2,277 research outputs found
Toponímia religiosa em Minas Gerais: os nomes dos municípios / Minas Gerais religious toponymy: the names of municipalities
Resumo: Adotando os pressupostos teórico-metodológicos da Toponímia, este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar um estudo toponímico dos 853 nomes de municípios de Minas Gerais, dos quais, sincronicamente, 103 – ou 12% do total – são nomes relativos à Nossa Senhora e aos santos e santas da Igreja Católica. Diacronicamente, entretanto, outros 329 municípios – 38,6% – já tiveram, ao longo de sua história, designações toponímicas dessa mesma natureza; alguns deles com mais de uma denominação como é o caso do município de Água Boa cujos topônimos anteriores já foram São José da Água Boa e Santana da Água Boa. Verificou-se, então, que os motivos para escolha do nome de um munícipio – acidente urbano –, além de observar legislação específica, pauta-se pela subjetividade coletiva e, muitas vezes, também por interesses políticos. Assim, muitos topônimos referentes aos municípios mineiros foram substituídos com o passar do tempo, sobretudo no que concerne aos mariotopônimos. Esses topônimos, no entanto, pelas reduções referentes aos títulos que acompanham a expressão Nossa Senhora, deixaram vestígios de sua origem religiosa em todo o território mineiro, o que pode ser observado pela quantidade considerável de denominações toponímicas atuais constituídas a partir dos determinantes Carmo, Conceição e Dores, por exemplo.
Palavras-chave: léxico; cultura; toponímia religiosa; Minas Gerais; municípios.
Abstract: Based on Toponymy theoretical and methodological assumptions, this paper aims to present a toponymic study of the 853 names of Minas Gerais municipalities, of which, synchronously, 103 - or 12% of the total - are names related to the Holy Mother (Virgin Mary) and the female and male saints of the Catholic Church. Diachronically, however, another 329 municipalities – 38,6% – have had toponymic names of this same nature throughout their history; some of them with more than one denomination as, for example, the municipality of Água Boa whose previous toponyms have been São José da Água Boa (Saint Joseph of Água Boa) and Santana da Água Boa (Saint Anne of Água Boa). It was verified, then, that the reasons for choosing the name of a municipality – an urban accident –, besides observation of specific legislations, are guided by collective subjectivity and, many times, also by political interests. Thus, many toponyms referring to the Minas Gerais municipalities have been replaced with time, especially in what mariotopônimos (names based on the names for the Virgin Mary) are concerned. These toponyms, however, due to the reductions referring to the titles that accompany the expression Holy Mother / Our Lady, left traces of their religious origin throughout all of the territory of Minas Gerais; this can be observed by the considerable amount of current toponymic denominations constituted from the determinants Carmo (Carmel), Conceição (Conception) and Dores (Sorrows), for example.
Keywords: lexicon; culture; religious toponymy; Minas Gerais; municipalities
Dos Bancos Tradicionais aos Digitais: quais riscos corporativos os bancos brasileiros enfrentam ao investirem em Fintechs?
Atualmente, no segmento bancário, muito se fala sobre as novas tecnologias como um diferencial competitivo. Entretanto, quanto mais inovadora é a solução, maior é o risco que a instituição está exposta ao escolher uma proposta inédita. Neste sentido, revela-se a questão abordada neste trabalho: quais riscos corporativos os bancos brasileiros digitais e tradicionais estão sujeitos ao investirem em fintechs? A compreensão deste assunto provoca uma reflexão que envolve a viabilidade de investimento atrelada aos riscos corporativos decorrentes das decisões. Para isso, este artigo analisou o comportamento de riscos dos quatro maiores bancos tradicionais e dos doze bancos digitais brasileiros. Por meio da pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, foram coletados os dados disponibilizados pelas instituições nos relatórios divulgados na internet, em sites próprios, no período de 2015 a 2019. Empregando estatística descritiva, os dados consolidados proporcionaram o mapeamento dos riscos corporativos do público amostral. Os principais resultados indicam que a gestão de riscos promovidas pelos bancos procuram, estritamente, atender às regulamentações do Banco Central, confrontando com o principal pilar do Gerenciamento de Riscos. Além disso, a negligência no acompanhamento das ocorrências e o inadequado dimensionamento do impacto desses riscos para as organizações, tornam o investimento em fintechs uma operação arriscada
Communication and education in health consultations to children with acute respiratory infections
The objective of this study was to identify the recommendations for the care of children with acute respiratory infections (ARI) and to describe the process of communication between professionals and mothers during the consultation. Data collection was performed in Primary Care Units, through interviews and observation of physicians' and nurses' consultations to children with ARI. The recommendations ranging between professionals and were incomplete and focusing on the disease, mainly on the treatment; communication is focused on the professional, which does not promote an emancipatory education process. The results confirmed the need to include such issues in the initial and ongoing training of professionals.Este estudio objetivó identificar las orientaciones de cuidado al niño con infecciones respiratorias agudas (IRA) y describir el proceso de comunicación entre profesionales y madres en la consulta. Los datos se recogieron en Unidades Básicas de Salud, en entrevistas y observación de consultas de enfermeras y médicos a niños con IRA. Los resultados muestran orientaciones variables entre los profesionales e incompletas, predominantemente prescriptivas y enfocadas en la enfermedad, principalmente en el tratamiento medicamentoso; la comunicación se centra en el profesional, lo que no favorece un proceso educativo emancipatorio. Se concluye en la necesidad de incluir tales contenidos en la formación inicial y permanente de los profesionales.Este estudo objetivou identificar as orientações de cuidado à criança com infecções respiratórias agudas (IRA) e descrever o processo de comunicação entre profissionais e mães na consulta. Os dados foram coletados em Unidades Básicas de Saúde, em entrevistas e observação de consultas de enfermeiras e médicos a crianças com IRA. Os resultados mostram orientações variáveis e incompletas entre os profissionais, predominantemente prescritivas e centradas na doença, principalmente no tratamento medicamentoso. A comunicação é centrada no profissional, o que não favorece um processo educativo emancipatório. Conclui-se a necessidade de incluir esses conteúdos na formação inicial e permanente dos profissionais
Osteonecrosis of the jaw induced by receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B ligand (Denosumab): review
Background: Denosumab, an anti-resorptive agent, IgG2 monoclonal antibody for human Receptor activator of
nuclear factor-kappa B ligand (RANKL), has been related to the occurrence of osteonecrosis of the jaws. Thus,
the aim of this study was to review the literature from clinical case reports, regarding the type of patient and the
therapeutic approach used for osteonecrosis of the jaws induced by chronic use of Denosumab.
Material and Methods: For this, a literature review was performed on PubMed, Medline and Cochrane databases,
using the keywords “Denosumab” “anti-RANK ligand” and “Osteonecrosis of jaw”. To be included, articles
should be a report or a serie of clinical cases, describing patients aged 18 years or over who used denosumab
therapy and have received any therapy for ONJ.
Results: Thirteen complete articles were selected for this review, totaling 17 clinical cases. The majority of ONJ
cases, patients receiving Denosumab as treatment for osteoporosis and prostate cancer therapy. In most cases,
patients affected by ONJ were women aged 60 or over and posterior mandible area was the main site of involvement.
Diabetes pre-treatment with bisphosphonates and exodontia were the most often risk factors related to the
occurrence of this condition. Systemic and local antibiotic therapy with or without surgical debridement was the
most used treatment for ONJ resolution.
Conclusions: It is concluded that the highest number of ONJ cases caused by the use of anti-RANKL agents occurred in female patients, aged 60 years or older, under treatment for osteoporosis and cancer metastasis, and the
most affected region was the mandible posterior
Effect of storage conditions on the physical properties of coffee beans with different qualities
The quality of coffee starts in the field, and goes through the harvesting and post-harvesting processes, and continues to storage and transportation. The storage of coffee beans aims to stock a product for a certain period of time. However, factors such as quality and metabolism of the grain, water content, environmental conditions of the warehouse, type of packaging, and storage time influence the maintenance of these characteristics, and may negatively affect sensory aspects of the beverage. The use of high-barrier packaging or refrigerated storage practices are alternatives that can ensure grain quality during storage. Thus, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the behavior of raw coffee beans, of different processing and quality levels, packed in impermeable packages and stored in a refrigerated environment. The specialty coffees were previously sampled and characterized as to the drink, with two lots (one of natural coffee and the other of pulped natural coffee) evaluated with a score of 82 points, and another lot of natural coffee evaluated with a score of 84 points. They were packed in two types of packaging: moisture and gas permeable, and gas, moisture, and light impermeable. The beans were stored in ambient conditions without temperature control and in refrigerated environments. The CO2 concentration inside the packaging was measured, and the physical analyses – water content, color, and apparent specific mass – were performed. According to the results there is less variation in the water content and coloration of the grains stored in high barrier packages. The storage of the beans in refrigerated condition and in high barrier packing is efficient in the retarding of the loss of quality of the coffees during the nine months of the experimen
Regionalização da saúde no Rio Grande do Sul: olhar dos gestores estaduais
Este artigo teve como objetivo analisar, através da perspectiva dos gestores estaduais, como ocorreu a implementação do processo da regionalização da saúde no Rio Grande do Sul, a partir dos anos 2000. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo descritivo, desenvolvido na Secretaria da Saúde do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. As informações foram obtidas através de dez entrevistas semiestruturadas. Para a interpretação dos dados levantados, utilizou-se análise de conteúdo, modalidade temática. Como resultados, destacaram-se a melhoria na qualidade da atenção à saúde, o progresso na organização do sistema de saúde do estado, a mudança na função da gestão estadual, o desenvolvimento da tecnologia e o reconhecimento das instâncias de pactuação para a tomada de decisão. Identificou-se que a governança regional foi dificultada pela fragmentação do sistema e a histórica insuficiência de planejamento. Concluiu-se que se faz necessário implementar uma cultura de gestão estratégica, amparada pela alocação adequada de recursos e qualificação da governança nas regiões de saúde.This article aims to analyze, from the perspective of state administrators, the implementation of the health regionalization process in Rio Grande do Sul, beginning in the 2000s. This is a qualitative-descriptive study, conducted in the State Health Department. We obtained information from ten semistructured interviews with state administrators from the central level. We interpreted the data using content analysis, thematic method. As results, we highlight the improvement in healthcare quality, the progress in the organization of the state’s health system, the change in the role of the state administration, the development of the technology and the acknowledgment of pactmaking spaces for decision-making. We note that the system’s fragmentation and the historical planning insufficiency hamper regional governance. In conclusion, implementing a culture of strategic management is necessary, with the backing of adequate resource allocation and enhancement of governance in the health regions
This study was conducted to investigate the potential of organic acids and bioactive compounds present in rawbeans to differentiate the sensory quality of coffee from different genotypes and processing methods. During the 2010, 2011 and 2012 crop seasons, beverage quality was analyzed, as well as the profile of organic acids and bioactive compounds caffeine, trigonelline and chlorogenic acids (3,4 and 5-CQA) in raw coffee beans from genotypes Bourbon Amarelo and Acaiá. The samples were collected in commercial fields with altitudes ranging from 932 to 1391 m, in the municipality of Carmo de Minas, MG, Brazil. Two processing methods were adopted: dry process (natural) and wet process (mechanically pulped and demucilaged coffee). All harvest and post-harvest procedures were carried out according to the main technologies for the production of specialty coffees. The sensory analysis was performed using the methodology proposed by the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA). Chemical analyses were performed by High performance liquid chromatography. Data were investigated using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The variations in the contents of organic acids and bioactive compounds were due to the coffee processing method. For genotypes Bourbon Amarelo and Acaiá, the differences in the organic acid profile, associated with caffeine, trigonelline and chlorogenic acids (3,4 and 5-CQA), were essential to differentiate the quality of mechanically pulped and demucilaged coffee. No significant differences were observed in the sensory quality of natural coffee due to the analysis of organic acids and bioactive compounds.This study was conducted to investigate the potential of organic acids and bioactive compounds present in rawbeans to differentiate the sensory quality of coffee from different genotypes and processing methods. During the 2010, 2011 and 2012 crop seasons, beverage quality was analyzed, as well as the profile of organic acids and bioactive compounds caffeine, trigonelline and chlorogenic acids (3,4 and 5-CQA) in raw coffee beans from genotypes Bourbon Amarelo and Acaiá. The samples were collected in commercial fields with altitudes ranging from 932 to 1391 m, in the municipality of Carmo de Minas, MG, Brazil. Two processing methods were adopted: dry process (natural) and wet process (mechanically pulped and demucilaged coffee). All harvest and post-harvest procedures were carried out according to the main technologies for the production of specialty coffees. The sensory analysis was performed using the methodology proposed by the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA). Chemical analyses were performed by High performance liquid chromatography. Data were investigated using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The variations in the contents of organic acids and bioactive compounds were due to the coffee processing method. For genotypes Bourbon Amarelo and Acaiá, the differences in the organic acid profile, associated with caffeine, trigonelline and chlorogenic acids (3,4 and 5-CQA), were essential to differentiate the quality of mechanically pulped and demucilaged coffee. No significant differences were observed in the sensory quality of natural coffee due to the analysis of organic acids and bioactive compounds
Short-term transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation reduces pain and improves the masticatory muscle activity in temporomandibular disorder patients: a randomized controlled trial
Studies to assess the effects of therapies on pain and masticatory muscle function are scarce. Objective To investigate the short-term effect of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) by examining pain intensity, pressure pain threshold (PPT) and electromyography (EMG) activity in patients with temporomandibular disorder (TMD). Material and Methods Forty patients with myofascial TMD were enrolled in this randomized placebo-controlled trial and were divided into two groups: active (n=20) and placebo (n=20) TENS. Outcome variables assessed at baseline (T0), immediately after (T2) and 48 hours after treatment (T1) were: pain intensity with the aid of a visual analogue scale (VAS); PPT of masticatory and cervical structures; EMG activity during mandibular rest position (MR), maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) and habitual chewing (HC). Two-way ANOVA for repeated measures was applied to the data and the significance level was set at 5%. Results There was a decrease in the VAS values at T1 and T2 when compared with T0 values in the active TENS group (
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