4,963 research outputs found

    El recuerdo colectivo y el terrorismo en Italia. Ceremonias conmemorativas: de los medios de comunicación de masas a los nuevos medios de comunicación

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    One concern of the sociology of memory is how can we remember terror and how can we forget it. Is there any cultural shape of remembering terror, which is more suitable than others? This article focuses on the social representation of a very controversial past -the massacre at the Bologna railway station in 1980- , the relation between the collective knowledge of public events, such as a terror attack, and the process of their shaping into social practices (commemorative ceremonies) and cultural objects (public symbols of the slaughter). It will be shown how this process reflects tensions and articulates contradictions between the State and the civil society in the process of public inscription of the legitimate version of the past events. It will be argued that, due to a specific group of agents of memory -composed primarily by the association of the victims’ relatives and the committees of solidarity founded in the city during the last two decades- , the structure of the commemorative ceremony has lead to the public fixing of a specific genre of memorisation in Italy for the victims of terrorism. It becomes a crucial key to understand the public making of cultural memory.Un tema abierto de la sociología de la memoria es la pregunta cómo puede recordarse el terror y cómo podemos olvidarlo. ¿Existe algun modelo cultural para la memoria del terror que es más apropiado que otros? El presente artículo enfoca la representación social de un pasado muy controvertido –la masacre en la estación de trenes en Boloña en 1980– , la relación entre el conocimiento colectivo de actos en pú- blico, como es un ataque terrorista, y el proceso de su transformación en prácticas sociales (ceremonias conmemorativas) así como objetos culturales (símbolos públicos de la matanza). Se mostrará como este proceso refleja tensiones y articuliza contradicciones entre el Estado y la sociedad civil en el proceso de inscripción pública de la versión legítima de los eventos del pasado. Se defenderá la tesis de que debido a la intervención de un grupo específico de agentes de la memoria –compuesto en primer lugar por la asociación de los parientes de las víctimas y los comités de solidaridad creados en la ciudad a lo largo de las últimas dos décadas– , la estructura de la ceremonia ha llevado en Italia a una fijación pública de un género específico de memorización de las víctimas. Esto es crucial para comprender la producción pública de la memoria cultural

    Shibori: Tradition and Innovation

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    Shibori has recently become part of American textile vernacular. Folk traditions have often been sources of inspiration and appropriation by Western craftsmen and designers. The phenomenon of shibori is not only how it has been embraced by Americans, but how our viewpoints and adaptation of techniques have also changed and inspired craftsmen in Arimatsu, Japan, the center for production of indigo dyed cotton shibori. Today, in Japan, plastic plumbing pipe is used for Arashi, polyester is replacing cotton to create permanently textured shibori fabrics, and Western industrial techniques of cloque and devore enhance traditional patterns. I propose to follow how American shibori has thrived in conjunction with the growth of atelier created art clothing. The competitive fashion world has instigated much of the development of shibori language as designers seek a signature fabric. I will speak from my own experience in the studio, the museum, and the marketplace, and share the work of other designers who have created an individual look: Marien Clayden, Carter Smith, Joan McGee and Genvieve Dion. For centuries both economic stress and opportunity have challenged the shibori craftsman in Japan. Today young designers such as Reiko Sudo and Yoshiki Hishinuma are again innovators with their high tech shibori-heat shrinking, laminating, and dissolving threads

    A qualidade da informação financeira como indicador da probabilidade de falência da empresa

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    Mestrado APNORO objetivo central desta dissertação é compreender, através de um modelo de probabilidade de falência empresarial, em que medida a Qualidade da Informação Financeira (QIF) pode ser um indicador útil na previsão de falência das empresas. Para tal, foi aplicado um modelo de regressão Logit a uma amostra composta por 11.173 empresas portuguesas, das quais 214 faliram em 2015. A QIF foi medida de acordo com o Modelo de Jones (1991) pela via dos accruals discricionários ou anormais. As hipóteses de investigação, fundamentadas na literatura, pretendiam comprovar que as empresas melhoram a QIF no ano anterior à falência (H1) e que apresentam baixa QIF nos dois a quatro anos precedentes à falência (H2). Os resultados obtidos pela estimação do modelo vão de encontro ao que se previa com as hipóteses de investigação estabelecidas. Concluiu-se, para um nível de significância de 5%, que as empresas falidas melhoram a QIF no ano anterior à falência e que efetivamente apresentam demonstrações financeiras de baixa qualidade nos dois a quatro anos anteriores à falência.The aim of this dissertation is through a business bankruptcy probability model, find if Quality of Financial Information (QIF) can be a useful indicator in predicting corporate bankruptcy. For that, a regression model was applied to a sample composed of 11,173 Portuguese companies, which 214 bankrupt in 2015. The QIF was measured according to the Jones Model (1991) through discretionary or abnormal accruals. The research hypotheses, based on the literature, are intended to prove that companies improve a QIF in the year before bankruptcy (H1) and reduce the QIF two to four years before the bankruptcy (H2). The results obtained by estimation of the model was according with established research hypotheses. It was concluded at a significance level of 5% that bankrupt companies improve a QIF in the year before bankruptcy and that it effectively shows low quality financial statements in the two to four years prior to bankruptcy.El objetivo de esta disertación es a través de un modelo de probabilidad de quiebra de negocios, encontrar si la Calidad de Información Financiera puede ser un indicador útil en la predicción de quiebra corporativa. Para ello, se aplicó un modelo de regresión a la muestra compuesta por 11.173 empresas portuguesas, las cuales 214 se declararon en quiebra en 2015. El Calidad de Información Financiera se midió de acuerdo con el Modelo Jones (1991) a través de accruals discrecionales. Las hipótesis de investigación, basadas en la literatura, pretenden demostrar que las empresas mejoran un QIF en el año anterior a la quiebra (H1) y reducen el QIF de dos a cuatro años antes de la quiebra (H2). Los resultados obtenidos por la estimación del modelo fueron de acuerdo con las hipótesis de investigación establecidas. Se concluyó a un nivel de significación del 5% que las empresas en quiebra mejoran un QIF en el año previo a la quiebra y que efectivamente muestra estados financieros de baja calidad en los dos a cuatro años anteriores a la quiebra

    Lessons Learnt from Maritime Disasters.

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    Abstract not availableJRC.G-Institute for the Protection and the Security of the Citizen (Ispra

    Evaluation of Demographic and Language Predictors of Main Concept Production in Spanish/English Bilingual Discourse Using Nicolas and Brookshire Stimuli

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    Hispanics are the fastest growing minority group in the US, and stroke incidence for Hispanics is higher than that of non-Hispanic caucasians (Dong et al., 2012). Since stroke is the leading cause of aphasia, and the majority of Hispanics are bilingual Spanish/English speakers, there is a growing need for appropriate assessment methods for bilingual aphasia. One challenge in assessing bilinguals is their diverse language backgrounds, including differences in proficiency and use across languages. Previous studies have reported correlations between variables such as frequency of use and self-rated proficiency and performance in language tasks such as picture-naming accuracy (Edmonds & Donovan, 2012; Gollan et al. 2007), verbal fluency (Muñoz & Marquardt, 2008, Langdon et al., 2005; Elgamal et al., 2011), and discourse informativeness (Edmonds, 2013). In a study investigating discourse in 83 English/ Spanish bilingual adults, Edmonds (2013) reported varied patters of correlations for informativeness and efficiency measures (WPM, %CIUs, CIUs/min ) in English and Spanish. Naming accuracy and overall proficiency were significantly correlated with all measures of informativeness regardless of language; whereas, percent usage and age of exposure varied across languages (Edmonds, 2013). The metric of %CIU is often used to evaluate informativeness in discourse, but %CIU does not address the completeness of the discourse. I.e., one can achieve high %CIUs by providing correct information on half the picture, thus, targeting only half of the main concepts (MC). Alternatively, many MCs can be discussed with lower %CIU due to repetitions, circumlocutions and reformulations. In order to understand this dynamic better in bilinguals with varying degrees of proficiency across langauges, we adapted Nicholas and Brookshire’s (1993, 1995) MC analysis to this population. Our research questions were: 1) Is there a relationship (correlation) between %CIUs and MCs? 2) What self-reported participant variables (e.g., proficiency ratings, usage) and tested language variables (discourse variables, confrontation naming) correlate to English and Spanish MCs? 3) Of the significantly correlated variables, which contribute most to regression models of MCs in English and Spanish

    Efektifitas Gel Ekstrak Pithecellobium lobatum Benth. pada Proses Kesembuhan Luka Pascapencabutan Gigi: Studi pada Cavia cobaya dengan Pengamatan Histologis

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    Sel yang berperan penting dalam penyembuhan luka adalah kepadatan serabut kolagen. Kulit buah jengkol (P. lobatum Benth.) mengandung senyawa aktif saponin, tanin dan flavonoid yang berperan pada penyembuhan luka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek pemberian gel ekstrak kulit buah P. lobatum Benth. terhadap kepadatan kolagen pada proses penyembuhan luka pascapencabutan gigi Cavia cobaya jantan. Jenis penelitian eksperimental murni in vivo,  rancangan posttest only control group. Subjek penelitian 45 ekor C. cobaya, dibagi lima kelompok perlakuan yaitu kelompok I (povidone iodin) sebagai kontrol positif, kelompok II (tanpa perlakuan) sebagai kontrol negatif, kelompok III, IV dan V adalah kelompok perlakuan yang diberi  gel ekstrak dengan konsetrasi 1%, 5% dan 10%. C. cobaya didekapitulasi rahang pada hari pertama, ketiga dan ketujuh. Analisis data menggunakan uji normalitas Shapiro Wilk, dilanjutkan uji One Way Anova dan uji Tukey HSD (Honestly Significant Difference). Hasil uji normalitas Shapiro Wilk menunjukkan distribusi data yang normal (p0,05). Uji One Way Anova menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan kepadatan kolagen di antara kelima kelompok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kepadatan kolagen signifikan pada kelompok V (gel ekstrak kulit buah P. lobatum Benth. konsentrasi 10%) dengan nilai signifikansi 0,000 (p 0,05). Kesimpulan menunjukkan  pemberian gel ekstrak kulit buah P. lobatum Benth. konsentrasi 10% efektif terhadap peningkatan kepadatan kolagen pada proses penyembuhan luka pascapencabutan gigi

    The Obiko Archive

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    This presentation will discuss the origin and development of a digital archive documenting the Art Wear movement in the Bay Area during the 80s and 90s. The co-producers, Jean Cacicedo and Ana Lisa Hedstrom, members of the Board of Directors of The Textile Art Council of the De Young Museum Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco will share visuals from the archive and address the issues in constructing this project. It was decided that parameters were necessary, and the archive focuses on the designers for OBIKO, a boutique/ gallery founded in the 70’s by Sandra Sakata. She was a creative force in this movement and became an icon in her own right as a brilliant stylist and muse. The years between the 70’s and 90’s saw a remarkable artisanal production of unique and hand crafted clothing. These designers drew from ethnic costume, and traditional craft processes such as Shibori, katazome, patchwork, and hand knitting, In many ways these artisans were an early force in post modern design. The archive takes advantage of digital technology in many ways: the oral recording of interviews with 4 designers, the transfer from VHS to DVDS of 4 fashion shows, a gallery of 26 designers, with images, bios and memories, and written statements with leaders in the field of fashion and design The support of the Textile Art Council and the Jill D’Alessandro, textile curator of the DeYoung, was essential to the process. We will share the basic budget and funding of the archive. We will also discuss the decisions in structuring the information, and share the challenges we experienced. Archives in the future will be digital and available through the cloud or by streaming. We hope this presentation will be informative…not only for the subject matter, but as a guide and inspiration for other digital archive projects

    David Bowie and Transmedia Stardom

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    Addressing the interart, intertextual, and intermedial dimensions of David Bowie's sonic and visual legacy, this book considers more than five decades of a career invested with a star's luminosity that shines well beyond the remit of pop music. The book approaches the idea of the star David Bowie as a medium in transit, undergoing constant movement and change. Within the context of celebrity studies, the concept of stardom provides an appropriate frame for an examination of Bowie's transmedial activity, especially given his ongoing iconic signification within the celestial realm. While Bowie has traversed many mediums, he has also been described as a medium, which is consistent with the way he has described himself. With contributions from a wide range of disciplinary areas and countries, each chapter brings a fresh perspective on the concept of stardom and the conceptual significance of the terms 'mediation' and 'navigation' as they relate to Bowie and his career. Containing a multitude of different approaches to the stardom and mediation of David Bowie, this book will be of interest to those studying celebrity, audio and visual legacy, and the relationships between different forms of media. The chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue of Celebrity Studies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Quotas and qualifications: the impact of gender quota laws on the qualifications of legislators in the Italian parliament

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    This article addresses concerns that candidates nominated because of gender quota laws will be less qualified for office. While questions of candidate quality have long been relevant to legislative behavior, quota laws requiring a certain percentage of candidates for national office to be women have generated renewed interest. Gender quotas are often perceived to reduce the scope of political competition. By putting gender identity center stage, they preclude the possibility that elections will be based on ‘ideas’ or ‘merit’ alone. Other electoral rules that restrict candidate selection, such as the centralization of candidate selection common in closed list PR systems, have been found to reduce the quality of candidates. Rules that open selection, such as primaries, result in higher quality candidates. We exploit the institutional design of Italy’s mixed electoral system in 1994, where quotas were applied only to the PR portion of the list, to compare the qualifications of men, women, and ‘quota women’. We estimate regressions on several measures of deputies’ qualifications for office and performance in office. We find that unlike other rules limiting candidate selection, quotas are not associated with lower quality on most measures of qualifications. In fact, quota women have more local government experience than other legislators and lower rates of absenteeism than their male counterparts. Contrary to critics, quota laws may have a positive impact on legislator quality. Once the quota law was rescinded, quota women were less likely to be re-elected than non-quota women or men, which suggests that discrimination – not qualification – limits women’s status as candidates

    A qualidade da informação financeira como indicador da probabilidade de falência da empresa: revisão de literatura

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    Nos últimos anos a probabilidade de falência empresarial tem constituído um dos maiores domínios de pesquisa da área financeira (Balcaen e Ooghe, 2006). Neste trabalho de revisão de literatura pretende-se compilar as principais conclusões relacionadas com este tema e a sua deteção pela via da Qualidade da Informação Financeira. A informação financeira corresponde à aglomeração dos mais relevantes dados quantitativos e qualitativos de uma entidade sendo a sua qualidade medida de diferentes formas de entre as quais, é nitidamente evidente, a predominância da quantificação através dos accruals anormais.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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