118 research outputs found

    Colourants on the wall paintings of a mediӕval fortress at the mount Sofeh in Isfahan, central Iran

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    Colourants on the twelfth century wall paintings excavated at the fortress located on the mount Sofeh in Isfahan, central Iran, were analysed using micro X-ray fluorescence (µ-XRF), micro Raman spectroscopy (µ-Raman) and high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization quadropole time-of-flight (HPLC-ESI-Q-TOF). The results of the analyses showed that gypsum, atacamite, carbon black, orpiment and ultramarine blue were used as white, green, black, yellow and blue pigments, respectively. Moreover, three red colourants including red lead, red vermilion and madder red were identified in the wall paintings. Furthermore, possible sources for the colourants are discussed

    The effect of the eye movement desensitization and reprocessing intervention on anxiety and depression among patients undergoing hemodialysis: A randomized controlled trial

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    Author's accepted version (postprint).This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Wiley in Perspectives in psychiatric care on 29/04/2019.Available online: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/ppc.12389acceptedVersio

    The effect of time from last food intake on arterial blood gases: Implication on reference values

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    Arterial blood gas parameters were analyzed in forty-nine healthy persons (31 males, 18 females) to detemine reference values fo these parameters and their relation to the time from last food intake to arterial puncture (T). The mean ± standard deviation of arterial oxygen pressure, arterial carbon dioxide pressure and pH at core body temperature were 84.4±7.0 mmHg (Male: 83.0±6.5, Female: 86.7±73), 37.7±2.8 mmHg (Male: 38.5±2.7, Female: 36.2±2.4) respectively 7.41±0.02 (Male: 7.41±0.02 Female: 7.42±0.03). the mean PCO2 was lower in comparison with most of the studies at sea level. The difference between males and females was significant in PCO2 and PH (P=0.004, P=0.02 respectively) but in was not significant in PO2 (P=0.07). The PCO2 and pH had no statistically significant relatioship with age (P=0.42, P=0.25 respectively). The relationship between Po2 with age, PCO2 and T was significant (P=0.02, P=0.017, and P=0.019 respectively). The best linear predictive equation was: Po2= 1.28 AO2-29.4 for T10hours Þ AO2 = 0.21(Baro-47) – (1.2PCO


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    3000 patients, having undergone fiber - optic bronchoscopy (FOli) over 10 years, in our Hospital were evaluated. Thec aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of lung cancer in Iran and their correlation with somking and to study the clinical anil radiological signs in different cancers ami the role of fiber-optic bronchoscopy in their diagnosis and the hazards of this method, 'llxe correlation between smoking and the signs and symptoms wax quite significant (p<0.05) and the clinical and radiological signs were more prominent in those such as miners, directly exposed to environmental pollutants. Cough was the most common symptom in our study. 'Ihe right lung holvement was slightly more than that of the left lung and the most common radiological ft titling was mass lesions (38.4% in men and 19.4% in women). Reticulonodular pattern was present in 3.8% of men and 6.2% of women. All the patients underwent the procedure almsot without premedication and no complication was seen in this aspect. 'Hie complications in our patients were tow and mainly included hemorrhage, respiratory distress, anil rarely ischemia and cardiac arrhyth'tma. The most common neoplasm was squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, small cell carcinoma and large cell carcinoma

    Photocurrent in strontium titanate films on silicon substrates

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    Using the sol-gel method, strontium titanate films were prepared (strontium titanate xerogels) on monocrystalline silicon substrates at 750°C annealing temperature. Nickel upper electrodes were deposited by magnetron sputtering, and the current–voltage characteristics were measured for the prepared structures with two upper electrodes and a Schottky barrier. Significant changes in the current–voltage characteristics were observed after illuminating the diode structure with a halogen lamp characterized by 57 mW/cm2 intensity and 3123°C color temperature of the tungsten filament. For a 65-nm thick strontium titanate film under reverse bias voltage of –3 V the photocurrent is 80 μA, whereas without illumination the reverse current is close to zero. Under direct illumination and a voltage of 3 V the photocurrent is 190 μA, while without illumination the current does not exceed 22.5 μA

    Анализ теоретических основ педагогического проектирования

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    Автор статті аналізує спеціальну літературу з метою звернути увагу на використання в педагогічній теорії і практиці понять «прогностика», «прогнозування», «педагогічне прогнозування», які дають можливість підвищувати професійні якості вчителя, а також якість знань учнів. Це дає право вчителю створювати умови не тільки для розвитку самостійності, а й направляти учнів на науково-дослідну, методологічну та управлінську діяльність.The author of this article tries to focus the attention on the professional qualities of educators (teacher and lecturer of higher educational institution) which influence the learning, educating, developing and forming the personality which in future will provide benefits for Ukraine.Автор статьи анализирует специальную литературу с целью обратить внимание на использование в педагогической теории и практике понятий «прогностика», «прогнозирование», «педагогическое прогнозирование», которые дают возможность повышать профессиональные качества учителя, а также качество знаний учащихся. Это дает право учителю создавать условия не только для развития самостоятельности, но и направлять учащихся на научно-исследовательскую, методологическую и управленческую деятельность