36 research outputs found


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    Objective: to assess the Rooming-In Nursing team’s knowledge about mental distress during the puerperium and to offer subsidies for educational actions.Method: a descriptive and quantitative study carried out with 30 Nursing professionals from a public teaching hospital in São Paulo, Brazil. The data were collected between December 2020 and January 2021 using a structured questionnaire and analyzed descriptively.Results: 73.3% of the nursemidwives, nurses, and nursing technicians and assistants were aged ≥40 years old, and 80% had more than five years of working time. There was a predominance of knowledge about the role of Nursing and its respective practices in the assistance provided in cases of mental distress during the puerperium (majority of expected answers in 80% of the questions), in contrast to the knowledge about pathophysiology, symptoms and causes of puerperal blues, depression and psychosis (majority of expected answers in 40% of the questions).Conclusion: the results can support permanent education, aiming to expand the Nursing team’s knowledge and strengthen the care process


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    Objetivo: evaluar el conocimiento del equipo de Enfermería del área de Alojamiento Conjunto con respecto al sufrimiento mental durante el puerperio y ofrecer elementos de apoyo para acciones educativas.Método: estudio descriptivo y cuantitativo realizado con 30 profesionales de Enfermería en un hospital público de enseñanza de San Pablo, Brasil. Los datos se recolectaron entre diciembre de 2020 y enero de 2021 por medio de un cuestionario estructurado y se los analizó en forma descriptiva.Resultados: el 73,3% de las enfermeras especializadas en Obstetricia, técnicas y auxiliares de Enfermería tenían al menos 40 años y el 80% estaba activa en la profesión hacía al menos cinco años. Predominó el conocimiento sobre el rol y las prácticas de Enfermería en la atención provista en casos de sufrimiento mental durante el puerperio (mayoría de respuestas esperadas en el 80% de las preguntas), en contraste con el conocimiento sobre la fisiopatología, los síntomas y las causas del blues, la depresión y la psicosis puerperal (mayoría de respuestas esperadas en el 40% de las preguntas).Conclusión: los resultados pueden sustentar la educación permanente, con vistas a ampliar el conocimiento del equipo de Enfermería y fortalecer el proceso de atención

    Epidemiological aspects and oral implications of Paracoccidioidomycosis infection: an integrative review

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    Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a systemic mycosis caused by the dimorphic fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. It represents a significant infection in South America, occurring mainly in tropical and subtropical countries such as Brazil. Oral mucosal lesions, which are the most important symptom in dentistry, may be the first visible physical manifestation of the disease, often preceding even pulmonary lesions. This study aims to carry out an integrative literature review to identify the main epidemiological aspects and oral implications of Paracoccidioidomycosis (PMC) infection. A search was carried out in the PubMed, LILACS and SciELO databases and, after applying the inclusion, exclusion, eligibility and thematic relevance criteria, 18 articles were selected for analysis in this study. Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is endemic in Brazil and mainly affects middle-aged and elderly men and occurs in rural areas. It is a systemic disease where clinical manifestations are often added to oral lesions. Dentists play a key role in identifying these lesions, in the correct diagnosis and treatment of this disease. Making PCM notification compulsory in Brazil is essential.Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a systemic mycosis caused by the dimorphic fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. It represents a significant infection in South America, occurring mainly in tropical and subtropical countries such as Brazil. Oral mucosal lesions, which are the most important symptom in dentistry, may be the first visible physical manifestation of the disease, often preceding even pulmonary lesions. This study aims to carry out an integrative literature review to identify the main epidemiological aspects and oral implications of Paracoccidioidomycosis (PMC) infection. A search was carried out in the PubMed, LILACS and SciELO databases and, after applying the inclusion, exclusion, eligibility and thematic relevance criteria, 18 articles were selected for analysis in this study. Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is endemic in Brazil and mainly affects middle-aged and elderly men and occurs in rural areas. It is a systemic disease where clinical manifestations are often added to oral lesions. Dentists play a key role in identifying these lesions, in the correct diagnosis and treatment of this disease. Making PCM notification compulsory in Brazil is essential

    Estado nutricional e alterações gastrointestinais em pacientes vivendo com HIV/AIDS atendidos no ambulatório de um hospital de doenças infecciosas / Nutritional status and gastrointestinal changes in patients living with HIV/AIDS attended at the outlet of an infectious disease hospital

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    A infecção pelo vírus HIV afeta primeiramente o trato gastrointestinal seu principal local de replicação, causando alterações na mucosa podendo levar ao definhamento do estado nutricional. A importância do estado nutricional e da integridade do trato gastrointestinal, possui impactos positivos na qualidade de vida das pessoas vivendo com HIV. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar o estado nutricional e alterações gastrointestinais em pacientes vivendo com HIV atendidos no ambulatório de nutrição de um hospital de referência de doenças infecciosas de Fortaleza, Ceará. Estudo transversal e quantitativo, que avaliou o estado nutricional e sintomas gastrointestinais de 93 pacientes vivendo com HIV em tratamento, de ambos os sexos com idade entre 18 e 59 anos, através dos dados antropométricos IMC, dobra cutânea tricipital, circunferência do braço e circunferência muscular do braço; e alterações gastrointestinais (náuseas, vômitos, diarreia, distensão abdominal, gases e dor abdominal). Prevalência de homens (83,9%); a maioria se apresentaram eutróficos (50,5%) segundo IMC, porém a desnutrição é perceptível pelos dados antropométricos: circunferência do braço (48,4% apresentando desnutrição), dobra cutânea tricipital (61,3% com perda massa magra) e circunferência muscular do braço (44,1% com perda de tecido muscular); em relação aos sintomas gastrointestinais: distensão abdominal (38,7%), presença de gases (34,4%) e dores abdominais (30,1%) são frequentes. Conclui-se que no ambiente ambulatorial os pacientes com HIV, apresentam-se em sua maioria eutróficos pelo IMC, porém é percebido depleção de gordura subcutânea, perda de massa magra e presença de sintomas gastrointestinais consideráveis

    Performance da CO-oximetria de pulso para identificação do tabagismo na Atenção Básica

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    Resumo   Objetivo: Avaliar o desempenho de um CO-oxímetro para determinação do status do tabagismo em relação a um medidor de monóxido de carbono exalado em indivíduos atendidos na atenção básica. Métodos: Estudo transversal realizado em pacientes ambulatoriais atendidos nas unidades básicas de saúde de Anápolis-GO, submetidos à avaliação clínica, dosagem do monóxido de carbono exalado e medida do monóxido de carbono por CO-oximetria de pulso. Resultados: Foram incluídos 449 indivíduos, 106 tabagistas (23,6%), 89 ex-tabagistas (19,8%), 203 nunca fumantes (45,2%) e 51 fumantes passivos (11,4%). A CO-oximetria com ponto de corte de ≥4% mostrou uma especificidade de 77,3% (IC95% 72,5%-81,6%), uma sensibilidade de 52,8% (IC95% 42,9%-62,6%), valores preditivos positivo e negativo de 45,3% (IC95% 38,9%-51,9%), 82,1% (IC95% 78,8%-85%), respectivamente e a área sob a curva ROC de 0,73 (IC95% 0,67-0,78). A dosagem do monóxido de carbono exalado com ponto de corte de ≥5ppm mostrou uma especificidade de 96,2% (IC95% 93,6%-98%), sensibilidade de 79,2% (IC95% 70,3%-86,5%), valor preditivo positivo e negativo de 88,2% (IC95% 81,3%-92,8%), 92,9% (IC95% 89,9%-95%), respectivamente e a área sob a curva ROC de 0,91 (IC95% 0,87-0,95). COHb(%)≥4 demostrou OR:4,3; (IC 95% 2,7-7,1); p<0,0001. Conclusão: A CO-oximetria apresentou capacidade de identificação do tabagismo inferior à da dosagem do monóxido de carbono exalado, entretanto, quando COHb(%)≥4 há alta probabilidade de tabagismo

    RETRACTED ARTICLE: Fatal factitious Cushing\ud syndrome (Münchhausen’s syndrome) in a patient with macroprolactinoma and silent\ud corticotrophinoma: case report and literature review

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    Abstract\ud Münchhausen’s syndrome (MS) is a chronic factitious disorder\ud characterized by the intentional production of clinical symptoms without external\ud incentive. One type of MS is factitious Cushing syndrome, an extremely rare clinical\ud situation in which the diagnosis is challenging mainly due to interference of the\ud exogenous medication in cortisol immunoassays. We described a 26-year-old woman who\ud was originally diagnosed with a macroprolactinoma and during follow-up developed\ud clinical and laboratorial hypercortisolism. A transsphenoidal surgery was performed\ud and immunohistochemistry revealed positive and diffuse staining for both hormones.\ud Four years later, her hypercortisolism recurred and the confirmation of factitious\ud Cushing syndrome was delayed due to conflicting laboratorial results.\ud There are few cases in the literature of factitious Cushing syndrome,\ud and only one had a fatal outcome. The diagnosis of this condition is complex and\ud includes cyclic Cushing syndrome in the differential diagnosis. These patients have\ud high morbidity and increased mortality risk and are likely to have other psychiatric\ud disorders. Prednisone was identified as the culprit in the majority of the\ud cases.We would like to thank Dr. Wagner Farid Gattaz and Dr. Jose Gallucci Neto,\ud from the Psychiatric Division, for providing assistance during hospitalization.\ud This work was partially supported by grants from Conselho Nacional de\ud Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico – CNPq (301339/2008-9 to B.B.M.)

    Análise comparativa das abordagens cirúrgicas no tratamento de cardiopatias

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    Em análise a evolução histórica e as inovações na cirurgia cardíaca, este estudo objetiva analisar comparativamente as abordagens cirúrgicas no tratamento de cardiopatias, destacando a transição das técnicas tradicionais de cirurgia aberta para métodos minimamente invasivos como a videolaparoscopia e a cirurgia robótica. Para tanto, procede-se à uma revisão narrativa da literatura, explorando uma gama extensiva de estudos e relatos científicos que ilustram os avanços tecnológicos e seus impactos nos resultados clínicos. Desse modo, observa-se que as técnicas minimamente invasivas oferecem benefícios substanciais, como redução no tempo de recuperação, diminuição do trauma cirúrgico, e menores taxas de complicações e mortalidade perioperatória em comparação com a cirurgia aberta. Estes resultados permitem concluir que a cirurgia minimamente invasiva representa um avanço significativo na prática cardiológica, proporcionando procedimentos mais seguros e eficazes, com menor impacto para os pacientes e melhores prognósticos a longo prazo. Para futuras pesquisas, sugere-se o aprofundamento na análise dos resultados a longo prazo e na integração de novas tecnologias, como inteligência artificial e realidade aumentada, para otimizar ainda mais as práticas cirúrgicas e expandir as possibilidades de tratamento das cardiopatias

    University Extension of Elderly Health and Potency for Medical Training

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    Objective: To present the potential of university extension for medical training, based on the perception of extension workers. Method: This is an exploratory descriptive study, with a qualitative approach, carried out with medical students, former students of the university extension project of the elderly health. Wheels of conversations were made to base empirical production on a semi-structured interview script. The analysis was performed using Fiorin's speech analysis technique. Results: It was possible to verify, in this research, the power of the university extension in the medical training, the impact generated in the accompanied elderly people and the importance of the production of bond. It was also verified the importance of providing students with more projects that can give a return to society and foster in students the need not to stop only the pathology, but mainly to awaken the motivation for a humanized and integral care. Conclusion: The university extension provides an approximation with the community, through the bond and accountability between the academic and the elderly. In addition, it allows to contribute to improve and implant the sense of citizenship in the life of individuals. Key words: Health of the institutionalized elderly, Medicine, Collective Health

    Perspectivas epidemiológicas, clínicas e terapêuticas do transtorno bipolar em comorbidade com o uso de drogas: revisão de sistemática: Epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic perspectives of bipolar disorder in comorbidity with drug use: a systematic review

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    Conhecida como transtorno maníaco-depressivo, atualmente possui um novo nome: Transtorno Afetivo Bipolar, visto que com o passar do tempo foi se percebendo que esse transtorno não se tratava de uma alteração psicótica, e mais de um prejuízo afetivo. O transtorno bipolar possui alguns tipos, não se caracterizando em apenas uma forma, sua manifestação varia conforme o indivíduo e suas tendências, disforia e/ou euforia porém independente da forma expressa o paciente bipolar pode ter sua vida social comprometida, se não tratada, visto a irregularidade no estado de humor; bem como pode fazer uso de substâncias psicoativas, o que prejudica a sua condição clínica. Objetivo central da pesquisa é de apresentar a correlação do transtorno bipolar com o uso de drogas, mediante uma revisão de literatura integrativa realizada entre os meses de março de 2022 a julho de 2022, através da busca de artigos científicos nos bancos de dados online PubMed, Scielo e Google Acadêmico, utilizando como critério de refinamento de pesquisa artigos de todas as línguas publicados entre os anos 2000 e 2022

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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    Biodiversity loss is one of the main challenges of our time,1,2 and attempts to address it require a clear un derstanding of how ecological communities respond to environmental change across time and space.3,4 While the increasing availability of global databases on ecological communities has advanced our knowledge of biodiversity sensitivity to environmental changes,5–7 vast areas of the tropics remain understudied.8–11 In the American tropics, Amazonia stands out as the world’s most diverse rainforest and the primary source of Neotropical biodiversity,12 but it remains among the least known forests in America and is often underrepre sented in biodiversity databases.13–15 To worsen this situation, human-induced modifications16,17 may elim inate pieces of the Amazon’s biodiversity puzzle before we can use them to understand how ecological com munities are responding. To increase generalization and applicability of biodiversity knowledge,18,19 it is thus crucial to reduce biases in ecological research, particularly in regions projected to face the most pronounced environmental changes. We integrate ecological community metadata of 7,694 sampling sites for multiple or ganism groups in a machine learning model framework to map the research probability across the Brazilian Amazonia, while identifying the region’s vulnerability to environmental change. 15%–18% of the most ne glected areas in ecological research are expected to experience severe climate or land use changes by 2050. This means that unless we take immediate action, we will not be able to establish their current status, much less monitor how it is changing and what is being lostinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio