79 research outputs found

    Fuzzy Mamdani dalam Menentukan Tingkat Keberhasilan Dosen Mengajar

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    Permasalahn yang timbul di dunia ini terkadang sering sekali memiliki jawaban yang tidak pasti, logika fuzzy merupakan salah satu metode untuk melakukan analisis system yang tidak pasti. Paper ini berisi tentang penggunaan metode logika fuzzy mamdani dalam menentujkan tingkat keberhasilan dosen mengajar pada AMIK Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar. Masalah yang diselesaikan adalah cara menentukan tingkat keberhasilan dosen mengajar jika hanya menggunakan dua variable input, yaitu dosen dan nilai. Langkah pertama penyelesaian masalah tingkat keberhasilan dosen mengajardengan menggunakan metode fuzzy mamdani yaitu menentukan variable input dan output yang merupakan himpunan tegas. Langkah kedua yaitu mengubah variable input menjadi himpunan fuzzy dengan proses fuzzifikasi, selanjutnya langkah ketiga adalah pengolahan datahimpunan fuzzy dengan metode maksimum. Dan langkah terakhir atau keempat adalah mengubah output menjadi himpunan tegas dengan proses defuzzifikasi dengan metode centroid, sehingga akan diperoleh hasil yang diinginkan pada variable output. Hasil dari perhitungan dengan menggunakan metode fuzzy mamdani dari tingkat keberhasilan dosen mengajar untuk nilai variable dosen 55 dan nilai variable nilai 65 adalah 80

    Analisis Pendapatan dan Resiko USAha Budidaya Ikan Air Tawar di Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan

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    The main objective of this study is to determine the income and financial risks of freshwater aquaculture, especially tilapia. The study was conducted in Seginim, South Bengkulu, with consideration that Seginim is an area of aquaculture centers in South Bengkulu. Samples have been taken as many as 50 tilapia farmers. Data analysis was using quantitative and qualitative models. Approach starts from the calculation of operating cost, revenue, and income, and then the study of risk analysis approached by variance analysis. The results show that the income of freshwater fish farming, tilapia in particular, is Rp 59,512,743.75 per period of production per farming unit, and the level of business risk is quite high with the number of CV more than 50% (>0,5) and it has opportunity losing of income as much as minus Rp 7,127,386.37 per period of production

    Analgesic Activity Study of Ethanolic Extract of Callicarpa Longifolia Lamk. in Mice

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    Pain is a sensory and emotional feelings associated with tissue damage. Leaves kerehau recognized by people Dayak and Kutai as postpartum pain medication. Kerehau leaf has long been known by the public because many have efficacy in medicine. This research to determine the analgesic activity of ethanolic extract of leaves kerehau (Callicarpa longifolia Lamk.) on male white mice (Mus musculus). This is experimental research, randomized complete unidirectional pattern. The animals test were divided into 5 groups with each treatment of 5 mice. Group I (Na CMC 0.5% negative control), Group II (ibuprofen as a positive control), group III - V the ethanol extract of leaves kerehau dose of 150 mg , 300 mg and 600 mg/ Kg BW). Inductor pain acetic acid 0.5 % (ip). Observed number of writhing in mice for 1 hour and calculated percent analgesic . The results obtained in this study has efficacy as an analgesic with Strength of power dose I: 51.65 %, dose II: 65.40 %, and dose III: 75.98 %

    Risk Factors Analysis of Herbicide Applicators (Case Study on Palm Oil Plantation PT. S Banyuasin District)

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    Background: Recently, herbicide used widely in agriculture and plantation areas to controlling weeds. The application of herbicide can have positive effects and negative impacts, if the application is not compliant can pollute the environment and cause health problems to workers. One of the health effects that may result is a decrease in hemoglobin level workers. This study aimed to analyze the risk factors of anemia in oil palm plantations. Methods: The study design was a cross-sectional; with a sample size is a total population of 40 respondents. Data collection were using questionnaires and measurement of hemoglobin level used to Hb meter. Result: The variables that were significantly associated with anemia that respiratory exposure, the use of personal protective equipment and decontamination after spraying, whereas the most dominant variables determine anemia that respiratory exposure and the use of personal protective equipment. Conclusion: Mayority of herbicide applicators experiencing anemia, anemia caused by several variables were respiratory exposure, the use of personal protective equipment, decontamination after spraying. As a result of direct exposure to herbicide causing active ingredients of herbicide absorbed into the body, so it accumulates in the body, and can affect the formation of hemoglobin in the body of workers. Therefore, recommended that the company provide personal protective equipment, special room for decontamination after spraying. In addition, it is necessary to improve knowledge and awareness of workers using personal protective equipment

    MIL-101(Cr)-cobalt ferrite magnetic nanocomposite: synthesis, characterization and applications for the sonocatalytic degradation of organic dye pollutants

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    In this study, for the first time, a novel magnetically recyclable MIL-101(Cr)/CoFe2O4nanocomposite was preparedviaa facile solvothermal method. The morphology, structural, magnetic and optical properties of the nanocomposite were characterizedviafield emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM), UV-visible spectroscopy (UV-visible) and BET surface area analysis. Furthermore, the sonocatalytic activity of the MIL-101(Cr)-based magnetic nanocomposite was explored for the degradation of organic dye pollutants such as Rhodamine B (RhB) and methyl orange (MO) under ultrasound irradiation in the presence of H2O2. Under optimized conditions, the degradation efficiency reached 96% for RhB and 88% for MO. The sonocatalytic activity of MIL-101(Cr)/CoFe2O4was almost 12 and 4 times higher than that of the raw MIL-101(Cr) and pure CoFe2O4, respectively. The improved sonocatalytic performance of the as-prepared binary nanocomposite can be attributed to the relatively high specific surface area of MIL-101(Cr) and magnetic property of CoFe2O4, as well as the fast generation and separation of charge carriers (electrons and holes) in MIL-101(Cr) and CoFe2O4. In addition, the trapping tests demonstrated that ·OH radicals are the main active species in the dye degradation process. Moreover, the most influencing factors on the sonocatalytic activity such as the H2O2amount, initial dye concentration and catalyst dosage were investigated. Finally, the nanocomposite was magnetically separated and reused without any observable change in its structure and performance even after four consecutive runs

    Comparison between sensorial and instrumental measurements for mealiness assessment in apples

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    Definition and establishment of assessment procedures for mealiness of apple fruits using sensory and instrumental measurements were performed on ‘Boskoop', ‘Cox's Orange Pippin’ and ‘Jonagold’ samples with varying degrees of mealiness. The sensory procedure profiled mealiness as a loss of crispness, hardness, and juiciness, with an increase in the floury sensation in the mouth. High correlations between the sensory descriptors and instrumental parameters was shown through principal component analysis. The instrumental procedures (confined compression of fruit cylinders and acoustic impulse response) gave coefficients of determination for juiciness and crispness of 0.85 and 0.71, respectively. This level of accuracy indicates the possibility of establishin

    Molekularni dokaz toksinskih tipova bakterije Clostridium perfringens, enteropatogenih sojeva Escherichia coli te rotavirusa i koronavirusa u uzorcima proljeva kod neonatalne jaradi

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    In the present study, out of 1156 neonatal goat kids, 238 showing clinical diarrhea were used for detection of toxinotypes of Clostridium perfringens, Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC), Group A rotavirus (GARV) and Bovine coronavirus (BCV). Isolation and toxinotyping of isolates were done by multiplex Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using primers for cpa, cpb, cpb2, etx and iap genes. For EPEC, isolation and identification were done using bfpA gene and SYBR green based real time PCR (qPCR). GARV and BCV were detected, by one-step RT-PCR (osRT-PCR). The incidence of C. perfringens was 15.13% with 75% isolates toxinotype A, 25% type D and 61.11% of isolates carrying the β2-toxin gene. The incidence of EPEC was 68.07% based on qPCR, whereas 21.85% were positive for GARV and 15.97% for BCV by osRT-PCR. There was mixed infection of C. perfringens and EPEC in 11.76% and 3.78% for C. perfringens and GARV and 2.1% of C. perfringens and BCV. EPEC and GARV was 19.74% and EPEC plus BCV positivity was 11.34%. GARV and BCV was 5.88%, and 4.20% had mixed infection of EPEC, GARV and BCV. Of the total diarrheic kids sampled, 0.84% had mixed infection of C. perfringens, GARV, BCV and EPEC. On the basis of the above findings, it may be concluded that isolation, multiplex PCR and real time PCR facilitated the characterization of circulating C. perfringens toxinotypes and EPEC in goats reared under semi-arid conditions. The importance of enteritis caused by GARV and BCV and their role in mixed infection in goats requires extensive screening and pathogenicity studies to associate the symptoms with disease.U populaciji od 1156 neonatalnih jarića 238 je pokazivalo kliničke znakove proljeva. Od njih su uzeti uzorci izmeta za dokazivanje toksinskih tipova bakterije Clostridium perfringens, enteropatogenih sojeva bakterije E. coli (engl. enteropathogenic E. coli, EPEC), rotavirusa skupine A (engl. group A rotavirus, GARV) i goveđeg koronavirusa (engl. bovine coronavirus, BCV). Izdvajanje i toksinska tipizacija izolata provedeni su višestrukom lančanom reakcijom polimerazom (PCR) upotrebom početnica za gene cpa, cpb, cpb2, etx i iap. Izdvajanje i identifikacija EPEC-a provedeni su pretragom na gen bfpA i PCR-om u stvarnom vremenu, uz upotrebu SYBR zelenila (qPCR). Za dokaz rotavirusa skupine A i goveđeg koronavirusa upotrijebljena je RT-PCR (osRT-PCR). Incidencija bakterije C. perfringens iznosila je 15,13 %. Od toga je 75 % izolata pripadalo toksinskom tipu A, 25 % tipu D, dok je 61,11 % izolata imalo gen za toksin β2. Incidencija EPEC-a iznosila je 68,07 %, a 21,85 % pretraženih uzoraka bilo je pozitivno na GARV te 15,97 % na BCV. Mješovita infekcija bakterijom C. perfringens i EPEC-om utvrđena je u 11,76 % uzoraka, C. perfringens i GARV u 3,78 % te C. perfringens i BCV u 2,1 % pretraženih uzoraka. Mješovita infekcija EPEC-om i GARV-om utvrđena je u 19,74 %, a EPEC-om i BCV-om u 11,34 %. Mješovita infekcija rotavirusom i koronavirusom bila je ustanovljena u 5,88 %, a mješovita infekcija EPEC-om, GARV-om i BCV-om u 4,20 % uzoraka. Od ukupnog broja pretražene jaradi s proljevom u njih 0,84 % dokazana je mješovita infekcija bakterijom C. perfringens, rotavirusom skupine A, goveđim koronavirusom i EPEC-om. Na osnovi prikazanih rezultata može se zaključiti da izdvajanje, višestruki PCR te PCR u stvarnom vremenu omogućuju karakterizaciju i praćenje kolanja toksinskih tipova bakterija C. perfringens i EPEC-a u koza uzgajanih u sušnim uvjetima. Važnost enteritisa uzrokovanog rotavirusom skupine A i goveđim koronavirusom te njihova uloga kod mješovitih infekcija u koza zahtijevaju pojačan nadzor i istraživanje patogenosti radi povezivanja kliničkih znakova s ustanovljenom bolešću