346 research outputs found


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    Workplace accidents occur due to human error factor is unsafe behavior (85%). Accidents that often occur in small trader is burned by fire, hot water and cuts.Approach to human intervention (Human approach) is done via the safety behavior training, training, accident prevention, treatment of burns (combustio) and advocacy (advocacy). Engineering approach (technical approach) with training techniques safe electrical network installation and electrical wiring observation in the workplace. After participants attended further training of observation and advocacy in the workplace. Samples were selected by purposive sampling was small traders with the number of 40 people. Before and after the intervention pre-post test. Data was analyzed using the Wilcoxon test.Characteristics of the basic education level of respondents 14 people (35%), secondary education 26 people (65%). The majority of respondents have 1-3 years of work experience during which 21 people (52.5%). Participants who had experienced occupational accidents within the last 2 years was 29 (72.5%) and the rest have never had an accident. After participants attended training accident prevention there is an increase in the average value of respondents' awareness of workplace accidents between before training (pretest) and after training (posttest I) is from 13.3250 12.5250 become. Wilcoxon test results obtained by value p = 0.001 (<0.05) means that there are differences in knowledge about occupational accidents at small vendors between before (pretest) and after training (postest I)


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    Workplace accidents occur due to human error factor is unsafe behavior (85%). Accidents that often occur in small trader is burned by fire, hot water and cuts.Approach to human intervention (Human approach) is done via the safety behavior training, training, accident prevention, treatment of burns (combustio) and advocacy (advocacy). Engineering approach (technical approach) with training techniques safe electrical network installation and electrical wiring observation in the workplace. After participants attended further training of observation and advocacy in the workplace. Samples were selected by purposive sampling was small traders with the number of 40 people. Before and after the intervention pre-post test. Data was analyzed using the Wilcoxon test.Characteristics of the basic education level of respondents 14 people (35%), secondary education 26 people (65%). The majority of respondents have 1-3 years of work experience during which 21 people (52.5%). Participants who had experienced occupational accidents within the last 2 years was 29 (72.5%) and the rest have never had an accident. After participants attended training accident prevention there is an increase in the average value of respondents' awareness of workplace accidents between before training (pretest) and after training (posttest I) is from 13.3250 12.5250 become. Wilcoxon test results obtained by value p = 0.001 (<0.05) means that there are differences in knowledge about occupational accidents at small vendors between before (pretest) and after training (postest I)

    Pengembangan USAha Olahan Lele di Kabupaten Boyolali

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    Perkembangan USAha pembesaran lele dumbo di Boyolali telah diikuti berkembangnya industri Usaha Kecil dan Menengah pengolahan aneka produk lele. Usaha ini berdampak pada berdirinya USAha pengolahan berbahan baku lele diantaranya KUBE Karmina dan KWT Ngudi Mulyo. Produk olahan yang telah diproduksi antara lain abon lele, aneka kripsi dari kulit lele, sirip, tulang dan daging lele. Industri ini dapat sebagai pekerjaan ibu-ibu rumah tangga dan dapat menambah penghasilan keluarga di daerah tersebut. Dalam perkembangannya, kedua kelompok mengalami masalah yang sama dalam pengirisan/perajangan kerupuk/daging lele dan kendala pemasaran. Tujuan pengabdian ini memperbaiki proses produksi dalam mengembangkan USAha pengolahan lele agar produknya lebih baik dan perluasan jaringan pemasaran. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut diintroduksikan meat slicer dan perluasan jaringan pemasaran melalui media cetak dan penjalinan kerjasama dengan warung makan dan toko oleh-oleh. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan tersebut adalah 1) hasil rajangan kerupuk sudah terstandar tetapi untuk keripik daging lele masih perlu perbaikan, 2) Perluasan jangkauan pemasaran mengarah pada rumah makan, 3) Terjadi peningkatan omset produksi maupun omset penjualan di masing-masing kelompok. Produk yang terstandar dapat menjamin kualitas sehingga kepercayaan konsumen terhadap produk semakin meningkat

    Introduksi Booth Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Brand Awarness Kue Leker Menuju UKM Naik Kelas

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    Kue leker adalah jajanan tradisional yang populer di Jawa Tengah yaitu di Kota Semarang dan Surakarta. Penjual kue leker biasanya berjualan dengan bantuan gerobak dorong model gerobak mie bakso. Namun, USAha ini mulai terpinggirkan dengan adanya jajanan modern yang semakin bertambah variasinya di Kota Surakarta. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah melakukan introduksi booth sebagai upaya meningkatkan brand awarness kue leker di masyarakat. Metode kegiatan dilaksanakan dengan introduksi booth, observasi dan pendampingan kegiatan. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa kedua UKM mitra dapat memanfaatkan booth sebagai media promosi dalam memperluas pemasaran ke segmentasi konsumen kelas menengah atas. Booth ini menciptakan brand awarness kepada konsumennya bahwa kue leker bukan lagi sebagai makanan pinggir jalan tetapi sudah menjadi makanan tradisional sekelas makanan jajanan modern. Konsumen mulai terkesan dengan kehadiran kue leker di mall-mall karena booth yang digunakan berbeda dengan booth yang ada di pasaran

    The Quantitative Effect of Noise and Object Diameter on Low-Contrast Detectability of AAPM CT Performance Phantom Images

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    Parameters for determining computed tomography (CT) image quality include noise and low-contrast detectability. Studies on low-contrast detectability using the AAPM CT performance phantom have several limitations, such as the absence of quantitative information on the effect of noise and object size on low-contrast detectability. In this study, the quantitative effect of noise and object diameter on low-contrast detectability were investigated. Images of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) CT performance phantom model 610 were acquired with a tube voltage of 120 kV and tube currents of 50, 100, 150, and 200 mA. The low-contrast section of the AAPM CT performance phantom model 610 has objects with diameters between 2.5 and 7.5 mm. We analysed the mean CT number, noise level, signal-to noise ratio (SNR), and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR), acquired using MatLab software. The results obtained indicate that noise and object size affect low-contrast detectability. The CNRs increase linearly with increasing of object diameter with R2 of 0.88, 0.67, 0.75, and 0.83 for tube currents of 50, 100, 150 and 200 mA, respectively

    Study of 99mTc Pertechnetate Radiopharmaceuticals in Relation to Thyroid Hormone for Toxic and non-Toxic Diffuse Goiter

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    Abnormalities of the thyroid gland in the form of enlargement of the thyroid gland are called a goiter. Goiter is divided into two types, namely toxic and non-toxic diffuse goiter. Diagnosis could be done with thyroid scan (in vivo) and test for thyroid hormone value (in vitro). Thyroid scan is applied by giving injection of 99mTc Pertechnetate as much as 2 - 5 mCi intravenally in the arm and then thyroid gland and salivary glands imaging were conducted in the fifth minute, tenth minute and fifteenth minute using gamma camera. Thyroid hormones test in blood is done with radioimmunoassay method. The same pattern showed the accumulation polad of the radioactive number from quotation of salivary glands. The accumulation percentage activity of 99mTc Pertechnetate in thyroid gland for the case of toxic diffuse goiter is larger than the case of non-toxic diffuse goiter. The results of this study indicate that the predictors for the case of toxic diffuse goiter could be characterized by high thyroid uptake which the the value of T3 hormone ≥ 3.3 ng/dl, the value of T4 hormone ≥ 165 nmol/l, and the value of TSH hormone ≤ 0.2 μIU/ml. While the case of non-toxic diffuse goiter could be characterized by low thyroid uptake which the value of T3 hormone ≥ 1.2 ng/dl, the value of T4 hormone ≥ 90 nmol/l, and the value of TSH hormone ≤ 1.8 μIU/ml. Received: 14 November 2011; Revised: 18 April 2012; Accepted: 21 April 201

    Pembuatan Kurva Isodosis 2d untuk Berkas Elektron Energi 5 Mev Menggunakan Profile Dose dan Kurva Percentage Depth Dose (Pdd) untuk Treatment Planning System Radioterapi

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    Research has been done to make isodose curve of electron beam with the energy of 5 MeV. Isodosis curve performed using PDD curves and dose on broad Profile 10x10 cm2 field; 15x15 cm2; 20x20 cm2; 25x25 cm2, with a depth of 0.5 cm; 1.0 cm; 1.5 cm; 2.0 cm; 2.5 cm. The purpose of this study was to obtain 2D isodose curve shape can be applied to TPS in Radioteraphy.The method which was used to form the isodose curve using PDD curves and dose profiles was done by equalizing the data at each depth using interpolation techniques at intervals of 0.25 cm and normalized to a value of 1, and calculatd the dose at each pixel using the weighting technique that formed isodosis curve with the distribution each depth and broad field. The results show that the PDD curve formed using the interpolation does not affect the magnitude of the dose at different field wide, profile shaped dose showed a dose level at each different depth and normalized to a value of 1 to show the dose at the surface, the isodose curve formation can be applied to compare the isodose curve formed by TPS in Radiotherapy
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