3,121 research outputs found

    Development and environmental applications of activated carbon cloths

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    Activated carbon cloths have received growing attention because they offer comparative advantages over the traditional powdered or granular forms of this well-known adsorbent, providing further potential uses for technological innovations in several fields. The present article provides an overview of research studies and advances concerned with the development of activated carbon cloths and their use as adsorbent in environmental applications, mostly reported in the last years. The influence of some fabrics and textile wastes used as precursors, and of main activation process variables on the development and physicochemical, mechanical and/or electrical properties of the resulting activated carbon cloths are first reviewed. Then, investigations dealing with the removal of water and air pollutants by adsorption onto activated carbon cloths, including advances toward optimizing their regeneration after organic vapors saturation, are presented.Fil: Cukierman, Ana Lea. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin


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    The primary cause of skin cancer is believed to be a long exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation (UV-R) crossed with the amount of skin pigmentation in the population. It is believed that in childhood and adolescence 80% of UV-R gets absorbed, whilst in the remaining 20% gets absorbed later in the lifetime. This suggests that proper and early photoprotection may reduce the risk of subsequent occurrence of skin cancer. Textile and clothing are the most suitable interface between environment and human body. It can show UV protection, but in most cases it does not provide full sun screening properties. UV protection ability highly depends on large number of factors such as type of fibre, fabric surface and construction, type and concentration of dyestuff, fluorescent whitening agent (FWA), UV-B protective agents, as well as nanoparticles, if applied. Based on electronically excited state by energy of UV-R (usually 340370 nm), the molecules of FWAs show the phenomenon of fluorescence giving to white textiles high whiteness of outstanding brightness by reemitting the energy at the blue region (typically 420470 nm) of the spectrum. By absorbing UV-A radiation, optical brightened fabrics transform this radiation into blue fluorescence, which leads to better UV protection. Natural zeolites are rock-forming, microporous silicate minerals. Applied as nanoparticles to textile surface, it scatters the UV-R resulting in lower UV-A and UV-B transmission. If applied with other UV absorbing agents, e.g. FWAs, synergistic effect occurs. Silicones are inert, synthetic compounds with a variety of forms and uses. It provides a unique soft touch, is very resistant to washing and improves the property of fabric to protect against UV radiation. Therefore, the UV protective properties of cotton fabric achieved by light conversion and scattering was researched in this paper. For that purpose, the stilbene-derived FWAs were applied on cotton fabric in wide concentration range without/with the addition of natural zeolite or silicone polydimethylsiloxane. UV protection was determined in vitro through ultraviolet protection factor. Additionally, the influence to fabric whiteness and hand was researched


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    UV radiation (UV-R) can be divided into UV-A, UV-B and UV-C radiation. UV-C radiation get absorbed by atmosphere, but diminishing of the ozone layer results with the reaching of UV-B and UV-A rays on the Earths surface. Even though the UV-A rays are necessary for vitamin D synthesis, longer exposure to UV-A and UV-B rays can cause acute and chronic reactions and damages such as erythema (sunburn), sun tanning, photocarcinogenesis and photoaging, as well as known skin aging and recently the formation of skin malignant neoplasm. Garment provides some UV protection, but in most cases there are not enough its sun screening properties. This protection, among other large number of factors, highly depends on fabric surface and construction, especially for longer pending in the sun. Therefore, in last few years different protective finishes and material modification were developed. This paper deals with the influence of yarn linear density of cotton knitted fabric on its ultraviolet skin protection expressed as ultraviolet protection factor (UPF). The effects of yarn linear density on UPF using knitted fabrics from the same cotton fibers were discussed. Raw, pretreated and zeolite treated cotton fabrics were used. UV-A and UV-B transmissions were measured on transmission spectrophotometer Cary 50 Solarscreen (Varian) according to AATCC Test Method 183-2000. On the base of these values Ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) was calculated


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    Background: Many adolescents affected by psychiatric disorders require pharmacological treatment. Knowing which medication is being used is of utmost importance. Our main objective was to gain insight into prescribing patterns at the Department of child and adolescent psychiatry, Clinical Hospital Centre Rijeka. In addition, we looked for potential differences between adolescents regarding their pharmacotherapy status. Subjects and methods: The data from medical charts of 227 adolescents (55% females), age 12-18 years (16.4±1.18) were analysed. All of them were treated as outpatients during one year period (2014/15). Medical charts were obtained from the computerized archive system of Clinical Hospital Centre. Prescribed drug patterns were taken into account if patients have been taking medication for at least one month. Results: Most of the patients, 162 (71.4%), were treated with psychiatric medication. In the pharmacologically treated group, adolescents were older (t=-4.678; p<0.001), predominately male (χ2=5.175, p=0.023) and hospitalized (χ2=20.612, p<0.0001). Accordingly, male (OR=2.09, P<0.05) and hospitalized (OR=15.32, P<0.001) adolescents were more disposed to be medicated. Psychotic disorder was the most commonly diagnosed disorder (51 patients). There were 454 different prescribing patterns, mostly prescribed antipsychotics, 36.6% of all prescriptions; followed by 31.5% anxiolytics’ and 23.7% antidepressants’ prescriptions. However, number of patients receiving antipsychotics, anxiolytics and antidepressants was quite similar (103: 110: 99). The highest number of patients was treated with sertraline (58), followed by those treated with risperidone (48). Majority of the patients (104/227) were treated with polytherapy. Conclusion: Prescribing psychiatric pharmacotherapy for adolescents is a common clinical practice. Adolescents that were prescribed pharmacotherapy were significantly older; hospitalized and male adolescents were more prone to be medicated. Antipsychotics were most frequently prescribed drugs. The prescribing patterns are generally consistent with international trends and guidelines; however caution regarding high proportion of polytherapy is necessary

    Leer(se) colectivo: el abordaje de la literatura en un Bachillerato Popular de jóvenes y Adultas/os de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires

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    This paper explores possible linkages between some aspects of Latin American Popular Education  (Educación Popular latinoamericana) and classroom approaches to literary texts, based on the analysis of classwork around the reading of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World (Spanish title: Un Mundo Feliz) at a working-class secondary school for youth and adults (Bachillerato Popular) in Pompeya, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The educational process, documented through an ethnographic lens, takes place in an interdisciplinary course that connects literature with the cooperative movement and the solidarity economy. This curricular option, in the context of a secondary school for youth and adults whose political/pedagogical stance recognizes the value of self-government, horizontalism and popular participation as some of its ruling principles, has an impact on the production of critical knowledge, on  pedagogical relationships within the classroom, and on the structuring of the educational process, including its evaluation. From a reading conception as a cultural practice framework, this paper identifies the potentials and tensions in the pedagogical strategies displayed in the classroom, with the goal of developing collective knowledge between concrete individuals, on and through literatureEn el artículo exploro el ensayo de posibles articulaciones entre algunos lineamientos de la Educación Popular latinoamericana (EP) y la aproximación a textos literarios en un contexto escolar, a partir del análisis del trabajo desplegado en torno a la lectura de la novela Un mundo feliz, de Aldous Huxley, en un Bachillerato Popular de Jóvenes y Adultos (BP) ubicado en el barrio de Pompeya de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. El proceso educativo, registrado mediante un enfoque de corte etnográfco, se lleva a cabo en un área curricular que, con abordaje interdisciplinario, apuesta a vincular la literatura con el trabajo autogestionado y la economía solidaria.Esta orientación, en el marco de un BP cuya propuesta político-pedagógica reconoce la autogestión, la horizontalidad y la participación popular como algunos de sus principios rectores, incide en la producción de conocimiento crítico, en los vínculos pedagógicos generados dentro del aula, así como en la estructuración del proceso educativo, incluyendo su evaluación. Desde una concepción de la lectura como práctica cultural, identifco, en consecuencia, potencialidades y tensiones en las estrategias desarrolladas con miras a la construcción colectiva de conocimiento situado sobre y a través de la literatura en el encuentro de sujetas/os concretas/os

    Intraoperativni nalazi adneksalnih tumora prilikom carskom reza u razdoblju od 11 godina

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    Finding of adnexal masses during pregnancy is an exceptional event. The incidence is less than 5% and most cases resolve spontaneously as the pregnancy progresses. Our goal was to describe a series of patients with adnexal masses in pregnancy, found incidentally during Cesarean section (CS), as well as the histopathological characteristics of the masses extirpated. We retrospectively reviewed medical records of patients with previously unrecognized adnexal masses removed at CS in the period of 11 years, from 2000 to 2010 in our Hospital. The number of total live births was 32 603 and 7 060 of them were by CS (21.65%). There were 49 cases of incidental adnexal masses (49/7060, 0.69%), out of which 13 (26.5%) were 5 cm or greater in size. All of the masses were removed at CS. The pathologic diagnosis of the ovarian masses was as follows: simple serous cyst 27 (55.1%), cystadenoma mucinosum 6 (12.2%), teratoma adultum 5 (10.2%), fibroma 2 (4.08%), corpus luteum 2 (4.08%), endometrioma 2 (4.08%), cystadenofybroma serosum 1 (2.04%), cystadenoma serosum 1 (2.04%), luteoma 1 (2.04%), teratoma immaturum 1 (2.04%), dermoid cyst 1 (2.04%). Extirpation procedure during CS did not alter the morbidity of the operation, it enabled exclusion of malignancy and avoided possible surgical procedures in the future for the patient, although there are controversial data in the literature about performing it during CS. Our conclusion is that incidental masses detected at the time of CS should be extirpated in order to exclude malignancy and to avoid any additional surgical procedure following caesarean section because the extirpation itself does not change the outcome of the operation.Slučajan nalaz adneksalnih tumora tijekom trudnoće je rijetkost. Učestalost je manja od 5%, a većina ih spontano regredira kako trudnoća napreduje. Cilj našeg istraživanja bio je prikazati i analizirati pacijentice s adneksalnim tumorima u trudnoći, otkrivenim slučajno tijekom carskog reza, kao i histopatološke karakteristike uklonjenih tumora te rezultate usporediti s rezultatima sličnih istraživanja u literaturi. Pregledali smo medicinsku dokumentaciju pacijentica čija je trudnoća dovršena carskim rezom, a koje su imale prije trudnoće neprepoznate adneksalne tumore, koji su potom uklonjeni tijekom carkog reza. Ovo retrospektivno istraživanje obuhvatilo je razdoblje od 11 godina, od 2000.-2010. u Kliničkoj bolnici „Sv. Duh“ u Zagrebu. Broj poroda u navedenom razdoblju bio je 32 603, a 7 060 ih je dovršeno carskim rezom (21.65%). Pronađeno je 49 slučajeva adneksalnih tumora (49/7060, 0.69%), od kojih su 13 (26.5%) bili jednaki ili veći od 5 cm. Svi tumori pronađeni tijekom carskog reza bili su i uklonjeni. Patohistološke dijagnoze tumorskih masa prema redu učestalosti bile su: jednostavna serozna cista 27 (55.1%), mucinozni cistadenom 6 (12.2%), adultni teratom 5 (10.2%), fibrom 2 (4.08%), corpus luteum 2 (4.08%), endometriom 2 (4.08%), serozni cistadenofibrom 1 (2.04%), serozni cistadenom 1 (2.04%), luteom 1 (2.04%), nezreli teratom 1 (2.04%) i dermoid 1 (2.04%). Postupak ekstirpacije adneksalnog tumora tijekom carskog reza nije utjecao na ishod zahvata, a omogućio je isključivanje maligniteta tumorske tvorbe te je time izbjegnut mogući budući kirurški zahvat za pacijenticu iako su podaci o izvođenju takvog zahvata tijekom carskog reza u literaturi kontroverzni. Naš zaključak je da adneksalni tumori uočeni tijekom carskog reza trebaju biti i uklonjeni kako bi se isključio malignitet i izbjegao budući kirurški zahvat

    The Revolution: 1968 and the Politics of the Arts in the United States

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    1968 demeure universellement reconnue comme une année de contestation tout autour du monde, l’expression d’un rejet général de l’ordre établi et d’une autorité étatique perçue comme liberticide qui se manifesta dans des événements comme le printemps de Prague, Mai 68 en France, ou les manifestations contre la tenue des jeux olympiques à Mexico. Aux États-Unis, la révolte s’est cristallisée autour de l’opposition à la guerre du Viêt Nam, mais aussi autour du combat pour les droits civiques, pa..

    Intraoperativni nalazi adneksalnih tumora prilikom carskom reza u razdoblju od 11 godina

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    Finding of adnexal masses during pregnancy is an exceptional event. The incidence is less than 5% and most cases resolve spontaneously as the pregnancy progresses. Our goal was to describe a series of patients with adnexal masses in pregnancy, found incidentally during Cesarean section (CS), as well as the histopathological characteristics of the masses extirpated. We retrospectively reviewed medical records of patients with previously unrecognized adnexal masses removed at CS in the period of 11 years, from 2000 to 2010 in our Hospital. The number of total live births was 32 603 and 7 060 of them were by CS (21.65%). There were 49 cases of incidental adnexal masses (49/7060, 0.69%), out of which 13 (26.5%) were 5 cm or greater in size. All of the masses were removed at CS. The pathologic diagnosis of the ovarian masses was as follows: simple serous cyst 27 (55.1%), cystadenoma mucinosum 6 (12.2%), teratoma adultum 5 (10.2%), fibroma 2 (4.08%), corpus luteum 2 (4.08%), endometrioma 2 (4.08%), cystadenofybroma serosum 1 (2.04%), cystadenoma serosum 1 (2.04%), luteoma 1 (2.04%), teratoma immaturum 1 (2.04%), dermoid cyst 1 (2.04%). Extirpation procedure during CS did not alter the morbidity of the operation, it enabled exclusion of malignancy and avoided possible surgical procedures in the future for the patient, although there are controversial data in the literature about performing it during CS. Our conclusion is that incidental masses detected at the time of CS should be extirpated in order to exclude malignancy and to avoid any additional surgical procedure following caesarean section because the extirpation itself does not change the outcome of the operation.Slučajan nalaz adneksalnih tumora tijekom trudnoće je rijetkost. Učestalost je manja od 5%, a većina ih spontano regredira kako trudnoća napreduje. Cilj našeg istraživanja bio je prikazati i analizirati pacijentice s adneksalnim tumorima u trudnoći, otkrivenim slučajno tijekom carskog reza, kao i histopatološke karakteristike uklonjenih tumora te rezultate usporediti s rezultatima sličnih istraživanja u literaturi. Pregledali smo medicinsku dokumentaciju pacijentica čija je trudnoća dovršena carskim rezom, a koje su imale prije trudnoće neprepoznate adneksalne tumore, koji su potom uklonjeni tijekom carkog reza. Ovo retrospektivno istraživanje obuhvatilo je razdoblje od 11 godina, od 2000.-2010. u Kliničkoj bolnici „Sv. Duh“ u Zagrebu. Broj poroda u navedenom razdoblju bio je 32 603, a 7 060 ih je dovršeno carskim rezom (21.65%). Pronađeno je 49 slučajeva adneksalnih tumora (49/7060, 0.69%), od kojih su 13 (26.5%) bili jednaki ili veći od 5 cm. Svi tumori pronađeni tijekom carskog reza bili su i uklonjeni. Patohistološke dijagnoze tumorskih masa prema redu učestalosti bile su: jednostavna serozna cista 27 (55.1%), mucinozni cistadenom 6 (12.2%), adultni teratom 5 (10.2%), fibrom 2 (4.08%), corpus luteum 2 (4.08%), endometriom 2 (4.08%), serozni cistadenofibrom 1 (2.04%), serozni cistadenom 1 (2.04%), luteom 1 (2.04%), nezreli teratom 1 (2.04%) i dermoid 1 (2.04%). Postupak ekstirpacije adneksalnog tumora tijekom carskog reza nije utjecao na ishod zahvata, a omogućio je isključivanje maligniteta tumorske tvorbe te je time izbjegnut mogući budući kirurški zahvat za pacijenticu iako su podaci o izvođenju takvog zahvata tijekom carskog reza u literaturi kontroverzni. Naš zaključak je da adneksalni tumori uočeni tijekom carskog reza trebaju biti i uklonjeni kako bi se isključio malignitet i izbjegao budući kirurški zahvat

    Empleo de un biosorbente para el tratamiento de agua

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    Se analizó la posibilidad de emplear un residuo agroindustrial, cáscaras de Castaña de Pará, con el fin de remover iones cadmio y níquel a partir de soluciones acuosas diluidas utilizadas como modelo de aguas contaminadas con bajas concentraciones de metales. Se estudió el efecto de la dosis de muestra sobre la capacidad de sorción del residuo, en condiciones de equilibrio preestablecidas. Este alcanzó una alta efectividad en la remoción de los iones metálicos (> 90%) para dosis mayores que 0.4 g/100 ml, superando la performance de un carbón activado comercial utilizado como referencia. Las isotermas de sorción de Cd (II) y Ni (II) se representaron satisfactoriamente mediante el modelo de Langmuir. Se encontró que el Cd (II) se remueve más eficientemente que el Ni (II). Además, se determinó que la sorción de Cd (II) se halla favorecida a altos valores de pH. Los resultados indican que las cáscaras constituyen un biosorbente viable para el tratamiento de aguas contaminadas.The feasibility of using an agricultural waste, shells from Castaña of Pará, to remove cadmium and nickel ions from dilute aqueous solutions, as model of water polluted with low concentrations of heavy metals, was examined. The effect of the sample’s dose on the sorption capability of the waste was studied under pre-established equilibrium conditions. A high effectiveness in metal ions removal was attained (> 90%) for doses larger than 0.4 g/100 ml. It was even superior to that determined for a commercial activated carbon used as a reference. The Langmuir model satisfactorily described sorption isotherms of Cd (II) and Ni (II) ions. Cd (II) was removed more efficiently than Ni (II). Furthermore, it was found that high pH values favored Cd (II) sorption. The results point to the shells as a viable biosorbent for the treatment of polluted water.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES