4,330 research outputs found

    Economic growth and employment: regional disparities in the UE.

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    One of the main problems of the European countries is their small capacity to generate employment. This is an important point because of the social and human problems that it produces, which are more serious in the case of peripheral regions. In this paper, we make a comparative analysis of employment and economic growth among the main EU countries. We study the reason of the more reduced rates of employment in several EU countries. Then, we analyse the generation of employment in the European regions, especially in the peripheral ones which are the most affected by unemployment.


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    The purpose of this study was to help dance educators enhance their curriculum by implementing four support instruments designed to help students with special needs. This study aimed to answer the following questions: Q1 In what ways does the implementation of support materials designed for students with special needs help support an inclusive classroom? Q2 In what ways do these support materials help dance teachers enhance their lessons for students with special needs, hence maximizing student response, participation and engagement and student-teacher relationship? Five dance educators participated in this study where they completed an entrance and post-survey, and an implementation checklist that tracked instrument implementation and student response. Participants were able to modify instruments to fit their unique classroom and student needs. The data collected provided the researcher with quantitative and qualitative data that showed much positive responses from both students and teachers on support instrument implementation. This data supports dance educators’ need for such materials in order to support an inclusive classroom and help meet students’ learning goals. Further research can advocate for more like resources in the dance classroom for students with special need

    Economic growth and employment: Regional disparities in the EU

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    One of the main problems of the European countries is their small capacity to generate employment. This is an important point because of the social and human problems that it produces, which are more serious in the case of the peripheral regions. In this paper, we make a comparative analysis of employment and economic growth among the EU and the main OECD countries. We study the reasons of the more reduced rates of employment in several EU countries in relation to USA and Japan. Then, we analyze the generation of employment in the European regions, specially in the peripheral ones which are the most affected by unemployment.

    Precoding in multigateway multibeam satellite systems

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    This paper considers a multigateway multibeam satellite system with multiple feeds per beam. In these systems, each gateway serves a set of beams (cluster) so that the overall data traffic is generated at different geographical areas. Full frequency reuse among beams is considered so that interference mitigation techniques are mandatory. Precisely, this paper aims at designing the precoding scheme which, in contrast to single gateway schemes, entails two main challenges. First, the precoding matrix shall be separated into feed groups assigned to each gateway. Second, complete channel state information (CSI) is required at each gateway, leading to a large communication overhead. In order to solve these problems, a design based on a regularized singular value block decomposition of the channel matrix is presented so that both intercluster (i.e., beams of different clusters) and intracluster (i.e., beams of the same cluster) interference is minimized. In addition, different gateway cooperative schemes are analyzed in order to keep the inter-gateway communication low. Furthermore, the impact of the feeder link interference (i.e., interference between different feeder links) is analyzed and it is shown both numerically and analytically that the system performance is reduced severely whenever this interference occurs even though precoding reverts this additional interference. Finally, multicast transmission is also considered. Numerical simulations are shown considering the latest fixed broadband communication standard DVB-S2X so that the quantized feedback effect is evaluated. The proposed precoding technique results to achieve a performance close to the single gateway operation even when the cooperation among gateways is low.Postprint (author's final draft

    Precoding in multigateway multibeam satellite systems

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    This paper considers a multigateway multibeam satellite system with multiple feeds per beam. In these systems, each gateway serves a set of beams (cluster) so that the overall data traffic is generated at different geographical areas. Full frequency reuse among beams is considered so that interference mitigation techniques are mandatory. Precisely, this paper aims at designing the precoding scheme which, in contrast to single gateway schemes, entails two main challenges. First, the precoding matrix shall be separated into feed groups assigned to each gateway. Second, complete channel state information (CSI) is required at each gateway, leading to a large communication overhead. In order to solve these problems, a design based on a regularized singular value block decomposition of the channel matrix is presented so that both intercluster (i.e., beams of different clusters) and intracluster (i.e., beams of the same cluster) interference is minimized. In addition, different gateway cooperative schemes are analyzed in order to keep the inter-gateway communication low. Furthermore, the impact of the feeder link interference (i.e., interference between different feeder links) is analyzed and it is shown both numerically and analytically that the system performance is reduced severely whenever this interference occurs even though precoding reverts this additional interference. Finally, multicast transmission is also considered. Numerical simulations are shown considering the latest fixed broadband communication standard DVB-S2X so that the quantized feedback effect is evaluated. The proposed precoding technique results to achieve a performance close to the single gateway operation even when the cooperation among gateways is low.Postprint (author's final draft

    A fractional porous medium equation

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    We develop a theory of existence, uniqueness and regularity for a porous medium equation with fractional diffusion, ∂u∂t+(−Δ)1/2(∣u∣m−1u)=0\frac{\partial u}{\partial t} + (-\Delta)^{1/2} (|u|^{m-1}u)=0 in RN\mathbb{R}^N, with m>m∗=(N−1)/Nm>m_*=(N-1)/N, N≥1N\ge1 and f∈L1(RN)f\in L^1(\mathbb{R}^N). An L1L^1-contraction semigroup is constructed and the continuous dependence on data and exponent is established. Nonnegative solutions are proved to be continuous and strictly positive for all x∈RNx\in\mathbb{R}^N, t>0t>0


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    This study analyses some of the strategic and organizational changes experienced in public firms following privatization in its double facet: sale of companies and deregulation. Specifically, we analyse the process of innovation in terms of products, processes and organization. We also look into the development of new businesses and strategic renewal, which in the end shape the entrepreneurial capacity of a company. A sample of Spanish firms which were privatized between 1985 and 2000 shows that after privatization, these companies have experienced a significant increase in entrepreneurship. These changes are even more appreciable when a high sector competition is added to the ownership shift. Once they join the private sector, their level of product, process and organizational innovation is higher. They also develop new businesses at national level, reinforce their international activity and embark on strategic renewal processes by shedding the lesser profitable businesses and modifying their competitive strategy so as to gain efficiency.

    Integrated strategies for analyzing the environmental impact of energy conversion systems

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    La comunità scientifica internazionale è ormai concorde nell’attribuire gran parte della responsabilità per il riscaldamento globale alle emissioni antropogeniche di CO2, causate principalmente dalla combustione di carburanti fossili nei sistemi per la produzione di energia. Le scelte industriali e politiche in merito alle fonti primarie di energia sono guidate da considerazioni di carattere fondamentalmente economico, il che spiega come mai il carbone resti il combustibile più usato, pur essendo quello a maggior impatto ambientale, e quanto poco spazio abbiano le fonti energetiche alternative. La tesi si propone di studiare metodologie per la riduzione delle emissioni di CO2, limitatamente ai sistemi per la produzione di energia, fornendo indicatori sulle prestazioni degli impianti che integrano tre dimensioni del sistema: termodinamica, economica, ambientale. Dopo aver esaminato le caratteristiche degli approcci economici e regolamentatori, si concentra l’attenzione sui metodi più ingegneristici, per poi porre la necessità di un approccio multidimensionale alla tematica. Discussi ed esaminati gli strumenti metodologici più evoluti nell’analisi multioggetto, si propongono due metodologie originali, d’impostazione tecnica ed olistica, rispettivamente, con le quali si sviluppano funzioni aggregate per l’analisi dei sistemi energetici, applicate successivamente per confrontare due tipi di impianti

    Promoting Solar electricity exports from Southern to Central and Northern European countries: Extremadura case study

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    In the light of the EU Energy and Climate framework, exporting solar electricity from South to Central and Northern Europe can contribute to various EU strategic objectives. However, as of today, some challenges prevent its materialization. To address some of these obstacles and as part of the Smart Specialization Platform on Energy activities, this policy report provides answers to two key questions: (i) what is the value proposition of solar electricity exports in Europe? (ii) How can these projects be feasible?JRC.C.6-Economics of Climate Change, Energy and Transpor
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