73 research outputs found

    Optimal H-infinity state feedback for systems with symmetric and Hurwitz state matrix

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    We address H-infinity state feedback and give a simple form for an optimal control law applicable to linear time invariant systems with symmetric and Hurwitz state matrix. More specifically, the control law as well as the minimal value of the norm can be expressed in the matrices of the system's state space representation, given separate cost on state and control input. Thus, the control law is transparent, easy to synthesize and scalable. If the plant possesses a compatible sparsity pattern, it is also distributed. Examples of such sparsity patterns are included. Furthermore, if the state matrix is diagonal and the control input matrix is a node-link incidence matrix, the open-loop system's property of internal positivity is preserved by the control law. Finally, we give an extension of the optimal control law that incorporate coordination among subsystems. Examples demonstrate the simplicity in synthesis and performance of the optimal control law

    H-infinity optimal control for infinite-dimensional systems with strictly negative generator

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    A simple form for the optimal H-infinity state feedback of linear time-invariant infinite-dimensional systems is derived. It is applicable to systems with bounded input and output operators and a closed, densely defined, self-adjoint and strictly negative state operator. However, unlike other state-space algorithms, the optimal control is calculated in one step. Furthermore, a closed-form expression for the L2-gain of the closed-loop system is obtained. The result is an extension of the finite-dimensional case, derived by the first two authors. Examples demonstrate the simplicity of synthesis as well as the performance of the control law

    Conditions for political leadership in pluricentric Scandinavian regions

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    How does the increasingly pluricentric character of regional governance in Denmark, Sweden and Norway condition the political leadership of politicians elected at regional levels of government? In regional governance, politicians elected at different levels of governance compete for political leadership, and this competition is particularly intense in pluricentric regional governance arenas with a weak division of political power. In such cases, the political leadership capacity of elected politicians at regional levels of governance depends on their ability to attract regional followers and to mobilise the support and resources of strong, influential regional stakeholders. From an analysis of recent institutional reforms in the three Scandinavian countries and a literature review of the role played by politicians in regional governance in the wake of these reforms, the article concludes that Scandinavian regional governance is strongly pluricentric (with some variation), and that recent reforms have contributed to making it even more pluricentric in character.

    Norrländsk regionstudie 2008

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    In order to capture the views that the citizens in the northern parts of Sweden hold on regionalization and their opinions about the preconditions for development in the north, a citizen survey was carried out from September 2008. Among the citizens in the four northernmost counties, 4000 respondents have been randomly selected to take part in the survey. The questionnaire includes questions on territorial identities, regionalization, democracy, health care, regional development and consequences of globalization. Different versions of the questionnaire have been developed for each of the two new regions. The timing and to some extent also the questions have been coordinated with corresponding studies being carried out in the regions of Västra Götaland and Skåne by the SOM-institute at Göteborg University in order to make it possible to compare regionalization in the south, the west and the north in Sweden.Syftet med enkäten är att fånga in medborgarnas perspektiv på utvecklingsförutsättningar och samhällsliv i norr. Formuläret innehåller frågor om bl.a. hemmahörighet och identitet, regionalisering och demokrati, lokala och regionala utvecklingsförutsättningar, hälso- och sjukvård samt hur man ser på globaliseringen. Enkäten har utformats i två versioner för de boende i var och en av de båda planerade regionerna, eftersom några frågor är specifika för resp region. Undersökningens genomförande och till en del även frågornas innehåll har samordnats med liknande undersökningar i Skåne och Västra Götaland. Avsikten är att därigenom göra det möjligt att jämföra regionaliseringarna i södra, västra och norra Sverige. Tanken är också att denna studie skall kunna följas upp med liknande undersökningar framöver för att kunna analysera förändringar över tid i fråga om t.ex. regional identitet och demokrati

    Multi-Level Governance : the Case of Umeå

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    This overview provides insights into two different regional structures (the Västerbotten County Council and the Umeå Region) with which the City of Umeå is increasingly cooperating. Both are important institutional actors within a multi-level governance structure in which Umeå perticipates. The differences between the two structures of cooperation are reflected in their objectives, forms, potentialities and limitations as well as their abilities to promote innovation.Inom EU-projektet Urban Design

    Stadsregioner och landsbygdsregioner - en asymmetrisk regionaliseringslogik

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    Stadsregioner och landsbygdsregioner - en asymmetrisk regionaliseringslogik

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