245 research outputs found

    Machado de Assis: a ditadura e o dicionário

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    As crônicas publicadas por Machado de Assis no período de setembro de 1892 a janeiro de 1894, n’A Semana, permitem estudar um dos modos pelos quais o autor apresentou seu posicionamento político. O governo republicano, nessa época, decretou o estado de sítio no Rio de Janeiro, em conseqüência do embate entre as corporações militares sobre a representatividade para a sustentação do governo. Em dezembro de 1893, no período da vigência da censura, a revista Gazeta de Notícias, onde as crônicas eram editadas, ficou impedida de circular. A tensão política da época foi explorada por Machado de Assis na crônica de 24 de setembro – quando já tinham ocorrido os primeiros bombardeamentos – sob a forma de metáfora. Num sonho, o narrador se vê morto, viajando para a lua, lugar do juízo final. O julgamento do autor sobre o regime ditatorial foi expresso nesse contexto, representado na figura do dicionário

    Jogos de entretenimento com História do Brasil colonial

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    The development of animated games with content from the colonial history of Brazil assumes that the thinking skills required of the user are also important for the activity with Knowledge. Observation, analysis, comparison, context, synthesis are exercised to solve the games offered and this practice can be helpful, plus the possibility of dynamic presentation of the criteria of space and time information for the organization of the games, to facilitate understanding of the dynamics of organization of historical data

    Preparing for childbirth: women's look

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    INTRODUCTION. Childbirth preparation is a form of health intervention education performed by specialist nurses in maternal health and obstetrics aimed at promoting self-e'cacy during labour. In planning an e'cient childbirth education intervention, it is essential that nurses know the pregnant women’s/couple’s expectations on this speci+c issue. OBJECTIVES. To understand the pregnant women’s expectations related to preparation for childbirth. MATERIAL AND METHODS. This was an exploratory, transversal study of qualitative nature where data was collected through interviews, after an informed consent was signed. The Bardin technique was applied to data analysis. A non-probability sample of 224 pregnant women was made, all over 20 years of age, with 28 weeks or more of gestation. The majority of participants possessed an advanced degree, were married or living in a marital situation, and were experiencing their +rst pregnancy. RESULTS. From an analysis of the interviews, three categories emerged: knowledge, ability, and self-e'cacy to deal with labour, and seven subcategories. These results corroborate +ndings of other researchers who have concluded that couples wish to be informed regarding how to prepare for labour, and that this preparation is relevant when the acquired knowledge helps the pregnant woman or couple make decisions and exercise control over their labour experience. CONCLUSION. The results enabled nurse-midwives to increase their knowledge and understanding of pregnant women’s labour preparation expectations and preferences. Knowledge of this variety can assist these professionals in planning e9ective, quality interventions, which in turn can clearly contribute to gains in healthinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A simbologia dos trajes alemães e a transposição de seus elementos para moda em festividades típicas

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    A cultura alemã é bastante representativa na região do Vale dos Sinos/RS e cidades vizinhas, visto que esta é uma das regiões onde os imigrantes, vindos em 1824, se estabeleceram. Uma das formas de preservação da cultura de origem destes imigrantes são os eventos festivos e os trajes típicos. Este estudo teve como objetivo conhecer a simbologia da vestimenta típica das diversas regiões alemãs e estudar possibilidades de inseri-las em produtos de moda para festas típicas. Para atingir este objetivo foram coletados dados por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica, relatos verbais e pesquisa de campo com os participantes de um encontro de grupos de danças alemãs. O problema de pesquisa foi abordado de forma qualitativa e os resultados mostram possibilidades de aceitação da moda alemã para eventos típicos, como encontros de grupos de danças, oktoberfest, kerb ou bailes típicos, uma vez que a maioria dos entrevistados manifestou interesse em adquirir um look de moda alemã para uso nestas ocasiões.Palavras-chave: Festividades típicas; Moda alemã; Desenvolvimento de coleção

    Construction and validation of a learning object for nurses

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    In today’s societies, health care is increasingly culturally diverse due to the increasing migratory processes of the population and nurses. Therefore, it is necessary to train nurses to provide culturally competent care. Learning objects are didactic, multimedia, interactive and challenging materials that constitute relevant resources for the teaching-learning processes that go beyond the classroom. In many countries, in nursing education, they are still an innovative way of learning. The study was developed as part of the international project Developing Multimedia Learning for Cross-Cultural Collaboration and Competence in Nursing - TransCoCon, (ERASMUS + Program, contract: 2017-1-UK01-KA203-36612) and aimed to build and validate a learning object that supports the learning of transcultural competences, necessary in nursing care. The learning object developed is subordinated to the theme of admission of a client in a hospital. For its development, the following steps were followed: choice of content; analyze; conceptual map; navigational architecture; storyboard; Implementation; documentation of use; use, evaluation and maintenance. As a result of the work developed, we obtained the learning object “Admission to hospital” and its Portuguese version “Acolhimento do Cliente num Hospital”. Both versions include a set of written supportive material for cross-cultural nursing care in hospital and illustrative videos of cross-cultural communication skills. The adopted methodology proved to be effective for the construction of an attractive, interactive and meaningful learning object for nursing students, nurses and nursing teachers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Supervisão clínica em enfermagem: contributo para o desenvolvimento de competências para a mobilidade

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    A crescente mobilidade dos enfermeiros no espaço europeu implica uma maior preocupação com a excelência dos cuidados que se pretende prestar aos cidadãos. Torna-se fundamental identificar as competências necessárias para a mobilidade, bem como os fatores que a podem influenciar. Inserido no projeto Training Requirement and Nursing Skills for Mobility (TRaNSforM), patrocinado pela União Europeia, desenvolveu-se este trabalho com o objectivo de Identificar habilidades e competências necessárias à mobilidade dos enfermeiros para outros países. Tendo por base o Inquérito Apreciativo e com recurso à técnica de Focus Group, os dados foram recolhidos em duas entrevistas semiestruturadas efetuadas a dois grupos, num total de 14 enfermeiros. Para além das competências nucleares como o trabalho de equipa, a comunicação e o respeito, os participantes consideraram que um conhecimento básico acerca da cultura e da sociedade do país, a criatividade/inovação, o conhecimento linguístico, a flexibilidade, a mente aberta, a capacidade de transcender as questões culturais, a empatia, a competência ética e a capacidade para estabelecer uma relação de confiança seriam competências essenciais à mobilidade. A supervisão Clínica em Enfermagem pode ser um importante processo no suporte para o exercício e desenvolvimento destes profissionaisThe increasing mobility of nurses within the European Union borders highlights the importance of excellence in care that is provided to citizens. It is crucial to identify the necessary competencies that drive international mobility as much as the factors that may influence such mobility. As part of the Training Requirement and Nursing Skills for Mobility (TRaNSforM) project, supported by the European Union, the present survey was developed with the objective to identify skills and competencies necessary for the mobility of nurses to other countries. Based on the Appreciative Inquiry and taking the Focus Group approach, data were collected during two semi-structured interviews conducted with two groups for a total of 14 nurses. In addition to core skills such as teamwork, communication and respectfulness, participants felt that a basic knowledge of the culture and society of the receiving country, creativity/innovation, knowledge of the foreign language, flexibility, open-mindedness, the ability to overcome cultural issues, empathy, ethical competence, and the ability to establish trustworthy relationships were essential to mobility. Clinical supervision in nursing can be an important process in support for the practice and development of these professionals.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Supervisão clínica em enfermagem: um conceito de consenso em sete países da União Europeia

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    No âmbito do projeto Training Requirements and Nursing Skills for Mobility (TRaNSforM), financiado pelo programa Leonardo da Vinci – Parcerias (2010-1-GB2-LEO04-03729-6), considerou- se pertinente construir um conceito sobre Supervisão Clínica em Enfermagem (SCE) transversal aos países participantes no projeto. Para o efeito efetuou-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica do conceito de SCE, elaborou-se uma proposta, submetendo-se à análise de peritos. Foi obtido o consenso final após três rondas. Dada a abrangência do conceito apresentado por todos os países e considerando que, somente, Portugal, Reino Unido e Irlanda tinham definições de SCE que constam em documentos oficiais das organizações reguladoras da profissão, houve dificuldade acrescida na obtenção de consenso, principalmente por parte dos participantes alemães, que na sua língua não têm um termo que se adeque ao de SCE. O conceito final advém de uma adaptação transcultural, mas também, de uma adaptação linguística.Under the project Training Requirements and Nursing Skills for Mobility (TRaNSforM), funded by the Leonardo da Vinci Partnerships (2010-1-GB2-LEO04-03729-6), it was considered appropriate to build a concept of Clinical Supervision in Nursing, accept by all the participating countries in the project. To this end we performed a literature review of the concept of Clinical Supervision in Nursing (CSN), and elaborated a proposal for a concept that has undergone expert review. The final consensus was reached after three rounds. Given the scope of the concept presented by all countries and considering that only Portugal, United Kingdom and Ireland had CSN definitions contained in official documents of the regulatory bodies of the profession, there was increased difficulty in reaching consensus, especially with Germans participants, who in their language does not have a term that matches the CSN. The final concept comes from a cross-cultural and linguistic adaptation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pain and Problem Behavior in Cats and Dogs

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    We argue that there is currently an under-reporting of the ways in which pain can be associated with problem behavior, which is seriously limiting the recognition of this welfare problem. A review of the caseloads of 100 recent dog cases of several authors indicates that a conservative estimate of around a third of referred cases involve some form of painful condition, and in some instances, the figure may be nearly 80%. The relationship is often complex but always logical. Musculoskeletal but also painful gastro-intestinal and dermatological conditions are commonly recognized as significant to the animal’s problem behavior. The potential importance of clinical abnormalities such as an unusual gait or unexplained behavioral signs should not be dismissed by clinicians in general practice, even when they are common within a given breed. In general, it is argued that clinicians should err on the side of caution when there is a suspicion that a patient could be in pain by carefully evaluating the patient’s response to trial analgesia, even if a specific physical lesion has not been identified