109 research outputs found

    V5: Coordination and Change

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    The Coordination Project V5 will ensure coherence amongst the other 4 Volta BDC Projects, manage their interdependence and data protocols in such a way to allow smooth running of the program and also monitor and evaluate the quality of research outputs. Through communication strategies to be developed, V5 will assist in linking projects with policy makers and other stakeholders to create opportunities that will enrich the research process and subsequently the uptake of research output

    Improved Technology and Land Productivity among Smallholder Cocoa Farmers in Ashanti Region, Ghana

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    The study assessed the effect of improved technology on land productivity of smallholder cocoa farmers in Ashanti Region, Ghana. With data from 366 smallholders cocoa farmers productivity was shown to be linearly related to and the use of improved cocoa technology in the study area. Both the decision to use improved technologies and the proportion of cocoa land allocated to cocoa production are all significant determinants of increased productivity. In addition, farm level factors characteristics as well as idiosyncrasies are shown to affect productivity. These including age, household size, participation in programs related to cocoa production, access to virgin lands, size of cocoa farm, labour resource use and nativity affect productivity at various levels of significance. Strategies to improve the productivity of the smallholder cocoa farmers must include the promotion of improved cocoa technologies as it evidently enhances productivity of the smallholders. These must not come alone but with appropriate training on their use.Crop Production/Industries,

    Pengaruh Budaya Kematian Suku Tenggelan terhadap Pertumbuhan Iman Gereja Kemah Injil Indonesia Jemaat Sabuluan

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    Tujuan penulisan skripsi ini adalah: Pertama, pertumbuhan iman tidak lain, adalah kedewasaan secara rohani yang terus menerus bertumbuh menuju kesempurnaan didalam Yesus Kristus, memiliki perbedaan hidup dari orang-orang yang tidak percaya, dan semakin kuat dalam iman kepada Yesus Kristus. Kedua, GKII Jemaat Sabuluan belum mengalami pertumbuhan iman atau kedewasaan rohani dalam kehidupan mereka, walaupun mereka sudah menjadi Kristen dan percaya kepada Yesus Kristus serta meneriman Dia sebagai Tuhan dan Juruselamat dalam hidup mereka. Ketiga, adapun yang menjadi penghambat pertumbuhan iman GKII Jemaat Sabuluan tidak lain, adalah faktor adat istiadat kematian yang masih kental dilakukan, seperti: 1) Kulung abalu atau kulung agalang, yakni apabila ada salah satu pasangan yang meninggal (suami/isteri); 2) Amungkak yang dilakukan setelah penguburan; 3) Amakan (Ampit) yakni acara puncak dalam acara adat istiadat kematian. Keempat, solusi yang harus ditempu supaya iman Jemaat Sabuluan dapat bertumbuh, antara lain: 1) Gembala jemaat harus berdoa; 2) Mengasihi anggota jemaat; 3) Pelayanan perkunjungan; 4) Pelayanan konseling; 5) Pelayanan mimbar; 6) Teladan hidup

    Volta basin water balance

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    Access to Healthcare Services Among Children with Cerebral Palsy in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana

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    Children with cerebral palsy have quite a lot of challenges in accessing health care than those without disabilities. The purpose of the study was to explore the factors that influence parents in accessing healthcare services for their children with cerebral palsy. This study used a qualitative cross-sectional design using phenomenology. A total of 15 participants comprising parents of children with disabilities and healthcare providers provided data through in-depth interviews following written informed consent. Fifteen in-depth interviews were conducted. The interviews were recorded digitally and transcribed verbatim. Thematic analysis was adopted in the analysis of the data using Nvivo 12. Fifteen IDIs were completed: 10 parents of children with cerebral palsy and 5 healthcare providers. The study findings revealed individual factors such as transportation cost, distance to a health facility, and stigmatization as well as healthcare factors such as availability of specialized services, the attitude of health professionals, the physical environment of hospitals, and the availability of rehabilitation specialists influence parents access to healthcare services for their children with cerebral palsy. Access to healthcare services for children with cerebral palsy is influenced by individual factors (parental) and healthcare factors

    Evaluating inland valley agro-ecosystems in Ghana using a multi-scale characterization approach

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    As part of measures for improving the productive capacities of inland valley systems for rice-based cropping systems, a published multi-scale characterization approach was used in Ghana to assess the constraints and variables which must be understood before agronomic interventions are made. Macro, reconnaissance, semidetailed and detailed levels of characterization at their respective scales were used. Between 1996 and 1999, Geographical Information System (GIS) and transect studies were carried out, after which the extent of variability in the biotic and abiotic characteristics of two agro-ecologies were identified. Ten agro-ecological units were identified for Ghana based on map overlays and cluster analysis. The method allowed for the selection of Mankran and Jolo-Kwaha watersheds representing the equatorial and savanna agro-ecologies, respectively. Socio-economic parameters (markets, population density and suchlike) were recognized as the essential variables, which should be considered alongside lithology, climate, hydrology and others, for the choice of valleys for development interventions for crop production. At the detailed level of characterization, hydrological and soil characteristics underscored the need to properly understand the watershed-level and valleyspecific constraints before meaningful rice-based research and cropping systems are developed.En tant que partie de mesures pour améliorer les capacités productives de systémes de vallée de l\'intérieur pour les systèmes de culture basés sur le riz, une approche de caractérisation multiéchelle publiée était employée au Ghana en vue d\'estimer les contraintes et les variables qu\'il faut comprendre avant que les interventions agronomiques soient faites. Les niveaux macro, reconnaissance, semi-détaillé et détaillé de caractérisation à leurs échelles respectives étaient utilisés. Entre 1996 et 1999, l\'étude transversale et du Système Informationnel Géographique (SIG) étaient faites à la suite de quelle l\'étendue de variabilité de caractéristiques biotiques et abiotiques de deux agro-écologies étaient identifiées. Dix unités agro-écologiques étaient identifiées pour le Ghana basé sur l\'analyse de revêtements et de rassemblement sur la carte. La méthode permettait la sélection de lignes de partage des eaux de Mankran et de Jolo-Kwaha représentant respectivement les agroécologies équatoriales et savanes. Les paramètres socioéconomiques (les marchés, la densité de population, etc.) étaient reconnus comme les variables essentielles, qui devraient être considéré à côté de la lithologie, le climat, la hydrologie, etc.; pour le choix de vallées pour les interventions de développement pour la production des cultures. Au niveau détaillé de caractérisation, les caractéristiques de hydrologie et de sol soulignent la nécessité de comprendre vraiment les contraintes de niveaux de lignes de partage des eaux et les contraintes spécifiques à certaines vallées avant que la recherche et les systèmes de culture utiles basés sur le riz soient développés. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 40 (2) 2008: pp. 141-15

    Marital Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction Among Ghanaians

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    This study examined factors associated with marital satisfaction/dissatisfaction among Ghanaian couples living in Ghana and abroad. Using a correlational design, data from a convenience sample of 231 married participants from Ghana and abroad were collected via an online survey. Results from regression analyses revealed that four positive behaviors - affection, companionship, commitment to the family, financial support - and one negative behavior, beatings/slaps, were significantly associated with marital satisfaction. Three negative behaviors - annoying habits, selfishness, and disrespect - were significantly associated with marital dissatisfaction. Participants in Ghana reported significantly higher rates of beatings in marriage compared to those abroad. Also, negative behaviors experienced in marriage were significantly associated with less secure, and more anxious attachment styles. Finally, slaps/beatings as associated with marital satisfaction show unique cultural/sub-cultural interpretations of behaviors. Findings contribute to growing studies and clinical practice that serve multicultural individuals and families

    Understanding the impact of professional motivation on the workforce crisis in medicine: a rapid review

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    Background: The NHS is facing a workforce crisis. Responses to date have focused on improving recruitment of staff, but less attention has been paid to retention. Aim: To conduct a rapid review using Rosabeth Moss Kanter's three Ms model of workforce motivation as a sensitising framework to examine the current medical workforce crisis. The work considers how insights from research in other professions offers new thinking for understanding what motivates doctors to continue working. Design & setting: Rapid literature review with secondary analysis of existing research examining reasons for leaving medicine. Method: A systematic search strategy was developed with the aid of an information specialist. The search terms used were: medical professionals, retention, and NHS. The exclusions were: commentaries, non-medical professionals, non-English language, and it was limited to post-1990. The search was applied to three electronic databases, MEDLINE, Embase, and Healthcare Management Information Consortium (HMIC). This produced a dataset describing study design, and factors related to motivation for leaving the medical profession. Comparative thematic analysis distilled core themes explaining the reasons for leaving and their relation to the three Ms model. Results: Of 3389 abstracts identified, screening and assessment produced 82 articles included in the final analysis. Thematic analysis identified four key themes: low morale, disconnect, unmanageable change, and lack of personal and professional support. The themes of mastery, membership, and meaning were substantially present within the dataset. Conclusion: Kanter's three Ms model of motivation can be applied to the medical workforce to understand retention issues. This work supports the development of targeted solutions to tackle the worsening workforce crisis

    Volta basin water balance

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    Water balances pertaining to the flux of water through the Volta River Basin and a black box model of the rainfall/runoff relationship for estimating the river flows into the Akosombo Reservoir are presented. As the water demand has approached supply, the tradeoffs between competing water uses are likely to intensify. It is also apparent from the balances that land use and land cover changes in the uplands of the basin are destined to play a pivotal role in determining the future of the basin