128 research outputs found

    Preliminary Results on Waypoint Tracking for Spacecraft with Actuator Constraints

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    This paper presents preliminary results on how to perform waypoint tracking with spacecraft with actuator constraints. It considers a simplified spacecraft model and can be considered a deep space model, and shows how to perform waypoint tracking with only one main thruster together with full attitude control. As the spacecraft reaches close to the waypoint during a deceleration phase that makes the speed go towards zero, reaction control thrusters are used to make the remaining velocity error go to zero achieving the control objective

    Location of regional warehouses : A case study

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    Hvordan kan en bedrift med et lett imiterbart produkt stenge "det strategiske vinduet" etter seg?

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    Bakgrunnen for denne oppgaven var at vi hadde observert en problemstilling under arbeidet med en forretningsplan. Problemstillingen var hvordan vi skulle stenge det strategiske vinduet med et lett imiterbart produkt. Da vi skulle skrive en oppgave i entreprenørskap, falt valget naturlig på denne problemstillingen. Ettersom problemstillingen var klar, sto valg av metode sentralt i diskursen som fulgte. Vi valgte en litt mer utradisjonell vinkling enn normen for vår skole, nemlig aksjonsforskning. Forskningsspørsmål, med tilhørende postulater ble formulert, og resultatet ble som følger: Forskningsspørsmål: ”Hvordan kan en bedrift med et lett kopierbart produkt ”stenge det strategiske vinduet”? Postulat: 1. ”Vi kan stenge vinduet etter oss ved å være kostnadsleder.” 2. ”Vi kan stenge vinduet etter oss ved å bygge en sterk merkevare” 3. ”Vi kan stenge vinduet etter oss ved å bygge sterke kunderelasjoner” Ved å benytte oss av aksjonsforskning i samarbeid med Bodø Bakeri, satt vi til livs flere tiltak som vi ut fra vårt ståsted og litteratur skulle ha hjulpet oss mot vårt mål. I prosessen måtte vi konkludere med at postulat 1 ”Vi kan stenge vinduet etter oss ved å være kostnadsleder” ikke lot seg gjennomføre i en slik situasjon. Til slutt i oppgaven har vi konkludert med hvordan tiltakene har fungert, og hvordan man bør gå videre frem for å opprettholde og utvikle konkurransefordelene. Tilslutt kan man konkludere med at det absolutt er mulig å skaffe seg en konkurransefordel med et lett imiterbart produkt, selv om veien ikke alltid er så åpenbar som ved andre situasjoner

    Kamerafelletaksering av gaupe (Lynx lynx) : en metodeutredning

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    Bacheloroppgave i utmarksforvaltning. Evenstad 2012Norsk: Jeg har undersøkt en alternativ metode for tallfesting av gaupe (Lynx lynx), der data fra tradisjonell snøsporing og familiegrupperegistrering kan bli utilstrekkelig på grunn av usikre snøforhold for sporing (registrering av sporløyper). Vi brukte bilder fra kamerafeller for identifisering av gaupeindivider, slik at vi kunne gjøre bruk av CMR statistikk (fangst-merking-gjenfangst). Våre hovedmål var å undersøke om vi kunne bruke kamerafeller for å få (i) et minimum antall av familiegrupper, (ii) et tetthetsestimat av gaupe basert på CMR, eller (iii) å bruke det totale antall gjenkjente individer som en indeks på forekomst av gaupe. Denne undersøkelsen fokuserer på studieområdet innenfor Østfold, Oslo og Akershus i Norge, et område på ca 1850 kvadratkilometer. Vi brukte tre typer kameraer for denne undersøkelsen, herunder; Reconyx, Cuddeback og Scoutguard. Gaupa ble identifisert ved unike markeringer i pelsen. Undersøkelsen strakte seg over to vintersesonger fra 2010 og 2011. I tillegg har vi også gjort en undersøkelse i Hallingdal, for sommeren 2011, hvor målet var å estimere forekomst av gaupe i beitesesongen for sau. Vinteren 2010 (Region 4 - Østfold, Oslo og Akershus), identifiserte vi 11 individuelle gauper, inkludert to familiegrupper. Vi hadde også 11 bilder av gaupe som ikke kunne identifiseres med sikkerhet, og disse ble dermed forkastet fra datasettet. Totalt har vi 4908 felledøgn, vinteren 2010. Vinteren 2011 (Region 4) identifiserte vi 8 ulike individer (inkludert 2 familiegrupper). I tillegg fikk vi 5 bilder av gaupe som vi ikke kunne identifisere med sikkerhet. Disse ble forkastet fra datasettet. Totalt fikk vi 5112 felledøgn, vinteren 2011. Sommeren 2011 (Hallingdal), fikk vi 20 bilder av gaupe. Vi kunne identifisere 5 forskjellige individer, 2 voksne hunngauper, 2 voksne hanngauper, samt 1 unge. Jeg konkluderer med at denne studien har vært vellykket med hensyn til minimumstellinger av familiegrupper, og minimumstellinger av antall individer. CMR statistikk ser ut til å gi tilstrekkelige resultater for 2010, mens resultatet fra 2011 er for dårlig til å være av verdi for eventuelle forvaltningsbeslutninger. Mer må gjøres for å forbedre feltmetodikken for å maksimere antall av fangster og gjenfangster, og dette må gjøres konsekvent fra en sesong til en annen.English: In this thesis I investigate an alternative method of surveying Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx), where data from traditional snow-tracking and family group registration may become insufficient because of uncertain snow conditions for tracking (observations of pugmarks). We used pictures from camera traps as means of identification of individuals, enabling us to make use of CMR statistics (capture-mark-recapture). Our main objectives were to see if we could use camera trapping to obtain (i) a minimum count of family groups, (ii) a density estimate of lynx based on CMR, or (iii) to use the total number of different recognized individuals as an index of lynx abundance. This thesis focuses on the study area of Østfold, Oslo and Akershus in Norway, an area of approximately 1850 square kilometers. We used three types of cameras for this survey; Reconyx, Cuddeback and Scoutguard. The lynx were identified by unique markings in their fur. The survey spanned over two winter seasons of 2010 and 2011. In addition, we also did a survey in Hallingdal, for the summer of 2011, where our goal was to estimate an abundance of lynx during the grazing season for sheep. For the winter 2010 (Region 4 - Østfold, Oslo and Akershus), we identified 11 individual lynx, including two family groups. We also had 11 pictures of lynx which we could not identify with certainty, and hence, was discarded from the dataset. In total we have 4908 trap nights for the winter 2010. For the winter 2011 (Region 4), we identified 8 different individuals (including 2 family groups). We had 5 pictures of lynx which we could not identify with certainty. These were discarded from the dataset. In total, 5112 trap nights were recorded for the winter 2011. For the summer 2011 (Hallingdal), we got 20 pictures of lynx, from which we could identify 5 different individuals. I have concluded that this study has been successful regarding minimum counts of family groups, and minimum counts of individual lynx. The CMR statistics seems to yield adequate results for 2010, but the results from 2011 are too poor to be of any value for any management decisions. More has to be done regarding field methodology, and it is necessary to make this consistent from one season to another, so as to maximize the numbers of captures and recaptures every year

    Path planning and reactive based control for a quadrotor with a suspended load

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    This paper presents a solution to quadrotor cargo transportation, more precisely when cargo is suspended as a sling load. The challenge lies in payload position control and swing attenuation, which we approach by dividing the model into subsystems: attitude quadrotor in free flight, and translational and attitude load dynamics. We propose a solution based on reactive control, in the sense that we utilize a reactive force that reacts to the error position and the oscillation in the load. Asymptotic stability of the system's closed-loop equilibrium is proved using Lyapunov theory. Additionally, a three-dimensional path planning algorithm is proposed based on cubic splines, which give us a natural path between initial and final desired points. Moreover, we convert the path planning problem into trajectory tracking with a spline's correct parametrization. Control and path planning performance are demonstrated with numerical simulations in three different scenarios

    En undersøkelse i om Proof of Stake (PoS) vil løse klimautfordringene Proof of Work (PoW) står overfor.

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    I denne avhandlingen har vi utarbeidet flere analyser basert på konsensusmekanismene Proof of Work (PoW) og Proof of Stake (PoS). Formålet med analysene er å kunne besvare forskningsspørsmålene og problemstillingen, hvor vi ønsker å undersøke om PoS vil løse klimautfordringene PoW står overfor. Vi har utført ulike tester hvor vi har sett på korrelasjonen mellom energiforbruk og markedsverdi, korrelasjon mellom elektronisk avfall og hashrate, og korrelasjon mellom sesongvariasjoner i Kina og hvilke energikilder som benyttes ved mining av Bitcoin. For alle disse testene har vi kunne påvise at det er en positiv korrelasjon. Resultatene er svært relevante og har gitt oss et godt grunnlag for avhandlingens diskusjon og en bredere forståelse for temaet. Videre er det også gjennomført tester hvor vi har sammenlignet ulike variabler, blant annet PoS og PoW, PoS og Visa, samt gjennomsnittlig markedsverdi for inneværende år sammenlignet med foregående år. Funnene viser tydelige forskjeller når det gjelder PoS sammenlignet med PoW. Både når vi sammenligner energiforbruk og CO2-utslipp årlig og per transaksjon er forskjellen mellom PoS og PoW store. Grafene viser at PoW har betydelig høyere verdier både når det gjelder energiforbruk og CO2-utslipp sammenlignet med PoS. Samtidig ser vi også en del ulikheter når det gjelder PoS sammenlignet med Visa. Vi kunne for eksempel ikke påvise at gjennomsnittlig PoS-brukere hadde et lavere energiforbruk og CO2-utslipp per transaksjon enn Visa. Fra utviklingen i markedsverdi ser vi en økende trend med unntak av 2018 til 2019. Den økende trenden gir oss ingen garanti for at markedsverdien vil fortsette å øke, men den gjenspeiler utviklingen de siste årene på en oversiktlig måte. Avslutningsvis konkluderer avhandlingen med at PoS vil kunne løse klimautfordringene PoW står overfor. Konklusjonen begrunnes med betydelig lavere energiforbruk, CO2-utslipp og elektronisk avfall. Dette styrkes også ved at energiforbruket til PoS-brukere heller ikke vil påvirkes av markedsverdien slik tilfellet er for PoW-brukere. Videre konkluderes det med at det likevel er ulikheter blant brukere av PoS, slik at kryptovalutaer som benytter PoS også har ulikheter med tanke på energiforbruk og CO2-utslipp, noe som vil være avgjørende for hvilke PoS-brukere som vil være levedyktige på sikt

    Parametric Study of a Taut Compliant Mooring System for a FOWT Compared to a Catenary Mooring

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    The catenary mooring system is a well recognized station keeping method. However, there could be economical and environmental benefits of reducing the footprint. In the last decades, more focus has been given to synthetic mooring lines and different mooring layouts to optimize the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) for offshore renevable energy converters such as wave energy converters. Therefore, this work presents a parametric study of two important parameters, namely the mooring line angle and line pretension, for a taut mooring configuration focusing on the dynamic response when applied to the TetraSpar floating foundation compared to a catenary mooring system. The work is based on experimental results conducted in the wave basin at Aalborg University (AAU) and compared to analytical stiffness calculations. In addition, a numerical model was tuned based on the main dynamics to achieve the tension response. The results showed satisfying dynamic behavior where the angle and pretension mainly influenced the surge and yaw natural periods. The motion response showed similar behavior between the chosen parameters, and larger pitch amplitudes were found compared to the catenary system

    Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder persistence from childhood into young adult age: a 10-year longitudinal study

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    Problems with executive function (EF) are considered a hallmark of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). However, little is known about the developmental pathway of everyday EF in these two groups, and whether the two groups follow a similar or different developmental course. In this longitudinal study, children and adolescents with ADHD (n = 84, Mage = 11.6, SD = 2.0), ASD (n = 38, Mage = 12.0, SD = 2.3), and typically developing children (TDC; n = 50, Mage = 11.6, SD = 2.0) were clinically diagnosed and assessed with parent-ratings of everyday EF at baseline and at two-year followup (97% retention). Results showed that both individuals with ADHD and individuals with ASD displayed elevated levels of everyday EF problems relative to the TDC at baseline (Hedges g = 1.99 to 2.99). Over the two-year period, everyday EF improved in individuals with ADHD relative to the TDC, whereas individuals with ASD displayed no improvement relative to the TDC. At two-year followup, individuals with ADHD and individuals with ASD continued to display elevated levels of everyday EF problems relative to the TDC (Hedges g = 1.61 to 3.19).submittedVersio

    Diagnostic accuracy of heart auscultation for detecting valve disease: a systematic review

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    Objective The objective of this study was to determine the diagnostic accuracy in detecting valvular heart disease (VHD) by heart auscultation, performed by medical doctors. Design/methods A systematic literature search for diagnostic studies comparing heart auscultation to echocardiography or angiography, to evaluate VHD in adults, was performed in MEDLINE (1947–November 2021) and EMBASE (1947–November 2021). Two reviewers screened all references by title and abstract, to select studies to be included. Disagreements were resolved by consensus meetings. Reference lists of included studies were also screened. The results are presented as a narrative synthesis, and risk of bias was assessed using Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies-2. Main outcome measures Sensitivity, specificity and likelihood ratios (LRs). Results We found 23 articles meeting the inclusion criteria. Auscultation was compared with full echocardiography in 15 of the articles; pulsed Doppler was used as reference standard in 2 articles, while aortography and ventriculography was used in 5 articles. One article used point-of-care ultrasound. The articles were published from year 1967 to 2021. Sensitivity of auscultation ranged from 30% to 100%, and specificity ranged from 28% to 100%. LRs ranged from 1.35 to 26. Most of the included studies used cardiologists or internal medicine residents or specialists as auscultators, whereas two used general practitioners and two studied several different auscultators. Conclusion Sensitivity, specificity and LRs of auscultation varied considerably across the different studies. There is a sparsity of data from general practice, where auscultation of the heart is usually one of the main methods for detecting VHD. Based on this review, the diagnostic utility of auscultation is unclear and medical doctors should not rely too much on auscultation alone. More research is needed on how auscultation, together with other clinical findings and history, can be used to distinguish patients with VHD

    Adolescence internalizing problems as a mediator between autism diagnosis in childhood and quality of life in emerging adults with and without autism: a 10-year longitudinal study

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    © The Author(s) 2023. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Background Individuals with autism tend to have a reduced quality of life across their lifespan. This reduced quality of life may be a result of autism traits, mental distress, and poor person/environment fit. In this longitudinal study, we looked at the role of adolescence internalizing and externalizing problems in mediating the relationship between having an autism diagnosis from childhood and perceived quality of life as emerging adults.Methods A total of 66 participants in a group of emerging adults with autism (mean age 22.2 years), and without autism (mean age 20.9 years) were assessed in three assessment waves (T1 at 12 years, T2 at 14 years, and T3 at 22 years of age). Parents filled out the Child Behavior Checklist at T2 and participants filled out the Perceived Quality of Life Questionnaire at T3. Total and indirect effects were tested in serial mediation analysis.Results The results showed that internalizing problems fully mediated the association between childhood autism diagnosis and the quality of life in emerging adulthood, while externalizing problems did not.Conclusion Our findings suggest that attention to adolescent internalizing problems is important to improve the later quality of life for emerging adults with autism.publishedVersio