8 research outputs found

    Integrasi Seni Kuno dan Tantangan Enkripsi Modern melalui Kajian Ulang Teknik Kriptanalisis Al-Kindi

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    This study aims to review the cryptanalysis techniques introduced by Al-Kindi, an ancient cryptographic figure, by relating them to the modern encryption challenges faced today. The method used involves an analysis of the literature on Al-Kindi's works which are relevant in cryptanalysis, such as “Risalah al-Mu'atabarah". In addition, the ancient cryptanalysis techniques introduced by Al-Kindi are also analyzed in the context of complex modern encryption challenges. The results of this study indicate that the cryptographic principles proposed by Al-Kindi, such as the substitution method, the transposition method, and the need for a strong secret key, still have relevance in overcoming modern encryption challenges. The method of substitution and transposition introduced by Al-Kindi can be adapted in letter frequency analysis and structural analysis to decode complex codes. The principle of needing a strong secret key also remains important in protecting data and communications in the modern digital era. The cryptographic principles introduced by Al-Kindi can be applied in overcoming the complexity of the current encryption system. This research provides new insights into how to apply ancient cryptographic principles to crack complex codes and improve information security in the ever-evolving digital age

    Urgensi Sikap Toleransi Umat Beragama dalam Transformasi Masyarakat Era Society 5.0 Perspektif Islam

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    Era society 5.0 sebagai suatu konsep masyarakat yang berpusat pada manusia (human centered) yang berbasis teknologi (technology based). Era 5.0 telah membawa perubahan yang sangat drastis kepada masyarakat. Sikap individualis menjadi sangat tinggi di kalangan masyarakat, mereka juga terkontaminasi dengan paham intoleran dan radikal. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode study literature. Metode ini mengumpulkan informasi atau data melalui buku, jurnal atau artikel yang relevan dengan isu yang sedang dikaji yaitu konsep Society 5.0 dan toleransi beragama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menumbuhkan pemahaman tentang urgensi sikap toleransi umat beragama di era society 5.0 dan sekaligus dapat digunakan sebagai referensi untuk penelitian dan pengembangan lebih lanjut. Tujuan dari urgensi nilai-nilai toleransi yaitu agar seseorang dapat meningkatkan kebersamaan, dan kekompakan dalam berinteraksi dengan tidak mengedepankan ego, luas pemahamannya, memberi kesempatan sesama dalam menyuarakan pendapat walaupun bertentangan dengan pemikiran pribadi, sehingga terciptalah kehidupan yang toleran, dan rukun dalam hidup bermasyarakat. Sikap toleransi antar umat beragama layak menjadi strategi sebagai bagian dari solusi transformasi masyarakat era society 5.0

    Agama sebagai Inspirasi Perdamaian dan Anti Kekerasan pada Masyarakat Multikultural Perspektif Islam

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    Multikulturalisme meliputi pemahaman, penghayatan, dan penghargaan terhadap budaya sendiri, serta rasa hormat dan rasa ingin tahu terhadap budaya etnik orang lain. Berkembangnya agama telah melewati dinamika yang sangat fenomenal dari segi ideologi, agama, intelektual, ekspresi dan gerakan sosial karena faktor internal dan eksternal. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan filosofis dan sosiologis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran agama sebagai sumber inspirasi perdamaian dan anti-kekerasan dalam masyarakat multikultural dari perspektif Islam. Sebagai bangsa yang menjunjung tinggi nilai keagamaan, seharusnya agama menjadi inspirasi perdamaian, yang tidak dipolitisasi dalam membenarkan tindak kekerasan. Agama berperan sebagai inspirasi perdamaian dan anti kekerasan di berbagai negara Indonesia. Hasil dari analisis menunjukkan bahwa agama dapat menjadi sumber inspirasi perdamaian dan anti-kekerasan dalam masyarakat multikultural jika dijalankan dengan benar. Namun, pada kenyataannya, terdapat kasus-kasus dimana agama digunakan untuk membenarkan kekerasan dan konflik. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan pemahaman dan interpretasi yang benar mengenai pesan perdamaian dan anti-kekerasan dalam agama. Agama dapat menjadi solusi atau menjadi sumber masalah dalam menghadapi tantangan masyarakat multikultural

    Konsep Persaudaraan dan Toleransi Dalam Membangun Moderasi Beragama Pada Masyarakat Multikultural di Indonesia Perspektif KH. Hasyim Asy’ari

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    Hubungan antar manusia membutuhkan ikatan sosial untuk menjaga kehidupan yang damai dan toleran. Pemahaman dan sikap kebhinekaan yang bernuansa damai, adil, dan beradab harus dijadikan pedoman dan tuntutan hidup. KH. Hasyim Asy'ari dengan pemikiran moderatnya menawarkan tawaran untuk membangun kerukunan dalam keberagaman dengan semangat persaudaraan dan toleransi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan yang tergolong dalam jenis penelitian kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah KH. Hasyim Asy'ari menekankan pentingnya membangun persaudaraan dan toleransi dimana toleransi merupakan konsep agung dan mulia yang sepenuhnya merupakan bagian organik dari ajaran agama-agama, termasuk Islam, dan persaudaraan universal adalah bentuk toleransi yang diajarkan oleh Islam. Persaudaraan ini menyebabkan perlindungan hak-hak orang lain dan penerimaan perbedaan dalam masyarakat Islam

    Strategic Leadership to Deal with the Separatism Movement in Papua

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    The separatist movement in Papua has been a threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Indonesia for many years. Although various efforts have been made to deal with this problem, the separatist movement still exists and threatens the stability of the Papua region. Therefore, effective strategic leadership policies and strategies are needed to overcome separatist movements in Papua. The purpose of this study is to analyze the role of strategic leadership in overcoming separatist movements in Papua as a form of threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Indonesia. The research method used is library research by collecting data from primary and secondary sources, including journal articles, books, and official documents. The data was then analyzed qualitatively using a descriptive approach. The recommendations for effective strategic leadership in addressing separatist movements in Papua include; acknowledging historical factors, engaging stakeholders, adopting preventive strategies, protecting human rights, leveraging technology, enhancing transparency and accountability, and promoting economic development

    Strategic Leadership to Deal with the Separatism Movement in Papua

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    The separatist movement in Papua has been a threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Indonesia for many years. Although various efforts have been made to deal with this problem, the separatist movement still exists and threatens the stability of the Papua region. Therefore, effective strategic leadership policies and strategies are needed to overcome separatist movements in Papua. The purpose of this study is to analyze the role of strategic leadership in overcoming separatist movements in Papua as a form of threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Indonesia. The research method used is library research by collecting data from primary and secondary sources, including journal articles, books, and official documents. The data was then analyzed qualitatively using a descriptive approach. The recommendations for effective strategic leadership in addressing separatist movements in Papua include; acknowledging historical factors, engaging stakeholders, adopting preventive strategies, protecting human rights, leveraging technology, enhancing transparency and accountability, and promoting economic development.</p

    Dampak Polusi Udara terhadap Kesehatan dan Kesiapan Pertahanan Negara di Provinsi DKI Jakarta

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    Air pollution in DKI Jakarta Province has reached alarming levels, threatening the health and quality of life of millions of residents and damaging the integrity of national defense preparedness. As the capital and center of Indonesian government, Jakarta plays an important role in the country's defense and security structure. This research was conducted to understand and evaluate the complex impacts of air pollution, which relate not only to public health but also to defense readiness. Through empirical data analysis, interviews with stakeholders, and the application of geospatial intelligence from satellite imagery, this research found various variables that correlate between air pollution, public health, and defense readiness. One of the main findings is that high levels of air pollution have a significant impact on public health conditions, which in turn can disrupt the country's defense readiness. Therefore, these results demonstrate the need for comprehensive and coordinated mitigation actions between various parties, including the provincial government, central government, and the military. These policies and actions should focus on protecting public health, preserving critical military infrastructure, and preparing the country to face additional challenges that may arise, such as climate change. In an increasingly interconnected and complex global context, this research highlights the urgency for a more holistic approach to addressing the problem of air pollution and its multifaceted impact

    PEMODELAN REGRESI DERET FOURIER DALAM REGRESI NONPARAMETRIK MULTIVARIABEL (Studi Kasus: Data Curah Hujan Menurut Bulan di Provinsi Jawa Barat Tahun 2015-2019)

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    Regression analysis is a statistical analysis of the science used to investigate the pattern of the functional relationship between the two or more variables. One of the nonparametric regression model approaches developed by several researchers is to use the Fourier series. The Fourier series is a trigonometric polynomial that has the flexibility, so that it can adjust effectively to the local properties of the data. This Fourier series estimator is generally used when the data used to investigate the pattern is unknown and there is a trend towards a seasonal pattern. In this study, the authors will examine the nonparametric regression model of the Fourier series which is estimated using the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method. Determination of the optimal K (Fourier Coefficient) using GCV (Generalized Cross Validation) and MSE (Mean Square Error). In this study, the selection of the best nonparametric regression model for the Fourier series uses the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) criteria which have a minimum value. Nonparametric regression using the Fourier series approach was applied to Rainfall data in West Java Province in 2015-2019. The independent variables used are the average air humidity, air pressure, wind speed, and air temperature. The best nonparametric regression model for the Fourier series is K = 13 which is obtained based on the AIC value of 101.7284 and the BIC value of 221.1061 where the GCV, MSE, and R2 values are 549.92, 462.09, and 97, respectively 30%