474 research outputs found

    New Insights toward the Acute Non-Thyroidal Illness Syndrome

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    The non-thyroidal illness syndrome (NTIS) refers to changes in serum thyroid hormone levels observed in critically ill patients in the absence of hypothalamic–pituitary–thyroid primary dysfunction. Affected individuals have low T3, elevated rT3, and inappropriately normal TSH levels. The pathophysiological mechanisms are poorly understood but the acute and chronic changes in pituitary–thyroid function are probably the consequence of the action of multiple factors. The early phase seems to reflect changes occurring primarily in the peripheral thyroid hormone metabolism, best seen in humans since 80–90% of the circulating T3 are derived from the pro-hormone T4. The conversion of T4 to T3 is catalyzed by type 1 (D1) and type 2 (D2) deiodinases via outer-ring deiodination. In contrast, type 3 deiodinase (D3) catalyzes the inactivation of both T4 and T3. Over the last decades, several studies have attempted to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the changes on circulating thyroid hormones in NTIS. Increased inflammatory cytokines, which occurs in response to virtually any illness, has long been speculated to play a role in derangements of deiodinase expression. On the other hand, oxidative stress due to augmented reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation is characteristic of many diseases that are associated with NTIS. Changes in the intracellular redox state may disrupt deiodinase function by independent mechanisms, which might include depletion of the as yet unidentified endogenous thiol cofactor. Here we aim to present an updated picture of the advances in understanding the mechanisms that result in the fall of thyroid hormone levels in the acute phase of NTIS

    Genotype and phenotype landscape of MEN2 in 554 medullary thyroid cancer patients : the BrasMEN study

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    Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN2) is an autosomal dominant genetic disease caused by RET gene germline mutations that is characterized by medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) associated with other endocrine tumors. Several reports have demonstrated that the RET mutation profile may vary according to the geographical area. In this study, we collected clinical and molecular data from 554 patients with surgically confirmed MTC from 176 families with MEN2 in 18 different Brazilian centers to compare the type and prevalence of RET mutations with those from other countries. The most frequent mutations, classified by the number of families affected, occur in codon 634, exon 11 (76 families), followed by codon 918, exon 16 (34 families: 26 with M918T and 8 with M918V) and codon 804, exon 14 (22 families: 15 with V804M and 7 with V804L). When compared with other major published series from Europe, there are several similarities and some differences. While the mutations in codons C618, C620, C630, E768 and S891 present a similar prevalence, some mutations have a lower prevalence in Brazil, and others are found mainly in Brazil (G533C and M918V). These results reflect the singular proportion of European, Amerindian and African ancestries in the Brazilian mosaic genome

    Método e kit para predição prognóstico de câncer e uso do método em oncologia clínica

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    Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do SulMedicinaDepositad

    O altersense do haicai = Haiku's altersense

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    O haicai tem sido alvo de uma enorme quantidade de análises. De Barthes a Leminski, de Haroldo de Campos a Octavio Paz, para mencionar apenas alguns dos mais conhecidos, as análises se concentram na forma justa e densamente estruturada do poema e na brevidade do acontecimento representado. Trata-se de uma ideia que já foi muito explorada, e da qual extraímos novas consequências. Em nossa descrição, baseada na faneroscopia de Charles S. Peirce, o haicai não é o signo de um acontecimento, mas do altersense do haijin, que é a “consciência de um presente diretamente outro, ou segundo” (CP 7. 551) do poeta. De acordo com essa abordagem, o haicai é um signo, ao mesmo tempo icônico e indexical, que representa um “departamento da ação mental” (CP 7. 539

    Increasing diagnostic effectiveness of thyroid nodule evaluation by implementation of cell block preparation in routine US-FNA analysis

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    Objective: Ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration (US-FNA) biopsy has proven to be an accurate and efficient tool in thyroid nodule evaluation. We evaluated whether cell block adds to the diagnostic accuracy of US-FNA. Subjects and methods: Three hundred twenty-eight consecutive patients underwent US-FNA, cytology and cell block evaluation. Six slides were prepared for each patient and stained by Papanicolaou and Giemsa techniques. The residual hemorrhagic aspirate in the syringe and needle was fixed in 10% formalin and paraffin-embedded (cell block). The histological sections were examined as a complementary diagnostic tool to US-FNA. Results: The study population comprised 89% females and the mean age was 57.4 ± 13.7 years. The mean nodule size was 2.3 ± 1.2 cm. US-FNA cytological results were as follows: Bethesda I, 17.1% (n = 56); Bethesda II, 61.6% (n = 202); Bethesda III, 9.5% (n = 31); Bethesda IV, 5.8% (n = 19); Bethesda V, 2.4% (n = 8), and Bethesda VI, 3.6% (n = 12). Cell blocks were obtained in 100% of cases and were considered diagnostic in 89.6%. Combined cytological and cell block (cyto-cell block) results were as follows: unsatisfactory, 4.3% (n = 14); benign, 72.6% (n = 238); indeterminate, 11.3% (n = 37); follicular lesion, 5.8% (n = 19); suspicious for malignancy, 2.4% (n = 8), and malignant, 3.6% (n = 12). The sensitivity and specificity for cyto-cell block was 100% and 90%, respectively, and the accuracy was 94%. Cyto-cell block analysis reduced the rate of unsatisfactory samples (p < 0.001). Conclusions: The cyto-cell block interpretation improved the efficiency of US-FNA. This simple, fast and low-cost technique should be used as an adjunctive test in thyroid nodule evaluation

    Reaccion en cadena de polimerasa en tiempo real cuantitativa (qPCR) para el diagnostico de tuberculosis pulmonar en esputo de pacientes con VIH/sida

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    Objetivo: Evaluar la Reacción en Cadena de Polimerasa en tiempo real cuantitativa (qPCR) para el diagnóstico de tuberculosis pulmonar (TBP) en esputo de pacientes con sida y sospecha clínica de TBP. Método: Se trata de un estudio prospectivo para evaluación de precisión de prueba diagnóstica, realizado en 140 muestras de esputo provenientes de 140 pacientes con sida y sospecha clínica de TBP atendidos en dos hospitales de referencia para atención VIH/sida en Recife-PE, Brasil. Se utilizó el cultivo en medios Löwenstein-Jensen y 7H9 como estándar de oro. Resultados: De las 140 muestras de esputo, 47 (33,6%) fueron positivas por el estándar de oro. La qPCR fue positiva en 42 (30%) de los pacientes. En apenas un (0.71%) caso no correspondió con el cultivo. La sensibilidad, especificidad y precisión de la qPCR fueron 87,2%, 98,9% y 95% respectivamente. De las 42 qPCR positivas en 39 (93%) el CT (threshold cycle) fue igual o inferior a 37. Conclusión: La qPCR realizada en muestra de esputo de pacientes con sida demostró sensibilidad, especificidad y precisión satisfactoria, pudiendo ser recomendada como método de diagnóstico de TBP.Objective: To assess quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (q-PCR) for the sputum smear diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) in patients living with HIV/AIDS with a clinical suspicion of PTB. Method: This is a prospective study to assess the accuracy of a diagnostic test, conducted on 140 sputum specimens from 140 patients living with HIV/AIDS with a clinical suspicion of PTB, attended at two referral hospitals for people living with HIV/AIDS in the city of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. A Löwenstein-Jensen medium culture and 7H9 broth were used as gold standard. Results: Of the 140 sputum samples, 47 (33.6%) were positive with the gold standard. q-PCR was positive in 42 (30%) of the 140 patients. Only one (0.71%) did not correspond to the culture. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of the q-PCR were 87.2%, 98.9% and 95% respectively. In 39 (93%) of the 42 q-PCR positive cases, the CT (threshold cycle) was equal to or less than 37. Conclusion: q-PCR performed on sputum smears from patients living with HIV/AIDS demonstrated satisfactory sensitivity, specificity and accuracy, and may therefore be recommended as a method for diagnosing PTB


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    Hereditary MTC can occur either alone – familial MTC (FMTC) – or as the thyroid manifestation of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN 2) syndromes (MEN 2A and MEN 2B) or others. Three phenotypic subtypes have been reported. MEN 2A(1), MEN 2A(2) and MEN 2A(3). Germline mutations in the RET proto-oncogene cause MEN 2 and recent studies suggest a relationship between specific mutations and different phenotypes in MEN 2 syndromes. The purpose of this study was to identify RET proto-oncogene mutations and analyze a possible relationship between genotype-phenotype in Brazilian kindred with MTC. A total of 57 patients with histopathological and immunohistochemistry diagnosis of MTC were included. This sample was formed from index cases and affected members of 16 familieswith hereditary MTC and 10 individuals with sporadic tumors. DNA was extracted from leukocytes of the affected individuals and relatives. Exons 10, 11, 13, 14, 15 and 16 were amplificated by PCR, using specific primers. The presence of mutation was determined by SSCP, enzymatic restriction analysis and/or automatic sequencing. The phenotypes of hereditary MTC were as follows: 7 MEN 2A, 3 MEN 2A associated with CLA, 3 MEN 2B, 2 FMTC and 1 other forms. We identified mutations at codon 634 in 6 families with MEN 2A, only one kindred had the mutation at codon 618. The 3 kindred with MEN 2A+CLA, both cases of FMTC and the only family classified as other hereditary forms of the MTC presented the mutation in codon 634. A mutation at codon M918T was identified in the 3 individuals with MEN 2B. The genetic screening was able to identified 23 assymtomatic carriers and determine the hereditary MCT pattern in 3 individuals with apparently sporadic tumors. In conclusion, genetic testing can identify affected and assymtomatic individuals with hereditary disease, allowing early diagnosis and treatment.&nbsp;O carcinoma medular de tireóide (CMT) hereditário pode apresentar-se como componente das síndromes de Neoplasia Endócrina Múltipla (NEM 2A e 2B) ou Carcinoma Medular de Tireóide Familiar (CMTF). Diferentes mutações no RET foram identificadas como responsáveis pelo CMT e estudos recentes sugerem uma correlação entre o genótipo-fenótipo, podendo existir uma grande variabilidade de síndromes clínicas associadas às diferentes mutações. O presente estudo realizou a análise molecular do RET em indivíduos com CMT e avaliou a correlação entre fenótipo-genótipo nos afetados e seus familiares. Foram incluídos 57indivíduos com diagnóstico histopatológico/imunohistoquímico de CMT (10 esporádicos e 47 hereditários, provenientes de 16 famílias). O DNA genômico foi extraído de leucócitos periféricos e os exons 10, 11, 13, 14, 15 e/ou 16 do RET amplificados por PCR com primers específicos. A presença de mutações foi determinada por SSCP, restrição enzimática e/ou sequenciamento. Das famílias com CMT hereditário, 7 apresentavam NEM 2A, 3 NEM 2A associada à Líquen Amilóide Cutânea (CLA), 3 NEM 2B, 2 CMTF e 1 outras formas hereditárias. Em 6 famílias com NEM 2A, nas 3 com NEM 2A+CLA e nas 2 com CMTF a mutação estavapresente códon 634. Enquanto que a outra família com NEM 2A apresentava a mutação no códon 618. Nos indivíduos com NEM 2B foi detectada uma mutação de novo no códon M918T. Na família classificada como outros, a mutação também localizava-se no códon 634. O diagnóstico molecular identificou mutações em todos indivíduos com doença hereditária, em 23 indivíduos carreadores sem evidência clínica da neoplasia e em 3 indivíduos com CMT aparentemente esporádico, destacando a importância do rastreamento genético como método diagnóstico

    Papel do Fator de Crescimento Endotelial Vascular nos Carcinomas de Tireóide

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    O crescimento tumoral está diretamente relacionado com a neovascularização, a qual decorre do desequilíbrio entre os fatores pró-angiogênicos e antiangiogênicos, secretados pelas células neoplásicas O fator de crescimento endotelial vascular (VEGF) desempenha papel chave na angiogênese tumoral, estimulando a proliferação, migração e sobrevivência das células endoteliais. Atua através da ligação a receptores tirosina quinase específicos: VEGFR-1/Flt-1, VEGFR-2/KDR e VEGFR-3. O aumento da expressão do VEGF e de seus receptores tem sido associado à progressão, metastatização e pior prognóstico em diversos tumores malignos. A compreensão das vias moleculares que envolvem o mecanismo de indução da angiogênese tumoral por fatores de crescimento como o VEGF aumentam as possibilidades de novas terapêuticas a serem utilizadas no tratamento de tumores malignos humanos. Evidências indicam um importante papel do VEGF nas neoplasias da tireóide e a utilização de inibidores do VEGF ou de seus receptores pode constituir um importante recurso terapêutico, já tendo sido utilizado em determinados tipos de tumores humanos. O presente artigo tem como objetivo fazer uma revisão da atuação do VEGF no crescimento tumoral com enfoque nas neoplasias malignas da tireóide


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    ions are antithyroid drugs, radioiodine (131I) and surgery. Radiactive iodine is increasingly being used as definitive therapy, because it long has proven to be a safe, cheap and effective treatment. The risk of exacerbation of hyperthyroidism after 131I administration, factors that may predict the response to radioiodine and the dose to be administrated have been discussed in the literature and we comment the controversies in this review. In patients with mild disease, small goiters, children, adolescents and in special situations, as pregnancy, antityhyroid drugs are still the first choice of treatment for most authors. Surgery is rarely employed, and it isindicated only in cases where antithyroid drugs have not been effective and radioiodine is contraindicated or not acceptable by the patients.O hipertireoidismo da doença de Graves é a forma mais comum de hipertireoidismo em pacientes entre 20-50 anos. Três abordagens terapêuticas são atualmente utilizadas, drogas antitireoidiana, cirurgia e iodo radioativo (131I). O iodo radioativo tem sido cada vez mais aceito como primeira escolha terapêutica, porque é um tratamento seguro, definitivo e de fácil administração. O risco de piora do quadro de tireotoxicose após administração do 131I, os fatores prognósticos de falência e o cálculo da dose administrada têm sido alguns dos aspectos discutidos na literatura recentemente, e constituem o foco desta artigo. Em pacientes com bócios pequenos (&lt;30g), crianças e adolescentes, e em situações especiais como na gravidez, as drogas antitireoidianas ainda é a primeira escolha no tratamento para a maioria dos autores. O tratamento cirúrgico é, atualmente, quase um tratamento de exceção, com indicação restrita para os casos em que as terapias anteriores não possam ser utilizadas