8 research outputs found

    Error intraobservador asociado a medidas antropométricas realizadas por dietistas

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    Este trabajo se encuentra bajo la licencia Creative Commons Attribution 3.0.[EN] Introduction: Although dietitians play an important role in the anthropometric assessment, reports on measurements made by these health professionals rarely include estimates of measurement error. Aim: To estimate of intraobserver precision for three common anthropometric measurements made by dietitians. Methods: Twenty six measurers performed measurements (upper mid-arm circumference, tricipital and bicipital skinfold) in two times a sample of ten volunteers. Four precision estimates were calculated: the technical error of measurement (TEM), the relative technical error of measurement (rTEM), the coefficient of reliability (R) and the coefficient of variation (CV). Results: For skinfold thickness, rTEM was smaller than 2.2; for circumference, rTEM was smaller than 0.6. The precision to measure skinfolds was lower than the precision to circumference. Anyway, for all measurements R showed a high degree of precision (R > 95). Conclusion: Our results suggest that anthropometric parameters evaluated are sufficiently precise. However, periodical training is necessary to control and minimize the anthropometric measurement error.[ES] Introducción: Aunque los dietistas desempeñan un papel importante en la evaluación antropométrica, las medidas registradas por estos profesionales sanitarios normalmente no incluyen estimación de errores de medida. Objetivo: Estimar la precisión intraobservador de tres medidas antropométricas habituales realizadas por dietistas. Métodos: Veintiséis medidores realizaron en dos ocasiones las medidas (circunferencia media del brazo, pliegue tricipital y bicipital) a una muestra formada por diez voluntarios. Se calcularon cuatro estimaciones de precisión: el error técnico de medida (ETM), el error relativo técnico de medida (ERTM), el coeficiente de fiabilidad (F) y el coeficiente de variación (CV). Resultados: Para los pliegues, el ERTM fue menor de 2,2 y para la circunferencia el ERTM fue menor de 0,6. La precisión para medir los pliegues fue menor que para la circunferencia. De todos modos, para todas las medidas efectuadas la F mostró un elevado grado de precisión (F>95). Conclusión: Nuestros resultados sugieren que los parámetros antropométricos evaluados son lo suficientemente precisos. Sin embargo, es necesario un entrenamiento periódico para controlar y minimizar los errores de las medidas antropométricas

    Valoración nutricional en pacientes quirúrgicos

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    Numerosos estudios han demostrado que muchos de los pacientes que ingresan en Cirugía presentan signos de malnutrición. En el presente trabajo se estudió retrospectivamente la valoración nutricional de 116 pacientes. Los resultados muestran que sólo en el 29,3% de los enfermos se determinaron parámetros antropométricos, en el 19 % parámetros bioquímicos y en el 25 % parámetros inmunológicos de interés nutricional. Cabe destacar que, como también indican otros autores, la valoración nutricional no constituye todavía un procedimiento habitual en la práctica clínica.Azterlan askok frogatu dute Kirurgian sartzen diren gaixo askok manutrizio-seinaleak azaltzen dituztela. Lan honetan, 116 gaixoren elikapen-balorazioa aztertu da. Emaitzen arabera, gaixoen % 29,3etan bakarrik parametro antropometrikoak agertu ziren, % 19etan parametro biokimikoak eta % 25etan elikadurarekin zerikusia zuten parametro inmunologikoak. Azpimarratu beharra dago ezen, beste zenbait autorek adierazi bezala, elikapen balorazioa ez da, gaur egun, ohiko prozedura praktika klinikoan.Un grand nombre d'études ont démontré que beaucoup de patients qui sont admis en Chirurgie présentent dessignes de malnutrition. Dans ce travail on étudie rétrospectivement l'évaluation nutritionnelle de 116 patients. Les résultats montrent que l'on a déterminé des paramètres anthropométriques dans seulement 29,3 % des malades, des paramètres biochimiques dans 19 %, et des paramètres immunologiques d'intérêt nutritionnel dans 25 %. Il convient de souligner que, comme l'indiquent également d'autres auteurs, l'estimation nutritionnelle ne constitue pas encore un procédé habituel dans la pratique clinique.Numerous studies have demonstrated that many of the patients that are admitted for surgery show signs of malnutrition. In the present work the authors studied retrospectively the nutritional valuation of 116 patients. The results show that only in 29.3% of the patients could anthropometric parameters be determined, in 19% of them biochemical parameters and in 25 % of the patients could immunological parameters of nutritional interest be determined. It is necessary to emphasise that, as other authors also indicate, that a nutritional assessment still does not constitute a customary procedure in clinical practice

    Patrón del comportamiento alimentario en escolares

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    En la edad escolar se adquieren los hábitos alimentarios que se seguirán, probablemente, durante gran parte de la vida. Objetivos: Conocer y valorar cualitativa y cuantitativamente la dieta semanal de un grupo de escolares y observar las diferencias de ingesta en los días escolares y los del fin de semana. El consumo en raciones de alimentos es más adecuado en los niños con normopeso y en los días escolares. Es precisa una educación nutricional de los niños y su entorno.Eskola adinean harturiko elikadura ohiturek bere horretan jarraituko dute, seguruenik, bizitzaren parte handi batean. Helburuak: ikasle talde baten asteko dieta ezagutu eta baloratu, bai kalitateari eta bai kopuruari dagokionez, eta eskola egunetako eta asteburuko ingestan gertatzen diren diferentziak ikustea. Janari errazioen kontsumoa egokiena da arauzko pisua duten haurrentzat eskola egunetan. Elikadurari buruzko heziketa premiazkoa dute bai haurrek eta bai ingurukoek ere.A l'âge scolaire on acquiert les habitudes alimentaires que l'on maintiendra, probablement, durant une grande partie de notre vie. Objectifs: connaître et évaluer qualitativement et quantitativement le régime hebdomadaire d'un groupe d'écoliers et observer les différences d'ingestion les jours d'école et les fins de semaine. La consommation en rations alimentaires est mieux adaptée chez les enfants d'un poids normal et les jours d'école. Une éducation nutritionnelle des enfants et de leur entourage.It is during school-going ages when the food habits that will, probably, be followed during a large part of our lives are acquired. Objective: To know and value qualitatively and quantitatively the weekly diet of a group of school children and observe the differences in food ingestion in the school days and those at weekends. The consumption in food rations is more adequate in children with a normal weight and in school days. A nutritional education is necessary for children within their own environment

    Single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with susceptibility for development of colorectal cancer: Case-control study in a Basque population.

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    Given the significant population diversity in genetic variation, we aimed to investigate whether single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) previously identified in studies of colorectal cancer (CRC) susceptibility were also relevant to the population of the Basque Country (North of Spain). We genotyped 230 CRC cases and 230 healthy controls for 48 previously reported CRC-susceptibility SNPs. Only the rs6687758 in DUPS10 exhibited a statistically significant association with CRC risk based on the crude analysis. The rs6687758 AG genotype conferred about 2.13-fold increased risk for CRC compared to the AA genotype. Moreover, we found significant associations in cases between smoking status, physical activity, and the rs6687758 SNP. The results of a Genetic Risk Score (GRS) showed that the risk alleles were more frequent in cases than controls and the score was associated with CRC in crude analysis. In conclusion, we have confirmed a CRC susceptibility locus and the existence of associations between modifiable factors and the rs6687758 SNP; moreover, the GRS was associated with CRC. However, further experimental validations are needed to establish the role of this SNP, the function of the gene identified, as well as the contribution of the interaction between environmental factors and this locusto the risk of CRC

    Cheese consumption and prevalence of overweight and obesity in a Basque adult population: a cross-sectional study

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    [EN] Studies have reported a negative association between dairy product consumption and weight status. However, not as much research has focused on cheese; therefore, the aim of this study was to study the association between cheese intake and overweight and obesity in a representative Basque adult population. A food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) was obtained from a random sample of 1081 adults (530 males and 551 females, 17–96 years old). Cheese consumption data were expressed as g/1000 kcal/day. The prevalence of overweight/obesity was higher in men (55.1%) than in women (35.4%) (p50.001). Participants with low or moderate intake of fresh and processed cheese demonstrated a higher prevalence of excess weight, compared with those with higher consumption. The confounding variables selected in multivariate analysis were occupational status and age in both genders; and place of residence in men. In conclusion, negative associations were found between consumption of some types of cheese and overweight and obesity in this population