691 research outputs found

    La violencia económica de género en la literatura española : el caso de Emilia Pardo Bazán y Benito Pérez Galdós, notas para un estado de la cuestión

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es llevar a cabo un acercamiento al estado de la cuestión de una investigación en curso, que pretende rastrear las raíces de un fenómeno actual, la violencia económica de género (esto es, la desigualdad de género basada en la dependencia o emancipación económica), a través de su reflejo en la literatura, entendida como herramienta válida de análisis de la sociedad a partir de los presupuestos del nuevo historicismo. Para ello hemos seleccionado una corriente literaria concreta, el realismo del siglo XIX español (motivado por un deseo expreso de retratar la realidad), y un caso particular, el de dos autores contemporáneos entre sí: Benito Pérez Galdós y Emilia Pardo Bazán. De esta manera, a través de la comparación entre las obras escritas por un hombre y las escritas por una mujer, se pretende detectar las diferencias y similitudes que pueda haber en su tratamiento de la Cuestión Femenina

    La consolidación de los roles de género a través de los cuentos infantiles

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    En este trabajo se analiza la presencia en los cuentos infantiles de roles de género diferenciados, cuya transmisión supone la consolidación de los estereotipos de la desigualdad, de manera oculta y sólida en tanto que el público potencial de este tipo de discurso se halla indefenso ante el contenido ideológico del mismo. Tras una introducción a la cuestión de partida, se analiza la presencia de dichos tópicos y la diferente caracterización que se hace en los cuentos populares de los personajes protagonistas femeninos frente a los masculinos; posteriormente, se abordan los tópicos más frecuentes, para contemplar, finalmente, la importancia de este fenómeno, en tanto que la transmisión ideológica en los cuentos de hadas se lleva a cabo a través del símbolo

    Identifying Critical Junctures in Macroeconomic Policy - The Cases of Mexico and Sweden in the Early 1980s

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    Abstract: This paper utilizes a new critical junctures framework to help understand the nature of the changes in macroeconomic policy. The framework consists of three elements which must be identified in sequence to be able to declare, with some certainty, if an event was a critical juncture. These are crisis, ideational change, and radical policy change. Utilizing the critical juncture framework, we will determine whether changes to Mexican and Swedish macroeconomic policy in the early 1980s constituted clean breaks with the past, or were continuations of previously established policy pathways, and why that was

    Optimal Control of Vertically Transmitted Disease: An Integrated Approach

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    Objective: To study the relationship between tubal pathology as a cause of primary infertility in the Trujillo Women 's Clinic during 2010-2016. Material and method: A nested cohort study was performed consisting of 40 patients with primary infertility and 40 patients with infertility high school. All patients underwent hysterosalpingography to demonstrate the presence of tubal obstruction or hydrosalpinx. Results: A total of 25% of the patients studied had tubal disease being: 30% of women with primary infertility and 70% with secondary infertility, with a value of p <0.05. Conclusion: We conclude that tubal pathology is a risk factor for primary infertility.TesisObjetivo: Estudiar la relación entre la patología tubárica como causa de infertilidad primaria en la Clínica de la Mujer de Trujillo durante 2010 – 2016. Material y método: Se realizó un estudio de cohorte anidada conformada por 40 pacientes con infertilidad primaria y 40 pacientes con infertilidad secundaria. A todas las pacientes se les realizó histerosalpingografía para evidenciar la presencia de obstrucción tubárica o hidrosalpinx. Resultados: Del total de pacientes estudiadas el 25% presenta patología tubárica siendo: el 30% mujeres con infertilidad primaria y el 70% mujeres con infertilidad secundaria, teniendo un valor de p <0.05. Conclusión: Se concluye que la patología tubárica es un factor de riesgo para infertilidad primaria

    The level of an intracellular antioxidant during development determines the adult phenotype in a bird species: a potential organizer role for glutathione

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    Life-history traits are often involved in trade-offs whose outcome would depend on the availability of resources but also on the state of specific molecular signals. Early conditions can influence trade-offs and program the phenotype throughout the lifetime, with oxidative stress likely involved in many taxa. Here we address the potential regulatory role of a single intracellular antioxidant in lifehistory trade-offs. Blood glutathione levels were reduced in a large sample of birds (zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata) during development using the synthesis inhibitor buthionine sulfoximine (BSO). Results revealed several modifications in the adult phenotype. BSO-treated nestlings showed lower glutathione and plasma antioxidant levels. In adulthood, BSO birds endured greater oxidative damage in erythrocytes but stronger expression of a sexual signal. Moreover, adult BSO females also showed weaker resistance to oxidative stress but were heavier and showed better body condition. Results suggest that low glutathione values during growth favor the investment in traits that should improve fitness returns, probably in the form of early reproduction. Higher oxidative stress in adulthood may be endured if this cost is paid later in life. Either the presence of specific signaling mechanisms or the indirect effect of increased oxidative stress can explain our findings.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad [MINECO], Spain). Financial support was obtained from the projects CGL-2009-10883-C02-02 and CGL2012-40229-C02-01 (MINECO).Peer Reviewe

    Covariation in oxidative stress markers in the blood of nestling and adult birds

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    Interest in the imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen species and the state of the antioxidant machinery—that is, oxidative stress—has recently grown among comparative physiologists and evolutionary/behavioral ecologists. The number and types of markers used to estimate oxidative stress is, however, under debate. The study of covariation among these markers is necessary to better interpret the information content of each independent variable. Here, the covariation in levels of 10 blood parameters in a group of zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) as nestlings and adults was analyzed across a large data set. Total glutathione levels in erythrocytes were negatively correlated with plasma carotenoid values in nestlings only, supporting the implication of carotenoids in the antioxidant machinery during a particularly stressful period of life. Plasma lipid levels (triglycerides [TRGs]) as well as plasma antioxidant capacity—the latter tested with and without control for uric acid levels—showed individual consistency with age. Plasma TRG and uric acid levels were strongly correlated with plasma lipid peroxidation and antioxidant capacity, respectively, suggesting an influence of recent intake or mobilization of energy stores on these variables. The meaning of oxidative stress markers, whether corrected or uncorrected for levels of nutritional metabolites, remains to be explored. Experiments manipulating diet composition and oxidative stress are necessary to confirm or reject the hypothesized causalities.A.A.R.-H. was funded by a Formación de Personal de Investigación grant (BES-2010-035013; Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad [MINECO], Spanish government). Financial support was obtained from the projects CGL-2009-10883-C02-02 and CGL2012-40229-C02-01 (MINECO).Peer Reviewe

    SPADE - Smartphone Platform for Acquisition of Data Experiment

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    SPADE es un experimento llevado a cabo por un equipo multidisciplinar de estudiantes de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Sevilla que ha sido seleccionado por el programa REXUS/BEXUS en la campaña BEXUS 20/21. El experimento SPADE (Smartphone Platform for Acquisition of Data Experiment) pretende diseñar y construir una plataforma inalámbrica de adquisición de datos basada en hardware comercial. Dicha plataforma consiste en una red de sensores inalámbricos y una unidad de medición basada en smartphones, la cual irá embarcada en un globo estratosférico (BEXUS 21) que ascenderá hasta unos 30 kilómetros de altura. El objetivo del experimento es analizar el rendimiento de la plataforma en condiciones estratosféricas como primera aproximación para futuras plataformas de sensores inalámbricos embarcadas en misiones de exploración espacial. El resultado del experimento será de gran utilidad por extrapolación para la industria aeronáutica, comercial y militarUniversidad de Sevilla. Máster en Electrónica, Tratamiento de Señal y Comunicacione

    La gobernanza de los convenios de colaboración en España: La gestión participativa del turismo frente la jerarquización de la acción social

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    The governance of collaborative agreements among different levels of government is a new subject that has not been sufficiently studied by the literature. Aiming to contribute to a better knowledge of this management tool, this paper identifies two models of governance, analyzing tourism and accessibility policies in order to comprehend their dynamics. The analysis shows that the participative model allows the different governmental actors to take responsibilities in the management of the projects, being thus more effective for policies of tourism. The study also shows that the hierarchical model has a stronger presence of the central institutions, being more appropriate for focused policies such as accessibility for disable people. It is a compared study that draws interesting conclusions which might be useful for Latin American countries. La gobernanza de los convenios de colaboración entre diferentes niveles de gobierno es un tema de creciente interés que no ha recibido mucha atención por parte de la literatura. Con la intención de contribuir a un mejor conocimiento de este instrumento de gestión, este artículo identifica dos modelos de gobernanza, analizando las políticas de turismo y accesibilidad para personas con impedimentos físicos en España para entender sus dinámicas. Este análisis nos permite observar que la gobernanza participativa permite el involucramiento de todos los actores en la gestión de los proyectos, siendo por ello más efectiva para la gestión de proyectos de turismo. Por su parte, el análisis de la gobernanza jerárquica nos muestra una mayor incidencia de los actores del centro, encontrándose así en sectores estratégicos como la accesibilidad. Se trata, por tanto, de un estudio comparado que dibuja algunas conclusiones que pueden servir como referencia para otras experiencias en América Latina.

    Out-of-plane buckling of boundary regions in planar RC structural walls: an approach to prevent instability

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    Despite the slenderness that usually characterizes planar RC structural walls, these structural elements effectively resist significant in-plane earthquake demands. However, during the 2010 Chile and 2011 New Zealand earthquakes, some medium to high-rise buildings exhibited out-of-plane buckling instability, a failure mode that had only been observed in experiments. This failure mode was first studied in the 1980s; however, it was just after the recent earthquakes that several studies arose to improve design procedures to avoid future damage. Parameters as the height-to-thickness ratio, reinforcement content, material properties, and the hysteretic behavior of the longitudinal steel have been identified as critical for the onset of buckling instability. In this paper, the influence of the concrete cover was studied through a fiber-based element parametric analysis conducted on 120 RC prisms that simulate boundary elements of special RC walls. The prisms were subjected to incremental axial cyclic loading that mimics the effects of in-plane lateral displacements. As a result, a new approach is presented to limit tensile strains developed in the longitudinal reinforcement of boundary zones to prevent the onset of out-of-plane buckling instability

    Dynamic analysis of a pendulum-type wave energy converter for oceanic drifters by means of a 4 DoF model

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    Drifters are Lagrangian instrumentation widely used in oceanography and climate research. They are designed to obtain data from oceans by passively following the water currents. They provide information about the ocean surface such as currents or water temperature. One of the main challenges faced at drifter’s design is their autonomy [1]. The battery exchange is not possible because of the excessively high cost, both from the economic and the environmental point of view. Therefore, some studies tried to deal with this issue by embedding a wave energy converter (WEC) on the drifter: the waves motion is used to generate power through an inner mechanism, so no battery exchange is needed.Peer Reviewe