158 research outputs found

    Personality Traits on Persistent Depressive Disorder

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    Evidence emerged for the HEXACO Model, summarized the domains of personality in six dimensions. The difficulties associated with the diagnosis of dysthymia have raised questions in maintaining in mood disorders. Given the literature review and defending a modification in the structural model of personality, this study proves the importance of a preliminary study of the psychometric properties of HEXACO in a Portuguese sample. It is important the exploration of personality traits in a clinical population diagnosed with Persistent Depressive Disorder. The sample, for the first study, consisted of 118 women and 48 men aged 18 to 57 years (M=26.21, SD=10.23). The study 2 includes participants belonging to the clinical group (M=48.33, SD=10.23) and nonclinical group (M=41.23, SD=9.63) all female aged between 23 and 63 years. The instruments used for the study were the HEXACO-60, NEO-FFI-20 and PHQ-9. The results demonstrate that the HEXACO-60 has satisfactory psychometric properties that make it a suitable tool to evaluate the personality, presenting high correlations with NEO-FFI and a higher internal consistency. It is also verified that there are significant correlations between depressive symptoms and personality traits. Although this analysis is preliminary with regard to psychometric study of the assessment tool HEXACO-60 personality, the statistical analysis of the instrument showed that it has adequate psychometric properties proving to be an appropriate tool to evaluate the constructs of personality. We conclude that there is evidence to suggest the need for reformulation of the diagnosis of persistent depressive disorder.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Língua e cultura na feminização das migrações no Brasil

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    O presente artigo tem por objetivo geral refletir sobre língua e cultura no contexto da “feminização das migrações” (CORTES, 2016; MARINUCCI, 2007; MEJIA; CAZAROTTO, 2016), especificamente a migração de refúgio, pensando o fenômeno sob uma perspectiva dos estudos em Políticas Linguísticas. Ao considerar-se trajetórias de migração, entendemos que os objetivos e os desafios podem mudar conforme o gênero: segundo o Alto Comissariado das Nações Unidas para Refugiados (ACNUR) a discriminação contra as mulheres e meninas, e violências derivadas dessa, é causa e também consequência do deslocamento forçado. No Brasil, a presença feminina na imigração de refúgio se apresenta expressiva: em 2016, segundo dados da Secretaria Nacional de Justiça, as mulheres representaram mais de 30% dos que buscam acolhimento no país. Buscamos refletir sobre (i) as barreiras linguísticas na inserção social e linguística na sociedade de acolhimento, (ii) a língua e cultura de origem e aquelas de acolhimento, através de narrativas de uma refugiada em entrevistas disponíveis online. Contextualizamos a pesquisa com uma revisão bibliográfica, com dados consolidados por estudos sobre a realidade da imigração no Brasil nos últimos anos (ACNUR, CONARE, IMDH, OBMigra)

    Internet use patterns and the relation between generalized problematic internet use and psychological distress in Portuguese university students

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    Abstract: Internet use patterns, generalized problematic internet use, and the latter’s relation to psychological distress were explored in a sample of 503 university students (Mage = 20.25; SD = 2.75). A questionnaire about internet use patterns, the Generalized Problematic Internet Use Scale 2, and the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales were answered. The students spent 5 hours online on a daily basis. The total generalized problematic internet use index score corresponded to a medium-risk level, with 12.9% of men and 5.0% of women presenting a high-risk level. Higher total generalized problematic internet use risk levels corresponded to higher levels of depression, anxiety and stress. Our results seem to show that university students constitute a particularly vulnerable group in terms of problematic internet use, supporting the relation between generalized problematic internet use and psychological distress.Keywords: Internet use patterns; generalized problematic internet use; psychological distress; university students.Patrones de uso de internet, uso problemático generalizado de internet y su relación con el distrés psicológico en estudiantes universitarios portugueses Resumen:  Se exploraron los patrones de uso de internet, el uso problemático generalizado de internet y su relación con el distrés psicológico en una muestra de 503 estudiantes universitarios (M = 20,25; DT = 2,75), usando la Escala de Uso de Internet Problemático Generalizado 2 y las Escalas de Depresión, Ansiedad y Estrés. Los estudiantes pasan 5 horas diarias online.  El índice total de uso problemático generalizado de internet corresponde a un riesgo medio, con un 12,9% de los hombres y un 5,0% de las mujeres presentando un nivel de riesgo alto. Los niveles superiores de riesgo de uso problemático generalizado de internet correspondieron a niveles superiores de depresión, ansiedad y estrés. Nuestros resultados parecen mostrar que los estudiantes universitarios constituyen un grupo particularmente vulnerable  en cuanto al uso de  internet y refuerzan la asociación entre el uso problemático generalizado de Internet y distrés psicológico.Palabras clave: Patrones de uso de Internet; uso problemático generalizado de Internet; distrés psicológico; estudiantes universitarios

    Compassion-focused therapy for psychosis : presentation of a clinical trial

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    1º Encontro da Associação Portuguesa de Psicopatologia : "Re-descobrir a Psicopatologia". Aula Magna da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa, 8 de Abril de 2016 - 9 de Abril de 2016 (Poster)Compassion-focused Therapy (CFT) derives from an evolutionary approach linked to neuroscience and social psychology and was specifically developed for complex disorders in which high levels of shame and self-criticism have a key role. This approach’s main objective is using the Compassionate Mind Training to help people establish compassion-based relationships, deactivating the threat-defense system and developing the soothing system. CFT has shown positive effects on several clinical conditions. It is consensual the importance of psychosocial interventions in the treatment of schizophrenia and this has been an area of significant investment, namely concerning evaluation of efficacy. It has been argued that intervention programs should focus primarily in disease management, change of the underlying mechanisms and adequacy of coping strategies. In psychosis shame and self-criticism have been advocated as a psychological factors increasing vulnerability to relapse which makes CFT especially suitable for this population. The Compassion-Focused Therapy for Psychosis (CFTp) appears in this context as an innovative intervention. Efficacy studies have been emerging with promising results and CFTp seems to address several limitations identified for existing interventions.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia ; Programa Operacional Temático Factores de Competitividade (COMPETE) ; Quadro de Referência Estratégico Nacional (QREN) ; União EuropeiaN/

    Políticas linguísticas em contexto de migração e refúgio: o direito fundamental de se expressar

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    In the current scenario - where factors such as globalization, technological innovation, and human mobility are key points - global markets and broad sociopolitical events result in increasingly interconnected power structures and social relations. Given this perspective, the objective of our work is to present an interdisciplinary analysis, uniting perspectives of Law and Linguistics, by proposing a sociolinguistic reflection about the role of language in the process of social integration (CASTELLOTI and DIDIER, 2001) of immigrants, based on the new Brazilian legislation that supports these individuals. Our analysis is based on interpretive research. Since it is a current and constantly changing theme, much data is extracted from governmental institutions and broadcast news, combined with analysis from bibliographic research.We seek to demonstrate that the right to express oneself in one’s own language is a right constitutionally guaranteed in our order, since the concepto of language is intrinsically linked to the concepto of culture. Therefore, we defend that Brazilian intitutional lingusitic policies that aim to support migrant populations are a vital tool to ensure  the full exercise of  their citizenship.Mercados globais e amplos eventos sociopolíticos resultam em estruturas de poder e relações sociais cada vez mais interconectadas. Diante dessa perspectiva, o objetivo de nosso trabalho é apresentar uma análise interdisciplinar, unindo perspectivas do direito e da linguística, ao propor uma reflexão sociolinguística do papel da língua no processo de integração social de imigrantes, com base na nova legislação que ampara esses indivíduos. A partir de uma análise interdisciplinar, nosso trabalho propõe uma reflexão sociolinguística do papel da língua no processo de integração social (CASTELLOTI e DIDIER, 2001) desse indivíduo imigrante. Nossa análise tem como base uma pesquisa interpretativa. Por ser um tema atual e com constante mudanças e atualizações, muitos dados são extraídos de instituições governamentais e notícias, combinados com análise a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica. Buscamos demonstrar que o direito de se expressar em sua própria língua é um direito constitucionalmente garantido em nosso ordenamento, uma vez que o idioma está intrinsecamente ligado ao conceito de cultura. Sendo assim, defendemos que políticas linguísticas institucionais brasileiras que visam atender populações migrantes é uma ferramenta constitucional vital para garantir o exercício pleno de sua cidadania. &nbsp

    Social Cognition, Negative Symptoms and Psychosocial Functioning in Schizophrenia

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    Although functional recovery could be advocated as an achievable treatment goal, many e ective interventions for the treatment of psychotic symptoms, such as antipsychotic drugs, may not improve functioning. The last two decades of cognitive and clinical research on schizophrenia were a turning point for the rm acknowledgment of how relevant social cognitive de cits and negative symptoms could be in predicting psychosocial functioning. The relevance of so- cial cognition dysfunction in schizophrenia patients’ daily living is now unabated. In fact, social cognition de cits could be the most signi cant predictor of functionality in patients with schizophrenia, non-redundantly with neurocogni- tion. Emerging evidence suggests that negative symptoms appear to play an indirect role, mediating the relationship between neurocognition and social cognition with functional outcomes. Further explorations of this mediating role of negative symptoms have revealed that motivational de cits appear to be particularly important in explaining the relationship between both neurocognitive and social cognitive dysfunction and functional outcomes in schizophrenia. In this paper we will address the relative contribution of two key constructs—social cognitive de cits and negative symptoms, namely how intertwined they could be in daily life functioning of patients with schizophrenia

    Escala de Medo da COVID-19 – Validação e adaptação para o Período Perinatal

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    It aims to analyze the psychometric properties of the COVID-19 Fear Scale in the perinatal period, consisting of two additional items for the perinatal period. The research was registered with CONEP. 204 pregnant women with an average age of 30.12 years (± 5.45) and an average gestational age of 25.17 (± 6,553) answered the questionnaires through social networks in Brazil. We used SPSS Statistics, used for parametric measurements, Pearson's coefficient and Student's non-parametric T - Mann Whitney U and for the magnitude of the correlation coefficients with perinatal anxiety and depressive symptoms, Cohen's criteria. AMOS 26.0 was used for confirmatory factor analysis. For internal consistency, Cronbach's alpha. The results indicate that EMC-19-9 is a one-dimensional construct, has robust psychometric qualities, very good internal consistency of the questionnaire and shows convergent validity, has a moderate and significant correlation with perinatal anxiety and a significant, albeit slight, correlation with perinatal depression.The total scores were comparable at all ages, which suggests that it is a good psychometric instrument to be used in assessing COVID-19 fears among pregnant women in Brazil. Future studies should also assess association with underlying medical conditions associated with greater fear.    Tem como objetivo analisar as propriedades psicométricas da Escala de Medo da COVID-19 no período perinatal, constituída por dois itens adicionais para o período perinatal.A pesquisa foi registrada no CONEP. 204 gestantes com idade média de 30.12 anos (±5.45) e idade gestacional média de 25.17 (±6.553) responderam aos questionários através das redes sociais no Brasil. Foi utilizado o SPSS Statistics, foram usados para medidas paramétricas, o coeficiente de Pearson e o T de Student e não-paramétrica – U de Mann Whitney e para magnitude dos coeficientes de correlação com sintomatologia ansiosa e depressiva perinatais, os critérios de Cohen. Usou-se o AMOS 26.0, para a análise fatorial confirmatória. Para consistência interna, o alfa de Cronbach. Os resultados indicam que a EMC-19-9 é um construto unidimensional, possui qualidades psicométricas robustas, consistência interna do questionário muito boa e mostra ter validade convergente, apresenta correlação moderada e significativa com a ansiedade perinatal e correlação significativa, apesar de ligeira, com a depressão perinatal. As pontuações totais foram comparáveis em todas as idades, o que sugere ser um bom instrumento psicométrico para ser usado na avaliação de medos de COVID-19 entre grávidas Brasileiras. Estudos futuros também devem avaliar associação com condições médicas subjacentes associadas a um maior medo

    Avaliação do Consumo Alimentar Durante o Distanciamento Social Devido à Pandemia de COVID-19 em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais.

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    Objective: to analyse the eating habits of adults living in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, during social distancing. Methodology: we applied a self-applicable questionnaire with questions based on Vigitel’s questionnaire and others related to stress and eating behavior. The participants received the link to Google forms via social media, they were people between the ages of 20 and 59 years old who were on par with the criteria of inclusion. The exclusion criteria included pregnant women, people who smoke, people who suffer from eating disorders, those in a dietetic or psychiatric treatment, people with a COVID-19 diagnosis and people who were not social distancing. The sample calculation was of 439 participants based on the effect size of 0,10. This value as calculated through a pilot sample with the test power of 80% and confidence interval of 90%, the program GPower 3.1 version was used to perform the sample computation. Results: 382 people answered the questionnaire, 68% of them were female and 32% were male. Around 69% of the participants were between the ages of 20 - 29 years old and 40,4% of them had not graduated from college yet. Women showed an increase of their consumption of sweets, pasta and highly processed foods related to stress. The produce consumption was inferior to the one shown in Vigitel from 2019, but the consumption of highly processed foods has shown an increase. Conclusion: The study concluded that the COVID-19 pandemic led to changes in the eating habits in the population of Belo Horizonte when compared to the Vigitel 2019 survey. The frequency of consumption of in-natura and least processed foods decreased and the increased consumption of highly processed foods. This one was linked to stress.Objetivo: Analisar o consumo alimentar durante o distanciamento social em adultos residentes em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. Metodologia: Foi utilizado um questionário autoaplicável com questões retiradas da Vigitel 2019 e outras relacionadas ao estresse e comportamento alimentar. Os participantes receberam o link do questionário no Google forms via mídias sociais, esses eram entre a faixa dos 20 aos 59 anos de idade, que se enquadraram aos critérios de inclusão do estudo. Os critérios de exclusão foram: grávidas, alcoolista, fumantes, pessoas em tratamento dietético e/ou uso medicação psiquiátrica, indivíduos diagnosticados com transtorno alimentar e/ou com a COVID-19 durante a pandemia, além da população que não permaneceu em distanciamento social, saindo para atividades de natureza social.  O cálculo amostral foi de 439 entrevistados feito com base em um tamanho de efeito de 0,10; valor esse calculado através de uma amostra piloto com o poder do teste de 80% e intervalo de confiança de 90%,  a computação amostral foi realizada pelo  programa GPower versão 3.1 .  Resultados: Um total de 382 pessoas responderam ao questionário, destes 68% eram do sexo feminino e 32% do sexo masculino. Cerca de 69% estavam na faixa etária entre 20 e 29 anos de idade e 40,4% dos participantes possuíam ensino superior incompleto. Observou-se o aumento do consumo de doces, massas e ultraprocessados relacionados com o estresse pelas mulheres; já na população masculina observou-se o consumo inferior destes alimentos. A ingestão de hortaliças apresentada pelos participantes foi inferior ao resultado da VIGITEL de 2019, já o consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados foi superior. Conclusão: A pandemia causada pela COVID-19 levou a alterações nas práticas alimentares da população de Belo Horizonte, observando-se a diminuição da frequência do consumo de alimentos in-natura e minimamente processados e o aumento da ingestão de alimentos industrializados, relacionados ao estresse