170 research outputs found

    Payment to gamete donors: equality, gender equity, or solidarity?

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    Regulation of payment to gamete donors varies substantially across countries. The development of an ethically sustainable governance system of payments in gamete donation demands that the preferences of different stakeholders be heard. This study intends to contribute to improving the understanding of payment to gamete donors by analysing the views of donors and recipients about the preferred form of payment and its associations with their sociodemographic characteristics.This work was supported by national funding from the Foundation for Science and Technology -FCT (Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education), the Operational Programmes Competitiveness and Internationalization (COMPETE 2020) and Human Capital (POCH), Portugal 2020, and the European Union, through the European Regional Development Fund and the European Social Fund, under the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER016762, Ref. FCT PTDC/IVC-ESCT/6294/2014, the Unidade de Investigacao em Epidemiologia -Instituto de Saude Publica da Universidade do Porto (EPIUnit) (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006862; Ref. FCT UID/DTP/04750/2013), the PhD grant SFRH/BD/111686/2015 (Baia I), the contract Ref. DL57/2016/CP1336/CT0001 (De Freitas C) and the FCT Investigator contract IF/01674/2015 (Silva S)

    Evaluation of sunflower cultivars for central Brazil

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    Embora haja uma grande área para o cultivo de girassol no Brasil Central, poucas cultivares adaptadas encontram-se disponíveis no mercado. Esse trabalho teve o objetivo de selecionar cultivares de girassol para essa região de produção de grãos. Os dados foram obtidos da Rede Nacional de Ensaios de Avaliação de Cultivares de Girassol, coordenada pela Embrapa Soja, entre os anos de 2000 e 2004. Os caracteres avaliados foram rendimentos de grão e de óleo. Para a seleção das cultivares, dois critérios foram utilizados: i) a média geral obtida nos diferentes ambientes de teste; ii) a decomposição da média geral em ambientes favoráveis e desfavoráveis. A análise da decomposição da média geral possibilitou detectar para qual tipo de ambiente específico um genótipo poderia ser indicado. Para rendimento de grãos, o genótipo Helio 251 apresentou indicação geral; Milênio e CF 17 foram indicados para os ambientes favoráveis e, para os desfavoráveis, ACA 884, ACA 885 e ACA 872. Para rendimento de óleo, CF 13, Milênio, DK 4030, Helio 250 e ACA 872 tiveram indicação geral; enquanto que AG 966, GH 12, GV 26043, CF 17 e VDH 93 foram indicados para ambientes favoráveis, e VDH 488, Helio 251, ACA 884 e ACA 885 para os desfavoráveis. Em 2002, não foi realizada a decomposição da média geral. Nesse ano, Exp 37, AG 962, GV 26048 e AG 967 destacaram-se para rendimento de grãos e AG 962, AG 967, GV 26048, AG 972, BRS 191, Guarani, para rendimento de óleo.Despite a large availability of areas suitable for sunflower cropping in Central Brazil, few adapted cultivars are available in the market. The objective of this work was to select sunflower cultivars adapted to this important production region. Experimental data from 2000 to 2004 were obtained by the National Sunflower Trials, coordinated by Embrapa Soja. The evaluated traits were grain and oil yields. Two criteria were used for selection of cultivars: i) the general mean obtained from different environments; ii) partitioning of general mean in favorable and unfavorable environments. Partitioning of the general mean allowed to detect the specific environment indicated for each cultivar. For grain yield, the cultivar Helio 251 presented general indication, Milênio and CF 17 could be indicated for favorable environments and ACA 884, ACA 885 and ACA 872 for the unfavorable ones. For oil yield, CF 13, Milênio, DK 4030, Helio 250 and ACA 872 had general indication; AG 966, GH 12, GV 26043, CF 17 and VDH 93 could be indicated for favorable environments, while VDH 488, Helio 251, ACA 884 and ACA 885 for the unfavorable conditions. In 2002, the partition of the general mean was not carried out. In this year, general mean of cultivars Exp 37, AG 962, GV 26048 and AG 967 were overweight the controls for grain yield and the cultivars AG 962, AG 967, GV 26048, AG 972, BRS 191, Guarani were overweight the controls for oil yield

    Avaliação de cultivares de girassol para o Brasil central

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    Embora haja uma grande área para o cultivo de girassol no Brasil Central, poucas cultivares adaptadas encontram-se disponíveis no mercado. Esse trabalho teve o objetivo de selecionar cultivares de girassol para essa região de produção de grãos. Os dados foram obtidos da Rede Nacional de Ensaios de Avaliação de Cultivares de Girassol, coordenada pela Embrapa Soja, entre os anos de 2000 e 2004. Os caracteres avaliados foram rendimentos de grão e de óleo. Para a seleção das cultivares, dois critérios foram utilizados: i) a média geral obtida nos diferentes ambientes de teste; ii) a decomposição da média geral em ambientes favoráveis e desfavoráveis. A análise da decomposição da média geral possibilitou detectar para qual tipo de ambiente específico um genótipo poderia ser indicado. Para rendimento de grãos, o genótipo Helio 251 apresentou indicação geral; Milênio e CF 17 foram indicados para os ambientes favoráveis e, para os desfavoráveis, ACA 884, ACA 885 e ACA 872. Para rendimento de óleo, CF 13, Milênio, DK 4030, Helio 250 e ACA 872 tiveram indicação geral; enquanto que AG 966, GH 12, GV 26043, CF 17 e VDH 93 foram indicados para ambientes favoráveis, e VDH 488, Helio 251, ACA 884 e ACA 885 para os desfavoráveis. Em 2002, não foi realizada a decomposição da média geral. Nesse ano, Exp 37, AG 962, GV 26048 e AG 967 destacaram-se para rendimento de grãos e AG 962, AG 967, GV 26048, AG 972, BRS 191, Guarani, para rendimento de óleo.Despite a large availability of areas suitable for sunflower cropping in Central Brazil, few adapted cultivars are available in the market. The objective of this work was to select sunflower cultivars adapted to this important production region. Experimental data from 2000 to 2004 were obtained by the National Sunflower Trials, coordinated by Embrapa Soja. The evaluated traits were grain and oil yields. Two criteria were used for selection of cultivars: i) the general mean obtained from different environments; ii) partitioning of general mean in favorable and unfavorable environments. Partitioning of the general mean allowed to detect the specific environment indicated for each cultivar. For grain yield, the cultivar Helio 251 presented general indication, Milênio and CF 17 could be indicated for favorable environments and ACA 884, ACA 885 and ACA 872 for the unfavorable ones. For oil yield, CF 13, Milênio, DK 4030, Helio 250 and ACA 872 had general indication; AG 966, GH 12, GV 26043, CF 17 and VDH 93 could be indicated for favorable environments, while VDH 488, Helio 251, ACA 884 and ACA 885 for the unfavorable conditions. In 2002, the partition of the general mean was not carried out. In this year, general mean of cultivars Exp 37, AG 962, GV 26048 and AG 967 were overweight the controls for grain yield and the cultivars AG 962, AG 967, GV 26048, AG 972, BRS 191, Guarani were overweight the controls for oil yield

    A fonoaudiologia na reabilitação de pessoas com deficiência visual

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    The literature indicates that the Speech Language Pathology is a complementary and fundamental area of action in the rehabilitation of people with disabilities. Regarding visual impairment, then, the role of Speech Language Pathology in the prevention of other associated disabilities and in promoting quality of life, autonomy and independence is fundamental given the relevance of early intervention in the preservation, use and functionality of the senses that lead to social human development and social interaction. The objective of this study was to verify the knowledge and perception of users and family members about the role of Speech Language Pathology in the rehabilitation process of people with visual impairment. This is a cross-sectional descriptive qualitative study in which semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine visually impaired users and six of their family members. Data were treated and categorized based on content analysis. Two categories of analysis emerged: a) Knowledge and perception of users and family members regarding the role of Speech Language Pathology in the field of visual impairment b) People with visual impairment who received Speech Language Pathology and their perception of such care. Participants who had no direct contact with Speech Language Pathology during the rehabilitation process had general knowledge and common sense, restricting the role of Speech Language Pathology to speech and hearing. On the other hand, those who had contact highlighted the role of this professional in the rehabilitation of people with visual impairment, helping them in language, communication, reading and writing, stuttering, and food selectivity. In this context, the relevance of Speech Language Pathology in the rehabilitation process of visually impaired people is reinforced.La literatura indica que la logopedia es un área complementaria y de desempeño fundamental en la rehabilitación de personas con discapacidad. Cuando se trata de discapacidad visual, entonces, el papel de la terapia del habla en la prevención de otras deficiencias asociadas y en la promoción de la calidad de vida, la autonomía y la independencia es indispensable, dada la relevancia de la intervención temprana en la preservación, el uso y la funcionalidad de los significados restantes para el desarrollo humano y la interacción social. El objetivo de este trabajo fue verificar el conocimiento y la percepción de los usuarios y familiares sobre la realización de la Logopedia en el proceso de rehabilitación de las personas con discapacidad visual. Se trata de un estudio cualitativo descriptivo transversal en el que se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a usuarios con discapacidad visual y sus familias. Los datos fueron tratados y categorizados a partir del análisis de contenido. Surgieron dos categorías de análisis: a) Conocimiento y percepción de los usuarios y familiares sobre el desempeño de la Logopedia en el campo de la discapacidad visual b) Personas con discapacidad visual que recibieron logopedia y su percepción de dicha atención. Los participantes que no tuvieron contacto directo con la terapia del habla durante el proceso de rehabilitación presentaron conocimientos generales y sentido común, restringiendo el rendimiento del logopeda al habla y la audición. Por otro lado, quienes tuvieron contacto destacaron el papel de este profesional en el proceso de rehabilitación de las personas con discapacidad visual, ayudándoles en el lenguaje, la comunicación, la lectura y la escritura, la disfluencia y la selectividad alimentaria. Se refuerza la relevancia de la logopedia en el proceso de habilitación y rehabilitación de las personas con discapacidad visual.A literatura aponta que a fonoaudiologia é área complementar e de fundamental atuação na reabilitação de pessoas com deficiência. Quando se trata da deficiência visual, então, o papel da fonoaudiologia na prevenção de outras deficiências associadas e na promoção da qualidade de vida, autonomia e independência é indispensável, visto a relevância da intervenção precoce na preservação, uso e funcionalidade dos sentidos remanescentes para o desenvolvimento humano e interação social. O objetivo desse trabalho foi verificar conhecimento e percepção de usuários e familiares sobre a atuação da Fonoaudiologia no processo de reabilitação de pessoas com deficiência visual. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo descritivo transversal em que foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas usuários com deficiência visual e seus familiares. Os dados foram tratados e categorizados a partir da análise de conteúdo. Emergiram duas categorias de análise: a) Conhecimento e percepção de usuários e familiares com relação à atuação da Fonoaudiologia no campo da deficiência visual b) Pessoas com deficiência visual que receberam atendimento fonoaudiológico e sua percepção sobre tal atendimento. Os participantes que não tiveram contato direto com a Fonoaudiologia durante o processo de reabilitação apresentaram conhecimento geral e do senso comum, restringindo a atuação do fonoaudiólogo à fala e audição. Por outro lado, aqueles que tiveram contato destacaram o papel desse profissional ao processo de reabilitação de pessoas com deficiência visual, auxiliando-as na linguagem, comunicação, leitura e escrita, na disfluência e na seletividade alimentar. Reforça-se a relevância da Fonoaudiologia no processo de habilitação e reabilitação de pessoas com deficiência visual

    Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome in children: case report and case series from an endemic area of Brazil

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    Hantavirus Cardiopulmonary Syndrome (HCPS) is an important emergent zoonosis associated with wild rodents in Brazil, where this viral infection in children is generally rare. We present HCPS in a child from the Pantanal Biome and a review of all reported pediatric cases in Mato Grosso State, an endemic area for HCPS in Brazil. The investigation used the Information System for Notifiable Diseases database (SINAN). A 12-year-old boy was hospitalized with fever and respiratory failure and hantavirus IgM and IgG antibodies were detected by ELISA in serum samples. During the period of 1999 to 2016, 32 HCPS pediatric cases confirmed by serology were reported to SINAN with a mortality rate of 34.4%. The possibility of hantavirus infection in children with acute febrile illness associated with respiratory failure should be considered mainly in recognized endemic areas as Mato Grosso State, contradicting a hypothesis that children are more protected from lung involvement

    Association between Genetic Variants in NOS2 and TNF Genes with Congenital Zika Syndrome and Severe Microcephaly

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    Zika virus (ZIKV) causes Congenital Zika Syndrome (CZS) in individuals exposed prenatally. Here, we investigated polymorphisms in VEGFA, PTGS2, NOS3, TNF, and NOS2 genes as risk factors to CZS. Forty children with CZS and forty-eight children who were in utero exposed to ZIKV infection, but born without congenital anomalies, were evaluated. Children with CZS were predominantly infected by ZIKV in the first trimester (p < 0.001) and had mothers with lower educational level (p < 0.001) and family income (p < 0.001). We found higher risk of CZS due the allele rs2297518[A] of NOS2 (OR = 2.28, CI 95% 1.17–4.50, p = 0.015). T allele and TT/CT genotypes of the TNF rs1799724 and haplotypes associated with higher expression of TNF were more prevalent in children with CZS and severe microcephaly (p = 0.029, p = 0.041 and p = 0.030, respectively). Our findings showed higher risk of CZS due ZIKV infection in the first trimester and suggested that polymorphisms in NOS2 and TNF genes affect the risk of CZS and severe microcephaly

    Clasificación de riesgo y tiempo puerta-antibiótico en pacientes con sospecha de sepsis

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    Objetivo:&nbsp;evaluar la asociación entre la clasificación de riesgo y el tiempo puerta-antibiótico en pacientes con sospecha de sepsis.&nbsp;Método:&nbsp;estudio de cohorte retrospectivo, con una muestra de 232 pacientes con sospecha de sepsis atendidos en el departamento de emergencias. Se dividieron en 2 grupos: con y sin clasificación de riesgo. Una vez identificado el tiempo puerta-antibiótico, se realizó un análisis de varianza de un factor con la prueba&nbsp;post hoc&nbsp;de Bonferroni o la prueba t de Student independiente para variables cuantitativas continuas; pruebas de correlación de Pearson, correlación biserial puntual o correlación biserial para análisis de asociación; y procedimiento de&nbsp;bootstrap&nbsp;cuando no había distribución normal de variables. Para el análisis de los datos se utilizó el&nbsp;software&nbsp;Statistical Package for the Social&nbsp; Sciences.&nbsp;Resultados:&nbsp;el tiempo puerta-antibiótico no difirió entre el grupo que recibió clasificación de riesgo en comparación con el que no fue clasificado. El tiempo puerta-antibiótico fue significativamente más corto en el grupo que recibió una clasificación de riesgo de alta prioridad.&nbsp;Conclusión:&nbsp;no hubo asociación entre el tiempo puerta-antibiótico y si se realizó o no la clasificación de riesgo, ni con la hospitalización en enfermería y en unidad de cuidados intensivos, ni con la duración de la estancia hospitalaria. Se observó que cuanto mayor era la prioridad, más corto era el tiempo puerta-antibiótico.Objective:&nbsp;to evaluate the association between risk classification and door-to-antibiotic time in patients with suspected sepsis.&nbsp;Method:&nbsp;retrospective cohort study, with a sample of 232 patients with suspected sepsis treated at the emergency department. They were divided into 2 groups: with and without risk classification. Once the door-to-antibiotic time was identified, one-way analysis of variance was performed with Bonferroni&nbsp;post hoc test or independent Student’s t-test for continuous quantitative variables; Pearson correlation tests, point-biserial correlation or biserial correlation for association analyses; and bootstrap procedure when there was no normal distribution of variables. For data analysis, the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software was used.&nbsp;Results:&nbsp;the door-to-antibiotic time did not differ between the group that received risk classification compared to the one that was not classified. Door-to-antibiotic time was significantly shorter in the group that received a high priority risk classification. Conclusion:&nbsp;there was no association between door-to-antibiotic time and whether or not the risk classification was performed, nor with hospitalization in infirmaries and intensive care units, or with the length of hospital stay. It was observed that the higher the priority, the shorter the door-to-antibiotic time.Objetivo:&nbsp;avaliar a associação entre a realização de classificação de risco e o tempo porta-antibiótico no paciente com suspeita de sepse.&nbsp;Método:&nbsp;estudo de coorte retrospectivo, com amostra de 232 pacientes com suspeita de sepse atendidos no pronto atendimento. Foram distribuídos em 2 grupos: com e sem classificação de risco. Identificado o tempo porta-antibiótico, realizou-se análise de variância de um fator com&nbsp;post hoc&nbsp;de Bonferroni ou teste T-Student independente para variáveis quantitativas contínuas; testes de correlação de Pearson, correlação bisserial por pontos ou correlação bisserial para análises de associação; e procedimento de&nbsp;bootstrap&nbsp;quando não havia distribuição normal de variáveis. Para a análise dos dados foi utilizado o&nbsp;software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences.&nbsp;Resultados:&nbsp;o tempo porta-antibiótico não diferiu entre o grupo que recebeu classificação de risco comparado ao que não foi classificado. O tempo porta-antibiótico foi significativamente menor no grupo que recebeu classificação de risco de alta prioridade.&nbsp;Conclusão:&nbsp;não houve associação entre o tempo porta-antibiótico e a realização ou não da classificação de risco, tampouco com internação em enfermaria e em unidade de terapia intensiva, ou com o tempo de internação hospitalar. Observou-se que quanto maior a prioridade, menor o tempo porta-antibiótico

    Functional polymorphisms in the p53 pathway genes on the genetic susceptibility to zika virus teratogenesis

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    Congenital Zika Syndrome (CZS) occurs in up to 42% of individuals exposed to ZIKV prenatally. Deregulation in gene expression and protein levels of components of the p53 signaling pathway, such as p53 and MDM2, due to ZIKV infection has been reported. Here, we evaluate functional polymorphisms in genes of the p53 signaling pathway as risk factors to CZS. Forty children born with CZS and forty-eight children exposed to ZIKV, but born without congenital anomalies were included in this study. Gestational and sociodemographic information as well as the genotypic and allelic frequencies of functional polymorphisms in TP53, MDM2, MIR605 and LIF genes were compared between the two groups. We found children with CZS exposed predominantly in the first trimester and controls in the third trimester (p<0.001). Moreover, children with CZS were predominantly from families with a lower socioeconomic level (p=0.008). We did not find a statistically significant association between the investigated polymorphisms and development of CZS; however, by comparing individuals with CZS and lissencephaly or without lissencephaly, we found a significative difference in the allelic frequencies of the TP53 rs1042522, which is associated with a more potent p53-induced apoptosis (p=0.007). Our findings suggest that the TP53 rs1042522 polymorphism should be better investigate as a genetic risk factor for the development of lissencephaly in children with CZS

    Analysis of medical prescriptions dispensed in pharmacy in the Brazilian Unified Health System

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    Objetivo: Analisar os indicadores propostos pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) em prescrições médicas fornecidas a pacientes atendidos em Centro de Saúde do município de Lajeado – RS. Métodos: Foi realizado estudo transversal, que avaliou dados relativos ao padrão de prescrição em Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Resultados: Foram analisadas 292 prescrições médicas. Destas, 282 continham o nome do paciente, mas em apenas três havia o seu endereço. Em 243 prescrições, constava o nome do médico, e, em 227, havia o número de inscrição no Conselho de Medicina. Foram identificados 713 medicamentos, com média de 2,44 por prescrição, sendo aqueles com ação em sistema cardiovascular os mais prevalentes. Observou-se, ainda, que 611 medicamentos constavam da Relação Nacional de Medicamentos Essenciais (RENAME), 509 constavam da Relação Municipal de Medicamentos Essenciais (REMUME) e 489 constavam da Lista Modelo da OMS. Conclusão: A maioria dos indicadores de prescrição avaliados apresentou adequação ao que é proposto pela OMS. No entanto, ainda há dificuldades, como aquelas referentes a itens faltantes nas prescrições médicas, o que pode interferir no uso racional de medicamentos.Aim: To analyze the indicators proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO) in medical prescriptions provided to patients seen in a Health Center of the municipality of Lajeado, RS, Brazil. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study evaluating data on prescriptions of patients seen in the Brazilian Unified Health System. Results: We analyzed 292 medical prescriptions. Of these, 282 had the patient name, but only three had the address; the doctor’s name was present in 243 prescriptions; the registration number on the Board of Medicine of the prescriber was identified in 227. We identified 713 drugs, with a mean of 2.44 medicines per prescription, being the most prevalent those acting in the cardiovascular system. We also observed that 611 drugs were included in the National List of Essential Medicines (RENAME), 509 were included in the Municipal Essential Medicines List (REMUME), and 489 were included in the Model List of WHO. Conclusion: Most prescribing indicators evaluated showed adequacy regarding the propositions of WHO. However, there are still difficulties, such as those observed with missed items in the medical prescriptions, which may interfere in the rational use of medicines