75 research outputs found

    Regulación de la movilidad mediada por flagelos en Pseudomonas fluorescens F113

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología. Fecha de lectura: 18-11-201

    Chiral separation of a basic drug with two chiral centers by electrokinetic chromatography for its pharmaceutical development

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    A chiral method using capillary electrophoresis was developed for the separation of the four stereoisomers of a new chiral substance currently undergoing drug development as single enantiomer. After the selection of highly sulfated beta-CD as chiral selector, an exhaustive study on the influence of several experimental variables on the resolution was performed, being the substitution degree of the CD a very decisive factor. Run time and resolutions were about 20 min and higher than 2.0, respectively. The method was validated in terms of selectivity, linearity, accuracy, precision, and limits of detection and quantitation according to the requirements of the International Conference on Harmonisation for the determination of the chiral purity of a drug substance. The usefulness of the method was demonstrated in the control of stereoisomeric impurities in raw material as well as in the determination of the chiral stability of the drug in the solid state and in dosage forms used in safety assessment. Finally, the chiral method was used to investigate the possible in vivo inversion in biological samples. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Development of an in-capillary derivatization method by CE for the determination of chiral amino acids in dietary supplements and wines

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    A fast in-capillary derivatization method by CE with 6-aminoquinolyl-N-hydroxysuccinimidyl\ud carbamate was developed for the first time for the determination of\ud amino acid enantiomers (arginine, lysine, and ornithine) in dietary supplements and\ud wines. Because of the initial current problems due to the formation of precipitates into\ud the capillary during the derivatization reaction, a washing step with an organic solvent as\ud DMSO between injections was necessary. Different approaches were also investigated to\ud enhance the sensitivity of detection. A derivatization procedure, where plugs of ACN,\ud derivatizing agent (10mM 6-aminoquinolyl-N-hydroxysuccinimidyl carbamate), and\ud sample in borate (1:1 v/v) were injected in tandem (2, 3, and 6 s, respectively, at 50 mbar),\ud was selected because it enabled to obtain the most sensitive and reproducible results.\ud Appropriate analytical characteristics (linearity, LOD and LOQ, precision, absence of\ud matrix interferences, and accuracy) were obtained for this method. Finally, the optimized\ud method was successfully applied to the determination of the enantiomers of arginine,\ud lysine, and ornithine in food samples of different complexities (dietary supplements and\ud wines).The authors thank the Ministry of Education and Science (Spain) and the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain) for research projects CTQ2006-03849/BQU and S-0505/AGR- 0312, respectively. Carmen Garcı´a-Ruiz thanks the Ministry of Science and Technology (Spain) for the Ramon y Cajal program (RYC-2003-001). A.B.M.-G. thanks the University of Alcala for her pre-doctoral contract

    Enantiomeric separation of ornithine in complex mixtures of amino acids by EKC with off-line derivatization with 6-aminoquinolyl-N-hydroxysuccinimidyl carbamate

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    A new analytical methodology was developed by EKC enabling the fast enantiomeric separation of\ud Ornithine in complex mixtures of amino acids. A previous derivatization step with 6-aminoquinolyl-Nhydroxysuccinimidyl\ud carbamate (AQC) was achieved to enable the sensitive UV detection of amino acids\ud as well as to make possible their interaction with the CDs employed as chiral selectors. A dual CD system\ud containing an anionic and a neutral CD in phosphate buffer at acid pH showed a high resolving power\ud allowing the enantiomeric separation of 18 protein amino acids and Orn. The method was applied to the\ud analysis of fermented foods to investigate the extent of the presence of Orn enantiomers.Authors thank the Ministry of Education of Science (Spain) and\ud the Comunidad Autonoma de Madrid (Spain) for research projects CTQ2006-03849/BQU and S-0505/AGR-0312, respectively. Carmen Garcıa-Ruiz thanks the Ministry of Science and Technology (Spain) for the Ramon y Cajal program (RYC-2003-001). Ana Belen Martínez \ud Giron and Elena Domínguez-Vega thank the University of Alcala for their pre-doctoral grants

    Satisfaction of parents with universal neonatal hearing screening in Castilla-León (Spain)

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    [ES] Introducción y objetivos: Medir el beneplácito que produce un programa de cribado auditivo neonatal es un importante indicador de su efectividad. Con este estudio pretendemos conocer la satisfacción que manifiestan los padres de los niños a los que se ha realizado la prueba de cribado auditivo al nacimiento, en la Comunidad de Castilla y León (España), siguiendo el Programa establecido desde hace 10 años. Para ello, aplicaremos un cuestionario ya existente en nuestro idioma. Métodos: Participaron 467 familias, procedentes de 12 de los 14 hospitales de nuestra Comunidad. Resultados: Más del 90% de los encuestados se mostraron satisfechos con el desarrollo del Programa de cribado. Discusión: Es difícil obtener un cuestionario objetivo y fiable que valore el concepto multidimensional de la satisfacción, por lo que es fundamental incluir preguntas abiertas donde los participantes puedan expresar sus opiniones y sugerencias. Conclusión: En general, los padres están satisfechos con los servicios que reciben en relación al cribado auditivo neonatal en los diferentes hospitales de la Comunidad de Castilla y León. Además, este estudio nos ha permitido identificar defectos en el programa e introducir mejoras en el mismo. [EN] Introduction and objectives: Measuring parent satisfaction with neonatal hearing screening is an important indicator of the effectiveness of the program. The aim of this study was to investigate the degree of parent satisfaction with the "Screening Hearing Universal Program" in the Castilla and León Community (Spain), manifest for 10 years, through the application of a questionnaire already existing in our language. Methods: Participated 467 families, from 12 of the 14 hospitals of our Community. Results: Overall, more than 90% of parents were satisfied with the completion of the screening Program. Discussion: It is difficult to get an objective and reliable questionnaire that values the multidimensional concept of satisfaction, so it is essential to include open-ended items where participants can express their opinions and suggestions. Conclusions: In general, parents reported being satisfied with the neonatal hearing screening services in the hospitals of the Castilla and León Community. Additionally, this study has demonstrated to be useful in identifying possibilities for improvement

    Meningocele transetmoidal y meningitis recurrente. A propósito de un caso

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    [ES] Introducción: Los meningoceles transetmoidales son raros. El diagnóstico suele ser tardío y se suele realizar por la presencia de meningitis recurrente. Caso Clínico: Paciente de 10 años con antecedentes de meningitis neumocócica en dos ocasiones. Endoscopia nasal: tumoración en fosa nasal derecha entre cornete medio y septum. TAC: lesión con densidad de partes blandas con disrupción de la cortical adyacente a la "crista gali" derecha. RNM: lesión de componente quístico, con pedículo en fosa craneal anterior. Se realiza craneotomía frontal derecha, extirpando meningocele con orificio de salida en lámina cribosa, posterior cierre con duramadre, hueso propio y pericráneo. Estudio anatomopatológico: tejido fibrovascular a modo de membranas y tejido de aspecto glial. Discusión: El meningocele intranasal es una malformación rara caracterizada por una herniación de las meninges, a través de un defecto en la lámina cribiforme, hacia la cavidad nasal, debido generalmente a una anomalía congénita, pero que también secundario a traumatismos o hipertensión crónica intracraneal. Más frecuente en determinadas áreas geográficas, sobre todo en el sudeste asiático. Clínicamente, lo más frecuente es la obstrucción o masa nasal con o sin meningitis de repetición. En el caso de localización etmoidal debe hacerse diagnóstico diferencial con quiste dermoide, hemangioma, glioma y pólipo nasal. La TC y la RM son fundamentales en el diagnóstico y deben preceder a la biopsia. El tratamiento es quirúrgico con abordaje intracraneal o endoscópico nasal. Conclusiones: Ante todo caso de meningitis aguda recidivante, deberían descartarse malformaciones ocultas de la base de cráneo. [EN] Introduction: Transethmoidal meningoceles are rare. The diagnosis is usually delayed and often made by the presence of recurrent meningitis. Case report: A 10-year boy with history of recurrent pneumococcal meningitis. Nasal endoscopy: mass in the right nostril between middle turbinate and septum. CT: soft tissue density lesion with disruption of the cortex adjacent to the "crista gali". MRI: cystic component injury with pedicle in anterior cranial fossa. Right frontal craniotomy was performed, removing meningocele with exit point on the cribriform plate, posterior dural closure, bone itself and scalp. Pathologic Study: fibrovascular tissue as an aspect membranes and glial tissue. Discussion: Intranasal meningocele is a rare malformation characterized by herniation of the meninges into the nasal cavity through a defect in the cribriform plate, due to a congenital abnormality, but also secondary to trauma or chronic intracranial hypertension. More common in certain geographic areas, especially in Southeast Asia. Usually cause nasal obstruction with or without recurrent meningitis. Differential diagnosis must be made with dermoid cyst, hemangioma, glioma and nasal polyp. CT and MRI are essential in the diagnosis and should precede the biopsy. The treatment is surgical or endoscopic nasal intracranial approach. Conclusions: In the presence of recurrent acute meningitis, it is necessary to rule out occult malformations of the skull base

    Sialometaplasia necrotizante. A propósito de un caso

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    [EN] Introduction: Necrotizing sialometaplasia (NSM) is a benign lesion affecting the salivary glands mainly in the hard palate. It presents as an ulcer with irregular borders, slightly elevated and necrotic The differential diagnosis should include malignant neoplasms. Case Report: A 26-year-old woman sought medical advice for a painful 2 cm ulceration of the hard palate. She is carrying pierced tongue. The patient had a history of cigarette smoking, chronic anxiety disorder and bulimia,. Analytical normal (including HIV and syphilis serology). Histopathology: accessory gland with squamous metaplasia, pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia and conservation lobular architecture. She had an important improvement with total resolution of the lesion in 4 months Discussion: The NSM is a necrotizing inflammatory process. It presents as an ulcer located in the posterior hard palate or the junction between the hard and soft palate. This situation has been associated with local ischemia as surgical trauma, thromboangiitis obliterans, dentures, alcohol, snuff, cocaine, and certain malignancies such as lymphomas, rhabdomyosarcoma or Warthin tumor. Currently associated with bulimia, it being necessary suspected in young women. It is important to rule out neoplasms and infectious processes (tuberculosis or syphilis). Also consider subacute necrotizing sialadenitis, nonspecific acute inflammatory process of unknown cause, with focal necrosis without hyperplasia or ductal metaplasia pseudoepitheliomatous. Treatment is symptomatic and usually resolves in 2-3 months. Conclusion: The NSM is a benign lesion which may mimic neoplasia. The trend is toward resolution. It must be recognized to avoid unnecessary surgery.[ES] INTRODUCIÓN: La sialometaplasia necrotizante (SMN), es una lesión benigna que afecta a las glándulas salivares fundamentalmente en el paladar duro. Se presenta como una úlcera de bordes irregulares, ligeramente elevados y lecho necrótico El diagnóstico diferencial debe incluir neoplasias malignas. CASO CLÍNICO: Mujer de 26 años de edad portadora de piercing en la lengua, fumadora con antecedentes de bulimia nerviosa. Presenta úlcera de 2 cm en región posterior del paladar duro de 2 meses de evolución. Estudio analítico normal (incluida serología VIH y sífilis). Estudio histopatológico: glándula accesoria con metaplasia escamosa ductal, hiperplasia seudoepiteliomatosa y conservación de la arquitectura lobular. Se resolvió espontáneamente en 4 meses. DISCUSIÓN: La SMN es un proceso inflamatorio necrotizante. Se presenta generalmente como una úlcera localizada en la porción posterior del paladar duro o la unión entre el paladar blando y duro. Se ha asociado a situaciones de isquemia local como traumatismos quirúrgicos, tromboangeitis obliterante, prótesis dentales, alcohol, tabaco, consumo de cocaína, y ciertas neoplasias como linfomas, rabdomiosarcomas o tumor de Warthin. Actualmente se relaciona con la bulimia, debiéndose sospechar en mujeres jóvenes. Es importante descartar neoplasias y procesos infecciosos (tuberculosis o sífilis). También se debe considerar la sialoadenitis necrótica subaguda, proceso inflamatorio agudo inespecífico de causa desconocida, con necrosis focal, sin metaplasia ductal ni hiperplasia seudoepiteliomatosa. El tratamiento es sintomático y generalmente se resuelve en 2- 3 meses. CONCLUSION: La SMN es una lesión benigna que puede simular una neoplasia. La evolución es hacia la resolución. Debe reconocerse para evitar cirugías innecesarias

    Neonatal hearing screening our experience and future approaches.

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    [ES] Introducción: El screening auditivo neonatal universal es una forma de identificar a los recién nacidos con problemas auditivos, con una prevalencia de 1 a 3 por cada 1.000 nacidos vivos. La detección e intervención temprana es fundamental para prevenir las consecuencias negativas en el habla, el lenguaje y el desarrollo cognitivo. Método: En este artículo se describe un programa de cribado auditivo universal, institucional desarrollado en la Comunidad Autónoma, Castilla y León. También se analizan los nuevos factores de riesgo. Resultados: Exponemos la contribución de las asociaciones familiares (ARANSBUR) y una encuesta (sondeo) de satisfacción con el programa. [EN] Introduction: Universal newborn hearing screening is a way to identify hearing-impaired newborns, with a reported prevalence of 1 to 3 per 1000 live births. Early detection and intervention is critical to prevent the adverse consequences of a delayed diagnosis on speech, language and cognitive development. Method: This article describes an institutional universal hearing screening program developed in Autonomus Community, Castilla y Leon . Results: It also discusses the new insights risk factors. We expose the contribution of family associations (ARANSBUR ) and a survey ( poll) of satisfaction with the program

    Dysfuntion of the cocal cords in children and adolescents. Case report.

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    [ES] INTRODUCCIÓN La disfunción de las cuerdas vocales (DCV) o asma laríngeo, se caracteriza por episodios paroxísticos de aducción de las cuerdas vocales durante la inspiración y/o espiración conduciendo a episodios de disnea y estridor. CASO CLÍNICO Mujer de 13 años con historia de asma en relación con el ejercicio. Ingresada en el Servicio de Pediatría por presentar episodios de estridor y disnea. Función pulmonar: aplanamiento de la curva inspiratoria y menor de la curva espiratoria (Figura 1). Fibrolaringoscopia: aducción de las cuerdas vocales tanto durante la inspiración como la espiración, objetivándose abducción con la tos (Figura 2). Evaluación psicológica: adolescente competitiva sin ganancia secundaria. Se instauró tratamiento de terapia de la voz para reducir la tensión de los músculos laríngeos, disminuir la hiperfunción vocal y mejorar el control respiratorio. DISCUSIÓN La DCV puede ocurrir en niños y adolescentes, fundamentalmente en mujeres. El ejercicio es una causa común en el grupo pediátrico, lo que favorece que se diagnostique como asma. Se ha asociado a reflujo gastroesofágico y trastornos psicológicos. La espirometría muestra signos de obstrucción extratorácica durante los síntomas. El diagnostico se confirma mediante fibroendoscopia observando la aducción de las cuerdas vocales durante la inspiración, espiración o ambas. El tratamiento se basa en la eliminación de los factores precipitantes, la psicoterapia y la terapia de la voz. [EN] INTRODUCTION The vocal cord dysfunction (VCD) or laryngeal asthma is characterized by paroxysmal episodes of adduction of the vocal cords during inspiration and / or expiration, leading to episodes of dyspnea and stridor. CASE REPORT A 13 year old female with a history of exercise-related asthma is admitted to Hospital with a episode of stridor and dyspnea. Pulmonary function curve showed flattening of inspiratory and expiratory curve. Fiberoptic laryngoscopy: adducion of both vocal cords during inspiration and expiration, objectifying abduction with the cough. Psychological evaluation: competitive teenager without secondary gain. Following treatment of voice therapy was able to reduce tension in the laryngeal muscles, reduce vocal hyperfunction and improve respiratory control. DISCUSSION The VCD can occur in children and adolescents, mainly in women. Exercise is a common cause in the pediatric group, which favors to be diagnosed as asthma. It has been associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease and psychological disorders. Spirometry shows signs of extrathoracic obstruction during symptoms. The diagnosis is confirmed by observing adduction of the vocal cords during inspiration, expiration, or both. The treatment is based on the elimination of precipitating factors, psychotherapy and speech therapy

    Oral manifestations of syphilis. Clinical Case

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    Introduction: Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. Oral manifestations of syphilis are not frequent but may occur in all stages simulating other diseases, delaying diagnosis and treatment. We describe the case of a patient with oral lesions as a manifestation of secondary syphilis. Discussion: oral manifestations of syphilis may mimic other more common oral mucosa lesions, going undiagnosed and with no proper treatment. Although oral lesions may manifest at all stages, are mainly associated with secondary syphilis. The diagnosis is usually made through serologic tests, however that suspicion needs to be maintained by the clinical and histologic findings. Conclusion: Given the increasing incidence of syphilis, it remains a public health problem worldwide and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of oral lesions in sexually active patients.Introducción: La sífilis es una enfermedad de transmisión sexual causada por la bacteria Treponema pallidum. Las manifestaciones orales de la sífilis no son frecuentes, pero pueden presentarse en todos sus estadios simulando otras enfermedades, retrasando el diagnóstico y tratamiento. Describimos el caso de un paciente con lesiones orales como manifestación de una sífilis secundaria. Discusión: las manifestaciones orales de la sífilis pueden simular otras lesiones orales más comunes, lo que dificulta y retrasa el diagnóstico y tratamiento correcto. Aunque las lesiones orales pueden manifestarse en todas las etapas se asocian principalmente con la sífilis secundaria. El diagnóstico definitivo se realiza generalmente mediante los tests serológicos, sin embargo, se precisa la sospecha clínica e histológica. Conclusión: Dada la creciente incidencia de la sífilis, representa un problema de salud pública y debe tenerse en cuenta en el diagnóstico diferencial de las lesiones orales en los pacientes sexualmente activos