between the experimental models in all steps (p >; 0.16). SPV increased earlier in Group 2. CONCLUSION: Both pharmacologic vasodilation and graded hemorrhage induced PPV amplification similar to that observed in hypovolemia, reinforcing the idea that amplified arterial pressure variation does not necessarily represent hypovolemic status but rather potential cardiovascular responsiveness to fluid infusion