503 research outputs found

    Effect of silicon on sunflower growth and nutrient accumulation under low boron supply

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    Study was focused on effect of silicon (Si) on growth and nutritional status of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) under low boron (B) external supply. Plants were grown under controlled environmental conditions in nutrient solutions with two low B treatments (0.2 μM B and 0.5 μM B) with or without addition of Si and control treatment containing sufficient B supply. Shoots growth was only slightly affected by Si supply while accumulation of B in fully developed leaves was significantly higher only at 0.5 μM B. In roots, nutrients contents were relatively constant, while accumulation of all nutrients in leaves was affected by addition of Si. Differences were significant only in K, Fe and Mo between treatments 0.5 μM B and 0.5 μM B with Si added and in Zn between both treatments. In comparison with other studies, results confirmed that plant species show different response to Si application. Interaction of B and Si should be involved in further research in B deficiency in sunflower

    Combining ability in some varieties of winter oil rape (brassica napus l.)

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    Five winter oil rape varieties (Falcon, Banaćanka, Sremica, Jet Neuf and Samuray) have been studied for general and specific combining abilities, mode of inheritance and gene effects for the number of leaves per plant and stem diameter. The varieties were examined in a diallel set of crosses excluding reciprocals. Falcon was the best general combiner for the number of leaves per plant, Banacanka for stem diameter. Samuray was the poorest general combiner for both traits. Dominance of the better parent and heterosis were expressed in the inheritance of the number of leaves per plant. Heterosis for stem diameter was registered in one cross. Genes with additive effect predominated in the inheritance of the number of leaves per plant, genes with dominant effect in the inheritance of stem diameter. The variety Falcon may be used as a component of synthetic varieties for improvement of the number of leaves per plant, the variety Jet Neuf for improvement of stem diameter

    Ocena komponenata genetičke varijanse mase 1000 semena kod suncokreta -Helianthus annuus L.-

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    Ten F1 hybrids obtained by crossing five sunflower inbred lines were used to analyze the impact of genes with additive and dominant effects and their interactions on the inheritance of mass 1000 seeds. The linkage among the expected progeny means was tested using the scaling tests method (Mather, 1949), while the estimates of gene effects and mode of inheritance were made by generation mean analysis (Mather and Jinks, 1982). The additive-dominant model was not proved adequate for all crosses in both years of study. It was adequate in crosses C1, C2, C3 and C5 in the first year and in crosses C3, C8, C9 and C10 in the second year of study. Besides the main gene effects (additive and dominant), epistatic gene effects were also of large importance in the inheritance of this trait. Duplicate epistasis between dominant decreasers was found in C1, C4, C5, C6 and C8 in the first year and in crosses C4, C9 and C10 in the second year of study. Complementary epistasis between dominant decreasers was found in cross C10 in the first year and duplicate epistasis between dominant increasers in cross C5 in the second year of study.Kod deset F1 hibrida nastalih ukrštanjem između pet inbred linija suncokreta po dialelnoj šemi analiziranje uticaj gena sa aditivnim i dominantnim efektima kao i njihovih interakcija u nasleđivanju mase 1000 semena. Povezanost između očekivanih srednjih vrednosti potomstava proverena je primenom metode scaling testova (Mather, 1949), a procena genskih efekata i način nasleđivanja urađeni su po metodi Generation Mean Analysis (Mather and Jinks, 1982). Aditivno-dominantan model nije bio adekvatan kod svih ukrštanja u obe godine ispitivanja. Bio je adekvatan kod ukrštanja C1, C2, C3 i C5, u prvoj i kod ukrštanja C3, C8, C9 i C10 u drugoj godini ispitivanja. Pored glavnih genskih efekata, aditivan i dominantan, u nasleđivanju ovog svojstva veliki značaj imali su i epistatični genski efekti. Duplikatni tip epistatze između dominantnih gena sa negativnim predznakom nađen je kod ukrštanja C1, C4, C5, C6 i C8 u prvoj i kod ukrštanja C4, C9 i C10 u drugoj godini ispitivanja. Komplementarna epistaza između dominantnih gena sa negativnim predznakom nađena je kod ukrštanja Ci0 u prvoj, a duplikatna epistaza između dominantnih gena sa pozitivnim predznakom je nađena u ukrštanju C5 u drugoj godini ispitivanja

    Reliability, construct and criterion-related validity of the Serbian adaptation of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue)

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    This paper presents evidence on the reliability and validity of the Serbian adaptation of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue), an instrument designed to comprehensively assess emotional intelligence conceived as a constellation of emotionrelated self-perceptions. Study participants were 254 adults, who completed the Serbian TEIQue, NEO-FFI, MSCEIT, EQ-short, and RSPWB. The results indicate that the adapted TEIQue is a psychometrically sound assessment tool: internal consistencies were mostly acceptable at facet, generally good at factor, and excellent at whole-scale level; the fourfactor structure was confirmed by means of CFA; convergent-discriminant validity was established through meaningful associations with related constructs, indicating that trait EI is closely aligned with affect and self-efficacy related constructs from the realm of personality (i.e., E, N, C, and Empathy), but shows only moderate overlap with ability EI; finally, incremental validity was demonstrated in the prediction of psychological wellbeing, over and above the Big Five

    The prevalence of hexanucleotide repeats expansions in the non-coding region of C9orf72 gene in different neurodegenerative disorders

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    tkriće ekspanzija heksanukleotidnih GGGGCC ponovaka u nekodirajućem regionu gena C9orf72 predstavlja značajan doprinos rasvetljavanju genetičke osnove amiotrofične lateralne skleroze i frontotemporalne demencije. Godinama unazad, istraţivanja su fokusirana i na otkrivanje njihove potencijalne uloge i u drugim neurodegenerativnim oboljenjima. U ovoj studiji odreĎivana je veličina C9orf72 alela kod nekoliko neurodegenerativnih oboljenja metodama fluorescentnog PCR- a, repeat-primed PCR-a i Southern blot metodom. TakoĎe, dat je prikaz kliničkih parametara kao i njihove korelacije sa veličinom C9orf72 alela. Heterozigotna ekspanzija u genu C9orf72 uočena je kod 31/383 (8,09%) bolesnika sa dijagnozom ALS, 9/129 (6,98%) sa FTD, 2/49 (4,08%) sa atipičnom demencijom i kod 7/22 (31,82%) sa ALS/FTD fenotipom. Ekspanzija nije registrovana kod bolesnika sa bolešću sličnoj Hantingtonovoj bolesti (80 bolesnika), MSA (44 bolesnika), PSP (73 bolesnika), BKP (118 bolesnika), AB (176 bolesnika) kao ni kod zdravih kontrola (96 ispitanika). Ukupno 6 bolesnika su bili nosioci intermedijerne veličine ponovaka na duţem alelu: 1/383 (0,26%) kod ALS, 2/80 (2,5%) kod fenokopije HB, 1/73 (1,37%) kod PSP, 1/129 (0,78%) kod FTD i 1/176 (0,57%) kod bolesnika sa AB kao i kod 3/5 (60%) asimptomatska člana jedne porodice. Jedan ALS nosilac ekspanzije na kraćem alelu imao je intermedijernu veličinu ponovaka dok su ostali nosioci ekspanzije u ALS, FTD i sa atipičnom demencijom imali manje od 20 ponovaka na kraćem alelu. Najveću učestalost u okviru grupe normalnih alela kod svih oboljenja imali su aleli sa 2, 5 i 8 ponovaka. Dobijeni rezultati naglašavaju značaj genetičkog testiranja na prisustvo ove ekspanzije kod bolesnika sa ALS, FTD, ALS/FTD i bolesnika sa atipičnom demencijom sa teritorije Srbije.The discovery of the hexanucleotide GGGGCC repeats expansion in the non-coding region of the C9orf72 gene represents a significant contribution to the genetic basis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia. A years back, research is focusing and on discovering their potential role in other neurodegenerative disorders as well. In this study, the size of the C9orf72 allele in different neurodegenerative disorders has been determined with methods of fluorescent PCR, repeat-primed PCR and Southern blot. Also, clinical parameters were described as well as their correlation with C9orf72 allele repeat size. Heterozygous expansion in C9orf72 gene was registered in 31/383 (8,09%) patients with ALS, 9/129 (6,98%) with FTD, 2/49 (4,08%) with atypical dementia, and in 7/22 (31,82%) ALS/FTD phenotype. The expansion was not registered in patients with HD like (80 patients), MSA (44 patients), PSP (73 patients), MCI (118 patients), AB (176 patients) nor in healthy controls (96 respondents). In total, 6 patients were carriers of the intermediate repeats size on the longer allele (1/383 (0,26%) in ALS, 2/80 (2,5%) in HD-like, 1/73 (1,37%) in PSP, 1/129 (0,78%) in FTD, and in 1/176 (0,57%) patients with AD) as well as 3/5 (60%) asymptomatic family members. One ALS expansion carrier on the shorter allele had intermediate repeats, while the rest of the expansion carriers in ALS, FTD, and atypical dementia had less than 20 repeats on the shorter allele. In all examined disorders, the highest frequency of the repeat size in the wild-type range had alleles with 2, 5, and 8 repeats. The obtained results emphasize the significance of genetic testing in patients with ALS, FTD, ALS/FTD, and patients with atypical dementia in Serbia

    Životna sposobnost semena uljane repice (Brassica napus L.)

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    According to the surfaces on which the oil rape is grown, it is considered the third most important oil crop of moderate climate zone in the world today. The aim of this paper was to determine the seed viability by application of both the standard laboratory test and the vigor tests. Testing was done using 9 oil rape genotypes (three winter varieties: Slavica, Zlatna and Ilija; three spring varieties: Mira, Jovana and JR-NS-7; three hybrids NS-UR 4, NS-UR 6 and NS-UR 13). Seed germination, seedling growth parameters, fresh seedling mass, and vigor index were determined using standard laboratory (SL) test, accelerated aging (AA) test, and controlled deterioration (SD) test. With applied SL test, on average, statistically significantly higher values for all tested parameters were obtained in comparison to AA and CD tests. By calculating the vigor index genotypes Zlatna, JR-NS 7, NS-UR 4, NS-UR 6 and NS-UR 13 were singled out, in which statistically significantly higher values were obtained with SL in relation to AA and CD tests.Danas je uljana repica najvažnija uljana biljka umerenog klimata i po površinama na kojima se gaji zauzima treće mesto među uljaricama u svetu. Zbog svoje raznovrsne primene, površine pod ovom kulturom se povećavaju iz godine u godinu, pa je potrebno obezbediti dovoljne količine kvalitetnog semena. U laboratorijskim uslovima se životna sposobnost semena ispituje različitim metodama. Cilj rada je bio da se utvrdi životna sposobnost semena primenom standardnog laboratorijskog testa i vigor testova. Ispitivanja su izvedena na 9 genotipova uljane repice (tri ozime sorte: Slavica, Zlatna i Ilia; tri jare sorte: Mira, Jovana i JR-NS- 7; tri hibrida NS-UR 4, NS-UR 6 i NS-UR 13). Utvrđena je klijavost semena, dužina ponika, sveža masa ponika i vigor indeks primenom standardnog laboratorijskog (SL) testa, testa ubrzanog starenja (AA) i testa kontrolisanog propadanja (CD). Primenom SL testa u proseku dobijene su statistički značajno više vrednosti za sve ispitivane parametre u odnosu na primenu AA i CD testa. Izračunavanjem vigor indeksa izdvojili su se genotipovi Zlatna, JR-NS 7, NS-UR 4, NS-UR 6 i NS-UR 13 kod kojih su se javile statistički značajno više vrednosti primenom SL testa u odnosu na primenu AA i CD testa. Uzorci navedenih genotipova su pokazali manju tolerantnost na nepovoljne uslove visoke temperature i visoke vlažnosti vazduha. Vigor testovi su korisni jer nam daju pouzdaniju informaciju o kvalitetu semena, a naročito ih treba koristiti ako se setva vrši u vreme pojave nepovoljnih uslova u vreme nicanja i ako je potrebno vršiti skladištenje i čuvanje semena za narednu vegatacionu sezonu

    Biodiverzitet i osnovni aspekti njegovog održanja

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    Biodiversity, or diversity of plant resources in agriculture, is a biological basis of global food providing, directly or indirectly. Biodiversity implies diversity of genetic material contained in traditional and contemporary newly created genotypes. Mentioned resources could be the basis for the creation of new cultivars through conventional crossbreeding process or application of biotechnology. Plant resources include both wild relatives and other wild plant species that could be used as an energy source, for pharmaceutical purposes and as a source of beneficial genes. Genetic material is a reservoir of genetic adaptability that can prove to be a buffer against potentially harmful external or economic changes, regardless of the purpose and technology used. Erosion of plant resources could have serious and long-term effect on food supply.Biodiverzitet, ili raznolikost u biljnim resursima u poljoprivredi, je biološka osnova obezbeđenja sveta hranom, direktno ili indirektno. Biodiverzitet podrazumeva diverzitet genetičkog materijala sadržanog u tradi-cionalnim i u novostvorenim savremenim genotipovima. Pomenuti resursi mogu biti osnova za stvaranje novih sorti kroz proces konvencionalnog ukrštanja ili primenom biotehnologije. Biljni resursi podrazumevaju i divlje srodnike i druge divlje biljne vrste koje mogu da se koriste kao izvor energije, u farmaceutske svrhe, kao izvor poželjnih gena. Bez obzira za koju svrhu i koja tehnologija se koristi genetički materijal je rezervoar genetičke adaptabilnosti koji može da se pokaže kao pufer protiv potencijalno štetnih spoljašnjih ili ekonomskih promena. Erozija biljnih resursa može da ima ozbiljan i dugoročan uticaj na snabdevanje hranom

    Uticaj suše na razvoj klijanaca kod različitih genotipova kukuruza (Zea mays L.)

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    Assuming that drought affects corn seed performance, such conditions were simulated in this study in order to examine their effects on seedling geminability and length in several corn genotypes. The study showed that the tested seeds tolerated the stress conditions up to a certain point. The studied genotypes differed in level of resistance to the stress conditions. Salt concentrations were determined, which were capable of negatively affecting seed germinability and seedling growth.Seme različitih genotipova kukuruza izloženo je različitim nepovoljnim faktorima. Simulirani su uslovi suše i njen uticaj na klijavost i dužinu ponika kod pojedinih genotipova kukuruza. Seme svih biljnih vrsta je osetljivo na pojavu suše, koja može javiti u vreme setve. Suša može da utiče na smanjenje klijavosti semena kukuruza kao i na smanjenje dužine korena i dužine nadzemnog dela ponika. Ispitivanja su pokazala razliku između genotipova u otpornosti na sušu. Takođe ispitivanjem su utvrđene koncentracije koje mogu imati negativan uticaj kako na klijavost semena tako i na porast klice. Istraživanje je pokazalo da ispitivano seme može podneti određene stresne uslove

    Kombinirajuće sposobnosti sorti uljane repice (Brassica napus L.)

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    The global acreage under rapeseed increases steadily. Rapeseed is grown for oil for human consumption, feed and biodiesel production. For faster advances in breeding, it is necessary to know variability and combining ability of selection material i.e. modes of inheritance of certain traits. General (GCA) and specific combining abilities (SCA) of five rapeseed varieties as well as the mode of inheritance of plant height, height to the first lateral branch, number of lateral branches and seed yield per plant were analyzed in this paper. Positive heterosis for plant height was found in five cross combinations, for the height to the first lateral branch in two combinations and for the number of lateral branches in only one combination and for seed yield in three cross combinations. .Površine pod uljanom repicom u svetu su u stalnom porastu. Uljana repica se gaji za dobijanje ulja za humanu konzumaciju, za proizvodnju stočne hrane i biodizela. Za brži napredak u oplemenjivanju neophodno je poznavanje varijabilnosti i kombinacionih sposobnosti selekcionog materijala, odnosno načina nasleđivanja pojedinih svojstava. U radu su analizirane opšte (OKS) i posebne (PKS) kombinacione sposobnosti pet sorti uljane repice i način nasleđivanja visine biljke, visine prve bočne grane, broja bočnih grana i prinosa semena po biljci. Pozitivni heterozis ispoljio se za visinu biljke kod pet, za visinu prve bočne grane kod dve, broj bočnih grana kod jedne i prinosa semena kod tri kombinacije ukrštanja.

    Oxidative stress in subjects occupationally exposed to microwave radiation

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    Reaktivne kisikove spojeve (ROS) povezujemo s nastankom oksidacijskog stresa koji oštećuje stanične makromolekule te se pri tome dovodi u vezu s različitim bolestima. Faktori koji dovode do stvaranja ROS-ova brojni su i različiti. Promjene u koncentracijama malondialdehida (MDA), protein-karbonila i glutationa (GSH) samo su neki od indikatora koji ukazuju na oksidacijski stres. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati postoji li značajna razlika u koncentraciji spomenutih indikatora oksidacijskog stresa kod osoba profesionalno izloženih mikrovalnom zračenju. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorcima pune krvi osoba koje su profesionalno izložene mikrovalnom zračenju radara frekvencije 1,5 GHz do 10,9 GHz, gustoće snage električnog polja od 10 μW/cm2 do 10 mW/cm2, dok su kontrolnu skupinu činili zaposlenici Instituta za medicinska istraživanja i medicinu rada. Koncentracije GSH i protein-karbonila izmjerene su spektrofotometrijskom metodom, dok je za mjerenje MDA korištena HPLC tehnika. Dobivene koncentracije izražene su u odnosu na koncentraciju ukupnih proteina, a razlika između kontrolne i izložene skupine prikazana je pomoću Student t-testa za nezavisne uzorke. Statističkom obradom podataka uočeno je da postoji značajna razlika u vrijednosti koncentracija GSH i MDA između izložene i kontrolne skupine, dok kod oksidiranih proteina ta razlika nije uočena. Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na moguću vezu između mikrovalnog zračenja i nastanka ROS-ova te pojavu oksidacijskog stresa.Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are associated with development of oxidative stress that damages cellular macromolecules and are often set in connection with various diseases. Various and many factors lead to formation of ROS. Changes in the levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), protein carbonyl and glutathione (GSH) are just some of the indicators that point to oxidative stress. The aim of this study was to examine whether there is a significant difference in the concentration of the referred indicators of oxidative stress in subjects occupationally exposed to microwave radiation. Research was conducted on the samples of whole blood of subjects occupationally exposed to microwave radiation of radar frequency range of 1,5 GHz to 10,9 GHz, within microwave field of 10 μW/cm2 to 10 mW/cm2, while the control group was made of employees of Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health. Concentrations of GSH and protein carbonyls were measured by spectrophotometric method, while MDA concentrations were measured using HPLC technique. Gained concentrations were in reference to the concentration of total protein, and the difference between control and exposed group was shown by Student's t-test for independent samples. Statistical analysis shown significant difference in the values of GSH and MDA concentrations between exposed and control group, while the difference among protein carbonyls were not observed. These results indicate a possible link between microwave radiation and the formation of ROS and the appearance of oxidative stress