179 research outputs found

    Aproximación al impacto sobre el reclutamiento del atún rojo (Thunnus thynnus) de las capturas de cerco en Baleares con el actual periodo de veda.

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    4 páginas, 1 figura.[EN]This study estimates the impact which the purse seine catch in the Balearic Islands has on bluefin tuna recruitment with the current closed period. The estimate is carried out using available information on: fecundity in female spawners, the ratio of females, time pattern of spawning in the Balearic Islands and potential larval survival. This information has been applied to the catch extracted in the Balearic Islands in 2010, from the Balfegó and Fuentes groups combined, to assess failed recruitment and to propose periods and practices that minimize the impact of the quota extracted.[ES]En este estudio se realiza una aproximación al impacto sobre el reclutamiento del atún rojo que produce la captura de cerco en Baleares con el actual periodo de veda. La aproximación se realiza utilizando la información existente en: fecundidad de hembras reproductoras, proporción de hembras, patrón temporal de reproducción en Baleares y supervivencia larvaria potencial. Esta información se ha aplicado sobre la captura extraída en Baleares en 2010, de los grupos Balfegó y Fuentes conjuntamente, para valorar el reclutamiento fracasado y proponer periodos y prácticas que minimicen el impacto de la cuota extraída.[FR]Ce document étudie l'incidence de la capture des senneurs dans les Baléares sur le recrutement du thon rouge compte tenu de la période de fermeture actuelle. Ce rapprochement est réalisé au moyen de l'information existante relative aux éléments suivants : fécondité des femelles reproductrices, proportion de femelles, schéma temporel de reproduction dans les Baléares et survie larvaire potentielle. Ces informations ont été appliquées à la capture réalisée dans les Baléares en 2010 par les groupes Balfegó et Fuentes conjointement afin d’estimer l’échec du recrutement et de proposer des périodes et des pratiques qui réduisent l’incidence de la ponction réalisée.Peer reviewe


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    Mitochondrial plasticity in response to changing abiotic factors in Antarctic fish and cephalopods

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    Antarctic species possess very low metabolic rates and poor capacities to change their physiological state, thus making them extremely vulnerable to changing environmental conditions. Mitochondria are a key element in shaping whole organism energy turnover and functional capacity. In my study, the effects of rising temperature and increased seawater PCO2 on the energy metabolism were compared between various nototheniids from sub-Antarctic and cold-temperate and Antarctic waters, and between cephalopods from the Antarctic and temperate latitudes. I determined extra- and intracellular blood carbonate parameters, enzymatic capacities and oxygen consumption at whole animal and mitochondrial level and mitochondrial lipid composition and proton leak as a measure for routine metabolic rate, in order to compare their abilities for metabolic compensation towards climate change. My results showed limited aerobic capacities of high-Antarctic fish mitochondria towards the warmth and higher CO2-levels. The mitochondrial responses of cephalopods to an acute temperature rise suggest that they possess similar mitochondrial flexibilities and capacities towards the warmth as fish. Nevertheless, generally more effective capacities for acid-base regulation and larger energy reserves (lipids) in fish compared to cephalopods will putatively make them win the competition for resources over longer time-scales, when seawater temperatures and PCO2 continue to rise

    Growth of Mediterranean young-of-the-year bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus (Scombridae): regional differences and hatching periods

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    This study analyses growth rates of bluefin tuna young-of-the-year in the Mediterranean. Potential differences in growth rates were examined between years (2013 and 2016) and regions (eastern, central and western Mediterranean). A total of 134 specimens were aged by analysing otolith microstructure. Fish sizes ranged between 14.7 and 57 cm fork length, and estimated ages varied between 45 and 192 days. The annual growth models explained more than 90% of growth variability. The observed differences in the growth rates between 2013 (3.2 mm d-1) and 2016 (2.7 mm d-1) were not significant, whereas the daily growth rate was significantly faster in the eastern region (4.01 mm d-1) than in the western (2.52 mm d-1) and central (2.75 mm d-1) regions. Larval hatching windows were consistent with the known spawning periods but lasted longer than previously reported in the central and eastern regions. In the central region the hatching period showed two peaks in mid-June and mid-July, consistent with previous studies pointing to two distinct spawning pulses. These pulses might be due to the existence of different bluefin tuna contingents spawning at different times, the Mediterranean residents and the Atlantic migrants, but further research is needed to support this hypothesis

    SEOM-GETNE clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of gastroenteropancreatic and bronchial neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs) (2022)

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    Diagnosis; Neuroendocrine; TherapyDiagnòstic; Neuroendocrí; TeràpiaDiagnóstico; Neuroendocrino; TerapiaNeuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs) are a heterogeneous family of tumors of challenging diagnosis and clinical management. Their incidence and prevalence continue to rise mainly due to an improvement on diagnostic techniques and awareness. Earlier detection, along with steadfast improvements in therapy, has led to better prognosis over time for advanced gastrointestinal and pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. The aim of this guideline is to update evidence-based recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of gastroenteropancreatic and lung NENs. Diagnostic procedures, histological classification, and therapeutic options, including surgery, liver-directed therapy, peptide receptor radionuclide therapy, and systemic hormonal, cytotoxic or targeted therapy, are reviewed and discussed, and treatment algorithms to guide therapeutic decisions are provided

    Abundance of Pelagia noctiluca early life stages in the western Mediterranean Sea scales with surface chlorophyll

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    Pelagia noctiluca is the most successful and well-studied jellyfish in the Mediterranean Sea. This species tolerates a wide range of water temperatures and succeeds in low to medium food regimes, but factors driving its distribution and population dynamics remain poorly understood. Here we applied a multiscale analytical approach using survey data and a physical-biochemical coupled model to assess how environmental factors affect the 3-dimensional distribution and seasonal abundance of P. noctiluca early life stages. The surveys took place after the spring bloom, when warm water favors fecundity and growth, but food shortage limits the reproductive investment and early survival. We found that most early life stages of P. noctiluca remained above the shallow thermocline and upper mixed layer where temperature is warm. Their spatial distribution was positively correlated with surface chlorophyll concentration, and over 90% of the variation in interannual abundance was explained by basin-scale productivity in June. Warmer water during winter and spring seasons coupled with protracted spring blooms increase the population of P. noctiluca, and this explains the trend of increasing outbreaks observed in the western Mediterranean Sea over the past decades.Postprin


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    This document describes the data used for Stock Synthesis assessment for the Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean bluefin tuna. The initial model configuration, fleet definitions, selectivity modeling and main parameterization are also outlined. The model runs from 1950 to 2020 and is fit to length composition data and pair age-length data treated as conditional age-at-length.En prens

    Sunitinib and Evofosfamide (TH-302) in Systemic Treatment-Naïve Patients with Grade 1/2 Metastatic Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors: The GETNE-1408 Trial

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    [Background] Sunitinib (SUN)-induced hypoxia within the tumor could promote the activation of the prodrug evofosfamide (EVO), locally releasing the cytotoxic DNA alkylator bromo-isophosphoramide mustard. SUNEVO, a phase II, open-label, single-arm trial, investigated the potential synergy of SUN plus EVO in advanced progressive pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (panNETs).[Methods] Systemic treatment-naïve patients with advanced or metastatic, unresectable, grade 1/2 panNETs with a Ki67 ≤20%, received EVO 340 mg/m2 on days 8, 15, and 22 every 4 weeks and sunitinib 37.5 mg/day continuously. The primary endpoint was objective response rate, measured every 8 weeks by RECIST version 1.1.[Results] From 2015 to 2018, 17 patients were enrolled. The median age was 62.4 years, 47% had a Ki67 >10%, and 70.6% had liver metastasis. Patients received a median of five and four cycles of SUN and EVO, respectively. After a median follow-up of 15.7 months, 17.6% of patients achieved a complete (n = 1) or partial response (n = 2), and 11 patients had stable disease (64.7%). The median progression-free survival was 10.4 months (95% confidence interval, 2.6–18.0). Treatment-related adverse events (grade ≥3) were observed in 64.7% of the patients, the most frequent being neutropenia (35.3%), fatigue (17.6%), and thrombopenia (11.8%). Treatment discontinuation due to toxicity was reported in 88.2% of the patients. No correlation was found between treatment response and DAXX, ATRX, MEN1, SETD2, and PTEN gene mutations.[Conclusion] SUN plus EVO had a negative toxicity profile that should be taken into account for further clinical research in advanced panNETs. The combination showed moderate activity in terms of treatment response that did not correlate with somatic mutations. (Clinical trial identification number: NCT02402062)[Implications for Practice] Addition of hypoxia-activated prodrugs has been proposed as a potential mechanism to overcome tumor resistance to antiangiogenic agents. Sunitinib and evofosfamide, which were widely proposed as a potential synergistic option, showed modest efficacy in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (panNETs), reaching a median objective response rate of 17.6% and median progression-free survival of 10.4 months. Treatment response does not correlate with the biomarkers analyzed. The high systemic toxicity, with 88.2% of patients discontinuing the treatment, makes this therapeutic approach unfeasible and encourages future research to overcome panNETs' resistance to antiangiogenic agents with other therapies with a safer profile.This trial was sponsored by Grupo Español de Tumores Neuroendocrinos y Endocrinos (GETNE).Peer reviewe

    Bioiragazketaren lehenengo urratsak eta garapena

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    Industria-jardueren ondorioz isuritako kutsatzaile toxikoek (besteak beste kiratsa dutenek) arazo larriak sortzen dituzte, bai ingurugiroan eta bai gizakien osasunean ere. Hori dela eta, gero eta zorrotzagoak dira nazioarteko legeak, eta airera igorritako kutsatzaileen kantitatea analisi bidez gero eta zehatzago neur daitekeenez, industriek inbertsioak egin behar izan dituzte airearen tratamendurako sistemak hobetzeko. Horren ondorioz, bioiragazketa bezalako bioprozesuek arrakasta handia lortu dute gaskorronteen garbiketan. Gaur egun, bioiragazketa teknologiako aukera frogatua da herri garatuetan ; gainera, garabidean dauden herrietarako ere teknologia merkea da. Hasieran, kiratsak sortutako arazoak ekid iteko soilik erabiltzen bazen ere, gaur egun beste hainbat industriatara ere hedatu da bioiragazketa, eta kutsatzaile ugari tratatzeko balio du. Mikroorganismoek molekula kutsatzaileak degradatzeko duten ahalmenean datza bioiragazketa. Sistema horretan, gasen korronte kutsatua ohantze finkoan zehar igaroarazten da, eta ohantze solido horretan itsatsita dagoen biomasak biodegradatu egiten ditu kutsatzaileak.Lan honetan zehar, bioteknologia horren lehenengo urratsak, gaurko egoerara heldu arte izan duen garapena eta etorkizuneko erabilera deskribatuko dira