2,870 research outputs found

    A Framework for Risk Analysis of Earth Dams

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    This purpose of this thesis is to present in a logical and straightforward manner, the types of probabilistic, deterministic and judgment methods which should be part f a risk analysis process for earth dam planning, design, construction and operation. In doing this, an attempt was made to include all of the elements (components of the risk analysis procedure defined herein) which were considered to be important. Descriptions of these elements as well as how they are used to estimate probabilities for the occurrence of each of three failure conditions (i.e. no failure, partial failure, complete failure) are also presented. Explanations are given as to how these failure probabilities can be used in estimating the consequences resulting from the failure of an earth dam. The potential use of the failure probabilities in conjunction with estimated consequences in decision making related to all phases of a dam project as well as land use planning near the dam are discussed. The possibility of performing a care study using the data base of Soldier Creek Dam, a project of the Water and Power Resources Service, is also presented

    Phase 1b/2a trial of the superoxide dismutase mimetic GC4419 to reduce chemoradiotherapy-induced oral mucositis in patients with oral cavity or oropharyngeal carcinoma

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    PURPOSE: To assess the safety of the superoxide dismutase mimetic GC4419 in combination with radiation and concurrent cisplatin for patients with oral cavity or oropharyngeal cancer (OCC) and to assess the potential of GC4419 to reduce severe oral mucositis (OM). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients with locally advanced OCC treated with definitive or postoperative intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) plus cisplatin received GC4419 by 60-minute intravenous infusion, ending \u3c60 minutes before IMRT, Monday through Friday for 3 to 7 weeks, in a dose and duration escalation study. Oral mucositis was assessed twice weekly during and weekly after IMRT. RESULTS: A total of 46 patients received GC4419 in 11 separate dosing and duration cohorts: dose escalation occurred in 5 cohorts receiving 15 to 112 mg/d over 3 weeks (n=20), duration escalation in 3 cohorts receiving 112 mg/d over 4 to 6 weeks (n=12), and then 3 additional cohorts receiving 30 or 90 mg/d over 6 to 7 weeks (n=14). A maximum tolerated dose was not reached. One dose-limiting toxicity (grade 3 gastroenteritis and vomiting with hyponatremia) occurred in each of 2 separate cohorts at 112 mg. Nausea/vomiting and facial paresthesia during infusion seemed to be GC4419 dose-related. Severe OM occurred through 60 Gy in 4 of 14 patients (29%) dosed for 6 to 7 weeks, with median duration of only 2.5 days. CONCLUSIONS: The safety of GC4419 concurrently with chemoradiation for OCC was acceptable. Toxicities included nausea/vomiting and paresthesia. Doses of 30 and 90 mg/d administered for 7 weeks were selected for further study. In an exploratory analysis, severe OM seemed less frequent and briefer than expected

    Effect of phytate and zinc ions on fluoride toothpaste efficacy using an in situ caries model

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    Objectives To compare and explore the dose-response of phytate-containing 1150 ppm fluoride toothpastes on model caries lesions and to determine the impact of zinc ions. Methods This was a single-centre, randomised, blinded (examiner/laboratory analyst), six-treatment, four-period crossover, in situ study in adults with a removable bilateral maxillary partial denture. Study treatments were toothpastes containing: 0.425% phytate/F; 0.85% phytate/F; 0.85% phytate/Zn/F; F-only; Zn/F and a 0% F placebo. Where present, F was 1150 ppm as NaF; Zn was 0.3% as ZnCl2. Human enamel specimens containing early-stage, surface-softened (A-lesions) or more advanced, subsurface (B-lesions) caries lesions were placed into the buccal flanges of participants’ modified partial denture (one of each lesion type per side). A-lesions were removed after 14 days of twice-daily treatment use; B-lesions were removed after a further 14 days. A-lesions were analysed for surface microhardness recovery. Both lesion types were analysed by transverse microradiography and for enamel fluoride uptake, with B-lesions additionally analysed by quantitative light-induced fluorescence. Comparison was carried out using an analysis of covariance model. Results Statistically significant differences between 1150 ppm F and the placebo toothpastes (p < 0.05) were shown for all measures, validating the model. No differences between fluoride toothpastes were observed for any measure with little evidence of a dose-response for phytate. Study treatments were generally well-tolerated. Conclusions Results suggest phytate has little impact on fluoride’s ability to promote early-stage lesion remineralisation or prevent more advanced lesion demineralisation in this in situ caries model. Similarly, results suggest zinc ions do not impair fluoride efficacy

    How to manage the left subclavian artery during endovascular stenting of the thoracic aorta

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    We performed a systematic review of the literature to establish whether revascularisation of the left subclavian territory is necessary when this artery is covered by a stent. We retrieved data from 99 studies incorporating 4906 patients. Incidences of left-arm ischaemia (0.0% vs 9.2%, p=0.002) and stroke (4.7% vs 7.2%, p≪0.001) were significantly less following revascularisation, although mortality (10.5% vs 3.4%, p=0.032) and endoleak incidence (25.8% vs 12.6%, p=0.008) were increased. No significant differences in spinal-cord ischaemia were seen. Revascularisation may reduce downstream ischaemic complications but can cause significant risk. Indications must be carefully considered on an individual patient basi

    Reproducibility of BOLD-based functional MRI obtained at 4

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    Abstract: The reproducibility of activation patterns in the whole brain obtained by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiments at 4 Tesla was studied with a simple finger-opposition task. Six subjects performed three runs in one session, and each run was analyzed separately with the t-test as a univariate method and Fisher&apos;s linear discriminant analysis as a multivariate method. Detrending with a first-and third-order polynomial as well as logarithmic transformation as preprocessing steps for the t-test were tested for their impact on reproducibility. Reproducibility across the whole brain was studied by using scatter plots of statistical values and calculating the correlation coefficient between pairs of activation maps. In order to compare reproducibility of &apos;&apos;activated&apos;&apos; voxels across runs, subjects and models, 2% of all voxels in the brain with the highest statistical values were classified as activated. The analysis of reproducible activated voxels was performed for the whole brain and within regions of interest. We found considerable variability in reproducibility across subjects, regions of interest, and analysis methods. The t-test on the linear detrended data yielded better reproducibility than Fisher&apos;s linear discriminant analysis, and therefore seems to be a robust although conservative method. Preliminary data indicate that these modeling results may be reversed by preprocessing to reduce respiratory and cardiac physiological noise effects. The reproducibility of both the position and number of activated voxels in the sensorimotor cortex was highest, while that of the supplementary motor area was much lower, with reproducibility of the cerebellum falling in between the other two areas

    Chronological control and centennial-scale climatic subdivisions of the Last Glacial Termination in the western Mediterranean region

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    The Last Glacial Termination is marked by changing environmental conditions affected by abrupt and rapid climate oscillations, such as Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1), which is characterized by extremely low sea surface temperatures (SST) and significant changes in northern hemisphere terrestrial landscape (e.g., vegetation) and human dispersion. Previous studies show that overall cold/dry conditions occurred during HS1, but the lack of high-resolution records precludes whether climate was stable or instead characterized by instability. A high-resolution paleoclimatic record from the Padul wetland (southern Iberian Peninsula), supported by a high-resolution chronology and contrasted with other records from southern Europe and the Mediterranean region, shows 1) that the age boundaries of HS1 in this area occurred at similar to 18.0 kyr BP (median age = 17,970 cal yr BP; mean age = 18,030 +/- 330 cal yr BP) and similar to 15.2 kyr BP (median age = 15,210 cal yr BP; mean age = 15,200 +/- 420 cal yr BP) and 2) that climate during HS1 was non-stationary and centennial-scale variability in moisture is superimposed on this overall cold climatic period. In this study, we improve the pollen sampling resolution with respect to previous studies on the same Padul-15-05 sedimentary core and suggest a novel subdivision of HS1 in 7 sub-phases, including: i) 3 sub-phases (a.1-a.3) during an arid early phase (HS1a; similar to 18.4-17.2 kyr BP), ii) a relatively humid middle phase (HS1b; similar to 17.2-16.9 kyr BP), and iii) 3 sub-phases (c.1-c.3) during an arid late phase (HS1c; similar to 16.9-15.7 kyr BP). This climatic subdivision is regionally supported by SST oscillations from the Mediterranean Sea, suggesting a strong land-sea coupling. A cyclostratigraphic analysis of pollen data between 20 and 11 kyr BP indicates that the climate variability and the proposed subdivisions characterized by similar to 2000 and similar to 800-yr periodicities could be related to solar forcing controlling climate in this area. (C) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Integrable multiparametric quantum spin chains

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    Using Reshetikhin's construction for multiparametric quantum algebras we obtain the associated multiparametric quantum spin chains. We show that under certain restrictions these models can be mapped to quantum spin chains with twisted boundary conditions. We illustrate how this general formalism applies to construct multiparametric versions of the supersymmetric t-J and U models.Comment: 17 pages, RevTe

    Post-glacial evolution of alpine environments in the western Mediterranean region : The Laguna Seca record

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    In an effort to understand how alpine environments from the western Mediterranean region responded to climate variations since the last glacial-interglacial transition, a detailed chronological control and sedimentological analysis, supported by magnetic susceptibility, total organic carbon and C/N data, were carried out on the sedimentary record of Laguna Seca (LS). This is a latitudinal and altitudinally (2259 masl) key alpine wetland site located in the easternmost area of the Sierra Nevada, southern Iberian Peninsula, where sediments accumulated during Heinrich Stadial 1, Bolling-Allerod (B-A) and the Younger Dryas (YD) previously unrecorded in alpine Sierra Nevada. Climate controlled sedimentation in LS and three coarse-grained and one fine-grained facies association are differentiated, which help us decipher the paleoenvironmental evolution of LS: (1) subaerial cohesionless debris flows during a paraglacial stage; (2) till or nival diamicton during a small glacier/nivation hollow stage; (3) massive mudstone by suspension settling of clays into standing water during a lacustrine stage; and (4) frost-shattering breccia deposited inside the lacustrine stage, probably during the YD, and linked to a periglacial substage. The development of a previously existing small glacial cirque during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) in the LS basin at an elevation between 2500 and 2300 m could be supported by the important availability of slope sediments glacially-conditioned such as debris flows, reworked by paraglacial slope processes during the first deglaciation stages, confirming previous studies of landforms in the catchment area and the LGM-Equilibrium Line Altitude estimation above 2400 masl in Sierra Nevada. Mean sediment accumulation rates in the LS sedimentary units (4.21 and 0.28 mm/yr during the paraglacial small glacier/nivation stage and the lacustrine stage, respectively) confirm that geomorphic activity accelerated just after glaciers retreated due to a slope adjustment and high availability of glacially conditioned sediments. An abrupt change in paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic conditions occurred in LS at ~ 15.7 cal kyr BP. This change was probably due to an increase in temperature and precipitation in the western Mediterranean region during the B-A. At LS, this resulted in significant ice-melt, forming a deep-water lake in LS with important organic matter contribution until the end of the Early Holocene (except in the YD when the lake level probably dropped), but elsewhere a general glacier recession in the Sierra Nevada and an expansion of the Mediterranean forest in the southern Iberian Peninsula. Finally, the general long-term aridification that occurred during the Middle Holocene until the present in the western Mediterranean region triggered an important environmental change transforming LS into an ephemeral wetland with an increase in aquatic productivity.Peer reviewe
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