1,208 research outputs found

    Cross-Order Relations in N=4 Supersymmetric Gauge Theories

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    The anti-de Sitter/conformal field theory duality conjecture raises the question of how the perturbative expansion in the conformal field theory can resum to a simple function. We exhibit a relation between the one-loop and two-loop amplitudes whose generalization to higher-point and higher-loop amplitudes would answer this question. We also provide evidence for the first of these generalizations.Comment: 6 pages, talk given at the 3rd International Symposium on Quantum Theory and Symmetries, Cincinnati, OH, Sept 10-14, 2003; v2: Mispositioned figure in eqn. 1 fixe

    NNLO phase space master integrals for two-to-one inclusive cross sections in dimensional regularization

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    We evaluate all phase space master integrals which are required for the total cross section of generic 2 -> 1 processes at NNLO as a series expansion in the dimensional regulator epsilon. Away from the limit of threshold production, our expansion includes one order higher than what has been available in the literature. At threshold, we provide expressions which are valid to all orders in terms of Gamma functions and hypergeometric functions. These results are a necessary ingredient for the renormalization and mass factorization of singularities in 2 -> 1 inclusive cross sections at NNNLO in QCD.Comment: 37 pages, plus 3 ancillary files containing analytic expressions in Maple forma

    Decision support for optimised irrigation scheduling

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    The system, developed under the FLOW-AID (an FP6 project), is a farm level water management system of special value in situations where the water availability and quality is limited. This market-ready precision irrigation management system features new models, hardware and software. The hardware platform delivers a maintenance-free low cost dielectric tensiometer and several low-end irrigation or fertigation controllers for serving different situations. The software includes a complete, web based, Decision Support System (DSS) that consists of an expert planner for farm zoning (MOPECO) and a universal irrigation scheduler, based on crop-water stress models (UNIPI) and water and nutrient uptake calculations. The system, designed also to service greenhouse fertigation and hydroponics, is scalable from one to many zones. It consists of 1) a data gathering tool which uploads agronomic data, from monitored crops around the world, to a central web Data Base (DB), and 2) a web based Decision Support System (DSS). The DSS processes intelligently the data of the crop using Crop Response Models, Nutrient Uptake Models and Water Uptake Models. The central system returns over Internet to the low-end controller a command file containing water scheduling and nutrient supply guideline

    The NNLO gluon fusion Higgs production cross-section with many heavy quarks

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    We consider extensions of the Standard Model with a number of additional heavy quarks which couple to the Higgs boson via top-like Yukawa interactions. We construct an effective theory valid for a Higgs boson mass which is lighter than twice the lightest heavy quark mass and compute the corresponding Wilson coefficient through NNLO. We present numerical results for the gluon fusion cross-section at the Tevatron for an extension of the Standard Model with a fourth generation of heavy quarks. The gluon fusion cross-section is enhanced by a factor of roughly 9 with respect to the Standard Model value. Tevatron experimental data can place stringent exclusion limits for the Higgs mass in this model.Comment: 14 pages, 1 tabl

    Finite-top-mass effects in NNLO Higgs production

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    We construct an accurate approximation to the exact NNLO cross section for Higgs production in gluon-gluon fusion by matching the dominant finite top mass corrections recently computed by us to the known result in the infinite mass limit. The ensuing corrections to the partonic cross section are very large when the center of mass energy of the partonic collision is much larger than the Higgs mass, but lead to a moderate correction at the percent level to the total Higgs production cross section at the LHC. Our computation thus reduces the uncertainty related to these corrections at the LHC from the percent to the per mille level.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; to be published in the proceedings of QCD2008. Reference adde

    The fully differential hadronic production of a Higgs boson via bottom quark fusion at NNLO

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    The fully differential computation of the hadronic production cross section of a Higgs boson via bottom quarks is presented at NNLO in QCD. Several differential distributions with their corresponding scale uncertainties are presented for the 8 TeV LHC. This is the first application of the method of non-linear mappings for NNLO differential calculations at hadron colliders.Comment: 27 pages, 13 figures, 1 lego plo

    Hepta-Cuts of Two-Loop Scattering Amplitudes

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    We present a method for the computation of hepta-cuts of two loop scattering amplitudes. Four dimensional unitarity cuts are used to factorise the integrand onto the product of six tree-level amplitudes evaluated at complex momentum values. Using Gram matrix constraints we derive a general parameterisation of the integrand which can be computed using polynomial fitting techniques. The resulting expression is further reduced to master integrals using conventional integration by parts methods. We consider both planar and non-planar topologies for 2 to 2 scattering processes and apply the method to compute hepta-cut contributions to gluon-gluon scattering in Yang-Mills theory with adjoint fermions and scalars.Comment: 37 pages, 6 figures. version 2 : minor updates, published versio

    Fibrometabolism-An emerging therapeutic frontier in pulmonary fibrosis

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    Fibrosis is the final pathological outcome and major cause of morbidity and mortality in many common and chronic inflammatory, immune-mediated, and metabolic diseases. Despite the growing incidence of fibrotic diseases and extensive research efforts, there remains a lack of effective therapies that improve survival. The application of omics technologies has revolutionized our approach to identifying previously unknown therapeutic targets and potential disease biomarkers. The application of metabolomics, in particular, has improved our understanding of disease pathomechanisms and garnered a wave of scientific interest in the role of metabolism in the biology of myofibroblasts, the key effector cells of the fibrogenic response. Emerging evidence suggests that alterations in metabolism not only are a feature of but also may play an influential role in the pathogenesis of fibrosis, most notably in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), the most rapidly progressive and fatal of all fibrotic conditions. This review will detail the role of key metabolic pathways, their alterations in myofibroblasts, and the potential this new knowledge offers for the development of antifibrotic therapeutic strategies

    High-precision QCD at hadron colliders: electroweak gauge boson rapidity distributions at NNLO

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    We compute the rapidity distributions of W and Z bosons produced at the Tevatron and the LHC through next-to-next-to leading order in QCD. Our results demonstrate remarkable stability with respect to variations of the factorization and renormalization scales for all values of rapidity accessible in current and future experiments. These processes are therefore ``gold-plated'': current theoretical knowledge yields QCD predictions accurate to better than one percent. These results strengthen the proposal to use W and Z production to determine parton-parton luminosities and constrain parton distribution functions at the LHC. For example, LHC data should easily be able to distinguish the central parton distribution fit obtained by MRST from that obtained by Alekhin.Comment: 47 pages, 17 figures. Minor typos, 1 reference correcte

    Heavy-quark mass effects in Higgs boson production at the LHC

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    We study the impact of heavy-quark masses in Higgs boson production through gluon fusion at the LHC. We extend previous computations of the fully differential cross section and of the transverse momentum spectrum of the Higgs boson by taking into account the finite top- and bottom-quark masses up to O(alpha_S^3). We also discuss the issues arising when the heavy-quark mass is much smaller than the Higgs mass. Our results are implemented in updated versions of the HNNLO and HRes numerical programs.Comment: Minor modifications, results unchanged. Discussion on uncertainties added. Version published on JHE