90 research outputs found

    Aquaculture of the clam (Tapes decussatus) on a closed system.

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    43rd European Marine Biology Symposium. Ponta Delgada, Açores, 8-12 de Setembro de 2008

    Skin-Integrated wearable systems and implantable biosensors: a comprehensive review

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    Biosensors devices have attracted the attention of many researchers across the world. They have the capability to solve a large number of analytical problems and challenges. They are future ubiquitous devices for disease diagnosis, monitoring, treatment and health management. This review presents an overview of the biosensors field, highlighting the current research and development of bio-integrated and implanted biosensors. These devices are micro- and nano-fabricated, according to numerous techniques that are adapted in order to offer a suitable mechanical match of the biosensor to the surrounding tissue, and therefore decrease the body’s biological response. For this, most of the skin-integrated and implanted biosensors use a polymer layer as a versatile and flexible structural support, combined with a functional/active material, to generate, transmit and process the obtained signal. A few challenging issues of implantable biosensor devices, as well as strategies to overcome them, are also discussed in this review, including biological response, power supply, and data communication.This research was funded by FCT- FUNDAÇÃO PARA A CIÊNCIA E TECNOLOGIA, grant numbers: PTDC/EMD-EMD/31590/2017 and PTDC/BTM-ORG/28168/2017

    Current nanotechnology advances in diagnostic biosensors

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    Current diagnostics present challenges that are imposed by increased life expectancy in the worldwide population. These challenges are related, not only to satisfy the need for higher performance of diagnostic tests, but also to the capacity of creating pointâ ofâ care, wearable, multiplexing and implantable diagnostic platforms that will allow early detection, continuous monitoring and treatment of health conditions in a personalized manner. These health challenges are translated into technological issues that need to be solved with multidisciplinary knowledge. Nanoscience and technology play a fundamental role in the development of miniaturized sensors that are cheap, accurate, sensitive and consume less power. At nanometre scale, these materials possess higher volumeâ toâ surface ratio and display novel properties (composition, charge, reactive sites, physical structure and potential) that are exploited for sensing purposes. These nanomaterials can therefore be integrated into diagnostic sensing platforms allowing the creation of novel technologies that tackle current health challenges. These nanomaterialâ enhanced sensors are extremely diverse, since they use numerous types of materials, nanostructures and detection modes for a multitude of biomarkers. The purpose of this review is to summarize the current stateâ ofâ theâ art of nanomaterialâ enhanced sensors, emphasizing and discussing the diagnostic challenges that are addressed by the different engineering and nanotechnology approaches. This review also aims to identify the drawbacks of nanomaterialâ enhanced sensors, as well as point out future developmental directions.This research was funded by FCT- FUNDAÇÃO PARA A CIÊNCIA E TECNOLOGIA, grant numbers: PTDC/EMD-EMD/31590/2017 and PTDC/BTM-ORG/28168/2017

    Water reuse in Brazilian rice farming: Application of semiquantitative microbiological risk assessment

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    Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watcyc.2022.04.003.The current paper presented the Semiquantitative model for microbiological risk assessment for human health, in rice crop production in Brazil. For this purpose, initially, Microbiological Risk Assessment (SqMRA) was divided into four stages: 1) Identification of hazards; 2) Identification of exposure routes for different receptors; 3) Exposure scenarization; 4) Risk characterization. After that, the SqMRA was applied to rice farming in two scenarios, in which the first considers the effluent to be disinfected (Hazard 7), and the second considers the reality of sewage treatment conditions in Brazil (Hazard 9). Thus, it was observed that the reuse of water reuse can be applied in rice farming, with an acceptable global risk, to the receptors involved (farmer, consumer, and neighborhood). Although, it is necessary the relevance of disinfection to minimize the risk in any water reuse application is highlighted.- (undefined

    Why Have a Pet Amphibian? Insights From YouTube

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    The desire to own a pet amphibian is growing, and with it a growth in amphibian trade and in negative impacts on native populations, including disease transmission and invasive amphibian populations. We know very little about how or why people choose amphibians as pets, but amphibian owners share large numbers of videos on freely accessible platforms, such as YouTube. We aimed to use videos of captive amphibians to determine which species are kept, their life-history stage and the types of videos uploaded. We watched and categorized 1,162 videos by video type, type of amphibian behavior and amphibian taxonomy (superfamily, family, and species). We used data on the amphibian trade from the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), on conservation status from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) red list, and on potential environmental impact from published Environmental Impact Classification of Alien Taxa (EICAT) records, to determine potential conflicts of owning pet amphibians. We recorded 173 captive species in 847 videos with a taxonomic overrepresentation of salamandroids and pipoids, and an underrepresentation of ranoids and plethodontoids. When compared to videos of wild amphibian species, videos of captive animals featured disproportionate amounts of adults feeding, being handled and moving. The videos watched had a smaller proportion of threatened amphibian species, but a higher proportion of invasive species, than would be expected by chance, with the proportion present in CITES appendices (18%) being non-significant. We suggest that such data can be used to profile potential pets for trade and attempt to avoid conflicts with threatened and highly impacting alien species

    3D biosensors in advanced medical diagnostics of high mortality diseases

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    Cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and diabetes are high mortality diseases, which account for almost two thirds of all deaths worldwide. Their early detection and continuous evaluation is fundamental for an improved patient prognosis and reduced socioeconomic impact. Current biosensor technologies are typically based on the analysis of whole blood samples from patients for the detection of disease-specific biomarkers. However, these technologies display serious shortcomings, such as reduced sensitivity and dynamic range, limited in vivo applicability, and lack of continuous monitoring. There is the urgent need for new diagnostic and treatment follow-up tools, which allow for the early detection of the pathology as well as for the continuous monitoring of the physiological response to specific therapies. During the last years, a new generation of biosensor technologies with improved performance has emerged in the biomedical sector. The combination of advanced biomaterial methods, biochemical tools, and micro/nanotechnology approaches has resulted in the development of innovative three-dimensional (3D) biosensor platforms for advanced medical diagnosis. In this review, we report the most recent advances in the field of 3D biosensors for clinical applications, focusing on the diagnosis and monitoring of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and diabetes. We discuss about their clinical performance compared to standard biosensor technologies, their implantable capability, and their integration into microfluidic devices to develop clinically-relevant models. Overall, we anticipate that 3D biosensors will drive us toward a new paradigm in medical diagnosis, resulting in real-time in vivo biosensors capable to significantly improve patient prognosis.V.M.C., S.C.K, and D.C. acknowledge thefinancial support from theEuropean Union Framework Programme for Research and InnovationHorizon 2020 on Forefront Research in 3D Disease Cancer Models asinvitroScreening Technologies (FoReCaST) under Grant agreement no.668983. V.M.C also thanks the Portuguese Foundation for Science andTechnology (FCT) for his distinction attributed under the FCTInvestigator program (IF/01214/2014). D.C. and S.C.K also acknowl-edge the support from the FCT under the scope of the project ModellingCancer Metastasis into the Human Microcirculation System using aMulti-organ-on-a-Chip Approach (2MATCH) (PTDC/BTM-ORG/28070/2017) funded by the Programa Operacional Regional do Norte sup-ported by Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER). A.I.B.acknowledges thefinancial support of project FROnTHERA (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000023

    Chitosan micro-membranes with integrated gold nanoparticles as an LSPR-based sensing platform

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    Currently, there is an increasing need to develop highly sensitive plasmonic sensors able to provide good biocompatibility, flexibility, and optical stability to detect low levels of analytes in biological media. In this study, gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) were dispersed into chitosan membranes by spin coating. It has been demonstrated that these membranes are particularly stable and can be successfully employed as versatile plasmonic platforms for molecular sensing. The optical response of the chitosan/Au NPs interfaces and their capability to sense the medium’s refractive index (RI) changes, either in a liquid or gas media, were investigated by high-resolution localized surface plasmon resonance (HR-LSPR) spectroscopy, as a proof of concept for biosensing applications. The results revealed that the lowest polymer concentration (chitosan (0.5%)/Au-NPs membrane) presented the most suitable plasmonic response. An LSPR band redshift was observed as the RI of the surrounding media was incremented, resulting in a sensitivity value of 28 ± 1 nm/RIU. Furthermore, the plasmonic membrane showed an outstanding performance when tested in gaseous atmospheres, being capable of distinguishing inert gases with only a 10−5 RI unit difference. The potential of chitosan/Au-NPs membranes was confirmed for application in LSPR-based sensing applications, despite the fact that further materials optimization should be performed to enhance sensitivity.This research was sponsored by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) in the framework of the Strategic Funding UIDB/04650/2020, by the project CO2Plasmon with reference EXPL/CTM-REF/0750/2021 and by the project with reference PTDC/CTM-CTM/2846/2020. Diana I. Meira acknowledges her Ph.D. Scholarship from FCT, with reference SFRH/BD/143262/2019. Manuela Proença acknowledges her Ph.D. Scholarship from FCT, with reference SFRH/BD/137076/2018

    Population genomics of Bombus terrestris reveals high but unstructured genetic diversity in a potential glacial refugium

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    Ongoing climate change is expected to cause an increase in temperature and a reduction of precipitation levels in the Mediterranean region, which might cause changes in many species distributions. These effects negatively influence species gene pools, decreasing genetic variability and adaptive potential. Here, we use mitochondrial DNA and RADseq to analyse population genetic structure and genetic diversity of the bumblebee species Bombus terrestris (subspecies Bombus terrestris lusitanicus), in the Iberian Peninsula. Although this subspecies shows a panmictic pattern of population structure across Iberia and beyond, we found differentiation between subspecies B. t. lusitanicus and B. t. africanus, probably caused by the existence of barriers to gene flow between Iberia and North Africa. Furthermore, the results revealed that the Iberian Peninsula harbours a large fraction of B. terrestris intraspecific genetic variation, with the highest number of mitochondrial haplotypes found when compared with any other region in Europe studied so far, suggesting a potential role for the Iberian Peninsula as a glacial refugium. Our findings strengthen the idea that Iberia is a very important source of diversity for the global genetic pool of this species, because rare alleles might play a role in population resilience against human- or climate-mediated changes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Gender norms in Portuguese college sudents' judgments in familial homicides: bad men and mad women

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    The gender of the offender has been proved to be an important factor in judicial sentencing. In this study, we analyze the judgments of College students regarding perpetrators of familial homicides to evaluate the presence of these gender norms and biases in the larger society. The sample included 303 college students (54.8% female) enrolled in several social sciences and engineering courses. Participants were asked to read 12 vignettes based on real crimes taken from Portuguese newspapers. Half were related to infanticide, and half were related to intimate partner homicide. The sex of the offender was orthogonally manipulated to the type of crime. The results show that gender had an important impact on sentences, with males being more harshly penalized by reasons of perversity and women less penalized by reason of mental disorders. In addition, filicide was more heavily penalized than was intimate partner homicide. The results also revealed a tendency toward a retributive conception of punishment. We discuss how gender norms in justice seem to be embedded in society as well as the need for intervention against the punitive tendency of this population