201 research outputs found

    Tourism, gentrification and neighbourhood change: an analytical framework

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    In the twenty-first century, tourism has grown in cities in an unprecedented way and, importantly, takes place in residential areas that were not planned to be tourist spaces. The sharing of space between residents and tourists is a source of conflict that revolves around competition for resources, facilities and the rights of access to these, resulting in an increased community opposition to urban tourism at an international scale. To understand this opposition, an exploration of the effects that tourism has on cities is needed. This is the principal aim of this chapter. Based both on the discussion of the international literature in the field and on empirical research conducted in the cities of Barcelona, Lisbon and Seville, this chapter provides a framework towards understanding the socio-spatial impacts of urban tourism. We suggest that tourism has an impact on both housing market dynamics and neighbourhood life. First, in these three cities we will show how tourism undermines the right to housing for numerous reasons. Second, the fact that residential neighbourhoods become spaces of entertainment and consumption for visitors leads to a daily pressure that dramatically undermines the quality of life of residents. We suggest that it is the combination of the impacts on both housing and neighbourhoods which makes tourism an increased topic of contention. Based on our framework, in the conclusion we discuss whether the impacts of tourism should be considered a form of gentrification.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    El legado patrimonial de La Alcudia a través de 25 objetos

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    Descripción y análisis de 22 piezas emblemáticas del yacimiento de La Alcudia

    Effects of dietary barley on rainbow trout exposed to an acute stress challenge

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    Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modifications of the content of this paper are prohibited.[EN] The present study evaluates the effect of dietary barley, based on its potential stress-relieving properties, on rainbow trout under acute stress challenge (hypoxia and crowding) and their recovery. Diets were formulated containing increasing barley concentrations (0, 4, 8, 16, 32%). Cortisol on plasma and fin, glucose and lactate plasma levels and malondialdehyde (MDA) in muscle were determined under normoxia before the stress test (basal levels), 30 min after the acute stress challenge and also during normoxia recovery (6 and 12 h after the stress). Results showed that at basal levels the inclusion of barley had no influence on cortisol, glucose nor on lactate values. After 30 min from the stress challenge, there was a significant increase in cortisol, glucose and lactate concentration in fish of all groups. Plasma cortisol showed the lowest levels in fish fed with diets at a medium (8%) of barley concentration and returned to basal levels 6 h after the stress stimulus with no differences between diets. Glucose values showed a less clear tendency 30 min after the stress challenge with lower levels in the control group, fish fed with 8% and 32% of barley in the diets and returned to basal levels in almost all the groups only 12 h after the stress challenge. Lactate showed the same trend as with glucose after the stress challenge but it returned to basal levels in 6 h. Interestingly, there was a significant decrease of lipid oxidation (MDA) in muscle soon after the stress test of fish fed with the highest barley levels. The present results suggest a potential positive effect of dietary barley on trout stress response.This work has been co-funded with FEDER and INIA funds. Julia Pinedo has been granted with the FPI-INIA grant number 21 (call 2012, BOE-2012-13337).Pinedo-Gil, J.; Martín-Diana, AB.; Bertotto, D.; Sanz-Calvo, M.; Jover Cerda, M.; Tomas-Vidal, A. (2019). Effects of dietary barley on rainbow trout exposed to an acute stress challenge. Aquaculture. 501:32-38. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2018.10.070S323850

    Effects of dietary inclusions of red beet and betaine on the acute stress response and muscle lipid peroxidation in rainbow trout

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    [EN] This study evaluates the effects of red beet (RB) and betaine on rainbow trout submitted to an acute stress challenge. A control diet was compared with four experimental diets in which red beet (14 and 28%) and betaine (0.9 and 1.63%) were incorporated in different concentrations according to a factorial design. Cortisol in plasma and fin, glucose and lactate plasma levels, and malondialdehide (MDA) in muscle were all measured before the stress challenge and 30 min and 6 and 12 h after the stress challenge as parameters to determine the diet effects. RB and betaine had no effect on cortisol, glucose, and MDA basal levels. However, lactate basal levels were significantly lower on fish fed with RB and betaine. Thirty minutes after the stress challenge, there was a significant increase in plasma and fin cortisol, glucose and lactate concentrations, although fish fed with diets containing RB and betaine showed significantly higher plasma cortisol values. MDA values of fish fed with 14% RB and 0.9% betaine were significantly higher than MDA values from fish fed with 28% RB and 1.63% betaine. After 6 and 12 h, plasma and fin cortisol and lactate levels recovered in a similar trend. Glucose plasma levels recovered in almost all groups 12 h after the stress. Also, MDA values recovered basal levels after 6 and 12 h. RB and betaine did not enhance the tolerance to the stress challenge compared to the control group, although the presence of these ingredients had no negative effect on any of the stress indicators.Pinedo-Gil, J.; Martín-Diana, AB.; Bertotto, D.; Sanz-Calvo, MÁ.; Jover Cerda, M.; Tomas-Vidal, A. (2018). Effects of dietary inclusions of red beet and betaine on the acute stress response and muscle lipid peroxidation in rainbow trout. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. 44(3):939-948. doi:10.1007/s10695-018-0483-3S939948443Aluru N, Vijayan MM (2006) Aryl hydrocarbon receptor activation impairs cortisol response to stress in rainbow trout by disrupting the rate limiting steps in steroidogenesis. Endocrinology 147:1895–1903Ashley PJ (2007) Fish welfare: current issues in aquaculture. Appl Anim Behav Sci 104:199–235Barton BA, Iwama GK (1991) Physiological changes in fish from stress in aquaculture with emphasis on the response and effects of corticosteroids. Annu Rev Fish Dis 1:3–26Bertotto D, Poltronieri C, Negrato E, Majolini D, Radaelli G, Simontacchi C (2010) Alternative matrices for cortisol measurement in fish. Aquac Res 41:1261–1267Bertotto D, Poltronieri C, Negrato E, Richard J, Pascoli F, Simontacchi C, Radaelli G (2011) Whole body cortisol and expression of HSP70, IGF-I and MSTN in early development of sea bass subjected to heat shok. Gen Comp Endocrinol 174:44–50Chagas EC, Val AL (2006) Ascorbic acid reduces the effects of hypoxia on the Amazon fish tambaqui. J Fish Biol 69:608–612Cui XJ, Zhou QC, Liang HO, Yang J, Zhao LM (2010) Effects of dietary carbohydrate sources on the growth performance and hepatic carbohydrate metabolic enzyme activities of juvenile cobia (Rachycentron canadum Linnaeus.) Aquac Res 42:99–107Dabrowski K, Lee KJ, Guz L, Verlhac V, Gabaudan J (2004) Effects of dietary ascorbic acid on oxygen stress (hypoxia or hyperoxia), growth and tissue vitamin concentration in juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquaculture 233:383–392Enes P, Panserat S, Kaushik S, Oliva-Teles A (2006) Rapid metabolic adaptation of European sea beass (Dicentrarchus labrax) juveniles fed different carbohydrate sources after heat shock stress. Comp Biochem Physiol A 145:73–81Fast MD, Hosoya S, Johnson SC, Alfonso LOB (2008) Cortisol response and immune-related effects of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar Linnaeus) subjected to short- and long-term stress. Fish Shellfish Immunol 24:194–204Francis G, Makkar HPS, Becker K (2001) Antinutritional factors present in plant-derived alternate fish feed ingredients and their effects in fish. Aquaculture 199:197–227Ganessan B, Anandan R, Lakshmanan PT (2011) Studies on the protective effects of betaine against oxidative damage during experimentally induced restraint stress in Wistar albino rats. Cell Stress Chaperones 16:641–652Gesto M, López-Patiño MA, Hernández J, Soengas JL, Míguez JM (2013) The response of brain serotonergic and dopaminergic systems to an acute stressor in rainbow trout: a time course study. J Exp Biol 216:4435–4442Gesto M, López-Patiño MA, Hernández J, Soengas JL, Míguez JM (2015) Gradation of the stress response in rainbow trout exposed to stressors of different severity: the role of brain serotonergic and dopaminergic systems. J Neuroendocrinol 27:131–141Hemre GI, Mommsen TP, Krogdahl Å (2002) Carbohydrates in fish nutrition: effects on growth, glucose metabolism and heptic enzymes. Aquac Nutr 8:175–194Ings JS, Vijayan MM, Servos MR (2012) Tissue-specific metabolic changes in response to an acute handling disturbance in juvenile rainbow trout exposed to municipal wastewater effluent. Aquat Toxicol 108:53–59Janssens PA, Waterman J (1988) Hormonal regulation of gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis in carp (Cyprinus carpio) liver pieces cultured in vitro. Comp Biochem Physiol 91A:451–457Jeney G, Galeotti M, Volpatti D, Anderson DP (1997) Prevention of stress in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fed diets containing different doses of glucan. Aquaculture 154:1–15Kaplan LA, Pesce AJ (1984) Clinical chemistry: theory, analysis and correlation. Mosby, St. Louis, pp 1032–1036Krogdahl Å, Sundby A, Olli JJ (2004) Atlantic salmon (Salmon salar) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) digest and metabolize nutrients differently. Effects of water salinity and dietary starch levels. Aquaculture 229:335–360Kujala TS, Vienola MS, Klika KD, Loponen JM, Pihlaja K (2002) Betalain and phenolic composition of four beetroot (Beta vulgaris) cultivars. Eur Food Res Technol 214:505–510Kumar N, Jadhao SB, Chandan NK, Kumar K, Jha AK, Bhushan S, Kumar S, Rana RS (2012) Dietary choline, betaine and lecithin mitigate endosulfan-induced stress in Labeo rohita fingerlings. Fish Physiol Biochem 38:989–1000Leveelahti L, Rytkönen KT, Renshaw GMC, Nikinmaa M (2014) Revisiting redox-active antioxidant defences in response to hypoxic challenge in both hypoxia-tolerant and hypoxia-sensitive fish species. 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Rev Fish Biol Fish 9:211–268Montero D, Tort L, Robaina L, Vergara JM, Izquierdo MS (2001) Low vitamin E in diet reduces stress resistance of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurta) juveniles. Fish Shellfish Immunol 11:473–490Ortuño J, Esteban MA, Meseguer J (2003) Effect of dietary intake of vitamins C and E on the stress response of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.) Fish Shellfish Immunol 14:145–156Øverli Ø, Sørensen C, Kiessling A, Pottinger TG, Gjøen HM (2006) Selection for improved stress tolerance in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) leads to reduced feed waste. Aquaculture 261:776–781Pérez-Jiménez A, Peres H, Rubio VC, Oliva-Teles A (2012) The effect of hypoxia on intermediary metabolism and oxidative status in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) fed on diets supplemented with methionine and white tea. Comp Biochem Physiol C 155:506–516Pichavant K, Maxime V, Thébault MT, Ollivier H, Garnier JP, Bousquet B, Diouris M, Boeuf G, Nonnotte G (2002) Effects of hypoxia and subsequent recovery on turbot (Scophthalmus maximus): hormonal changes and anaerobic metabolism. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 225:275–285Pinedo-Gil J, Tomás-Vidal A, Larrán-García AM, Tomás-Almenar C, Jover-Cerdá M, Sanz-Calvo MA, Martín-Diana AB (2017a) Enhancement of quality of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) flesh incorporating barley on diet without negative effect on rearing parameters. Aquacult Int 25:1005–1023. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10499-016-0091-0Pinedo-Gil J, Tomás-Vidal A, Jover-Cerdá M, Tomás-Almenar C, Sanz-Calvo MA, Martín-Diana AB (2017b) Red beet and betaine as ingredients in diets of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): effects on growth performance, nutrient retention and flesh quality. 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    Adaptaciones curriculares de centro: una respuesta educativa a la diversidad en una escuela ordinaria

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    Curriculum adaptations in the school can be considered as the first step into providing and educative response in an integrative school. In this article, we give an account of how these adaptations were carried out ín a Primmy School in Murcia.Las adaptaciones culturales de centro constituyen el primer paso de la respuesta educativa en una escuela integradora. En este artículo presentamos el proceso de elaboración de estas adaptaciones en un centro de Educación Primaria de la Región de Murcia

    Red beet and betaine as ingredients in diets of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): effects on growth performance, nutrient retention and flesh quality

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    [EN] The objective of the study was to evaluate the impact of different concentrations of dietary red beet and betaine on the growth performance and fish flesh quality of rainbow trout. Therefore, a control diet was compared with four diets in which two levels of red beet (14% and 28%) and betaine (0.9% and 1.63%) were incorporated in combination. The study was set up with an average body weight of 69 ± 2.2 g and finished when fish reached commercial weight (175¿250 g) after 105 d. The impact of the diets was studied based on the growth performance, biometric indexes, proximal composition, protein and fat retention efficiencies and apparent nutrient digestibility by fish reared on a recirculation system. Further estimates were the effect of red beet and betaine on the flesh proximate composition and quality of the final product (water activity, colour, texture, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances and sensory characteristics). Results showed that inclusion of 14% red beet and 0.9% betaine did not affect growth, nutritive or biometric parameters and nutrient retention when compared with the control diet. However, higher levels of red beet and betaine had negative effects on growth and nutritive parameters. The tested ingredients enhanced quality parameters regardless of the concentration used. After feeding the red beet and betaine, fish flesh showed lower water activity and better textural and colour properties than the control and also a dose-dependent effect on lipid oxidation was observed.This work has been co-funded with FEDER and INIA funds. Julia Pinedo has been granted with the FPI-INIA grant number 21 [call 2012, BOE-2012-13337].Pinedo-Gil, J.; Tomas-Vidal, A.; Jover Cerda, M.; Tomás-Almenar, C.; Sanz-Calvo, MÁ.; Martín-Diana, AB. (2017). Red beet and betaine as ingredients in diets of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): effects on growth performance, nutrient retention and flesh quality. Archives of Animal Nutrition. 71(6):486-505. doi:10.1080/1745039X.2017.1391503S48650571

    Who were the rural servants in Mediterranean regions? Contracts, wages and mobility of servants in the island of Mallorca, 1654-1680

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    Este estudio quiere contribuir al análisis regional del papel de los criados rurales en el surgimiento de los mercados de trabajo agrarios en la isla de Mallorca en el siglo XVII. El objetivo del artículo es caracterizar los criados rurales del sector olivarero en la isla de Mallorca para mediados del siglo XVII. Las principales fuentes serán los libros de cuentas de los predios del segundo Conde de Formiguera, Ramon Burgués-Saforteza, pues no se disponen de otras fuentes generales o locales de carácter socio-ocupacional. A partir de la sistematización de esa información el estudio sugiere que los mozos en los predios analizados eran trabajadores adultos y mayoritariamente eran contratados por breves períodos de tiempo, lo cual demostraría que tenían unos perfiles sociales y demográficos distintos al de los criados de las regiones europeas del norte donde dominaban los criados rurales jóvenes y solteros con contratos de larga duración.The present work wants to contribute to the regional analysis of the role of male rural servants in the emergence of the agrarian labour markets based on the case study of the island of Mallorca in the 17th century. The aim of this article is to characterize the male rural servants of the olive sector in the island of Mallorca mid-17th century, where the wage-labour market had developed more extensively and deeply. The main sources will be the account books of the estates of the second Count of Formiguera, Ramon Burgués-Saforteza, since no other general o local sources of social and occupational nature are available. The systematization of this information shows that the male rural servants were adult workers and mostly hired for brief periods of time. So a different social and demographic profile emerges for the Majorcan farm servants in contrast to the one observed in the northern European regions where servants were unmarried young males and were hired for longer periods.Dossier: El trabajo doméstico y sirviente en la Europa rural (SS. XVI-XIX). Diversidad de modelos regionales y formas de dependencia.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Who were the rural servants in Mediterranean regions? Contracts, wages and mobility of servants in the island of Mallorca, 1654-1680

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    Este estudio quiere contribuir al análisis regional del papel de los criados rurales en el surgimiento de los mercados de trabajo agrarios en la isla de Mallorca en el siglo XVII. El objetivo del artículo es caracterizar los criados rurales del sector olivarero en la isla de Mallorca para mediados del siglo XVII. Las principales fuentes serán los libros de cuentas de los predios del segundo Conde de Formiguera, Ramon Burgués-Saforteza, pues no se disponen de otras fuentes generales o locales de carácter socio-ocupacional. A partir de la sistematización de esa información el estudio sugiere que los mozos en los predios analizados eran trabajadores adultos y mayoritariamente eran contratados por breves períodos de tiempo, lo cual demostraría que tenían unos perfiles sociales y demográficos distintos al de los criados de las regiones europeas del norte donde dominaban los criados rurales jóvenes y solteros con contratos de larga duración.The present work wants to contribute to the regional analysis of the role of male rural servants in the emergence of the agrarian labour markets based on the case study of the island of Mallorca in the 17th century. The aim of this article is to characterize the male rural servants of the olive sector in the island of Mallorca mid-17th century, where the wage-labour market had developed more extensively and deeply. The main sources will be the account books of the estates of the second Count of Formiguera, Ramon Burgués-Saforteza, since no other general o local sources of social and occupational nature are available. The systematization of this information shows that the male rural servants were adult workers and mostly hired for brief periods of time. So a different social and demographic profile emerges for the Majorcan farm servants in contrast to the one observed in the northern European regions where servants were unmarried young males and were hired for longer periods.Dossier: El trabajo doméstico y sirviente en la Europa rural (SS. XVI-XIX). Diversidad de modelos regionales y formas de dependencia.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Citizenship against the Pelli-Cajasol skyscraper in Seville

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    Esta comunicación narra la historia de una derrota de la sociedad civil preocupada por su patrimonio cultural y sus paisajes históricos urbanos. Se trata de la trayectoria de la Plataforma Ciudadana ¡Túmbala! y del Manifiesto contra la Torre Pelli-Cajasol, organizaciones de asociaciones, colectivos, personas y profesionales de diferente perfil y procedencia que desde principios del año 2009 se oponen al rascacielos de 178 metros de altura que promueve Cajasol, ahora Caixabank, en el extremo sur de la Isla de la Cartuja de Sevilla, en la denominada Puerta Triana de acceso a la Exposición Universal de 1992. El edificio, en su fase final y a punto de inaugurarse, ha roto definitivamente el perfil histórico de Sevilla, imponiendo su presencia de forma hegemónica sobre la ciudad. El camino recorrido supone la lucha de la ciudadanía por participar de las decisiones que le afectan de forma directa, como pueden ser aquellas relativas a qué es y cómo se protege su patrimonio histórico y al simbolismo que contienen determinados espacios y paisajes urbanos, ya que conforman una parte del derecho a la ciudad de todos sus habitantes. Tal lucha, infructuosa habida cuenta del resultado, se detalla a lo largo del texto, que a su vez ilustra la brecha abierta entre las instituciones públicas en todas sus escalas y la sociedad civil, así como la dominación efectiva ejercida por el poder económico y financiero de la banca.This work tells the story of a defeat by the civil society that tries to protect its cultural heritage and its historic urban landscapes. It is about the trajectory of the Citizen Platform ¡Túmbala! (Knock it down!) and the Manifesto against the Pelli-Cajasol tower, which encompasses associations, social collectivities, people and professionals This work tells the story of a defeat by the civil society that tries to protect its cultural heritage and its historic urban landscapes. It is about the trajectory of the Citizen Platform ¡Túmbala! (Knock it down!) and the Manifesto against the Pelli-Cajasol tower, which encompasses associations, social collectivities, people and professionals.Depto. de Prehistoria, Historia Antigua y ArqueologíaFac. de Geografía e HistoriaTRUEMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO)pu