120,038 research outputs found

    Marta Díaz-Zorita Bonilla. The Copper Age in South-West Spain. A bioarchaeological approach to prehistoric social organization [Reseña]

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    Foreign language learning needs in higher education: Reasons for convergence and accountability

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    Needs analysis is a relevant issue in language teaching as its final aim is to enhance the language learning process by setting realistic course objectives. This paper briefly reviews past and present approaches to the concept of “needs” and “needs analysis” in foreign language (FL) methodology with particular reference to the higher education context and the post-Bologna reform. It discusses the complex interplay of addressing target and learning FL needs by gathering data from different stakeholder groups and making use of different data collection instruments. Then, it explores current trends in needs analysis research and explains how “competences” and “profiling” have surpassed “needs” and “needs analysis” in the educational systems under the European Space of Higher Education. Last, this study addresses the implications of adopting a more critical, quality-driven approach to FL needs analysis with a view to attaining a more participatory and accountable higher education

    Intercultural learners, intercultural brokers and ESP classrooms: The case of a shipping business course

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    This paper explores the ways in which “interculturality” can be embedded in the English for Specific Purposes (ESP) classroom and presents a project developed within a “Shipping Business English” course whose ultimate aim is to provide students with opportunities for gaining awareness across cultures at the same time English is used as the means of communication and language is integrated with content. Conclusions point at the new role of ESP teachers as “intercultural brokers” and prove that ESP classrooms provide a suitable context to explore foreign cultures by bringing them in line with each student’s home culture and the specific contents of the ESP course

    Decentralised Provision of Quasi- Private Goods: The Case of Colombia

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    This paper quantifies the welfare effects of decentralisation in Colombia, using a multiregional CGE model.We investigate to what extent will the Colombian Population be better off when goods such as health and education, are delivered locally as against centrally. A provision scheme based on the median voter is consided.According to the results, the provision of health and education by regional governments improves the welfare of the Colombian Population as a whole, since regional governments provide goods and services in a way that better caters to local preferences. More importantly,these welfare gains vary from 1.3% to 2.3% of GDP, a substantial magnitude especially when compared with the efficiency gains associated to the tax reforms of the early nineties.Decentralisation, applied CGE modelling, quasi-private goods.

    Tax Exporting:An Analysis Using a Multiregional CGE Model

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    This paper investigates whether developed countries export taxes to developing countries, contributing to the deterioration of their terms of trade and welfare; that is to what extent the distribution of gains from trade is being affected not by existing tariffs in developed countries, which are already at low levels but by their domestic taxation. An eight- region CGE model for the world economy is used. The results indicate that developed regions export capital taxes to developing regions. However, the effects of import tariffs on welfare and terms of trade are larger than those of domestic taxes.Tax exporting, applied CGE modelling

    Spatial Dependence and Economic Growth: Evidence from a panel of Countries

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    The empirical literature about economic growth has usually ignored spatial interdependence among countries. This paper uses spatial econometrics to estimates a growth model that includes cross-country interdependence, in whitch a country's economic growth depends on the growth rate of its neighbords. Based on a sample of 98 countries over three decades (1965-75,1975-85, 1985-95) we find that espatial relationschip across countries are quite relevant. A country's economic growt is indeed affected by the perfomance of its neighbors and then influenced by its own geographical position. This results suggests that the spillover effects among countries are important for growth.Our results indicate that spatial interrelation can not be ignored in the analysis of economic growth. Ignoring such relationships can result in model misspecification.Spatial economterics, economic growth, interdependence.

    A geography of illicit crops (coca leaf) and armed conflict in Colombia

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    Colombia is currently the world’s largest producer of coca leaf and the principal producer of opium poppies in the Americas; the plants are the basic raw materials used to produce cocaine and heroin. This document analyses the current relationship between these crops and illegal armed groups in Colombia, using the hypothesis that the geographical intensification of the conflict is the principal cause of expanding illicit crop production. This relationship was analysed using a theoretical model, in which an interaction between illegal armed activity and strategic territorial control lead to cocaine production. Spatial analysis techniques were then applied, especially spatial association indicators; and a clear spatial dynamic was observed, related to the two aspects mentioned above. Non-parametric exercises were also carried out using matching estimators, to determine the effect illegal armed groups have on coca crops, and also to analyse the efficiency of aerial eradication policies. The results suggest that a large percentage of coca production in Colombia is due to the effects of illegal armed activity. We therefore conclude that the expansion of illegal crop growing is a consequence of the expanding conflict. In contrast, coca crops can only be used to explain a small part of the armed conflict in Colombia. In addition, we found that crop eradication via aerial spraying has not been an efficient tool in the fight against coca production in the country

    Na+-H+ exchange activity in brush-border membrane vesicles isolated from chick small intestine

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    This study was undertaken to investigate the presence of a Na+{single bond}H+ antiporter in brush-border membrane vesicles (BBMV) isolated from chick small intestine. An outwardly directed proton gradient (pH 5.5 inside, 7.5 outside) stimulated Na+ uptake into BBMV and resulted in a transient accumulation. No accumulation was observed in the absence of a proton gradient. Voltage clamping the membrane with K+ and valinomycin decreased the Na+ overshoot. Amiloride inhibited pH gradient-driven Na+ uptake in a dose-dependent manner with an IC50 of 44 μM. The relationship between pH gradient-driven Na+ uptake and external Na+ concentration followed simple, saturating Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Eadie-Hofstee analysis of the pH gradient-driven Na+ uptake indicated a single transport system with a Vmax of 33 nmol/mg protein per 15 s and a Km for Na+ of 12 mM. The initial rate of pH-driven Na+ uptake increased as the intravesicular pH decreased, with a Hill coefficient close to 1. These findings indicate that BBMV isolated from chicken small intestine posses a Na+{single bond}H+ exchanger. This exchanger does not appear to be the one involved in cell pH regulation.Dirección General de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas PB89-061

    High-order full discretization for anisotropic wave equations

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    Two-dimensional linear wave equation in anisotropic media, on a rectangular domain with initial conditions and periodic boundary conditions, is considered. The energy of the problem is contemplated. The space discretization is reached by means of finite differences on a uniform grid, paying attention to the mixed derivative of the equation. The discrete energy of the semi-discrete problem is introduced. For the time integration of the system of ordinary differential equations obtained, a fourth order exponential splitting method, which is a geometric integrator, is proposed. This time integrator is efficient and easy to implement. The stability condition for time step and space step ratio is deduced. Numerical experiments displaying the good behavior in the long time integration and the efficiency of the numerical solution are provided.MTM2015-66837-P del Ministerio de Economía y Competitivida