5 research outputs found

    Les services Ă©ducatifs complĂ©mentaires Ă  la formation professionnelle : qu’en est-il pour les 16-19 ans ?

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    La formation professionnelle (FP) au QuĂ©bec est actuellement influencĂ©e par le contexte favorable pour l’emploi amplifiĂ© par la pĂ©nurie de main-d’oeuvre. Elle reprĂ©sente une avenue prometteuse pour les Ă©lĂšves en quĂȘte d’une premiĂšre qualification. Reconnaissant que la FP accueille de plus en plus d’élĂšves ayant des besoins particuliers (ÉBP), cela nous incite Ă  rĂ©flĂ©chir aux services Ă©ducatifs complĂ©mentaires (SÉC) offerts pour rĂ©pondre aux besoins de ces derniers. Issu d’un projet plus vaste d’enquĂȘte nationale, cet article vise Ă  brosser, du point de vue des directions des centres de formation professionnelle (CFP) du QuĂ©bec ou de leur reprĂ©sentant, le portrait des Ă©lĂšves de 16-19 ans qui les frĂ©quentent et de leurs besoins en matiĂšre de SÉC. Dans la foulĂ©e de nos rĂ©sultats statistiques, nous discuterons des difficultĂ©s relatives au dĂ©nombrement des ÉBP et, par consĂ©quent, de la complexitĂ© d’offrir des SÉC en cohĂ©rence avec leurs besoins.Vocational Training (VT) in Quebec is influenced by labor shortage and full employment in the province. However, VT is promising for students that want to get a first qualification. Recognizing the increasing number of students with special needs in vocational training center, we investigate the organization of special needs services offered to answer their needs. From a larger national survey project, this paper aims to show the characteristics of 16-19 years old students in vocational training center as well as their special needs services. In the wake of our statistical results, we discuss the difficulty to acknowledge the reel number of students with special needs and therefore, the complexity of offering services in coherence with their needs

    Supporting parents of preschool children in adopting a healthy lifestyle

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Childhood obesity is a public health epidemic. In Canada 21.5% of children aged 2–5 are overweight, with psychological and physical consequences for the child and economic consequences for society. Parents often do not view their children as overweight. One way to prevent overweight is to adopt a healthy lifestyle (HL). Nurses with direct access to young families could assess overweight and support parents in adopting HL. But what is the best way to support them if they do not view their child as overweight? A better understanding of parents’ representation of children’s overweight might guide the development of solutions tailored to their needs.</p> <p>Methods/design</p> <p>This study uses an action research design, a participatory approach mobilizing all stakeholders around a problem to be solved. The general objective is to identify, with nurses working with families, ways to promote HL among parents of preschoolers. Specific objectives are to: 1) describe the prevalence of overweight in preschoolers at vaccination time; 2) describe the representation of overweight and HL, as reported by preschoolers’ parents; 3) explore the views of nurses working with young families regarding possible solutions that could become a clinical tool to promote HL; and 4) try to identify a direction concerning the proposed strategies that could be used by nurses working with this population. First, an epidemiological study will be conducted in vaccination clinics: 288 4–5-year-olds will be weighed and measured. Next, semi-structured interviews will be conducted with 20 parents to describe their representation of HL and their child’s weight. Based on the results from these two steps, by means of a focus group nurses will identify possible strategies to the problem. Finally, focus groups of parents, then nurses and finally experts will give their opinions of these strategies in order to find a direction for these strategies. Descriptive and correlational statistical analyses will be done on the quantitative survey data using SPSS. Qualitative data will be analyzed using Huberman and Miles’ (2003) approach. NVivo will be used for the analysis and data management.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The anticipated benefits of this rigorous approach will be to identify and develop potential intervention strategies in partnership with preschoolers’ parents and produce a clinical tool reflecting the views of parents and nurses working with preschoolers’ parents.</p