2,747 research outputs found

    Social and cultural contexts change but intelligence persists as incisive to explain children’s academic achievement

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    The intelligence is a well established predictor of school achievement. Although school failure/success can be explained by cognitive variables, socio-familial variables can also have an impact. Since these variables haven’t been so systematically investigated together, the present study aims to consider both variables to understand their causal roles in academic achievement. With a sample of 376 Portuguese children aged 6 to 10 years, a path analysis was carried out based on a prior analysis to search for causal relationships between intelligence and socio-familial variables to explain children’s academic achievement. The results point to intelligence as a major influence on school performance, combined with socio-familial variables (directly: community, type of school, mother's education and school year; and indirectly: socioeconomic status and father’s education level). Practical implications were discussed concerning the relevance of the investigated variables in explaining academic achievement of children.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This work was supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, IP (FCT) and the POCH/FSE under Grant SFRH/BD/85110/2012 to Ana Filipa Alves

    O potencial educativo dos Massively Multiplayer Online Games : uma avaliação dos jogos Metin2, Ikariam, Ogame e Gladiatus

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    Este trabalho analisa quatro Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOG), nomeadamente os jogos Metin2, Ikariam, OGame e Gladiatus, através de três aspectos principais: (1) Objectivos: descreve-se a forma como são organizados os objectivos principais do jogo e o grau de liberdade que o jogador tem para realizá-los; (2) Motivação: descreve-se como estão estruturadas as tarefas a realizar de forma a aumentar a motivação dos jogadores para a sua resolução; (3) Comunicação: analisa-se a necessidade de interacção entre os jogadores e a existência de comunidades virtuais para a realização das tarefas e identificam-se as ferramentas oficiais de comunicação disponibilizadas pela empresa criadora do jogo. Os três aspectos indicados são importantes uma vez que permitem identificar os desafios cognitivos lançados ao jogador, bem como a necessidade de competências para os resolver. Pretende-se estudar quais os desafios cognitivos lançados por estes jogos e a necessidade dos jogadores recorrerem a comunidades virtuais de apoio ao jogo para, numa segunda fase, se inquirirem os jogadores sobre se se apercebem do desenvolvimento de determinadas competências e se as têm rentabilizado na sua actividade escolar ou profissional

    Portal de avaliação de software educativo multimédia e de jogos : convite à partilha de práticas de utilização em contexto educativo

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    A utilização de Software Educativo Multimédia e de Jogos electrónicos pode trazer múltiplas vantagens para a aprendizagem. No entanto, é necessário saber seleccioná-los e saber integrá-los em contexto educativo. Na tentativa de superar essa necessidade surge o “Portal de Avaliação: Software Educativo M ultimédia e Jogos”, disponível na Universidade do Minho, que tem por objectivo ser um repositório de avaliações de qualidade, mas que precisa ser enriquecido com a partilha de experiências entre utilizadores destes produtos em ambiente educacional, através do envio de sugestões (Dicas) de utilização. São indicados os passos que levaram à criação do Portal, mencionando o seu aparecimento, os seus componentes, a sua estrutura e funcionalidade. Indicam-se ainda os guiões desenvolvidos, que estão subjacentes à avaliação feita ao software educativo multimédia e aos jogos electrónicos. A versão apresentada do portal resultou das alterações efectuadas após os testes de usabilidade realizados a potenciais utilizadores no final do primeiro semestre de 2008-2009. Este texto tem por object ivos divulgar o Portal e convidar todos os profissionais de ensino que utilizam os produtos avaliados a contribuírem com as suas sugestões de utilização, bem como a solicitar a avaliação de produtos (SEM ou jogos) disponíveis em CD-ROM, DVD ou online

    In vitro gastrointestinal digestion impact on the antioxidant activity of extracts produced from the macroalgae gracilaria gracilis and ulva rigida

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    The interest in edible algae has been growing over the years due to their richness in molecules with nutritional and bioactive potential, such as proteins, essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Furthermore, due to their interesting protein content, they have been described as a source of bioactive peptides, with scientifically documented antioxidant, anti-hypertensive and antimicrobial properties. In this work, water-soluble extracts were produced from the macroalgae Gracilaria gracilis and Ulva rigida, with focus on their antioxidant potential. Furthermore, the impact of in vitro gastrointestinal (GI) digestion on the antioxidant activity of both extracts was studied, with the goal of evaluating their potential as functional food ingredients. Extracts were produced by enzymatic hydrolysis, with a cellulase and a subtilisin protease, using a previously optimized method. Then, both were submitted to simulated GI conditions, similar to those found in the human digestive system. The antioxidant activity was determined by ORAC and ABTS assays in four stages of GI simulation (before digestion, and after mouth, stomach and intestine digestion). The antioxidant activity did not decrease throughout the different stages of digestion. Interestingly, the antioxidant capacity increased after some phases. For instance, both extracts presented higher ORAC values after all digestion phases, when compared to the non-digested extract, being statistically significant after stomach digestion, for G. gracilis extract (p < 0.05). On this study, both extracts maintained their antioxidant activity during in vitro GI digestion, with an increase after almost all digestion phases, when compared to the non-digested extract. The observed increase may be explained by the production of smaller and more bioactive peptides, by the action of the gastrointestinal enzymes, such as pepsin and pancreatin. In conclusion, since antioxidant activity is maintained throughout the GI tract, these results showed that G. gracilis and U. rigida extracts may be considered potential ingredients for the development of functional foods with antioxidant properties.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Resistant starch production in wheat bread: effect of ingredients, baking conditions and storage

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    Resistant starch (RS) is defined as the sum of starch and products of starch degradation not absorbed in the small intestine of healthy individuals. RS appears to confer considerable health benefits. Processing conditions and ingredients may influence the formation of RS in foodstuffs. The aim of the present study was to investigate some of the factors that might influence RS formation in wheat bread, namely: 1) formulation; 2) loaf size; 3) baking conditions and 4) storage conditions. Seven bread formulations were prepared: reference recipe (control) and six experimental formulations. The effect of the loaf size and the baking conditions were also tested. Finally, the effect of storage was tested by keeping control breads under different storage conditions (temperature/time). Moisture and resistant starch contents were evaluated in all breads. A higher level of moisture in the dough and a larger loaf size enhanced the RS content. An extended baking process also favoured significantly the formation of RS. Storing the bread at room temperature for 3 days was shown to further increase the RS content. It is possible to increase the RS content of bread by modifying the ingredients ratio and processing conditions

    Atomically controlled, self-limiting procedures for growth of aluminum oxide on SiC-on-Si

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    Abstract number 0451, Abstract book page P-02-008Electronic devices fabricated from SiC/Si epitaxial wafers will need surface passivation and insulating coatings. For solar cell applications – and in MOS systems – Al-oxide thin film coatings have some strong advocates, not the least due to the advances of the ALD process. We have grown SiC/Si, formed by a remote CH4 plasma interacting with Si surfaces in UHV. After growing the SiC/Si system (SiC thickness between 0.5 and 5 nm; polycrystalline) a self-limiting Si-oxide layer was grown on the surface, with a thickness of around 1 nm, at 7000C. On top of this layer we deposited approximately 1 nm of Al with a Knudsen atomic source (all steps in UHV) and then reacted it thermally (at 6000C) with the Si-oxide. We monitored all the process steps and the resulting structures of the layers and the interface using synchrotron radiation induced core level photoemission at ASTRID, Aarhus, Denmark. We found similar qualities with this procedure, as for Si, i.e. an atomically sharp interface between Al-oxide and SiC, and this reaction scheme offers self-limiting behavior both of the oxidation to create Si-oxide, and to the conversion into Al-oxide, which only needs a sufficient amount of Al to affect the total conversion of the Si-oxide, while excess Al will leave the system at sufficiently elevated temperatures.publishersversionpublishe

    Probable Person-to-Person Transmission of Legionnaires’ Disease

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    Correspondence to the Editor.Legionnaires’ disease is an often severe form of pneumonia that is typically acquired by susceptible persons (e.g., elderly persons and smokers) through inhalation of aerosols that contain legionella species.1-4 A cluster of cases of this disease occurred in Vila Franca de Xira, Portugal, in 2014

    Quantification of the total suspended matter concentration in the sea breaking zone from in situ measurements and remotely sensed data - two empirical approaches

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    Remote sensing techniques can be used to calculate suspended sediment concentrations and to understand the flux and distribution of sediments driven by mechanisms such as tides and waves, river discharges, etc. The main objective of this study is the quantification of the Total Suspended Matter (TSM) concentration in the sea breaking zone for a particular area of the Portuguese coast, around Aveiro. The methodology used was based on in situ measurements and multi spectral satellite images. In situ experimental techniques (maritime platform, aerial platform, simulation on the beach and water sample collection in the breaking zone) were used to determine a relationship between the TSM concentration and the seawater reflectance in the breaking zone. Spectral reflectance was measured with a spectroradiometer and water samples were simultaneously collected. Empirical relationships were established between TSM concentration and the equivalent reflectance values for sensors SPOT/HRVIR, TERRA/ASTER and Landsat/TM at visible and Near Infra Red (NIR) bands computed from the experimental data. Satellite images from ASTER, SPOT HRVIR and Landsat TM were used together with the same empirical models. These satellite images were calibrated and atmospherically corrected. Equations of linear, polynomial, logarithmic, power and exponential models were tested for the satellite image bands on the visible and near infrared. The coefficients of determination (R-2) were also calculated for each model. The results obtained from the two approaches, in situ measurements and directly from the multi spectral satellite images, were analysed

    Patient-centeredness: contribution to the adaptation of the Patient-Practitioner Orientation Scale (PPOS)

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    Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo traduzir e contribuir para a adaptação para a população portuguesa (Português Europeu) da Patient-Practitioner Orientation Scale (PPOS). Método: Após o processo de tradução e de pré-teste, a escala foi aplicada a 593 estudantes do 1º ao 6º ano do curso de Medicina em várias Universidades de Portugal Continental. A validade do construto e a fiabilidade do instrumento foram aferidas através da análise fatorial exploratória (ACP) e confirmatória (AFC), e do cálculo do coeficiente alpha de Cronbach. Resultados: A versão final explica 31.54% da variância total e confirma a estrutura em dois fatores: Caring, (19.56% da variância) e Sharing (11.98% da variância). Os itens 2 e 4 apresentaram inconsistências com os fatores definidos à priori (versão original do instrumento), os itens 9 e 17 obtiveram cargas fatoriais inferiores a .3, e o item 3 registou uma diferença inferior a .1 entre as cargas fatoriais para os dois domínios. Os coeficientes de alpha de Cronbach foram .65, .50 e .56 para a escala total, e subscalas Caring e Sharing, respetivamente. A AFC revelou um bom ajustamento global do modelo de medida (χ2(132, N = 593) = 344.28, p < .001; χ2/gl = 2.61; GFI = .93; AGFI = .92; CFI = .87; NNFI = .81; SRMR = .084; RMSEA = .05, 95% CI [0.045, 0.059], p = .293). As análises exploratórias posteriores sugerem a possibilidade de melhoria dos índices de validade e de fiabilidade da escala total e da sub-escala Caring, com a retirada de itens específicos. Conclusão: Não obstante as fragilidades encontradas no que concerne à fiabilidade e validade da PPOS-P para uma amostra de estudantes portugueses de Medicina, este estudo representa um contributo científico para a adaptação da escala, que pode ser considerada para efeitos de avaliação de atitudes de centração no paciente nos contextos da educação médica e da investigação.ABSTRACT - Objective: The purpose of this study was to contribute to the European Portuguese adaptation of the Patient-Practitioner Orientation Scale (PPOS). Method: A sample of 593 medical students participated in the study. After permission from the original author, the translation procedures required to ensure translation of the PPOS to European Portuguese were performed. Construct validity (exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis) and reliability (internal consistency) were assessed. Results: The final version confirmed the original structures of two factors, explaining 31.54% of total variance; Caring (19.56%) and Sharing (11.98%). Items 2 and 4 showed inconsistencies with the factors defined earlier in the original version of the instrument, items 9 and 17 obtained a factorial load less than .3, and the item 3 achieved a difference of less than .1 between factorial charges for the two domains. The internal consistency of PPOS-P scales was adequate (Cronbach’s alpha of .65, .50 and .56 for total scale, and subscales Caring and Sharing, respectively). Confirmatory factor analysis provided an acceptable adjustment for the observed variables (χ2(132, N = 593) = 344.28, p < .001; χ2/gl = 2.61; GFI = .93; AGFI = .92; CFI = .87; NNFI = .81; SRMR = .084; RMSEA = .05, 95% CI [0.045, 0.059], p = .293). Subsequent exploratory analyzes suggest the potential for improving the levels of validity and reliability of the total scale and Caring subscale, with the removal of specific items. Conclusion: Although the fragilities identified in the validity and reliability of the PPOS-P in a sample of Portuguese medical students, this work can represent an important and useful contribution to further investigations that might consider this instrument as a measure of student’s changes of patient-centeredness attitudes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio