381 research outputs found

    Existence of solution to a critical equation with variable exponent

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    In this paper we study the existence problem for the p(x)p(x)-Laplacian operator with a nonlinear critical source. We find a local condition on the exponents ensuring the existence of a nontrivial solution that shows that the Pohozaev obstruction does not holds in general in the variable exponent setting. The proof relies on the Concentration--Compactness Principle for variable exponents and the Mountain Pass Theorem

    A mass transportation approach for Sobolev inequalities in variable exponent spaces

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    In this paper we provide a proof of the Sobolev-Poincar\'e inequality for variable exponent spaces by means of mass transportation methods. The importance of this approach is that the method is exible enough to deal with different inequalities. As an application, we also deduce the Sobolev-trace inequality improving the result obtained by Fan.Comment: 12 page

    The concentration-compactness principle for Orlicz spaces and applications

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    In this paper we extend the well-known concentration -- compactness principle of P.L. Lions to Orlicz spaces. As an application we show an existence result to some critical elliptic problem with nonstandard growth.Comment: 20 pages. Submitted for publicatio

    Santiago Roth and his scientific legacy: a reappraisal of the Swiss collections

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    The Pampean Region in the eastern central part of Argentina is today an agricultural zone, the main national food producer, and the base for a population that holds in big cities more than half of the 46 million inhabitants of the country. A century ago, Pampean landscapes were dominated by native grasslands, gallery forests confined to riverbanks, sparse dry forests towards the west of the area, and on the horizon of the flat Pampas, occasional isolated ombú trees (Phytolacca dioica) and eucalyptuses planted by the increasing population to provide shade in hot days and protection during storms for domesticated animals and people. Native birds, reptiles, and mammals, now replaced by humans and human activities, were certainly more frequent than today. However, these same riverbanks and lowlands were places where fossil hunters such as Santiago Roth could find bizarre extinct creatures that lived hundreds of thousands of years ago. The main attractions were the bones and teeth of megamammals, such as huge ground sloths (Megatherium americanum) which weighed more than four tonnes; big armadillos, such as Panochthus tuberculatus, with the size of a small car; strange ungulates having nasal apertures on the top of the skull that likely sported a trunk, as in the case of Macrauchenia patachonica; predators with hyper-enlarged sabertooth canines like the felid Smilodon populator, all contemporaneous with local gigantic spectacled bear relatives; proboscideans; native horses; deer with elaborate antlers; and other creatures living in South America in the near past of the Pleistocene. The Pampean Region was and still is a region where the remaining of these lost species can be found. Radiocarbon dating has demonstrated that several of these megammamals coexisted with the first humans in the area around 12,000– 11,000 years ago. Did they interact? Did humans hunt them, and perhaps cause their extinction? Santiago Roth contributed to all of these topics by making new discoveries and publishing on them. Santiago Roth was a Swiss naturalist, explorer, and palaeontologist who spent most of his active life in Argentina, where he died at the age of 74 years. At the end of the nineteenth century, Santiago Roth (then 16 years) and his family moved from Switzerland to Argentina in search of better opportunities. In Argentina, he grew up in a young republic beset by war and social revolts, but ultimately accomplished a great deal in support of the scientific development of the country. In his young years, he started collecting objects of natural sciences, including fossils. Some of his palaeontological collections from the Pampean Region were sold in Europe. Six of them were associated with catalogues, in which a number identifies the specimen, taxonomic determination, material found, and provenance. Some of these collections are still kept intact in Copenhagen and Zurich. Other fossil specimens collected by Roth are today in natural history museums in Geneva and Lausanne. Santiago Roth was a multifaceted person. His contributions to science went well beyond palaeontology and embraced other disciplines, such as geology, geomorphology, and stratigraphy. Together with the founder Keywords Megafauna, Fossil, Vertebrate palaeontology, Exploration, Pampas, Argentina, Switzerlan

    Eficiencia energética y confort térmico en la materia instalaciones III, FADU-UBA

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    Se presenta la experiencia didáctica, modificaciones y ajustes introducidos en la materia Instalaciones III, disciplina técnica de la carrera de arquitectura de la FADU-UBA, y los resultados obtenidos en los dos últimos años de transferencia de conceptos y pautas de diseño bioclimático tendientes al usó racional de energía en edificios. El objetivo de esta propuesta es concientizar a los alumnos sobre la problemática ambiental y los problemas de consumo de energía para acondicionamiento térmico de los edificios a partir de la introducción y transferencia de criterios básicos de aprovechamiento de recursos naturales y la aplicación de técnicas de instrumentación en un ejercicio proyectual, que contribuya a fomentar el desarrollo sustentable y mejor calidad de vida. Los resultados obtenidos de la aplicación de esta experiencia fueron muy positivos y se espera poner en marcha el próximo año, el programa de formación para ex-alumnos de la materia.Tema: Educación en Energías Renovables.Asociación Argentina de Energía Sola

    Bullying sobre jóvenes LGTBI

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    Currently there seems to be an increase or perhaps greater visibility of cases of bullying and violence based on not belonging to the dominant gender or sexuality patterns. Situations in which sexual identity is therefore used to stigmatize, label or belittle.Actualmente parece haber un incremento o quizás una mayor visibilidad de los casos de acoso escolar y violencia basada en no pertenecer a los patrones de género o sexualidad dominantes. Situaciones en las que se utiliza por tanto la identidad sexual para estigmatizar, etiquetar o menospreciar

    The concentration-compactness principle for fractional order Sobolev spaces in unbounded domains and applications to the generalized fractional Brezis–Nirenberg problem

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    In this paper we extend the well-known concentration-compactness principle for the Fractional Laplacian operator in unbounded domains. As an application we show sufficient conditions for the existence of solutions to some critical equations involving the fractional p-Laplacian in the whole Rn.Fil: Bonder, Julián Fernández. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Investigaciones Matemáticas "Luis A. Santaló". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Matemáticas "Luis A. Santaló"; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Matemática; ArgentinaFil: Saintier, Nicolas Bernard Claude. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Matemática; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Silva, Analía. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Luis. Instituto de Matemática Aplicada de San Luis "Prof. Ezio Marchi". Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Ciencias Físico, Matemáticas y Naturales. Instituto de Matemática Aplicada de San Luis "Prof. Ezio Marchi"; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Ciencias Físico, Matemáticas y Naturales. Departamento de Matemáticas; Argentin

    Resultados de la aplicación de una metodología de evaluación de movimiento de aire en espacios interiores

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    Se presentan las conclusiones del trabajo de investigación ¨Movimiento de aire en espacios interiores: desarrollo de una metodología de evaluación¨, perteneciente al Programa de Becas SECyT-UBA, Categoría Estímulo para estudiantes, cuyos objetivos principales fueron: elaborar un sistema de evaluación del movimiento de aire con el fin de sustentar propuestas que mejoren las condiciones de habitabilidad y uso racional de la energía a través de la optimización del movimiento de aire en el interior de los edificios. La metodología de trabajo desarrollada incluyó el relevamiento físico del caso de análisis adoptado y su estudio mediante visualizaciones en Túnel de Viento y programas de simulación por ordenador. Como resultado de la aplicación de dicha metodología se estudiaron propuestas alternativas para mejorar las condiciones de ventilación natural sobre casos existentes y el diseño de nuevas propuestas con respuesta eficiente a demandas para ahorro energético.This paper presents the conclusions of the research project "Air movement in indoor spaces: evaluation methodology development", which forms part of the SECyT-UBA Grants Program for Students. The initial goals were to analyze and evaluate the air behavior into existent buildings, and to elaborate an evaluation system for air movement, with the aim of providing guidelines for projects which attempt to improve the inhabitants conditions and achieve rational energy use through the optimization of air movement in the interior of buildings. The methodology developed included the physical survey of the case under study and its analysis through the visualizations in the Wind Tunnel and virtual simulations. The study includes alternative proposals with aim of improving the natural ventilation conditions in existing cases and the design of entire new proposals with an efficient response to the demands of energy saving.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES