514 research outputs found

    Acupuntura como recurso terapêutico na dor e na gravidade da desordem temporomandibular

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    This study assessed the effect of acupuncture on the pain level and severity of the temporomandibular disorder (TMD). Forty women with TMD diagnosed by Research Diagnostic Criteria, from 20 and 40 years old, took part in the study. Pain was assessed by visual analogue scale and severity by the Craniomandibular Dysfunction and Fonseca Indexes. The first 20 volunteers were undergone to acupuncture twice a week for five weeks without interruption, and after they were reassessed. The results of these participants constituted acupuncture group. The other volunteers received the treatment after the first group and their data, collected in the beginning and after five weeks without treatment, were utilized as control. Statistical analysis of the pain and the Craniomandibular Index was carried out by the Wilcoxon test and the Fonseca index by the Student's t-test, with significance level of 5%. There was significant reduction in the pain level (p=0.000) and severity of TMD by the Craniomandibular (p=0.004) and Fonseca Indexes (p=0.000) after the treatment. The control group showed no improvement. The effectiveness of the acupuncture was demonstrated by the improvement in the pain and severity of TMD.Este estudo avaliou o efeito da acupuntura no nível de dor e gravidade da Desordem Temporomandibular (DTM). Participaram dele 40 mulheres entre 20 e 40 anos com DTM diagnosticada pelo Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC/TMD). A dor foi avaliada pela escala visual analógica e a gravidade da desordem pelos Índices de Disfunção Craniomandibular e de Fonseca. As 20 primeiras participantes foram submetidas a acupuntura duas vezes na semana por cinco semanas ininterruptas e, após o período, foram reavaliadas. Os dados destas participantes constituíram os resultados para o grupo acupuntura. As demais voluntárias receberam o tratamento após o primeiro grupo e seus dados, coletados no início e após cinco semanas sem tratamento, foram utilizados para controle. Na análise estatística foram levados em conta os testes de Wilcoxon para o nível de dor e Índice Craniomandibular e Teste t de Student para o Índice de Fonseca, com nível de significância de 5%. Houve redução significante no nível de dor (p=0,000) e na gravidade da DTM pelos Índices Craniomandibular (p=0,004) e de Fonseca (p=0,000) após o tratamento. O grupo controle não apresentou melhora. A efetividade da acupuntura foi demonstrada pela melhora no nível da dor e na gravidade da DTM

    Coronavirus Outbreaks: Literature Review

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    Coronaviruses are observed in birds and mammals and can be transmitted to humans, leading to outbreaks and pandemics. Among the most recent ones are SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and COVID 19. Thus, the objective was to describe a discussion about coronaviruses, with an emphasis on Sars-Cov-2. From the data collected, it can be seen that the current pandemic has had impacts on public health and socioeconomic life in more than 170 countries worldwide, to date, with tens of millions of people infected and hundreds of thousands of deaths. In this regard, prevention actions must be intensified, especially among the most vulnerable patients (the elderly and those with comorbidities that affect immunity). In addition, new studies should be carried out so that vaccines and antivirals can be implemented for application to COVID-19

    Social networks in health care for hypertensive elderly people

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    Background: Social Networks are characterized by their dynamism and continuous exchange of information, being fundamental to face acute or chronic health conditions and their related problems. It is therefore believed that elderly hypertensive people are inserted in social networks formed through interactions that help them face chronic disease and that such structures include diverse aspects that affect the care processes that are directly related to the perceptions of these patients on hypertension and its treatment.   Aim: To disclose social networks used by elderly hypertensive patients created through the health care offered by health professionals and/or relatives. Method: descriptive cross sectional study with a qualitative approach developed in two basic care urban units of a Northeastern Brazil municipality during February and March, 2016. The sample was composed of 26 elderly patients of both sexes registered in the selected units. Data collection took place through a semi-structured interview carried out at the patients’ domiciles. Data was processed through the Iramuteq software and analyzed through the Descending Hierarchical Classification (DHC). Results: results were introduced in two axes: Axe 1: hypertension implications in the life of the elderly according to the following classification: Class 5: pharmacological treatment and side effects; Class 4: hypertension signs and symptoms; Axe 2: hypertension-based links formed with the different classes; Class 2: links that strengthen care; Class 1: pharmacological treatment and side effects; Class 3: professionals who promote hypertensive elderly patients’ care.    Conclusion: interactions developed by hypertensive elderly patients reveal the key role that pharmacological treatment plays in the construction of social networks, negatively affecting the elderly perceptions on the right therapy and highlighting health professionals that promote health care

    Análise inicial do uso e ocupação em trecho do riacho Ouro Preto – Olinda ⁄ PE - e sua influência para a potencialização de eventos de inundações

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    Este trabalho tem o objetivo de mostrar um estudo inicial sobre o uso e a ocupação do solo nas margens do riacho de Ouro Preto, bairro de Ouro Preto em Olinda – Pernambuco, que faz parte da Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Paratibe, sendo um canal fluvial de 1ª ordem afluente do rio Fragoso. A área estudada apresenta uma configuração retilínea, com perfil longitudinal e pontos de maior profundidade, desse modo, o bairro sofre eventos de alagamentos decorrentes do período chuvoso. A intensificação de residências nas margens do canal é uma das causas para ocorrências de enchente no bairro, porém, isso tende a acontecer também por ausência de planejamento e gestão, voltadas para o controle dos dos espaços urbanos

    Sexual behavior in the elderly watched family health strategy

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    Objective: To analyze the sexual behavior of elderly assisted on primary health care. Method: Transversal study, exploratory and quantitative. Results: The sample was comprised of 130 elderly people, these 60,8% were male, showing age between 60 and 92 years, with an average of 69 ± 7,04 years. With respect to the sexual profile, 63,1% elderly had active sex life, being more frequent among men with stable or married. With regard to sexual desire, 30% reported having no more desire for sexual practices, represented mostly by women and 12,3% maintained total desire, with most men. Among the sexually active seniors, 17% use some preventive method for sexually transmitted diseases. Conclusion: Highlights that there is a gradual decrease in the frequency of interest and sexual practices with age, reinforces the necessity of educational action of nurses in primary health care for the elderly

    Construction and validation of educational materials for the prevention of metabolic syndrome in adolescents

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    Objective: To develop and validate an educational technology focused on prevention of metabolic syndrome among adolescents. Methods: This was methodological research. Using an integrative review, the available publications on the subject were analyzed. Then, this knowledge was used to describe the theoretical content and, with the help of a graphic designer, the art and layout of the pages were developed. In the third phase, the booklet was evaluated and validated by 21 specialists and 39 adolescents. Data collection included three different questionnaires, according to the focus of evaluation of each group of participants, analyzed for reliability (Cronbach’s Alpha) and agreement by Infraclass Correlation Coefficient. Results: The mean score attributed by technical content experts was 91.7%, and the content validity index, measured by experts responses, was 0.98, showing high reliability and agreement. In addition, the level of agreement of the positive responses given by adolescents was 88.4%. Conclusion: the educational booklet has proved to be a valid and reliable tool to be used for promoting adolescent health.Objetivo: Construir y validar una tecnología educativa volcada para prevención del síndrome metabólico entre adolescentes. Métodos: Se trata de una investigación metodológica. Al principio, a través de revisión integrativa, se analizaron las publicaciones disponibles sobre el tema. A continuación, se utilizó este conocimiento para la construcción del contenido teórico abordado y, con ayuda de un diseñador gráfico, se elaboró el arte y la composición de las páginas. En la tercera fase, se dio la validación del material construido, 21 especialistas y 39 adolescentes evaluaron la cartilla. Para la recogida de datos se utilizaron tres cuestionarios distintos de acuerdo con el foco de evaluación de cada grupo de participantes, analizados en cuanto a la fiabilidad (Alpha de Cronbach) y concordancia (Coeficiente de Correlación Intraclase). Resultados: la media de las puntuaciones atribuidas por los jueces de contenido y técnicos fue del 91.7%; el Índice de Validez de Contenido global, valorado a través de las respuestas de los jueces en diseño, fue del 0.98, ambos con fiabilidad de escala y concordancia de las respuestas altas. Además, el nivel de conformidad de las respuestas positivas dadas por los adolescentes fue del 88.4%. Conclusión: la cartilla educativa se mostró como un instrumento válido y fiable para ser utilizada en el fomento de la salud de los adolescentes.Objetivo: construir e validar tecnologia educativa voltada para prevenção de síndrome metabólica entre adolescentes. Método: pesquisa metodológica em que, inicialmente, por meio de revisão integrativa, foram analisadas as publicações disponíveis sobre a temática. Em seguida, utilizou-se tal conhecimento para construção do conteúdo teórico abordado e, com auxílio de designer gráfico, foi elaborada a arte e diagramação das páginas. Na terceira fase, validação do material construído, 21 especialistas e 39 adolescentes avaliaram a cartilha. Para a coleta de dados, foram utilizados três questionários distintos, de acordo com o foco de avaliação de cada grupo de participantes, analisados quanto à confiabilidade (alpha de Cronbach) e concordância (coeficiente de correlação intraclasse). Resultados: a média dos escores atribuídos pelos juízes de conteúdo e técnicos foi de 91,7%, e o Índice de Validade de Conteúdo global, mensurado por meio das respostas dos juízes em design, foi de 0,98, ambos com confiabilidade da escala e concordância das respostas altas. Além disso, o nível de concordância das respostas positivas dadas pelos adolescentes foi de 88,4%. Conclusão: a cartilha educativa mostrou-se instrumento válido e confiável para ser utilizada a fim de promover a saúde dos adolescentes